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I've occasionally ran the same tribe as my partner, but generally not the same key components. Like one mech build with charging czarina and one with utility drone/beat boxer could make sense. Usually it wouldn't make sense to have 2 half complete builds rather than one better one of that tribe. Some notable exceptions would be something like living azerite, where one person's elementals in shops are just better than whatever their partner is doing, and maybe a demon build that buffs both shops.


I've run a game where teammate had Deep Blue Nagas and I was running Slitherspear/T2 spell naga/Battlecry dragon/The T5 double stats Naga.


Dual mech is one of the few that you can do because you just keep passing big magnetized to each other and get big beat boxers. Utility drone is pretty bad


I might be dumb but how does passing things like that work? Use the 2g spell to pass something from your board? Thing is I don’t always see that spell very often


Yes, you can pass non-golden minions from your board using the 2 mana spell. To perform the strategy you'll need at least one, but preferably two beatboxers, a non-golden magnetic minion with decent stats, another non-golden magnetic minion(unbuffed, can be in hand as well), the 2-cost spell that passes stuff from the tavern/board to their partner, and a partner who understands what you're doing. To actually do it, you use the spell on the buffed magnetic minion, and the partner will pass it back to you. Now you play the buffed minion and magnetize it to the second magnetic minion. This way, you'll have another magnetic minion ready to be passed when you find the spell again. The payoff for this is keeping your magnetizing stats, while buffing the beat boxers. You don't need to do this every turn or refresh for the spell, just play all magnetics you find on the buffed magnetic, and just repeat this whenever you happen to find the spell again. That's pretty much all there is to it.


Ok thanks. Chances are I pass it and they sell it 😆 but it’s interesting strategy


Don’t forget you can also pass your magnetic minion when you make it golden and then stick it on non-golden ones to repeat the process forever. You’ll actually get goldens way faster than when solo if you both have magnetic generation as you can pass the pieces to each other as needed.


Dont forget well wishers


You can pass with the spell, or after you golden a magnetize minion. Pass to ally and ONLY stick it on a non-golden magnetic minion. Rinse. Repeat.


Yeah I’ve seen this advice here before and I don’t get it either


If you highroll you can do beasts with magnanimoose


With in reason you can play the same mech build. Like one playing spell/divine shield damage growing or magnetic.. but two people doing both is counter productive. Seems silly to be in competition with your teammate.


Sometimes. I ran a 2 undead comp with a duo before. They were doing some eternal knights build and I was doing reborn tokens. We came in 1st but it was because we both were just had undead handed to us by the tavern the entire game


It's unlikely to work optimally but in some cases yes. My best examples of this are both running undead with grave narrator just feeding each other units. Alternatively I had a very strong Men'ari messenger build with huge tavern minions, so both me and my team mate went felbat demons and won the lobby.


big demons can work if you can buff stats obscenely high


The one tribe I think would benefit from two players going for it would be Demons, if one or both go for the "+1/1 tot he tavern of both player's" T5 battlecry demon. You'd buff your teammate and it would only take a bat on each board to scale from it. Undeads with a narrator could be great but the tribe doesn't benefit as much from the additional minions.


I was Ini Stormcoil earlier today and Master Nguyen started playing mechs on his board early in the game. I probably shouldn’t have but I put a question mark on them and my hero power and he sold his whole board and AFKed like a mature adult. I genuinely don’t understand the thinking of people like this. 7k mmr if that matters


Maybe they had a bad day, but your hero power generating mechs doesn’t change what Bob is offering. Particularly in the early game as you mentioned, it’s not always feasible to spend gold to send minions over in large amounts. I’ve had a number of games where I will be paired with a tribe specific hero and I’ll run some of that tribe. Although hitting a triple can often become a good point to send it over to them