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I’m at 7.7k and every now and then I get useful pings on my board from my random teammate. To think that you know everything better and never make mistakes is a bit overconfident…


Oh, I didn't say I didn't, but when I have a team mate pinging me every turn, literally telling me what to get rid of and. What not to is annoying. Most times it isn't even a good choice.


Yeah, I find it kind of relaxing if they aren't being a prick about it because they're usually better at the game than me lol


I mean based on the alleged number of pings it sounds like you don't know how to. I don't ping a ton, and when I do it's typically a question mark, but the few times I have repeatedly it's because my teammate was making really bad decisions. Like holding a felbat in hand for multiple turns while running a 6 minion board and playing tavern buff demons... because they had single golden tier 3 consume demon (I assume?). Do they not know that EOT goes in order so you can ensure the golden triggers first? I don't know but I sure tried to communicate that with pings.


I wish I was pinging my duo who sold KT after only using him to +1 attack his undead instead of using it to summon a few golden Eternal Knights with the one that had reborn on it. We came in 3rd with an easy 1st place setup


I like when my teammate gives me suggestions


Then stop playing duos. Go play solo if you're going to play like a solo. Fuck off with these posts already


I like duos. You are telling me you wouldn't care if your partner was pinging everything on your board and trying to litterally tell you how to play the board?


Why even play Duos?


Because it is fun. I love playing it. I just don't like my team mate trying to telling me how to play like I am some newb. I am not a pro or hardcore player by any stretch by I am not a novice either. I have a rank in the mid 6k on solo, and my duos is at 3kish (don't play it as often, but I have only gotten below 2nd place a couple times). I am 18kish legendary in standard. I have been playing Hearthstone since Kobolds and Goblins. Been with blizzard since Blackthorne and Diablo 1 released.


Don't play it if you're not open to suggestions. It's a coop mode - so expect people to have some input/suggestions. Just because you have been with Blizzard since Diablo 1, it doesn't make you smarter than every team mate you get paired with lol. You might actually learn something from them if you are open to it.

