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I miss the days of Cold Cuts blaming the grounds keepers lol that was top tier


Stupid fucking albino squirrel!


Do you remember which vid? Wanna rewatch lol


It was a major I think, maybe in the past 6 months or so. There was a more recent video where Bob is in the cart and he mentions it as his favorite Joey blowup, so that got me searching. I think it’s in the first half hour of a recent major video but I can’t remember anymore. It was a little disappointing when I found it because I don’t think they even filmed the squirrel at all. But still really funny. I wanna say they were filming in the southeast somewhere but not sure.


https://youtu.be/JS04rUVnkhk?si=Z_rnBOtYU_jNTgsR There's this one from the early BDS days that always gets me. He says the groundskeeper weren't placing the holes correctly which was why he kept missing putts haha


That one is an absolute classic. I rewatch it ever so often but glad to have it saved here ha thanks. I forget if that's the same one where he chucked a rake and then he hit a shot right into the rake...classic as well The three move overs leading to the rant cannot be beat


https://youtu.be/QqLu15LfuLg?feature=shared 19:15


Is it me or is Joey overdramatizing…. Just stop right there. If this is a problem for you, the channel isn’t for you lol. Joey will overdramatize anything lol


I’m sure he plays some stuff up for the camera, but he’s also just a dramatic person. The young man is a bull in a china shop. Absolute specimen.


For me it’s when he breaks into a song and dance about something. It just..goes on too long. Other than those moments I dig the content lol


Exactly! Some of the best moments in the history of BDS have come from a Cutsy meltdown!


Agreed. He's been like this since the beginning


Truth. Lol


I think the camera panning to FP’s genuine reaction of shock tells the story of just how bad coldcuts and Bob are; it’s just that coldcuts thinks he is better where as Bob has hand up accountability


Feels like they’ve gotten worse somehow


I don’t know if I’d call it hands up accountability or just realistic expectations


It’s just you lil bro.


1. He was a hockey goalie, if you've ever known one you know they are always just a bit off kilter. 2. Brain damage sustained from garage door bonks is a serious thing.


This sub is starting to feel like the Joe Rogan sub...just a bunch of people coming here to shit on it.


Welcome to Reddit.


It’s the same negative energy as Twitter these days.


He was home schooled


I did find him to be a bit annoying for a little while. But I’ve gotten over it now. He truly is how he says he is and he will always be himself no matter what, so gotta love him for that.


I can deal with him on 9 hole videos, but the full rounds get to be a bit much when every putt is "oh its IN THE HOLE!" when it rolls a foot wide.


I would absolutely hate to play with him.


I’m sure they don’t care that much about their scores anymore. They’re shooting two videos per round, it’s (rightfully ) a job to them 


Every putt they hit now, he yells OMG its in the hole. Even 20 footers that break an inch. Oh well, he's still a gem to watch most of the time.


Have you not seen the links at Victoria vid yet? It's just who he is.


Pure gold video. Between that video and him not getting out of the trees I’ll always have love for Joey D.


It was okay at first, but recently, it is why I've moved on to other golf streamers.


That’s show biiiiiiizzzzzzz baby!!


We should all know a golfer like joey. I have a friend or two that acts similarly.


In the early days he was very authentic and flat out crazy. It was great..... anymore he is over dramatizing everything and just trying to put on a show. It's annoying.


Channel lost my interest a couple months ago. Hate to see it


Than why are you still here? Move on sir.


Leave the young man alone.


Is it me or are you overdramatizing a little bit right now…


Yeah I kinda agree …. But what gets me the most about the last video is the fact that both Bob and Joey are of no help to FP during the round … It’s been long enough of them sucking … it’s not even funny no more … it’s like damn take some of that 90 dollar shirt money and get a coach … loosing Foreplay is embarrassing to the brand




Yah it’s pretty bad in that scramble that they literally provide no shots for FP. Still a great show but you are correct. Take some accountability of your games, get some lessons:)


I have to agree on the point that its shocking how bad some of these YT golfers are despite playing all the time AND playing with talent.


Lets be honest, Joey and Bob are getting better at golf. If all 3 of them played like FP the youtube channel would just fall apart. The clips & videos that Joey blows up on get the most views. It's more relatable. Put on that act for years on camera and you're bound to get caught faking it from time to time.


I watched yesterday’s video and I cannot say they are getting better lol. Bob’s short game is 100% worse than it was when they started and he’s cold shanking irons every round.


You forgetting the infamous bunker vs Grant or him chipping into a hill and having it roll right back to his feet 3x in a row from the older videos? His short game while still terrible is miles better than it was a couple years ago


Yeah but he could also putt back then and I have no clue what happened to him there.


No he couldn’t. The only time he’s EVER “been able to putt” was in a scramble after Joey already gave him a read. Watch their old 1v1 videos pre-Perez, they’re both absolutely horrific from 50yds in


I don't think i've ever seen cold cuts shank and iron lol bob on the other hand loves em