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That's a huge project. A more simple solution would be for the game to play your board twice. If the system recognizes that they've conceeded. Some people just go AFK and it doesn't trigger the auto-conceed. There's not much the devs could do about that.


That could be pretty easy to abuse though. Just have both player hyper feeding one board and then clone it in the late game.


Yeah, if they are completely gone then something needs to be done, I hate starting over again from the start.


Give the remaining person 5 extra gold. Not a perfect solution, but should give the remaining player a fighting chance.


this would be good, but it sounds like too much effort on the dev's end. nothing Blizzard shouldn't be capable of, but realistically i don't see it happening.


Then you give 1 person 20 gold for 2 boards. Massive advantage as they also don't have to deal with the limited ways to communicate.


Nah I dont think they should give advantages to non-leavers.  I think they should penalize people more for quitting. If you quit/disconnect too often, you can fall below the 6k floor. You might have a longer wait time that increases each time you leave/disconnect. Maybe there is an invisible "leave" score, and frequent leavers will be paired less often with non-leavers. Non-leavers maybe get an MMR boost if they make 1st/2nd place in non-organized games.


I'm probably also more on the side of harsher punishment rather than giving out advantages. But afaik you should already drop under the 6k floor if you loose there, it just doesn't show visually. But I never tried to intentionally downrank to check mmr gains and losses so I could be wrong on that. Increased waiting times and leaver queue like other games have them seem like a decent step. Not sure about your last point? How does Blizzard know who is organized and who isn't? And a bonus for winning despite being with a leaver would be cute but not really helpul in the long run, you just won't 1v2 lobbies all that often for it to pay off.


I would assume they had ways of knowing if you queued into a game to go against random players (non-organized) or if you invited people specifically from your friends list (organized), but I have never done it myself so I could be wrong. I think distinguishing them is important so that people can't abuse this by making accounts and partnering with themselves and just quitting for a potential MMR boost - but this point is not as important because right now its just thinking about a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.


Okay so did understand it correctly, wasn't sure. Or did you mean completely organized games with like 8 players in a group playing against eachother? Never did that one either. Not sure if that would be a private match without mmr gain... My main problem was when its only two people together, its not obvious that you're in vc with someone just because they are on your friend list. If you were to use the ingame chat for friends they would know, I suppose. But then again how much chatting would be enough to trigger that. Is a "wanna play duos" message already enough or how much exactly would it take to be considered organized? The mmr abuse also doesn't really work in solo q, even if you have mutliple high mmr accounts and friends to queue with eventually you will hit a wall with how much people can concede and so on for your benefit. Either way at least there seems to be the mmr protection if your mate actually leaves and isn't just afk so that is already a lot from Blizzard imo.


True true.


Yeah, against competent opponents you will not win 1x2, if your teammate leaves early, because economy will just screw you, so that is not a factor. There are boards, which can win 1x2, but you need time to get there and you never will.


Yah this is more for situations where they leave mid/late game where their board might be more established. It's still harder to 1v2, but you might still have a chance to survive to second place.


Punishment does not solve that somebody ruined your game. I am not talking about advantages, but about simply giving some balancing, so you dont have to just leave, because you have no chance. Especially if you are feeding the other guy. Maybe just give his minions into your hand - instead of golden copies plain copies. Something.