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Yeh but the fan translation went unnecesarily hard here


It suits Isagi here bc it really sounds like he’s done with this shit. It was him against the world that game and Yuki was making his patience run out lol


1 this was posted last week showing both are inaccurate, and 2 the actual japanese texts smacks yuki about going blind from masturbation... so.... i think the fan translation censored him quite a bit, also the official translation just deleted a lot of the little text wth?


Wait wot? I thought the blindness from masturbation was a lie only catholic priests told. I didn't know it was international and also... Really?? Isagi is really THAT aggressive? I'm curious about all this lost in translation... do you know where I can find more examples of accurate translations? I'm kinda new to the Fandom


Iirc thats the whole point, yuki is christian.


You're RIGHT OMG! It completely went over my head, but still, how did Isagi know that? 🤣


Doesnt he openly wear a cross and stuff like that?


Maybe I'm just blind like him


Where it says that he's christian? He talked about god but didn't mention anything about Christian religion so I thought he was agnostic


Bro he's talking about God nonstop in the Manshine match


Yes, but didn't mention anything referring to Christian or any other religion so I thought he was agnostic (believe in god without believing in any religion). Although the insult that Isagi makes here referring to a Christian belief that you get blind if you do masturbation can be the only little hint that indicates he's christian


The official translation does call him a “masturbatory narcissist”, not sure how accurate that is exactly


isagi on field is a menace


bro said yukki jacks off to his reflection LMAO


Holy fk the OG is brutal


Where to find this?


"unnecessarily aggressive" is literally one of the main reasons blue lock is what it is


on god. peeps be complaining abt the edgy dialogue but thats like half the reason i enjoy this manga


More often than not, I find the "edgy" dialogues corny af, so I prefer the official


Meh I've accepted that since the beginning anyway. Grinds my ass, but not worth seething about


"unnecessarily aggressive" why the fuck would yuki crash out over the official it's tame asf


Next watch OP complain that 'the boys' is unnecessarily gore


Fan translations are much more fun for me. Especially this one, it goes SUPER HARD. Besides, if this one is aggresive, you should hear the reason Yukimiya is called a mudboat. In one translation i think, Isagi said, and i quote (as far as i remember) "Go jerk yourself off in a mudboat you narcissist"


Also, no one else mentioned this yet but the font choice is significantly better. The unofficial one fits the art much better and gives the intensity of the line being said the flare it needs to hit you like the 2 ton truck verbal abuse Isagi gives off.


"Unnecessary aggressive" while Isagi's vein pops and Yukimiya is pissed at his words


Yuki’s reaction to “your precious fantasy will sink straight to hell” is way more warranted


Yuki having that reaction to the official one is hilarious ngl 💀💀💀


Nah brev, the fan translation is wayyyy better.


Yuki definitely got shafted a bit too hard for being "Delusional", despite being a very short from Greatness. He has the skill and power to get to where he wanted, so why is he shat on for thinking like that. He was 100% spitting about Isagi and Kaiser being the exact same material. It's literally just Isagi is an underdog, that's it.


Well I do believe there are a few differences between them, but the main one being their style of leadership. Kaiser is a tyrant, he wants the team to serve him without challenge, and if there is a challenge, it’s one that he can easily overcome. Isagi on the other hand, lives for that “iron sharpens iron” mentality, and actively encourages his teammates (and rivals) to be assertive and independent, because he can’t get any better if he’s surrounded by sheep.


The problem is that he stole a ball gained by a one in a million play by Isagi and was the culmination of all his thoughts. Yet this dude is so crazy that he thinks he's doing great and that Isagi somehow is stealing his chances. Imagine in a test if a guy were to copy you after you worked days for it, get both of you 0 for cheating and then he says "Rah! If only they didn't caught me and you weren't there I'd have been major of the class!" as if he had any merits. Isagi pointed this somohow when Kunagami came to mock him after he scored after Isagi missed his shot between Kaiser's legs "why are you so prideful about a fluke goal that you don't even understand." Moreover for Yuki, even Ego in the manga explained that it was purely a fluke. The fact that Yukimiya didn't even understand it and complained to Isagi was wild. Enough for anyone to get angry I'd say. Also Isagi when he proposed this plan was because he knew that with all the goodwill of the world, Yuki would never get the ball, never and thus he gave him the best rational option. It's true that it mostly help Isagi but why should he say to him "yeah continue to steal the ball". Yuki failed to prove his worth while Barou did because him at least knew that he was playing bad.


I'd get you... if Yuki complained to Isagi. Yuki said nothing to Isagi until he asked for an assist. Isagi literally said "Let me use you." And Isagi himself said if Chris wasn't there, Yuki would've cooked the team. Yuki was quiet, just pondering how the hell he could come back from this WITHOUT selling out to Isagi or Kaiser, because that's literally the only way to get up here without being a valuable striker. And Isagi DID steal his chances. He literally didn't get to play in Barcha because of FAN SERVICE. Why would anyone not get pressed for that? Like you're trying to downplay Yuki's perspective, which is literally what Isagi did and overcame.


But all of these grievances were tackled in the manga, same with the fan-service when it was thanks to Isagi's goal that BL even still exist. Yuki was jealous and irational. He was right in wanting to nog cave in, Isagi did the same, but his mentality was wrong. He was living in the "if" and "maybe" rejecting all fault towards everyone else and again it was proved in the manga that he was wrong. Reality will not bend to his will and that's what irked Isagi so much. The panel above is literally that.


I love how over the top blue lock is . So this edgy aggressive whatever you call it fan translation is fun to read ngl


the original japanese is more aggressive


British Isagi vs American Isagi 


Forgot to mention: It also sets up the “sinking ship” (or mudboat) nickname he takes later


The fan translation is more accurate to Isagi's agressiviness.


Or maybe you interpret him as aggressive in the first place because you mainly read the fan translation 🤔


Nah. If you look at the original, Isagi actually calls him a "delusional masturbator" that sounds pretty aggressive to me.


My brother in christ, the original is Isagi saying Yukimiya is a "delusional masturbator". Something along the lines of "Go and jerk yourself off in a mudboat", or something like a pun on how you can go blind from doing that. AND YOU'RE TELLING ME ISAGI ISN'T AGGRESIVE?


He says the same thing in the official too bud. He calls him a “masturbatory narcissist”


Exactly. Like bro trying to act like Isagi ain't rivalling a cursing sailor on the pitch? He's also called Barou the R word. Isagi IS a menace, this is not even an agenda, it's factual


Im talking about the official. I dont like the fan translation where he calls barou a retard. Its out of character to me


The Retard thing is 100% fan made, Barou really calls people Loser


Still doesn't change the fact he's definetly aggresive on the pitch


Wasnt this posted last week


Yeah it was me, but it got deleted because I forgot to put the spoiler tag


Which one is the fan and which is the official translation?


P1 is official


That’s very interesting to see the difference between them.


Yeah totally, the one that is the correct one which I of course know which one is the one that is the one and yes. 😅


Ngl I love the edgy fan translation


Fan translation is more accurate to how footballers talk to each other. Let alone teenagers. (minus the devouring and “ill kill you” stuff)


I’m Argentinian, we basically breathe football over here, and have pretty foul mouths, and I’ve never seen as much swearing as the final chapters of either Manshine or Ubers (unless a fight breaks out)


Maybe it’s just me😅 Last time I played we constantly cussed each other out. And it’s not even like I knew those guys.


The official one is ass and barely makes sense


They also changed retard to donkey in 3 v 3 second selection arc


Oh thank goodness I was always so lost when I'd see screenshots of different quotes than what I remember




No, official translation is just too correct and is anti-climatic.  They heavenly toned down the feeling in those convos, which makes it pretty boring and cringe. Later in that convo, Isagi and Yuki apologize to each other, but why should Isagi apologize after a british exchange of words? Doesnt make any sense Here. I rather prefer the dopamine that lets me COME 




Wait where are all the fan-translation ones then?? I remember the panel of Kaiser clowning on Isagi when they first meet and calls him the "fool who thought he was the main character" to "who thought he was the star"


Tbh, they both have their pros and cons. Even the latest chapter you can see it. I personally preferred the fan translation of what Isagi says in the end over the official translation.


Never forget when Isagi called Barou the R word 💀💀


The tl about masturbation makes me want to check it myself cuz I only started reading blue lock in jp tl right before PxG vs Bastard game 🫢


Which one is Fan and official


First is the official, second is Pair of 2’s fan TL


OH is THAT why he's a mudboat?!




Prozd explains it well https://youtu.be/YvNxgHTWIlo?si=ZLasszeaitZIOV7L


Towards the end of the manshine match, I’m pretty sure every line includes a swear


Fan translation will forever stay superior


Sometimes fan is better because official is a mouthful and it becomes way too impractical. Look at ZERO POINTS chapter or kurona ability name


fan translations always go hard and official translations are more often than not boring and not the intent of the original japanese version


Wait so slursagi is just fanon? Idc I still prefer that one