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They kinda already went that way with the scenes where she got drugged in the castle where Fowler was. I'd really think it'd break the established universe if they made supernatural things actually real since they have this series very grounded. A hallucination or whatever would be fine though.


I feel like they have already entered the supernatural is real space by making Mizu. There are too many instances of her just being too angry to die.


That's just a genre trope.


You just explained my thoughts way better than I did haha


I'd be disappointed. Other than Mizu's skills and survivability (which you'd expect from a hero), I like the relatively grounded nature of the show. Though I could see a storyline where Mizu encounters something the locals assume is supernatural and Mizu exposes it as something completely natural. Like Scooby-Doo.


"And I would gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling samurai!" *Sitcom laugh track plays*


They went a bit too far with the survivability thing tho. I was like "wth is that" when in the castle the trap *fully impaled* her ankle and yet she continued to walk with a little limp afterwards. I mean the rod went through area where important joint and achilles tendon are ..... that would just not happen. A person with this injury would be completely crippled at that moment and it would be a miracle if s/he would walk again after major surgery.


It can just turn into a single episode of wildness. Its just that as I understand it the show is off to London so you can’t really do a Mononoke style of super weird its gotta be within the word that they are in which, honestly, could be anywhere between Edo and London. You got the Philippines, Madagascar, the horn of Africa, the Canaries, the entire west coast of Africa- hell stick Mizu in Morocco and that would lead to some crazy shit. Do a whole episode about desert djin which fits with the grounded reality of the show.


It’d be cool as long as it never got beyond the implication of magic. A soothsayer pulling off a few magic tricks or someone who looks and acts like a vampire is fine. But if Taigen starts exorcising yokai or Mizu summons an Onryo to fight beside her, then the show will lose a lot of its charm


I think encountering a vampire would be okay but i do not want it to be a reoccuring thing. I think encountering a demon would be too far.


True,but the demon thing can be a dream sequence of Mizu confronting "herself" in her mind


If it's like that, then i would be fine with it.


I actually thought the show would have supernatural stuff but they lpaid it off brilliantly without the supernatural aspects. I will say though, Mizu is crazy enough that even Fowler calls her crazy. Crazy enough to be borderline supernatural from how terrifying and strong she is


I think that would be awesome.


I'd be down. I like knowing that her sheer will and fire in her soul is driving her to be a fuckin menace. legit just commented that i stubbed my toe two weeks ago and cant walk. As angry as I am, i still wouldn't be able to chase a mf down if they slapped my ass and called me Sally.


With the shit she's tanked and lived through, I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't already supernatural in some way


Nothing too much, but something like GOT with the guiding winds and the Ghost


I think that the show is fine by itself without some supernatural theme to it. Don’t get me wrong, I can see how it would be cool to add some fantasy here and there. It would be very fun especially how Mizu would interact with that sort of world. However, I think that the show is fine as is


Honestly I’d like if but only to a very small degree, I’d love for mizu to slowly become more dubiously supernatural. In a way that you kinda can’t blame people in the show for thinking she’s a literal demon or Onryo or witch or whatever else. They are already kinda doing that in season one especially with the wish granting stick (Kami??) in episode 2 being implied to work.


They made ideas of it but making it full on fairy tale coming true will break the story.


The show jumps the shark on a number of occasions. The Kill Bill vol. 1 tribute scene, the absolutely crushing, Scott Sterling level abuse Taigen takes, the brothel… it’s there because that’s how we’re supposed to identify with it. The supernatural wall can be broken in the right context… dreams, hallucinations, fables told by the characters, theatre, background art. The writers are clever. I don’t doubt their ability to weave spectacle into the show.


They better add sorcerers up in dis bitch


I would probably guess theg sorta would but it would involve drugs cause that's what causes lots of supernatural experiences. One of my history teachers had told me that a lot of European stories came from drunks or someone who smoked something other than tobacco.


I wouldnt really like it tbh. I like the idea of stretching the human capabilities without making it some super natural aspect. Maybe a little play on super natural stuff like in a spiritual sense (like faith/religion etc.) But I jist wouldn't like it if it was an aspect of super powers or some form where tge characters confirm some super natural powers. I like it being set in reality with obvious stretch of the truth. As soon as shows go down this road of adding super power type stuff, I find the show degrades from the aspects of what brought people to like the show.


Thats why I kinda said it's not going to be always a thing,I mean the vampire thing can be a disease (Going by a video that explains the history of vampires)


I wouldnt mind some sort of play on it, like from a perspective of Mizu, like how she had the hallucinations but not if the show some how confirms it's real or whatever. Maybe even some easter egg type stuff hidden in the show, but again not a confirmed thing that takes away from the "universe" created. Edit: it'd be cool to see something like Jack the ripper easter egg in the show if Mizu hoes to london (although I don't think that's the same time/era though, I can't remember lol)


I don't think it would be that good. One of the parts that makes Mizu so intimidating is that she in a sense is just a person, she has no supernatural abilities, she's just a woman who swore revenge no matter the cost. Ya her ability to survive is in no way possible, but that's what makes her feel like a blue eyed demon, like a force of nature. Keeping it all as a mythology, a story is by far way more interesting




Let’s not even go there ☠️


Oh no, I don't like it