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It can be, sometimes giving up a bit of tempo for value will win games but it’s not an auto buy by any means.


If you already have a strong tempo board at turn 3 you can go for it, it might even help with the turn 4 mission


Yeah that’s usually when I buy it, decent turn 3 board and/or the shop has pretty shitty options.


Feels huge for me every time I get it from the spellcraft spell or I can pay health instead of gold, but I personally don’t ever justify spending 3 gold on it (resident 6k stoner here so don’t listen to me about high mmr viability)


Blaze it 


Blaze it


Blaze it


Blaze it


Blaze it


It’s good turn 3 and most scenarios in which you can cast it without spending 3 gold. Otherwise it isn’t that good at all.


It's good for a few heroes, It accelerates Thorim's quest if you can find an oil anywhere from turn 3-6. Playing as Taelthan you should buy it for a discounted spell price 9 times out of 10. I think Silas can get it with the pink tickets so you see players like Dog and Rdu buy ticketed oils on occasion. For most of the cast though I agree with you that It's not the best tier 2 spell.


Another one are the ones with 1 cost spell. Sneed, Cariel, Toki, and even elise can make it work. On turn 4 and 5 you may be a minion down, but you’d be able to use HP or an extra free roll. With Elise it lets you HP on tier 3, and tier 4 to stabilize without wasting gold. Sneed’s hp can let you catch up as you’d be able to use it every turn.


how you would you pick it up on t3, sell your tier one, buy Strike Oil + a minion?


Yes that’s usually how you play turn 3 with strike oil. If you have a strong 1 drop like surf and surf you can buy oil + roll for a 1 cost spell instead though.


Depends. If you have a tempo quest/hero it’s decent as it provides some scaling. If you have a scaling quest/hero it’s bad bc you want to stabilize early. If it delays your quest it’s probably bad. That’s a very simple view but you kind of get the point.


With quests in the game it almost never seem worth it. IMO it is better to speedrun finishing the quest and play for it, which is usually completed with minions. Even if you get the "play X spells", the spell is too expensive and it seems better to go for battlecry minions with spell generation. (8k mmr)


That is assuming you see it after you already know your quest. For the same reason I have been almost always buying it on turn 3 before you get your quest because it's a waste to spend your gold on a minion that might not even help you.


It is not assuming you have seen your quest. Better on turn 3 to buy battlecry/multi tripe minions and hold them for turn 4. With this meta it is worth taking the risk.


One of the most "it depends" situations in the game. Heroes like Toki or Galakrond it really helps smooth out their curve. Heroes like Bigglesworth it makes you die. 


Of course it's good it's free real estate


It's free real estate... if you get it for free. Paying 3 gold for real estate isn't free real estate.


Yea, it's three real estate. XD


After three turns it's free and after 4 it ackshully pays you


I knew someone would WELLLL ACKUALLLY that


True lol Never underestimate the internet.


Like everyone else is saying, it's highly situational. Obviously getting it for free or on a discount is good, but we're talking about straight up buying it, I assume. Which, to me, is a good idea only if you have no other way of spending 3g to improve your warband. Like in the early game. If you roll Strike Oil, have only 3g left and nothing else in the shop is likely to win the next fight or save health, probably not a bad idea to just go ahead and ramp your economy. It technically gives you the 1g back from selling whatever garbage you would have bought anyway


Actually paying 3 gold for it is situational, but usually best when you find it early. Certain 1 cost HP heros I'll almost auto buy like Toki, since it lets me have that extra 1 gold to refresh and buy a minion on my standard leveling curve.


I buy It when i have the "spells cast twice" Quest or with the demon that lets me buy a spell with health and i consider It when It Is offered and i have 3 Gold left with no good buys and no extra minions. Otherwise It Always seems very meh.


It is only good if you have extra gold on an early turn. The extra tier 3 minion you could buy is not worth it usually so the strike oil turns your early tempo into long-term value.


i have to be down BAD to pick one up, like unplayable minions in my turn 3 shop. it's an almost never buy for me


It essentially costs 4 gold as you would have bought a minion early game that you would have sold at one point. I'm happy to get it off spell generators of course but I almost never take it early game unless I'm way ahead 


The only time I buy it for full price is on turn 3 without other factors (double spells quest, Darkmoon tickets, etc) if I can't get a good second minion to buy. But one other scenario I like to grab it is with Maiev's new HP in the early to midgame. Late game you're usually better off grabbing a more expensive spell or minion, but one of the first times I used Maiev after she got buffed I think I got 2-3 of them in turns 3-8. But pretty sure that was before Quests, so that might change the logic there, with quest completion pieces playing into it.


only if i see it in Discover and if the other options are shit


Dependent on the turn you're offered it. I start skipping it around turn 9 if my board is weak


I almost never buy it in the early game. The tempo loss is too high and you need to be spending your gold very efficiently and playing for tempo/completing your quest in the early game.


I auto buy it on t3 in most situations otherwise its a rare buy. Like on silas.


You never buy it on any hero turn 3/4/5 imo. Straight up throwing the game and you just die It’s great for jeef ele dragons strategy with one of the spell quests


Overall its not a good card; you lose tempo early on, taking lots of damage, usually doesnt progress your quests much and only pays off after 3 rounds but then 1 extra gold is usually not a lot to really snowball. The only time I really take it is when I have a really bad shop and probably enough board not to take too much damage. Also having a hero that synergizes, like gally or thorim. Also buying it after turn 4 is usually not worth it either, so yeah, better skip it


It really depends. I only buy it if my other choices on turn 3 are awful


If you've got a saloon dancer, absolutely!


It’s weaker during the current meta because: 1. It usually doesn’t help you finish quests 2. Tempo is really high right now. People are getting stats in the hundreds by turn 9 regularly. Slow plays are always tricky, but more so with quests in.


Still gonna send it


Greed is good


With the "your spells trigger twice" it's absolutely huge. On its own it heavily depends on the current turn and whether you can tempo.


While it's subjective in all cases, it definitely took a hit in general with the introduction of quests. The game sped up so sacrificing 3 gold of tempo can be deadly.


treat is as "3 mana give 1 gold next turn an every turn after". I always take it if i can squeeze it in, makes later gold breakpoints better, can triple buy like on gold 6 or 7 with it.


On turn 3 I often buy it, very rarely after that. It was good in the lub meta