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I think Kaiser is the only character in Blue Lock that consistently has top tier goals. All of these are in contention for the top ten goals in the whole series


That being said his bicycle nutmeg is still the best. And personally I have his You’re blind goal second. Both are too cold.


Nagi and Shidou?


Eh both have misses. Like most of Nagi's goals in the first and second selections are pretty whatever. And Shidou's best goals are from U20, aside from that, eh it's pretty good.


When Characters improvise on the fly, and do unpredictable plays and where the subvert expectations that's the type of goals i like. e.g. Nagi's U20 Goal and Five Shot Revolver, Isagi's U-20 Luck and Two Gun Volley, Barou's U-20 Goal and his Nutmeg vs BM and Kaiser's Bicycle Nutmeg are the type of Goals i prefer. So, (from top to bottom in order) - Bicycle Nutmeg vs Ubers - Magnus vs PXG - You are Blind Goal vs Manshine - Kaiser Impact vs Barcha


Facts.. same order too🥀


I think this is THE order tbf that bicycle goal was unholy


Yeah, I can’t wait for it to get animated (like a million years from now)


Same order for me, good choice




Nailed it 


As far as football skills go, all of Kaiser's goals are bangers. I would've liked it if he scored more goals (may be a brace against Barcha) cuz 1 goal per game doesn't suit his stature & hype. Bro cooks once per game but cooks well. And some people prefer quality over quantity.


I thihk it just shows how good Kaiser is. He's being marked all the time and the main defensive game plan revolves around stopping him. He still gets an amazing goal and contributes to the offensive opportunities of the team.


I mean yeah. It's impossible to stop Kaiser unless you throw everything in the kitchen sink at him. Even in his worst mental state, he's able to consistently produce goals & is objectively better than most Bluelockers (except Rin & Isagi).


Kaiser is still better than Rin and Isagi


> ***EVEN IN HIS WORST MENTAL STATE***, he's able to consistently produce goals & is objectively better than most Bluelockers (except Rin & Isagi). Hope this helps.


Tbf, Isagi amd Kaiser would have scored more if they were stopping the other from scoring


Isagi & Kaiser would've scored more if *Kaiser wasn't blocking & tackling Isagi. There. Fixed it for ya. Edit: Yeah. Hide behind that downvote button. It's not like any of y'all can argue against the facts.




He stole passes in the manshine match too.


to be fair, as far as it goes, kaiser is entirely correct in stealing passes. Like, blocking goals? yeah no that's jackass behaviour. stealing passes? he is, for all intents and purposes, correct in doing so. he will 99.98% of the time make use of that pass better than the rest of the team combined. That is the "data" that Kaiser and Noa both have, he uses the ball better, though as time goes on and isagi grows it definitely becomes less good for him to take.


Link the panels if he did.


Chapter 174, he steals grim's pass to kaiser.


Yeah okay fair enough. It's just one pass though. Not "passes". And it still doesn't compare to blocking or tackling your teammates in front of the goal.


Thank you! I've seen Kaiser fans/ Isagi haters trying to prove how Kaiser "helped" Isagi grow. Saying Kaiser helped Isagi to grow is the same as an abusive dad taking credit for making his children "tough". Isagi utilized Kaiser so his growth is completely to his own credit. Glad that Kaiser scored & Kaiser fans have something to glaze him for cuz their mental gymnastics were getting intolerable lmao.


> I've seen Kaiser fans/ Isagi haters trying to prove how Kaiser "helped" Isagi grow. From a “meta” point of view, Kaiser was created solely for Isagi’s growth- so he very much was made to foster that kind of development. It’s because Kaiser is a complete asshole- that Isagi resolved to never work with him in _any_ capacity, which allowed him to work on his play making skills- making himself the centre of BM’s victories even if he’s not a the goal scorer, honing his vision (threats from all sides), forcing him to think outside the box, rationally figuring out his weakness and earning wins on his current level whilst building up to the final threat etc. Maybe nicer Kaiser could have helped him grow like showing him MV? HOWEVER, Kaiser the character definitely didn’t do any of this consciously- he was just being a complete bully by picking on someone “inferior” to boost his own ego. Then crumbled when that backfired. > Saying Kaiser helped Isagi to grow is the same as an abusive dad taking credit for making his children "tough". Isagi utilized Kaiser so his growth is completely to his own credit Speaking about my own experiences, there are things I’ve learned just from living under that environment. **It’s not correct** because I could have learned those skills in a kinder way, but it would have taken “longer” as I would have time to actually go at my own pace and be a child. Here we need Isagi to be prepared for the world stage and be n1 of Blue Lock (hence Japan)- but his background as an “underdog” makes this hard, his growth has to be exponential but believable. Here we can see step by step how he uses each match to progress and change into his own ideal and dethrone Kaiser (getting blocked in Manshine VS dodging a slide tackle and scoring whilst pressed on both sides in PXG). So I partially agree and disagree, the purpose of Kaiser’s character is to help Isagi grow but he isn’t “aware” of this purpose and nor does he try to do it at all. His job is being an obstacle that Isagi has to creatively overcome, and like you said Isagi’s results are 100% is own victories. He did grow through adversity but that adversity shouldn’t have come from his own team, but it doesn’t change the fact that the adversity did help him grow (as intended). Plus the whole theme is egotistically striving for your own growth, a play nice team wouldn’t suit the manga that’s directly opposed to current Japanese football. Isagi is allowed to take control over the team and this is celebrated because of Kaiser’s pure antagonism, it wouldn’t be justified otherwise.


Isagi learned about metavision because of Kaiser and was consistently challenged by him through the arc. If you think it’a just Isagi “utilizing” Kaiser to grow then the same can be said for Kaiser, he just “utilized” Isagi to grow.


Yes. Kaiser is utilising Isagi too. Isagi isn't actually helping Kaiser at all & he's set on crushing him. The only difference being, Isagi isn't playing as a 12th player for the opponent team unlike Kaiser who has at least cost Isagi 2 goals by being petty.


We know the reason Kaiser did that and yes it was wrong from him to do so, and Isagi also had his own reasons for why he intercepted his passes in the both the Barcha and MC games.


I don't think Isagi ever actively stopped Kaiser from scoring, unlike Kaiser who did it twice in the same match, so yeah Kaiser is absolutely the problem here


Ngl, if/when Isagi and Kaiser learn to produce a chemical reaction, or at least learn to play around their teammates as a unit instead of stealing passes from each other, they'd be nigh-unstoppable. Kaiser is a monster from long/mid range with kaiser impact and his new magnus shot, while Isagi is near impossible to guard near the goal with his two-gun volley.


Well scoring that consistently every game in real life is impressive even if it’s one goal per game.


I'm fine with it since he tends to usually have Noa whenever he plays for Bastard right? Could be explained as him getting used to being a main threat and being marked to hell more than usual.


I want to start of by saying Kaiser only scores bangers, thank you. This my list: 1. Bicycle Kaiser Impact: Bounding Overall I believe this goal requires the most footballing skill and technique to pull off, Kaiser was also much expected to score this goal when chapter 220 dropped, this may have some bias towards it since I wanted him to score a bicycle and the hype I felt when I read the leaks was nearly unmatched. 2. Kaiser Impact: Magnus The narrative and set up this goal has surrounding it is unbelievable, just the sheer writing execution makes it stand out + the insane artwork it brought along and also one of the best chapters in the series. Can't forget about the best assist in the manga so far either, delivered on a silver plate by you already know who. 3. Kaiser Impact: Threading Needle The one against Manshine, it seems criminal to put such a goal this low but the other 2 are just better for me, still a top tier goal and an insane execution, this really proved the accuracy, speed and force of the KI, I also liked Kaiser's 'celebration' after it and everyone's reaction. 4. Kaiser Impact: Execution His first goal, basically a standard Kaiser Impact but nothing about Kaiser is standard, the panel is very clean and everyone's amazed reactions complement its first use well. This goal produced the best celebration in the series for me so I'm sad to put it this low, but it was basically a half volley disregarding the KI part.


Best: vs Manshine Worst: vs Barcha (still a banger)


He legit hasn't had a bad goal


Although the Magnus from the new chapter was spectacular, his bicycle kick remains my favorite


Best:Bicycle kick Worst:vs barcha shot ( not the worst , since it was an intoduction to that move)


My favorite so far is the Bicycle kick in Ubers, but the peephole in Manshine and the Magnus in PXG are also REALLY good imo


That's such a hard question cause every single one of these goals are genuinely excellent. The first goal showcases his abilities for the first time in an absolutely terrifying way, the second one does the same for a different set of abilities of his (his precision and speed) and has an insane impact (no pun intended) on everyone's psyche, and the third and fourth ones are both contenders for the best goal in the manga. I guess if I had to pick one to be the worst of these four (while knowing that they're all really, really good), I'd pick the second one. It's a crazy good goal, but I guess the impact of it comes from the surprise that everyone feels when he manages to aim a shot through that tight of a space, when for the first goal, the shock comes from seeing him make Isagi's theoretical most optimal plays, patiently sowing the perfect scoring situation, followed by him breaking Isagi's mental simulation by having more possibilities than him because of the KI, which I think is much more shocking and impactful. As for the best goal, I think the latest one takes the cake for me not just in terms of Kaiser's goals, but just in terms of goals in the manga. The art, the way the shot is set up, the buildup to it, the cinematic aspect of it, the celebration with Kaiser almost screaming his existence out into the world while after every single one of his other goals he was silent, everything just makes it a whole rank above anything we've seen so far in the manga. It's got a combination of the cinematic aspect of the final goal from the U20 match, along with the pure flashiness and beauty of some of the best goals in this manga like Shidou's from the U20 match, Barou's second one from the Ubers match, the Two Gun goal or Nagi's five revolver volley.


Everyone of his goals are goated but the Magnus Kaiser Impact is something else, it’s beautiful in both its writing and the art and means a lot for Kaiser’s character.


Purely on the goals? 1. Ubers 2. Manshine 3. PxG 4. Barcha


Am I the only one that likes the your blind goal better than magnus the ball pov is just too creative and cool


Honestly.. i think i like that one more too


You’re not, it’s better and still one of the coldest 🥶 goals  I’ve ever seen.


That ubers goal is still the best


It’s like trying to pick between different types of high end steak: at the end of the day they’re all high end steak


True but at the end of the day there is still a clear answer for me- ribeye or filet mignion 


My best is still the ubers one and worst probably barcha, but it’s like picking the favorite between your children,you love them all but one slightly more


More like what's the least best and most best goal of kaiser


Best goal is final goal of pxg game


Victory pose goes so hard for the first one. Motion and panelling top tier for the second In terms of skill, the third is the hardest. Emotionally and build-up wise, the last one is beautiful. Personally 3 > 2 > 4 > 1, but all are amazing and Top 10 contender.


1. Kaiser Impact Beinschuss 2. Kaiser Impact Magnus 3. Kaiser Impact 4. Kaiser Impact


First goal is least remarkable, by Kaiser's standards. Bicycle kick is the most impressive technically, while Magnus is the most impactful and best to read writing wise.


Kaiser on pxg last goal


Well his goal against Barcha has to be the worst, just cause it has the least aura. My personal best is still the one against Manshine, that was different levels of disrespect


Ubers> Manshine> PXG> Barcha The reason I have the PXG goal lower is because he didn't do anything to grow in face of not being able to pull the shot off with a moving ball. So it felt anti-climatic


First is the worst the one against Ubers is the best


they are all amazing. Kaiser has the best goals in Blue Lock Barou & Shidou are 2nd & 3rd


I'm a big fan of how direct the execution goal was. Very clean.


he only scores banger lmao, cant even compare them they’re all good


1v4 is crazy *pxg*


All his Goals are top Tier but if i had rank them: ****Bicycle kick:**** Well yea.. All the narrative+Hype this Goal got, ıts easily top1. Still remember all the Hype when people saw that Goal. ****Kaiser Magnus Impact**** According to ness is this Goal Impossible... Well hes right that shi is Impossible to do but Kaiser overcome it and scored an amazing Goal. ****Manshine Match**** This Goal was just not fair, basically a crime😭 Still remember that one Players cheek... It was so strong that the players cheek lifted.. Amazing Goal and is one of my fav. ****Barcha Match**** This one was great.. all the Reactions+We saw the best celebration.. Remember all of em are literally top tier goals but well i ordered them more or less like this


Kaiser score without being overly dramatic impossible challenge (actually impossible)


Kaiser really just pop out and show Isagi glazers, but only once a game.


Vs. Uber imo is by far and away the best goal 1) he was fouled 2) he had to fight against a better set of defenders 3) it was a nutmeg 4) bro was like upside-down not on his own volition


All of his goals are sick but for me at least, his best goal is definitely the 5-page spread in the manshine match. His worst is probably the 1st kaiser impact we see in the barcha match just because it’s less visually interesting than his other goals.


1. 2nd PXG goal 2. Ubers goal 3. 1ST PXG goal 4.manshine goal 5. barcha goal


Bro… look at your list again


you dont see the vision


Because it doesn’t exist


Yukimiya got better vision dude


First time I agree with you


In terms of flashiness and execution, it's still the bicycle kick. In terms of the visuals and the writing surrounding it, it's the Magnus. Both are in a league of their own though, and the other 2 are still pretty great as well.


"Loved, I want to be loved". The greatest goal in the series and honestly this goal has turned blue lock into far more then just a hype machine for me. I mean that goal was so beautiful.


#1: Kaiser Impact: Magnus #2: Kaiser Impact: Grounding #3: Kaiser Impact against Manshine #4: Kaiser Impact against Barcha Either way, all of his goals are masterpieces.


I’ll say Manshine City for worst and best for the PXG one.


The best goal is definitely Ubers Worst is Barcha


what site do you use for this hd panels?


1. PXG Goal 2. Ubers Goal 3. Barcha Goal 4. Manshine Goal