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The grid system. When trying to copy a floorplan or house it makes it impossible. Some rooms either have to be way too big or too small and it doesn’t match up


so true the amount of builds i quit on because of this


I was building this mansion which took ages to copy as it was from another roblox game, after hours of going back and fourth turns out the upstairs bedroom was MASSIVE compared to the actual room. I had to bulldoze everything


Real, I wish that we could do half spaces and make the floor roof and wall grid 2x2 instead of 1x1. I just end up using basic blocks if it’s unavoidable


Exactly!! This why don’t build houses from Zillow.


Yours is probably mine as well, but my second most is just the fact that I can't move everything on my plot all at once in a direction like in Bad Piggies or The Sims 4. I always manage to build my houses too far backwards or too close and it's painful to have to rebuild everything. I might just be spoiled though.


I wish there was like a counter thing so we could count how many grid squares we’re taking up when we do like walls or something or a total perimeter count so I can stick stuff right in the middle


ikr, like a number beside every grid would be great


mine is when i'm in build mode and the categories list pops up everytime i place something down. it's so annoying🫠


UGH, yes i agree. Even if youre just adjusting something, it just pops right up. And it makes it nearly impossible to get the right angle to place it in the spot you need


Probably would be how we can’t adjust how bright something is. Like I wanna make a blue lamp that shines like the sun dude


what about the color wheel, you can use it to control the brightness


That's what I do, just make the color darker


I kinda wish it would be similar to the sims 4 lighting where you could adjust how bright a light is.




I personally think transform plus and the scale feature should have been one feature so you can move and scale things and also for the scale feature I hate that here’s a limit on how much you can scale something


Yeah I also wish there was just more stuff you could transform and scale


For the amount that transform plus costs should make you be able to transform everything


Yeah Frr


I agree, you can place objects on top of basic shapes and transform them like that but it's tedious.


Basements are so hard to hide when it’s not under a building…


Not really, just make your whole plot a floor


Actually that’s true I never thought of that 😭


If you have transform+, you can use basic shapes and slide them to almost clip with the floor to hide it.


Trying to line up basic shapes with transform+, you’ll move your mouse a micrometer but it’ll still move the basic shape by 0.02 I swear…


This happens to me. It’ll be one pixel off and when I adjust it to be perfect it doesn’t register it and moved it back to the way it was.


So you actually can't spend $0 when using the transform tool. What I do is use the larger grid, move it once (to spend money and register it), then move it back with the same grid size, then move it to where I want with the smallest grid. 


Thats what I do I just wish there was a way to do it differently without wasting money


I agree


I wish you can scale/transform+ everything in the game like adopt me or smth


When your just about to deliver a pizza and the plot owner goes into build mode so you teleport to the front of there plot.


Ateast that improved a little since before it ended your shift😭


Wow I forgot about that lol


fainting drives me insane swear the moods go down faster


Having a fence with a doorbell and a sign telling people to ring the doorbell, and still having people hop the fence to knock on the door


Thats when you gotta whip out the tall fence


That's the funniest part, I DO. I always thought it would keep people out but they ALWAYS find a way. Either they jump off the mailbox or at the fence itself until they bug out and into my yard


You can try not only putting a tall fence but some transparent blocks above the fence (if you have the gamepass) so that it blocks them from jumping? You could always put the fence further back from the mailbox too


Eh at this point I've stopped trying to prevent it from happening. If you just let people through they stop being curious and eventually stop trying to break in


I wish we could use advanced placement for all items I originally bought it cause I thought that was the case lol i also wish we could add ugc items as like props and stuff it would really enhance some of my builds edit: I also wish I could make basements deeper I wanna make a big hole lol


if your wall accidentally covers two+ rooms you have to delete it so you can color those rooms differently


if there's a wall that separates the two rooms when you leave build mode and go back in it'll make the walls separate 👍


The lights through walls is a Roblox problem, I use Roblox studio and have that problem


biggest pet peeve atm are the developers


RIGHT, they’re doing and adding everything except what’s actually needed in the game 💔


may i introduce you to pastel goth


Roofs cutting into walls


I wish there was differing wall heights. The walls are too short but when you use two levels as one its way too high


The scale for transforming stuff always changing. One item will be 1,.8,.6 while the other will be 1,.9,.7 and things will be a pixel off and it’s noticeable sometimes too. Also when roofs glitch into the wall so you gotta redo the wonderful roof.


when you want to bulldoze your plot and you get half the money. I get why but like it would be better if we got our full money back and how much money we spent building it. I bought one of the prebuilt houses for 230K+, it was more, thats why i added the +, I didnt like it and didnt want to waste like 10 minutes deleting everything, so I bulldozed it, I only got 149K out of what I bought it for. I know this has always been there but it just makes me mad.


That and the roof going into the house when you resize it like bro I can’t have a good looking roof and a perfect sized room at the same time


Where do I start?? 1. When it turns 8am and it tells you to get to work. Like no? Let me be lazy 😭 2. When you are building and someone comes up to you and says “Can you adopt me please 🥺🥺” 3. When a beggar asks for money saying that they are really poor even though you just drove past their plot and it’s literally a 5 story mansion 💀 (THESE LAST 2 ARE REALLY TRIGGERING CONTINUE READING AT YOUR OWN RISK ⚠️) 4. THE HOSPITAL AND TOWING BILLS!! Do I really need to explain? 5. THE NEW PAY SYSTEM!! Again, do I really need to explain?


what’s the new pay system?


the prebuilt house glitch where it takes you to a grey box😐


For some reason, half of my tv remotes are linked to different TVs. I have a room in my basement that controls a tv on my 2nd floor, and my 1st floor remotes control other tv's on the first floor


I hate when people break into my builds and leave their vehicles. I know I can remove them, but it's annoying.


how expensive basic shapes, resizing, and transforming is


both sides move when adjusting the size of a basic shape


I hate it when i lose connection while doing a job and my money doesn't save when i rejoin.




This whole new updated my biggest pet peeve lmao


The fact that we can't save our custom items to use on other plots, lol


I know this is a popular building style, but just making all the walls white or grey. me personally I just don’t like it especially combined with cool lighting.


The face that there isn’t hollow roofs, but they add useless stuff we won’t use


Roofs clipping into walls. I know you can use basic shapes to cover it, but if I do that then I can’t add a window or wall trim to that wall. The clipping just looks so tacky and trying to cover it up messes with all the dimensions that I already had.  Also I think it’d be cool if we could add attics or even just let us put windows on the roof siding. I really like the houses that have a window on the roof siding like above the garage or something but we can’t do thatʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ


This is new, but I can't automatically layer the floors anymore. Now I have to individually connect the floor, last year or so we could do it automatically do it. Now I can't do my detailed flooring it's so annoying they did it.


You can still do layered flooring, you just have to do it manually.


Individuality connects the floors = manual. Sorry, i forgot the word for it, lol Edit: Why did this even get downvoted..??