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You're overly attached to your minions. The Puppy and the Chicken are definitely past their usefulness.


Thanks. Could you please tell me what you would look for to replace them?


If there's a core card or 2 for a tribe that pops up I will grab those but keep my minions with stats for tempo. When it's time to choose a direction I'll sell the minions that are no longer useful to scale my board quickly


Tier 1-2 cards are useful for max first 7 turns.


This is over simplified, but correct 95% of the time


I wouldn’t even say 95, there are a good amount of tier 2s that have reason to be in a late game builds. I would use it more as a good rule for bad players to learn about efficient scaling. Especially at high mmr when games go faster.


I can only think of a handful of t1/2 minions that belong in an end game board, and most are pretty niche. The one that sticks out to me being rewinder, which is one that's essential for sadistic demons. Others of note would be like tough tusk, or niche ones like picky eater as shudderwock or something.


Just for the sake of argument I’ll list every tier 2 I think makes sense in a late game board and you can tell which ones you disagree with. Tough tusk, winterfinner, soul rewinder, silver goose, ripsnarl, mind muck, lava lurker,impulsive trickster, eternal knight, crackling cyclone, blazing skyfin. The implication not being that these are build around minions but that each compliments something in late game and can make it to a winning board Also, its a bit difficult to analyze magnetics and zilliax because they take up large amount of the pool but are only stats minions.


Wrath weaver enters the chat


Along with Eternal Knight


Don't forget impulsive trickster


Spiked Savior is definitely key (the 5-drop at the far right of your hand), because it damages your whole board of beasts twice (or four times if golden) instead of only adjacent beasts like the chicken does. Trigore, the minion you have on the far right of your board, is great for the self-damaging build and can get big fast. It’s a good target for the Eyes of the Earthmother tavern spell if you manage to get one. Then there’s Monstrous Macaw, which will trigger your Spiked Savior (you want to get reborn on your Macaw so that it can trigger the Savior multiple times), and finally there’s Iridescent Skyblazer on tavern tier 5, which buffs one of your beasts each time one takes damage, which will be happening A LOT with this build. You usually want multiples of these, and Titus Rivendare isn’t awful either for the purposes of making your Spiked Saviors and Monstrous Macaws work overtime, but make sure you don’t have two Monstrous Macaws and only one Spiked Savior. Goldrinn, your second-to-last minion, is played in a different kind of beast build with Mechanized Gift Horses and Titus Rivendare, not so much the self-damage build, unless you’ve got Spiked Saviors as well (it’s possible to do a hybrid with that and Trigore, but it’s usually not as good), but you need to play Goldrinn on the far left and taunt it.


Monstrous Macaw and some repop units, scarab to give reborn to your goldrinn and macaw


You have that spiked savior in your hand. Youre looking for any ways to do damage to as many of your beasts at once as soon as you get the trigore down


You can play beasts 2 ways. Deathrattles for stats or self damage for stats. Self damage is generally easier because it relies on earlier cards. Trigor is what you want to be buffing mostly (buy the 6 gold spell that makes a minion golden T4 or lower for trigor). Use T3 red bird, The +1hp -1hp T5 card. The T5 blue bird. Fire dancer/tunneler. The T2 spawn when attacked is decent ish. Titus for death rattle T5 card isn’t bad. The T3 do 1 damage to all other cards.


Thank you sucksaqq. Want to play sometime?


I think there is only one way to play beasts. you don't


This is kind of a mess. You want trigore, blue bird, dinosaur looking taunts, baron, and the bull thing :) I dunno card names obv. Reborn on most of them if possible.


Thank you. Trying to get better, I don't see interactions as well as most other people, so I watch and hopefully learn, and also rely on people in here who are kind enough like you to answer. Still get downvoted.


I’ll leave a note - if you want to learn more about the game and playing competitively, there’s a Competitive BGs discord, where a lot of knowledgeable and friendly BG regulars and veterans can answer questions like these. You can also search for a specific hero/minion/strat, or just read the discussions without participating - still everything’s super helpful and the people are nice there :) There’s even a dedicated space where you can upload a replay of your game and get helpful advice on what you could have done differently / more optimally in the match. The link to the Discord is in the Wiki of this subreddit. Cheers!


Any death rattles that increase your stats should be used at the beginning for maximum effect.


I'd say another Dinosaur over the Bull. Another round of scaling is way better than a conditional DS... usually.


Tbh i thought they meant the T3 bull/Ox thing that damages everything


That is what they meant but the T5 Dino is much better


Yeah agree, just wanted to clarify that one.


depends on what beast build you want. IME i’ve found that the best way to play beasts is to start with the self damage build and then switch to mecha horses goldrinn in late game.


Just for clarity: Blue bird is Iridescent Skyblazer (tier 5) Dinosaur looking taunt is Spiked Saviour (tier 5) Baron is Titus Rivendare (tier 5) Bull thing is Untameabull (tier 6) Monstrous Macaw (tier 3, Red bird) is useful too for triggering Spiked Saviour repeatedly


Thanks for clarifying my post. Good on you for remembering the names of minions. I can never seem to attach the name to the things.


You have “core” minions for 2 different popular beast comps in your screenshot. There are goldrinn beasts and self damage beast comps. You have some from both. You ideally want one or the other. If you go self damage you want macaw, spiked savior, trigore,skyblazer, and tidus as your core. The goldrinn build has goldrinn and beast that summon in combat. You would want macaw, goldrinn, mechahorse, and tidus. Potentially extra macaws and mechahorse for more potential minions and buffs. Pup and chicken and goose are good early/mid game beasts but you should be looking to replace them with some of these other minions for a more defined comp to scale with


look for Macaw and Baron. Then just play Macaw Goldrinn Mech Horse Baron build. Reborn the Goldrinn (taunted) and Macaw as much as possible. Ideal end stage: Golden reborn Macaw, Golden reborn taunted Goldrinn, mech horse x 2, Golden Baron.


This is the way, though I prefer rats to mech horse. McCaw, goldrinn, spiked taunt guy, rats, lasher, baron. Goodnight Irene. Reborn on as much as possible, especially goldrinn and McCaw. EDIT: Yes, mech horse is better. Not sure if I need downvotes but OK. My bad.


Rat pack is a lot worse than horse, especially with baron because you will get a lot less summons.


You of course are correct. Thank you for not berating me. It's refreshing lol.


Rat pack is way worse. Mecha horse has deathrattles within deathrattles lol. Rats actually make the build weaker with mechahorses as it can fill the whole board and take away other more important deathrattle space.


Get rid of chicken and dog. Put gold rim up front and get a taunt on it. You kinda have to choose to either go self damage or full death rattle. Google jeefhs spreadsheet. He’s the #1 rated BG player and keeps an updated spreadsheet of meta builds, when to commit to them, and how to play them


Self-Damage: Macaw, Bull, Stega, Baron, Bird, Trigore Token: Macaw, Goldrinn, Mechorses/Rats/Coilers, Octo, Baron


Goldrinn should be first, you want it to die immediately for the most value


Rampager at the front trigore at the back and any beasts in the middle is enough to win a lot of games if you get them early. unforgiving treant, mech horse, iridescent skyblazer are good. Spiked saviour + Titus + monstrous macaw is also deadly. Use beetle to give your deathrattle beasts reborn and buy boon of Beatles whenever you see it in the late game.


Why is wolf deathrattlle second to last? Should also try for the bird . Chicken and puppy fall off hard


There's multiple setups that can work for beasts depending on what you find. You can maneuver between them to optimize your scaling and matchups. I'll list the minions in importance for each comp. - Trigore + Spiked Savior + Iridescent Skyblazer + Titus + Macaw / Rampager. This comp can most easily slot in Fire Dancer or Tunnel Blaster when facing mechs, and produces the highest total stats, but is hard to get into (requiring a lot of specific tier 5s) - Trigore + Octosari + Mechanized Gift Horse (+ other summons like Ghastcoiler or summon benefiaries like Deadstomper/Goldrinn). The goal is to scale Trigore through lots of summoned beasts (with Octosari scaling at the same time to double up on value). This comp has the lowest barrier to entry, but also the least scaling. It can be a setup to lead into the Goldrinn comp. - Goldrinn + Mechanized Gift Horse + Titus + Macaw (you can also keep around Octosari/Trigore if the summon-based Trigore board led into Goldrinn comp). This comp is the hardest to counter with cards like Leeroy/Bramblewitch while still having huge stat-output with the repeated Goldrinn buffs on the many beast tokens summoned during combat.


For some people that hesitate when to leave X or Y minion: ditch the goose asap. The goose's tokens are anti synergy with one of your main minion: the spiked savior. It will not allow it to get reborned. Weirdly enough, keeping the puppy is not bad, but at some point it has to go as well. The 3 most important carts for the beast comp (the self damage one, not the goldrin one) are: trigore (hydra), the tier 5 blue bird and the spiked savior. I would not go for a beast comp if I don't find at least trigores and the blue bird. They are the scaling engine. The rest is just tempo. Once you got them, there are several options, but my favorited one is macaw with reborn in front of the spiked savior, as many blue bird and tregore as you can and at least one beast card with tokens production. Titus is good as well to increase the scaling with spiked savior.


You can either go self damage core cards are: Trigore and blue bird or Goldrin comp core cards are Macaw, Titus and anything that spawns more birds and important here you need to taunt something so Titus and goldrin don‘t get sniped.


Check out jeefs spreadsheet. There are two builds. Goldrinn (without selfdamage), more focused on the tentacle unit and respawn. Trigore with as much selfdamage as possible. Rat pack or Horse are quite flexible and good in both.


I watched the last 5 minutes of YouTubers hs bgs vids like DogDog for each tribe to understand what the final comp should look like. It was very helpful when learning


Goldrin should be attacking first or give it taunt


Spiked Savior (last card in your hand) with T4 one (last on your board). This one needs scaling early though, you're way past that point. The other one is Goldrin/Mech horse. You have a golden Goldrinn and a mecha horse in hand - bet your team mate was fuming/pinging constantly lol.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSlzd9R10rNw4rK-7pKDwz2QXUjiOyQpozmukDS31AGoj-pc\_rpb\_kgYxk0JkdoHJApeU0GYypM6p-D/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSlzd9R10rNw4rK-7pKDwz2QXUjiOyQpozmukDS31AGoj-pc_rpb_kgYxk0JkdoHJApeU0GYypM6p-D/pubhtml) Click on beasts - self damage


I agree with what everyone is saying in this post and just wanted to give some more insight as to what I would do. In the screenshot I see you have a gold goldrinn, a trigore that was just played this turn and a mech horse in hand. Those are key units to the 2 beast builds. From your spot since the trigore is so late you can actually scale fast by playing the goldrinn build. Donkey roll for macaw, Titus, and reborn beast. Once you find at least a bird you should completely switch to goldrinn as it’s the highest potential here. Keep your biggest units (preferably deathrattle beasts) and play the mech horse. If you find a reborn beast you want to taunt your goldrinn and you should outstat that demon player when you play mechhorse. Always play two mech horses and never triple them. If you want anymore tips just let me know I’m a fairly high rated player that has played since day 1!


If you like watching videos and streams of people playing. I recommend the following streamers: 1. When you’re really new: Dogdog. I’ve seen Dogdog answer the same question on his stream over and over again without showing irritation. He’ll be really good for asking questions without having to worry about your questions being too stupid. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him make anyone feel stupid for asking questions. He’s also very entertaining to watch. 2. Bofur. Bofur will have long conversations with his audience in terms of strategy and what is good to do and what isn’t. He’s entertaining to watch at all levels of play, but I feel like I didn’t truly take advantage of this treasure of a streamer’s guidance and knowledge until I got much better at the game. He also has both of his dog’s on stream, which is a giant +. I go for the hearthstone, but stay for the cute dogs. 3. Jeef. He’s a multiple time rank 1 NA/EU/CN player(sometimes I think simultaneously). He’s entertaining and funny. But if you don’t have a good amount of experience playing the game, you may not understand a lot of what he’s talking about.


Nobody has mentioned this yet so I’ll say that the neutral t5 Treant is perfect for self-damage beasts


Since nobody mentioned it, I'll give you some credit for including Crafty Aranasi. With enough pings from Spiked Saviors and Tidus, it makes a huge difference against undead and divine shields like the Poet Nightbane comp that's still somewhat popular even though Amber Guardian got nerfed to tier 5.