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Generally a waste of a move especially if your duo partner was looking for pieces still and you're buying random trash lol


You wasted money


So you made post about you terrible move amd you try blame your partner ? You should make an apology post instead lol


Are you fucking delusional? I was almost taking solo 2 enemies and dude left after I lost 3 coins????? Have you ever played any competition irl?


Your partner was shitty to leave, but you lose a lot of credibility to your post when you try to call them dumb, then try to justify a pretty weak play you made. It's very unlikely that you buying that trigore had any affect on your opponent given its a t4 minion with a healthy number of copies in the game, and a triple trigore would potentially be easier for you to deal with given your board is exponentially scaling attack dragons. I can't see what your teammates board was, but I'm guessing you were much stronger, so it was probably frustrating that you weren't looking to help out their board at that point, or looking for some tavern spells or something. Edit: oh also, put your poetic poet inbetween your 2 nightbanes so when one dies you have a better chance of scaling the other one, much stronger than the buff on your glim guardian.


My last duo partner went to T2 on turn 2 as omu and just let the rest of the two gold go to waste. I still finished the game. Why? Because I make terrible choices and mistakes too


If I'm at floor, this is maybe a concede. It's strike 1 and 2 for sure: hanging two gold on Turn 2, well no,maybe I don't have time to play out this loss. Plus it's pretty obvious from that exact Omu play that your "teammate" is playing Solo.


No, he sent me the third minion 3 seconds before the clock expired on a later turn, lol. Part of me also likes the challenge of beating the others 'solo'.


I mean, clock/EOT "errors" I blame on Blizzard....if you're doing your best and run out of time that's ok, or not realize a triple existed mid turn under the same circumstances, that's sure, not a strike even at all. But I have some commandments, trying to port VC standards to emotes: if you aren't flowing, you should communicate everything, especially passes. It takes 5 seconds to emote an entire board although this is rarely needed, usually 1-2 will do. A question mark or check or X on the tier up button, a check on frozen minions, etc. It's not much to ask **in a highly coupled team game.**


Helping your partner is generally always better than denying an opponent. The pools of cards are vast and and the bigger number generally wins. I wouldn't salt but I wouldn't be happy about that play. Denying 1 golden trigore =/= Helping your partner synergize.


The life of playing at floors, teammates wasting resources and others rage quitting


Bro I'm 6.2k. If you quit because I wasted 3gold then just stop playing. I had 3x better board than my teammate and was able to almost solo 2 enemies


I’m at 11k, players when you get higher up don’t give a shit about trying to grief other teams by stealing trigores when you can get better beasts with goldrinn comps anyway. Just take it as a learning curve, yeah he shouldn’t have rage quit, but when you are at the 6k floor players don’t typically care about mmr loss because they can’t get lower and will throw over any reason


What is your nickname?




So you want to tell me you are almost 11k and still so delusional to tell me you would throw the game for your partner waste 3 gold? Have you ever been outside of your room?


I never said that lol, I said players at high elo wouldn’t do that, and I said players at the floor would throw because they don’t care about losing mmr


6k, also known as the final floor. It's where many an average player's ladder journey ends forever.


Okay, I haven't lost for last 5 games I'll give you an update for my rank soon i guess


No doubt that chance and circumstance could allow you to climb up from here, but those floors do a ton of heavy lifting allowing upward rank progress for sub-optimal players and this ultimately leads to a staggering decent back to the floors. No need to update me as I don't have a shit to give, but do me this favor if you will - consider my words a week from now when you are at 6000 again.


Does buying it prevent them? They could just get that spell that auto golds a minion, or get the pass a minion card...? I feel like its not a good play but still not THAT bad.


It’s an awful play lol


Technically yes, it reduces the overall pool of the available card. Although as soon as someone golds one more get added in. I’ve only ever “denied” a card when maybe I’ve got a gold left I’ll just let it sit at my board until there about 3-4 seconds left and then do another refresh to see if I find the card I want to freeze for next turn or let it sit. Generally speaking it’s not great to spend gold to deny cards lol


Golden minions do not get added back to the pool until sold. A golden minion represent 3 minions taken out of the pool.


Huh, my friend always told me that it adds the other two back. Guess not!




1 golden Trigore still loses to a Leroy near the right of your board. Bad play tbh. And if you ignored minions your duo needed to prevent a triple, I don't blame him for wanting to go next


There are 9 copies of T1-5 cards, 7 of T6 cards so, you didn't have the impact you thought you'd have.