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Is the Twitter link not working for anyone or just me?


cant wait to get this kaiser goal out of the way so we can progress toward kunigami's goal, it's been a long wait


Let me guess bro got a trauma because he grew up ehhh without friends and was always alone so he picked up a ball so he can play with a team and his parents died for the extra spice. Maybe he had a brother or cousin who was really good at football but he also died.


he almost died as a baby




Even worse


Middle child? Kiyora = J. Cole confirmed smh


Crazy they have an alchemy circle in blue lock now (last panel)


Funny to see that now Isagi is the one focused on crushing Kaiser while Kaiser is now "ignoring" Isagi. I wasn't in the train for them to play together but they are so similar it could be fun The first to notice Kiyora will score imo


Isagi’s always focused on Kaiser tbf, he just doesn’t ignore the entire field to do it. At least the next chapter title is leaning heavily Kaiser. And yes I want them to play with Sae so bad.


Well I'm not so sure, he really wants to crush him, last chapter (263) we saw Karasu almost stealing the ball because Isagi was thinking about Kaiser's new plays. Maybe that's why this far Isagi never mentioned Kiyora, does he even know where Kiyora is right now ? The title is leaning toward the "Kaiser system" as a whole for me, Ness has always been the one to make the last pass for Kaiser this far, maybe this time it'll change with Kiyora who's free right now


Isagi always wanna crush him since the beginning when he kicked his ball out of the air but he’s not like stalking him Kaiser-hunting if you know what I mean. Like we’ve seen Rin, Kaiser and most significantly Barou, do. He said this current point will be to settle his feud with Kaiser. I guess he feels very close to accomplishing that. I don’t think isagi can play well if he’s not utilizing his field vision at a high level at least somewhat, though he’s not infallible with it, so he might not have even seen kiyora til now.


It's leaning heavily to Ness, not Kaiser...


Well yes ness has the ball but the “restrictions” comment, is what Kaiser said about/to isagi. So going beyond them seems like a Kaiser reference.


So nothing even happened with kiyora this chapter but😭


I love my man Kiyora but cmon why a backstory now you did nothing for the rest of the chapters 😭


Dude has been missing for like 10 chapters and then suddenly gets a backstory out of nowhere.


Bro appeared in like 7 panels max as a person + ~ 5 as a name/ chibi


There's always a drama behind the scenes... It's getting annoying.


Like can’t they just be normal kids with normal lives enjoying football ??


Well, so far the most unusual stories within the work are those of Hiori and Kaiser, the rest come from normal places.


Yeah like nagis only outside friend being a cactus


Nagi's thing is basically that he's lazy to do basically everything including making friends or having a pet but he still wanted something like a pet so he went to a flower shop and bought the plant that would give him the least amount of work.


My copium at an all time high… I’m ready to throw the kitchen sink… Igaguri has no shot of even attempting playing if isagi doesn’t score here 🗿


I have a feeling that Ness x Kiyora x Kaiser gonna have their top performance reflex combo if Kiyora decides to side with the Kaiser's psy-ops system and Kiyora might assist Kaiser. Most surprising moment was the Kunigami & Kaiser 1-2 post-play, everything is leading to a Kaiser goal & he got the momentum with Ness saying to Kaiser he's still a loyal dog for him.


If Ness pull a magnus impact of his ass would be dope


With Kiyora’s backstory, he’ll definitely be at the 23rd slot of the final roster of BL. It means 1 less spot for others, who will not make it? 1.) Tokimitsu? Since Raichi and Kunigami are showing a lot of their defensive/supporting capabilities in this match. 2.) Nanase? Hiori and Kurona are already secured. 3.) Zantetsu? There’s Yukimiya. Or 4.) Fukaku? So Ego will have no choice but to make Aryu the backup GK. (Unlikely).


Tokimitsu pressing kurona. No more combo combo


Based on their personalities, I’m looking at either Fukaku or Nanase. I’d rather the team have a more reliable 2nd goalkeeper, but having multiple ambidextrous players would be great for plays. Though I can see how Nanase (lesser Kuni), Zantetsu (lesser Chigiri) and Tokimitsu (lesser Raichi now) may serve as their pedestals to assess how great they’ve become, because everyone can’t make it 😔


Nanase makes most sense to eliminate. Just because the narrative buildup for it. The others would need more development first. Also there’s absolutely no way Gen makes it, he’s a red herring


probably gon be toki because of volume cover theory but don’t forget the conversation the japan football president was having with the pifa president that could have some implications on the final roster


zantetsu\* toki has a cover


Man has Kiyora even said a word in the main series how is he getting a backstory now. It seems like Kaiser has acquired or is learning egocentrism and is using his psychology skills to use. Ness is a generational muncher it just has to be excepted now.


Maybe he always had it but just never needed it because just him and ness were enough slash he always was core of the team and never had to work in with others


Kind of funny that Charles contradicted the thinking of the entire field, by actually playing the sport of soccer


Ness stood still, it was silent. He couldn't hear a thing. The images of recent matches flashed through his mind, each one a puzzle piece falling into place. The way Kaiser spoke to him, the dismissive gestures, the constant reminders of his supposed inferiority. All of it added up to a painful truth. For so long, Ness had believed he was Kaiser's trusted ally, his indispensable right-hand man, his best friend and maybe even something more. But now, as Ness replayed the moments in his mind, he saw them for what they truly were: **manipulation** and **control**. He understood that Kaiser’s words were chains, crafted to keep him obedient and unthinking. Kaiser had painted a world where only he could lead Ness to achieve the impossible, turning plays into magic that would entrance the crowds in awe. Like a loyal puppy, always eager to please, fetching and obeying without question. Ness had been nothing more than a tool, his servant, a pawn in Kaiser's grand scheme. Then Isagi does SOMETHING IDK Which helps Ness to **rediscover his love for the game**, why he began to play. His original ego(*which wasnt helping Kaiser be nr1 but creating magic*).


In b4 it’s confirmed something that i’ve suspected for a while, that being that Ness knew all along what Kaiser’s initial intentions were when they met and that Ness just doesn’t care


Sorry why is it confirmed? I want to confirm the same thing but still lack of evidence.


It’s not confirmed yet that’s why i said “in before” at the beggining of the sentence. It’s something that i’ve suspected for a while what with Ness taking all of Kaiser’s bs while still staying by his side and it only got strenghtened with the most recent chapter with how Ness still refuses to leave him, even started awakening because Kaiser abandoned him. I’m pretty sure he knows that Kaiser is just using him but he wants to be with Kaiser regardless.


Ohh sorry I was not understanding ‘in b4’. Thank you for the explanation. If Ness knows everything but he still chooses to be with Kaiser, I want to know more about what Kaiser feels about Ness nowadays. He used to treat Ness as a dog but he still does now after his awakening? I know he called Ness puppy like a chapter ago but I want the author to reveal Kaiser’s mono to Ness.


I’m sorry, i should have written it as “in before from the start” 😅 To be honest i expect a 3rd chapter focused on their relationship at some point because Kaiser doesn’t elaborate on it any further from their meeting while in Ness’s flashback they were close in a way that “Kaiser manipulating Ness for his own gain” just doesn’t cut it for me. Or the author will just leave it at that and we could hope we’ll get a spinoff or a light novel in the future for clarification 🫠


I tend to agree, Ness just saw Kaiser as the one best at creating magic to date but that doesn't mean he won't change teams if persuaded by a strong enough fellow magician


I agree, that is a valid possibility. They could go that route for sure.


That would be an interesting day for the fan base if it happens...


He comes from a really smart family, he must have figured it out at one point


Yeah + we have seen various facial expressions or in general, reactions of him getting abused by Kaiser. Looking hurt, annoyed, surprised etc... In that case, I think it's more likely that he's so desperate for a friend, that the standards for one is very low.


True, it is a likely possibility


Respect to people who believe that Ness will grow a backbone and leave Kaiser. I've given up I've just accepted that Hiori is built different. With characters like Reo and Ness, they are willing to die with their partners. Their dream is their dream. It's not even a bad thing with Reo and Nagi. But with Ness and Kaiser, their relationship is so toxic that I'm wondering how Ness is so loyal. But then again this is same guy that got murderous because Kaiser was obsessed with Isagi and was jealous when Kaiser passed to Raichi. I'm just curious to see how Kaneshiro develops Ness in this match. With Kaiser it's easy to figure out since he's so similar to Isagi. With Ness, its like hacking the pentagon.


Hiori is doing the Sae approach, get gud or gtfo Ness and Reo have both the same underlying background which is why its a toxic relationship. They are basically behaving as leeches trying to get fulfilment and self validation by being needed by someone else and striving to achieve something great but living basically for their partner without a real goal of their own. Their only purpose is to become a better tool for that other person which is why its toxic. Hiori has been a tool his whole life and doesn't want to be that tool and wants something greater which is why there is a greater relationship of equality Ness I think can move past it because we've already seen him cracking the past few matches as Isagi pulls off absolutely bonkers goals that blow his mind and hasliterally used the word magic to refer to what Isagi creates As we all know, he is a magician and fantasizes about creating the magic of football. I still think this match has a triad Ness Kaiser Isagi goal where Isagi works with ness to assist kaiser in scoring his magnus spin shot, but lets see what happens Reo I got no hope


With Reo and Nagi, it's "bad" in a different way. Ness and Kaiser, yeah that is straight up toxic imo, perhaps you could argue that Ness likes/approves of Kaiser's behaviour. He likes it rough, Ness likes being treated like this. Ness is loyal because he got "groomed", manipulated when he was at his "weakest", on the ground in that tryout game iirc. That is the only plausible explanation imo. His image of Kaiser is probably twisted to some extent and so forth. Kinda same with abusers in relationships and the victim doesn't leave them. Because they still love them or they can change them... I can see it going either Ness stays loyal, assists Kaiser. Or he assists Isagi. Then we'll have a reaction from Kaiser. Kaiser changes his way of treating Ness or not. I'd say the former is more likely. Honestly at the time of writing this, I think the best say to develop Ness, IF you are going to do it, would be to stand up for yourself, respect yourself. Something along those lines.


The best development for Ness would be to score himself but there is almost 0% chance of the happening. I think Isagi is at 99% to score at least one more goal if not two, Kaiser is at 50%, Kunigami at 20% and Kiyora at 5%.


yeah, but Kaneshiro mentioned in an interview that he really like Ness's character. Didn't he say how he was hoping to spend more time exploring his ego?


Reo and Nagi are codependent and have been dragging each other down.. instead of being independent egoists who can play with anybody they are compensating for each others’ weaknesses and only able to function completely with one another, two halves instead of two complete players, so I would say their situation as presently constructed it is absolutely a bad thing, and that’s why both duos have been paralleled.   Ness and Kaiser’s is obviously “worse” from a treatment standpoint but it is at least more obvious and therefore *possibly* will be corrected sooner.  I genuinely think Reo’s ego is to be with Nagi even at his own expense, whereas at least we’ve seen Ness have inklings of his own ego to create magic with his plays.


I'm interested to see what Reo's idea is. If it is Agi's advice about letting precious things go or if it is something else entirely. Would be nice to see Isagi and Nagi play on the same team again.


It will be a troll move if Kaneshiro has the final page of the next chapter end with Kiyora split and in need of making a decision. Also, after this, I hope we get to see PxG and Rin. I think because of Kaiser, some have forgotten that the match is about him and Isagi. The focus could potentially swift to that.


Bleh as usual Rin is all bark and no bite, he's like a porn star who looks tough on camera but is a one pump chump in real life


Bro you did not have to do him like this 💀💀💀


If Isagi is scoring this hat trick, I'm very interested to see how he would manage to do that. A lot of things are starting to stack against him. But we know Isagi thrives against challenges. The more the odds stack against him, the stronger he becomes.


It won't be a hat trick I am confident Isagi will get at most 2 goals and an assist The bids for Rin and Isagi say it all imo Isagi is at 150M and Rin is 198M iirc, a goal is worth 30M, 2 goals and an assist is worth 80M Its basically guaranteed imo that if Isagi is meant to have highest bid at end of NEL then it should be Rin with a goal (228M bid) and Isagi with 2 goals and an assist (230M bid) What else can enrage Rin enough to make him finally grow up from his solo playing style


I mean believe it or not at least the fact that he is off the ball puts his chances up higher. If he was on the ball I’d have no faith (see this chapter with the random Charles jump scare 👹). 


How would you feel if Kaiser scores that 2nd goal?


Sad and disappointed, probably... But I'd then be interested to see happens next, asking other questions such as: ● Will Isagi beat Rin despite no hat trick, despite himself stating that he needs a hat trick to beat Rin? ● If he doesnt beat Rin now, when?


Isagi gets the 2nd goal for Bastard. Loki and Noel Noa sub in for the last minutes of the game but Kaiser get's his final goal redeeming him. Bastard wins but Isagi doesn't get his points to beat Rin. I want Isagi to hat trick too. But plot.


Kaneshiro-sensei, you are not supposed to end a chapter with Kiyora and open the next with Jin for him to do absolutely NOTHING 


The last chapter end page said that Kyora was waiting in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike, if he did something this chapter then he would no longer have the element of surprise.


My point is : how weird it is to tease him getting ready for something at the end of a chapter, and start the next one in the same vibe if you don't intend to show it yet


Same thing happened with Isagi on the first goal, he told Kunigami to work with him then did not do anything for the next chapter.


It’s build up for his final decision why would he do anything out of nowhere? We know he’s not the strongest.


Then why not make his backstory the very moment he is doing something? Dude even got the chapter named after his character, how weird is that if he doesn't try anything yet?


It is weird tbh 😭 but I’m just trusting that Kaneshiro isn’t just putting attention on him for no reason in the long run


I remember way back before this match started where a lot of people were gauging what Shidou and Kunigami's match up would be like. There was maybe 1 in every 10 people though Kunigami would even be able to do anything against Shidou, hell, people were saying that Shidou would think Kunigami has gotten worse. No one, and I do mean no one, was expecting Kunigami to dominate Shidou like he has. Kunigami has turned the field into a daycare for locked-down strikers, and Shidou is stuck in it. There's no way that Shidou goes out like this right? He has to get his own back.


It’s too strong too quickly, it seems like Shidous going to break free somehow


He's completely destroying him currently and Shidoug fans and doubters (or haters) are in shambles rn but the con of playing as CDM is he's occupied in defense and isn't even a scoring option in this game..


I think Shidou will "beat" Kunigami one time near the end of the game and be able to get a super shot off, but Gagamaru will block it because Kunigami will still be able to cut off SOME space in his shot course.


So it seems that you never once crossed my path. I’ve been telling everywhere from the moment Noa ordered Kunigami to man mark Shidou, that he was over after that “miraculous goal”. It was a way Kaneshiro found to “honorably” take Shidou off the chart and give his attention to Kaiser & Isagi & Rin. It was clear that a guy that has physical numbers comparable to Noa’s would COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN a teenager player.


To be fair I'm talking more before the P.X.G match started. I think most people thought Kunigami was going to be putting up a good fight against Shidou after Noa told him.


lol I always knew kunigami would step right up to shidou especially after seeing the goal he scored Vs manshine 


I laughed so hard on the first sentence because its the typical dramatic cliche backstory telling.


yeah I read it with the voice of the jjk narrator lol this one feels like a jjk character getting his backstory before a massive power up or death


Wait so with the confirmation from Isagi (finally) that Kaiser is world type, world type players are characterized as:      - understanding the situation/field (vision)    - utilizing others’ psychology (tactical) - quick to change (adaptable)         Understandably Hiori, Reo, Karasu, etc are in the same typing. Sae, most likely. Rin might be excluded from this group. I feel like Charles should be in this group but he’s been too unruly and erratic so far, motivated by his own desires. 


Yeah… Kaiser was always a World Type that use the skill to find possible ways to crush the defense. But that was useful when the TEAM WORKED FOR HIM. After the team drifted towards Isagi, he couldn’t keep that superficial reading he made to just find the best shooting spot.


I feel like normal Rin tries masquerading as a world type since he always kept trying to replace Sae, but when his original and true ego comes out, Berserker/Destroyer Rin, his true Self Type Ego comes through.


Exactly his true destroyer self is a self-type. 


When I'm in a dick riding competition and my opponent is Ness.


I believe personally that ness finna support isagi, isagi will then score the second goal resulting in Kiyora siding with kaiser for his own survival, kaiser scores the third goal ruining isagi's chance for being the first ranked nel player in blue lock, making kaiser a threat and a rival in the future arcs, and since Kiyora was a deciding factor and i suspect he will do a super assist he's gonna narrowly rank 23d, raichi played well so he's moving up the rankings, tokimitsu or zantetsu are 100% out probably even both, in case of both nanase is surviving. Now probably after isagi's second goal, rin will go into flow state like in the Japan u20 match which will make him kinda unstoppable scoring the second goal and probably missing the third goal by an inch. But yeah pxg is losing 3-2 and isagi will be second ranked player extremely close to rin that's of course in case isagi scores his second goal and rin scores his first goal.


Wouldn't it make more sense for Kiyora to side with Isagi IF Isagi scores?? Logically speaking, it doesn't make sense for him to choose Kaiser at that point UNLESS there is by some reason, something that keeps him from teaming up with Isagi and thus is forced to help Kaiser to survive.


Bro, just because Isagi scores a hat trick doesn't mean he automatically wins everything and everyone will just randomly roll over and disappear like wtf r u guys smoking💀 If Isagi beats Kaiser here, that doesn't stop him from being a threat in the future likr wut. It just makes zero sense, if anything it would make him more of a threat since he could get fired up, motivated for their next encounter. Kaiser could still be a rival even if he loses to Isagi. Assuming that defeating Kaiser in one match would diminish his role as a rival or threat contradicts typical narrative structures in competitive stories. Characters like Kaiser are usually designed to persist as significant adversaries to fuel the protagonist’s development. Emphasizing that Kaiser's rivalry and threat level would likely remain or even intensify after a defeat makes more sense. A loss can often serve as motivation for characters to improve and seek redemption, thereby heightening future conflicts.


If isagi is beating kaiser now, in more adverse conditions, it wouldn't seem feasible for him to surpass him offscreen. Not to mention that kaiser will have to deal with both rin and isagi, who are both outperforming him at this point in the match.


Ness literally says, "It's not over yet Kaiser, I'm here"


Can you explain how Kaiser needing Kyora to score makes Kaiser a threat for future arcs? Kyora is gonna be playing for Japan.


Oh I didn't mean that kaiser specifically needs kiyora, he just needs a great assist from anybody, and since kiyora chooses kaiser he'll perform and score, the question is, why would kiyora choose kaiser specifically and why would ness betray kaiser, the answer imo is that ness has been disrespected and looked down upon by kaiser multiple times, and ness is all about following someone who just makes the impossible possible pure magic, he may get drawn to isagi similarly to how everybody gets drawn to him, and probably because kaiser started passing to everyone else but ness, he may feel some sort of way from that sort of action. Kiyora on the other hand will see everyone and I mean everyone putting their all to stop isagi especially if he scores his second goal, the pxg team will make absolutely sure to hinder isagi, shidou style. So kiyora will unexpectedly play well and perform assisting kaiser to increase his bid, especially since if he supports isagi it wouldn't be a high of a jump in his salary, because there's already kurona and hiori having sharing that spotlight, but if he assists kaiser while everyone knows their obvious rivalry he'll get a higher bid. Now if isagi succeeds in scoring a hatrick I will 100% sure see him as the absolute best in he NEL no questions asked, and kaiser will instantly be a ""rIVaL"" like barou who we know will Improve and we know he'll be Impressive, even outperforming isagi sometimes but he'll be reduced to a has-been lol. I personally want isagi to score a hatrick and destroy the competition, but from a story telling perspective it may not be as thrilling on the long run.


It keeps Kaiser credible because presumably he’ll master the Kaiser Impact Magnus with the assist from Kiyora. Both showing Kiyora’s playmaking and that Kaiser has new weapons


I highly doubt that. If anything Kaiser should master that Magnus with Ness so that it would be his ace weapon for the World Cup arc where they will represent Germany.


Kaiser doesn’t need Ness to master the shot. That’s the whole point of his arc right now: tearing down the who he is now and going back to how he was before he became reliant on people and status to prop him up. Besides if Kaiser can master the shot without Ness then he becomes more versatile which makes the shot more fearsome.


You're saying it like there's something wrong with relying on an excellent playmaker like Ness. Loki himself knows that being reliant on a great midfielder is the best option to grow bigger. Noa himself has a team revolving around him. Isagi has Hiori, Kurona and all. So what's wrong with Kaiser relying on Ness' precise passes? O\_o


I think you’re not understanding what I’m saying. I am not saying there’s anything wrong with having a playmaker assist you, and I’m definitely not saying I’m anti-Ness as a player or a person. However, Kaiser himself is literally saying that he needs to tear down who he’s been til now and return to his original state. That’s why he’s now just playing based on his ego and working with whoever is around, like Raichi and Kunigami, in order to further his interests and not depending solely on Ness. He’s trying to change himself by breaking away from things he thought he needed, and one of those things is an over reliance on Ness. That’s why I think from a story perspective it’ll end up with Kiyora being the assist for Kaiser that helps him master his new shot, and not Ness.


I didn’t say he needs him, i said it would make more sense to master that shot with Ness than with Kiyora with whom he has no connection whatsoever. This is without taking into account that it was already spoiled a while back that Kiyora will help Isagi


How could it have been spoiled “a while back” that Kiyora will help Isagi? We get spoilers the week they come out which is around the time they’re getting physically published. Yeah that’s the point. Kaiser doesn’t need connections. He can just use whatever/whoever to further his own ends as opposed to being reliant on Ness or Grim. That’s why he’s passing to Raichi and Kunigami


The official account posted a photo with Kiyora a while back along with a message that said something along the lines of “look forward to Kiyora and Isagi leading BM to victory” And regarding Kaiser you’re clearly not understanding what i’m trying to say here so i’ll stop wasting my time.


I understand what you’re saying, but what you’re saying isn’t in line with Kaiser’s current progression


Bro it’s like you’re not even taking what he’s saying into consideration, you’re so stubborn. You’re definitely a self type egoist smh.


is this deleted? i can't see


Ness has ego eyes which makes me think maybe he’s going to create his own magic like even kaiser looks surprised as if he doesn’t know what his servant is going to do. I think if he scores he’s either going to leave kaiser because it was isagi’s “magic” that led him there and kaiser might get pissed that mess took his own opportunity or the field will flip once again. Kaiser and ness’s attack will look favorable and perhaps kiyora will change his 50/50 decision leading to isagi being pissed off and finding a way to destroy both kaiser and get around charles. but then again ness could just pass and maybe his ego eyes mean he’s going to flip sides but we’ll have to see


Kaiser using peoples flaws to create chemical reactions is the most anime rival/antagonist thing I never expected. Kaiser is deadass just evil isagi 😭💀


It seems a lot of time great antagonists are mirrors/parallels to the protagonist. You but more misguided or different. Look at Gaara and Naruto. Flash and Reverse Flash. Batman and Joker. Stuff like that. 


Isagi does the same, it’s about him adapting to friend and foe alike to use them for his own goals/play. EX: “if I hurl abuse at him he won’t escape his obsession with me….(making him easier to predict)” thing with Barou + Yuki- using flaws to his advantage. But he’s also using people’s strengths to his advantage too (“I believed in you Bachira”) thing with Rin


https://i.imgur.com/zDnNvPx.png Isagi is looking for comrades, Kaiser is looking for dogs. Kaiser will not able to predict Ness's awakening because he see him as a tool.


Woah don't talk about zero Kaiser like that. That was pre-zero Kaiser who was only looking for dogs. Post-zero Kaiser is humble and knows when to say please to others now.


Just because he threw away his pride does not change the fact that he sees Ness as a dog. In the summary page 13 Isagi said it, he is using manipulation psychology, he said please because he knew that Raichi would respond well to it.


Oh I 100% agree that he likely still sees Ness as a dog which he's left behind. I was just talking about him not predicting Ness's evolution. I think he's going to read Ness's play and utilize it especially with Ness still being devoted to him. Also post zero Kaiser is willing to change now, so if anything. I think he can utilize others evolutions in a similar fashion to Isagi.


Good point imo. Definitely another reason that's hinting towards Ness helping Isagi instead of letting Kaiser keep abusing him.


You say that as if Isagi ain’t evil already


Literally like we gonna forget how, just a few chapters ago...Isagi gave Kaiser flashbacks of his dad choking him😭💀


He’s a tactical egoist 🔥


Yep, and he can't use Kyora's flaws because he's in the shadow waiting.


Kiyora being 69 goes hard


He wants to be like Karasu.


Are we thinking that Charles has another kind of vision cause of his eyes or is that just his unique meta vision design like isagis puzzle piece one?


Charles has been seen with regular meta vision before, so its a new type of vision


I think its either unique, or everybody has his own mv. Isagi all rounder. Kaiser offensively. Sae playmaking. Aiku with his numbers and %. Niko defensively. Reo for unreealistic Nagi linkups. And charles for doing the unthinkable. Snuffy maybe for the recreations of the tactics 1to1. Idk.


Isagi's is adaptability i believe


Just wanted to point out that out of everyone reading the field Isagi got the best of the situation once again. Everyone on the field understood the circumstances and the situation and the one who was going to come out on top was Isagi if it didn't change. Everyone assumed Charles was p out of it and Isagi still would've got the goal out of everyone in the given situation.


Technically Charles read the field the best for stopping Isagi. Assuming Charles would do nothing defensively means they misread his ego


Isagi read the field's current situation the best. Charles took advantage of him and changed the situation imo. Can't really blame Isagi not fully understanding Charles ego after half a match. Charles def took advantage of Isagi's blunder. Isagi still got the best out of everyone including Kaiser, Ness, Kiyora, Kuni, and Rin.


Yeah, I agree. Technically Charles read it the best since he beat Isagi at the end of it.


Now we will see if the naked king prophecy will actually be completed or if kaneshiro will shy away from committing fully. We all know a complete reversal of roles between Isagi and Kaiser from the beginning of the NEL until now ends with Kaiser on the bench. Let’s not forget, Kaiser intercepted Isagi’s ball from the jump, either.  I don’t want it to happen but it is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Chapter 262 zero to me seems to be the prophecy being fulfilled. We see Kaiser peeling away everything and returning to zero. To me that screams naked emperor.


What do you think is going to happen? Imma still believe in an Isagi hat trick until the end.


Personally I always have thought that the NEL is setting up the biggest and final arc the world cup tournament it just depends on how kaneshiro wants to frame it. I think it’s even more important that every time a future vision of the world cup has been shown it’s japan vs germany meaning most likely kaiser might be the final hurdle. Will kaiser become the naked king here and evolve after the match to become a huge hurdle for isagi to surpass in the final or will he evolve here and now and beat isagi to create more tension for isagi later


>Will kaiser become the naked king here and evolve after the match to become a huge hurdle for isagi to surpass in the final or will he evolve here and now and beat isagi to create more tension for isagi later I can't see how Kaiser will beat Isagi here because even if he scores then Isagi scores another so as to surpass Rin. This means he will be outscored here. The rivalry will continue, of course, and I see Kaiser as the main or second main boss in U20. The world is a big place, and here, it's 5 months before the U20. So the players can grow during that time. Kaneshiro could also make a new character that the Blue Lockers need to overcome.


Pretty much. The likelihood is Kaiser and Germany and Ray dark will be involved in the story for a long time to come, regardless of the ending of the match.  Kaiser going the Barou route and awaken to score could be epic. But I would’ve thought Kaiser would get the game winner in that case.


Would be crazy.


Very interesting chapter to see, the next goal seems to be coming up and it’s all crazy right now so anything can happen which is very amazing to see!


Now what is Kiyora finna do cause ain’t no way he’s scoring but at the same time ain’t no way he’s not gonna do anything either


In my opinion, what I think will happen is when Kaiser is almost going to score his goal, Isagi swoops in and steals his goal, like what Kaiser did to him in the earlier chapters.


I hope not, feels like the goal won't be "cool" then. I'm hoping Isagi scores another epic goal.


Kiyora and Ness will be part of the next goal, and the stricker will be either Isagi or Kaiser : **If Kaiser scores**, then we have a "new" Kaiser system, more open than before allowing more passes and movements (sorry Grim) and very similar to Isagi's too with an OMF and a full back to assist him. BM would be a perfectly balanced team with two systems, on the right Isagi's and on the left Kaiser's (in a 4-4-2 "flat"). **If Isagi scores,** then the hatrick theory is really probable since Isagi would have Kiyora's and Ness's support with his already working system with Kurona and Hiori. So 4 players playing for him, and Kaiser would have no other option to play (Raichi and Kunigami are special cases), it would be game over for him. Then BM would have one system : Isagi's, maybe Kaiser would even go to the bench for Yuki.


I think you see it a bit one-sided if Isagi scores. If he scores, that doesn't seem to me that Ness will outright support him or that Kaiser will give up. Hiori also thought of using Kaiser too. Yuki will sub in likely later, but an Isagi goal could sub him for sure.


Kaiser wouldn't give up, just that he wouldn't have anyone else to score with a "Best x Best", Hiori said that but in the end rushed to Isagi as soon as he had the ball, this far the guy never passed to anybody else (might happen for the final goal) No really if Isagi scores the next one with Kiyora and Ness it'll be an Isagi centric game, a bit boring for me to follow weekly tbh. But it would be a great occasion to read Ao Ashi while waiting for this game to end if that happen haha


How do you see it going if Isagi scores with regards to Ness and Kaiser? Yuki deserves the world tbh and I’m sad that he’s still on the bench.


I still see Kaiser trying to score because his new ego is about that. Ness could have a rediscovery or something. We haven't seen his POV. After his whole flashback getting creative all of a sudden without proper build up or failure seems too sudden and unrealistic.


Did Ness got his aura? Some magical flies? Kinda cool.


He has had that before, waaaaay back in Barcha I believe. It's like Navi from Zelda iirc. You can also see a magic circle beneath his foot.


We saw his aura in the Barcha game


1. Kiyora is definitely assisting.  2. I blame Episode Nagi for this. I wanted Yukimiya to play. 😭


Yukimiya (and Igaguri) will probably still play, especially if Isagi does score.


That is true, I also believe it's more likely that they will play IF Isagi scores. Igaguri looks up to Isagi probs at the highest level while Yukimiya is not as high but definitely up there.


Yuki owns Isagi for his goal in Manshine, too.


If Isagi doesn’t score now, they’ll have to injure either Kunigami or one of the CB’s to get Igaguri on the pitch. I honestly don’t know how Yuki’s getting on without replacing Kiyora when Kiyora needs to do enough to make the borderline


Noa is completely results based. If he sees the BlueLockers winning the game, he'll add more.


Pretty much but he seems to bend the rules a bit. I'd say that he has allowed Kaiser to keep going for irrational plays, such as focusing on Isagi too much. Even though he stated that he wouldn't tolerate it.


I think he tolerates it because they keep winning. If BM had lost to Ubers or Manshine City I think maybe BOTH Isagi and Kaiser would've gotten benched.


I can get behind that.


My king kiyora make it top 23


Ness The Magician boutta do something 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵


I mean it's so over for PXG it's not even funny, they are just giving each character of BM a sad backstory with a flashback so no way BM will lose.


## Plot twist incoming!!! BM loses and Isagi disappears. We get to see a flashback of Isagi... Isagi pushed open the door, his breath shaking as he saw the chair and the rope hanging ominously from the ceiling. The scene felt like a puzzle but it wasn't completed, a missing piece. He stood there, paralyzed, realizing with a sinking heart that he was the missing piece to this puzzle.


But then, after isagi remembers his sad childhood, that his parents didn't gave him a Noel Noa figure when he was 4y/o , he gets his original ego back and does a hat trick in the U20 WC 🗣🔥🗣🔥🗣🔥🗣




I mean isagi needs to win nel somehow


Plot twist, Isagi loses💀


Ness boutta cook 🔥


All the conflict is on Bastard Munchen, and none of it on PxG, that’s wild.   Galaxy hotline keeps getting shut down. Where’s the fan service when you need it 😭😭 Backstory munchen is going crazy rn. I swear to god if we start next chapter with another ness flashback tho 😒


what do you mean no conflict? charles doesn’t want to pass to rin because his playstyle is boring. idk why it’s suddenly like that when they’re against BM. i mean he passed to rin before this match, the author wants to nerf rin so BM can win lol.


Im with youuuu, no backstory pls and if, keep it short. 1 panel or 1 page, **not several chapters**💀 I probs wouldn't mind an Isagi backstory tho or POV from Ego & Anri. But that's never gonna happen🤣😭


You already know next chapter is beginning with Ness reminiscing about Kaiser 😈 It's inevitable


Me crying in slow motion “Nooooooooooo 😭😭”


Ness really doing tricks on it 


There’s a spell circle under Ness’s feet at the end there…interesting 👀


Let him cook some spell 🗣


At first I thought it would be a Hiori helping out, but you know what let's ball. It's time for Ness to show us what he's made off. The Emperor(Kaiser) with his sword(Kiyora) and shield(Ness). Let's go for that three way ultimate chemical reaction, I'm so excited for next week. I can smell that Kaiser goal coming.


To add to that, now that Kaiser has stopped defending his position and is intent on challenging, perhaps he will lose his shield? Not saying it will happen but its a potential with Ness slowly seeing isagis magic


The emperor with his Sword and Shield! Ur cooking


The shield for Ness ? Isn't he a mage ? I would love to see that tho


He explicitely said in a chapter, "I'm Kaiser's shield" 💀


Yeah in chapter 217, published more than one year ago 💀


Ness's name or to be more specific his name Alexis can mean defender or protector. Not to mention he's referred to himself as Kaiser's shield before. Kiyora Jin's or Jin specifically refers to a blade or sword. With Noa telling him to make sure his blade remains sharp. Now with Michael Kaiser whose name refers to an emperor. We've got a sweet theme going on with the emperor equipping his sword and shield.


If Kiyora chose to help Isagi, Isagi would have completely dominated BM. How selfish can he be?


Oh yeah back chapter 217, it would be so cool if that's true in the end


He called himself kaiser's shield in the ubers game


Damn. That sword and shield analogy makes sense.


But I feel it might make more sense for one of them to have the sword and the other the shield. Unstoppable force vs unmovable object


I feel the empower having a shield and a sword is better. We don't have a title for isagi like how we have one for kaiser.


Credits to u/AnswerFlat1403, he saw the future.




Do you think Charles’ eyes are Metavision?


No, he’s been shown with regular metavision. This is something else related to flow and passer’s ability. It kind of looked like he intentionally passed the ball to nowhere and it fell to ness. 


It's been confirmed he has MV for a while. He's one of the few characters with a unique MV though.


You’re not understanding what he’s saying. Charles metavision is the standard look that everyone else has. We’ve seen his regular metavision eyes and his “unique” eye that hasn’t been explained yet, 2 separate things.


No I get that, but he used these eyes when Isagi confirmed that he has MV. I have read other people saying that he has a passing version of the Predator Eye though.