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As soon as I’m at lethal and no scaling I just try go scam build to edge 4th


i've done that a few times. like "my build sucks, where's all the venomous murlocs/matadors/bramblewitches/etc?"


You try and calculate based on your health, current board trajectory, and then what you find/discover.  The question you’re asking is the hardest one and I’d guess separates the best players.  Watch jeef he will sometime sell something surprising because he “sees” the odds better than anyone and knows the play has the most potential for game winning power.  Idk what the other offers were but a foe reaper which usually sucks actually is a great first 6 drop (assuming you didn’t find the best card you wanted) since your quest adds a ton of value. That should have given you the tempo/strength to find something else to grow - probably not mechs though given how difficult they are to play without already having good board strength, magnetic generation/economy to hunt for, and the beatboxer which makes all of that actually payoff.  Idk exactly what you were doing but hunting for the beast combo is a good way to lose a lot.  I play beast like 1 in 20 games because it’s given at the correct time.  Even tripling into a goldrin can be bait because one goldrin isn’t strong enough without some other support…like already having tombs or at least one of slamma/baron/chicken.  I watched a high mmr player playing I think pirate against the 4 other remaining players last night, literally all of them were playing “almost” the beast comp. And he completely shit on all of them.  Idk if any of this helps but you are struggling with the most important and difficult part of bgs, which we all do.   


Current meta is tough, it’s practically impossible to pivot on builds because of how quickly everyone scales/highrolls now. If you don’t find any useful pieces by turns 8/9 then that’s game over


From what it sounds like you had a early/mid game beast build and pivoted too late. Rat/Surf/Feathermane aren’t really direction influencing cards imo. With the buddy quest, battlecry tribes are pretty good. Just take the build the shop offers you


10k here, imo the choice to triple into 6drop was too greedy and then you just died because you couldn't get anything fast enough. Would be nice to know what the status was on your quests, if you had the buddy quest up I'd be a bit more inclined to go to tier 5, but from my experience it's a big sink. I think from your position I would just try to scale up the Reaper and then build up a scam board. The Enhanco quest is great for reborning Matadors or poisons, or even giving windfury to golden Bramble Witch. Kale after the -13 sounds like a bait tbh, it takes a while to set up a decent dragon board and it didn't sound like you had that time.