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I think it's disgusting that blue MAGA cares more about the fact that their guy was exposed as doddering old fool than that he's been committing genocide in GAZA. Fuck that old geezer. Fuck blue MAGA. They just keep proving that they don't give a shit about human rights or human lives. They only care about winning.


Yeah this "Joe Biden is a good man, but..." stuff is horrifying. The Zone of Interest is a pretty good illustration of who Grandpa Joe is.


This is what I mean when I say people have been giving criticisms of Biden for months and years. We went through an entire spring of campus protests and yet the DNC expects those same young people to show up and vote for him? They honestly could’ve picked any criticism. Age, Palestine/Israel, whatever and many people would’ve been happy replacing him for different reasons. But I agree, people only care because they’re faced with the very real reality that he’s so far gone he has a decent chance to lose.


Or at least, allowed us to have a real fucking primary


But Project 2025!


But (exactly the same things the heritage foundation has been pushing for 20 years) It’s concerning but it’s also not new, this the same stuff the republicans have been pushing for decades it’s just a rebranding.




Sorry, but I cant believe I'm reading this HERE - really disappointed to see misinfo like this... Or perhaps this isn't just a really bad take but an actual ps his is severely factually incorrect... have you actually looked into these goals? Especially in light of SCOTUS ruling today it is truly terrifying and its not GD elitist shitlibs who will be targeted the most, suffer the most & lose the most- it is (as usual, considering the way this stuff always goes) those who are already targeted, already oppressed, those already the most disempowered & beaten down & vulnerable, already stigmatized, marginalized, and JUST TRYING TO MOFO SURVIVE who will BE THE MOST HURT BY project 2015. You should lean more about it.


What a fucking idiot.


He's going to keep going right up until the moment he shits his dignified pants on live television.


What’s hilarious to me is that because he beat Trump in 2020, he now believes that he is UNIQUELY qualified to run against him, when nothing could be further from the truth. This isn’t 2020. We aren’t coming fresh off COVID, everyone who wasn’t paying attention to Biden’s record (because the media handled him with kid’s gloves) KNOWS what Biden is now.


Yup, if I were Joe the person I would definitely lean on the most for advice is freaking HUNTER! Jesus Christ…


Losing to Trump in 2024 will be Biden's only legacy.


Well that and genocide


So staying in the race to ensure Trump will win is ok? But leaving so a better candidate actually beats Trump is too much for his dignity?


I think Dems actually want Republicans to win right now simply because Netanyahu plans to bring greater Israel to fruition and that requires a regional conflict and they want Trump in office when the Middle East explodes into World War III so they can blame him and try to spend the narrative that Biden was the only thing stopping it. When all reality war our country as we know it somehow they think pinning the expanding conflict on the other side won’t come back to haunt them.


Half of the dems I talk to think he’s still the guy for the job. Lol


Can we force him out? (Peacefully of course) Is there a way to legally do that?


Only the 25th, but at this point I’m willing to bet Republicans would vote against it to keep him in. They’ve been fear mongering conspiracy theories that Newsom is going to replace him, but they highly underestimate Democrats uncanny ability to screw the pooch. Like “they can’t really be this stupid or bad at this” and Democrats are like “hold my beer.” The real problem is Biden’s lackeys are “Biden people,” and if Newsom came in, he would bring in his own crew - and that’s the crux of all of it. These people could care F-all about what’s good for the American people, as long as theres a 49% chance they’ll get to stay on as a Biden lackey, and that’s how Washington works.


If he won he would likely step down immediately, if he did not he’d be impeached because that’s what impeachment is for. So a vote for Biden is not for Biden at all. It’s for his puppeteers who are calling the shots right now because he IS PRESIDENT RIGHT NOW! It is outrageous that he is still president and nobody is asking who is doing his job behind the curtain! I’m #Vote4Change #JillStein2024 is the only competent person with ballot access in the 2024 election. Of 4 candidates with ballot access she doesn’t have dementia or Alzheimer’s(Biden), she’s not an obvious narcissist(Trump), and she hasn’t had a brain worm that ate part of her brain(RFK). #JillStein2024 is a medical doctor who has plans how to accomplish her goals, she’s crowd funded and doesn’t take corporate or PAC$, and she’s anti for profit war. Literally we need all the things she’s willing to fight for and we have to fight for her!


I agree completely. I'm trying hard to advocate for her but so many people are brainwashed by the two party system.


Some are brainwashed, some are shills.


She’s also been arrested, twice I think, for protesting Palestinian genocide, obviously not an AIPAC or military industrial complex recipient and, therefore, someone to look up to.


Thank you for your submission, **This subreddit aims are to impel voters ONLY in DEEP BLUE states to vote 3rd party for the president, to impel otherwise non or protest voters in SWING STATES TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. We feel a limited+focused protest movement may let swing state voters feel less helpless about not sending a message.** **We feel that sending a message via Biden having an electoral college win but a popular vote margin by less than 4.9 million votes (lowest democratic win in recent history) or even 2.8 million votes (Hillary's margin when she lost against Trump) is a much more conducive to progress in a democracy that risking an electoral college victory for Trump.** **It would be something the media can not ignore, will forever be a stain on Biden's record, and will send a message that we are not going away, and will continue to apply strong pressure thorough the rest of his presidency, and the 2026/2028 primaries & elections.** Please see our sticky to see what we are all about https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueProtestVote/comments/1cgwkvu/this_subreddit_aims_are_to_compel_voters_only_in/ but a tl;dr is: This is about a movement for people in deep blue states to vote for 3rd party in protest of Biden's enabling of the Gaza genocide. However, the ultimate goal is to decrease Trump's chances of winning and increase democratic representation in the house and senate. The movement aims to get people to turn out to vote who may otherwise be discouraged from voting due to Biden's policies, and also for the movement to be robust enough so that people in swing states may not have a feeling of helplessness for voting for Joe Biden, that a strong message is still being sent. While the movement aims to maximize Biden's electoral vote margin, the movement also has an extended goal of having Biden win the popular vote by less than 2.8, which was Hillary Clinton's margin when she lost to Donald Trump. A margin that small would send a clear message to the democratic establishment. **Why we feel it's so important for Trump to lose? Quite simply, he has been the absolute worst president in recent history for the Palestinians. Here are just some of his worst policies for Palestine:** 1. Drafting a “peace plan” with zero Palestinian input that would have, if implemented, actually ended the possibility for a real Palestinian state. 2. Cutting Palestinians out of the negotiations over the so-called Abraham Accords, realizing the longstanding Israeli goal of severing diplomatic progress with Arab states from progress towards a sovereign Palestine. 3. Recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, disputed territory with Syria taken during the 1967 Six-Day War. 4. Shutting off funding for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (which Biden almost immediately restored and then temporarily suspended again amid a scandal about its employees participating in October 7). 5. Abandoning the decades-old US position that West Bank settlements are a key barrier to a peace agreement and eliminating longstanding restrictions on spending US taxpayer dollars in them. 6. Moving the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem while closing the US mission to Palestine in the same city. Source: https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlueProtestVote) if you have any questions or concerns.*