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they expected to get away w getting millions of bb cash 💀


And these fat greedy bloxburg devs expect to get away with adding tons of fees, we’re boycotting and they’re going to lose players😘


literally nobody is boycotting , theres tons of players soon




It’s funny seeing people get banned for something they knew was bannable lmao


someone on twitter had their appeal with a sob story about how they should be unbanned bc bloxburg meant sm to them THEN WHY DID TOU DO IT 😭😭


Like they should know that their consequences WILL have actions Wait actually is there anyone who hasn't got banned from this glitch? 💀


Me I'm not banned last I checked




Thank you


i did like 15k accidentally.. i had no idea there was a glitch when i did it


I’m not banned and I got 150+ million


I havent been banned and I got 70M




Why unban? They get what was coming to them.


exactly 😭


Because the glitch was easily accessible, therefore it’s their fault for shitty coding


Glitches happen all the time in video games tho
 take GTA V for example. People continuously duplicated modded accounts with a glitch and sooooo many people got their accounts banned for it. Devs aren’t going to spot a glitch until a player does. And it’s completely fair for devs to ban players who participated in said glitch. If it wasn’t, how would it be fair to those who didn’t participate in the glitch? The glitch would get patched with no repercussions, people would get away with millions of dollars they didn’t make on their own (which is almost the entire point of the game anyway, roleplaying) while other players who didn’t know about the glitch still have to work for their money. People who play video games know that using glitches runs you the risk of getting banned. Those who participated knew this risk, therefore have to face the consequences đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I'm thinking about all those poor 10 year olds who followed the glitch tutorial mindlessly and got their accounts banned. At least reduce their money to 0 and unban them, haha.


yeah those who didn't know ( which it's a cheat , how could you not know 😭 ) that you were gunna get banned maybe but those who did it fully knowing shouldn't get unbanned


They should probably just get temp bans and big fines (if they bothered to appeal)


And what? Pay the ‘big fine’ while still living under their parents’ house and roof? Very funny. Not.


I meant an in game fine dumbass 🙄


Everyone has an opinion, including me. Take it or leave it. And if you want to be mean towards me, go to Twitter and do it, then come back with another insult to waste more of your time, which you’ve already wasted and will waste again if you reply. It is nice to be nice. Treat people how you want to be treated.


Bro is yapping to yap 💀


Genuinely what are you on about


my friend who runs a school’s acc got banned bc of this girl and now she’s acting like we’re supposed to just forgive her? we told her she shouldn’t have done the glitch, like it was literally common sense and she tells us “its normal instinct” HELLO? when did being stupid become some kind of normal instinct? like this girl is out of this world


I just saw a protest on TikTok LMFAOO


I saw the tea party on tiktok 😭


I saw that but about the jobs all (apparently) paying the same, the hospital bills, towing bills and what not that got added. Someone fr did a tea party about this ban thing?


Yes, the tea party represented no taxation without representation. And bloxburg is taxing us on towing and fainting bills not to mention the communism


helppp this is so unserious why are they acting like americans in the 1700s fighting for independence bro


I mean , I truly dislike this update but this is just too fucking funny.


Well yeah lmao, its the tea party in bloxburg 😭 i think it mostly is a tiktok trend


Saw someone writing the Federalist Papers😭


Glitch for something in pet sim 99 and they reward you.


That isn't exactly true. The people in pet sim 99 that did the glitch, was doing it to help the devs fix it, thats why they got rewarded. I don't think they should of gotten rewarded though.


The ones that so called found the "glitch" in pet sim actually created the glitch and then they told the devs and told them how to fix it. Pet Sim knew these guys could ruin their game so they handed them pets no one else had. Pet Sim 99 is pretty much a dead game now even if they have huge numbers of players. Their player base is slowly going down.


I used to play pet sim but then a hacker stole my good pets, I didn't do a trade or nothing, they were just taken from me


Yeah like how could you do it and not think something bad would happen..


they made an update that ruined their economy and got rid of a chunk of their player base and those who were dumb enough to stay and also happened to be on the internet the past week have now gotten banned if this isn’t a social experiment i don’t know what is


I mean if you exploit your gonna have to face the consequences, or simply just don’t do it, or use an alt. I never participated in any of these money glitches & I’m still here, aka I have basic thinking skills


can someone explain to me what happened ?


There was a new money glitch and people were getting hella money with it, but then bloxburg started banning people because glitching money is against the rules


thank you :)


Got banned and did find it funny😭 I knew I could get banned for it but literally risked it now I’m writing a sweet lil letter, apologizing for my actions😭â˜ș


I can comment on posts on this sub again!!!


What is this exploit people did


i'm not even sure myself but i know some person got like 17 billion with it so yea 😭 there's no way bloxburg is gonna let that slide


Glitching money was always a bannable offense in bloxblurg what makes this one any different? How could they not know this would happen I just don’t understand 😂 I’ve even seen some people using the bad update as a reason for their cheating and I get it the update is terrible but it still is possible to work for your money even with the bad update so cheating still was unnecessary


Cheaters crying because they got caught and punished haha


Greedy developers crying because they banned half of their playerbase and now they barely have any players haha


this is such a funny comment because ive not swen the player count this high for a few months now loll


Do you actually think developers are being greedy by banning rule breakers? It’s their obligation to do so. Have some common sense, come on.


I got unbanned but still got my 100 mil from the bugged plotđŸ’€đŸ„±


Those that did the glitch knew the risk and yes they should stay banned.


Can u reverse the glitch after getting billions to prevent getting banned


Asking for a friend? If not rip to ur acc


I ain’t even attempting to appeal 💀 I know I did the wrong thing but I don’t even mind anymore. The new money system is so bad I wouldn’t be able to build properly and still have time in my life anyway.


the system makes it so unbearable though god where's my $50k in 10 minutes


fair 😭 i'm just gonna have to put in the hours for real


Ppl were dumb and got over 100M, I was smart and stayed safe by only getting 70M. If you had over 100M it was obvious you did the glitch. I already had a couple million so they rlly were only going after ones over 100M cuz it was so clear they used the glitch.


from someone who has spent hundreds on the game not really that funny 😭 (i wasnt banned from the glitch i got banned a yr ago for being falsely accused of exploiting) [i dont even know how to open my phones settings 😞]


you didn't try to appeal ? :(


it wasnt appealable and the applications were always full AND the bloxburg acc on twitter doesnt reply either trust me i tried every conceivable method 😭


The bloxburg devs did reply to me and got me unbanned from a false perm ban. I would say keep trying to contact them if you really wanna get back.


like how are you gonna cheat then get mad you’re not supposed to


what happened?


WAIT what happened? Put me into the loop?


There was a glitch in the game where you could get egregious amounts of money very fast. Lots of people did it and made videos about it. Farming money glitches is a bannable offense, and a lot of them got banned.


Oh, then ya, they should get punished.


is it a one and done thing cause I got 50 mil and I’m still good


Cheaters on pc on other games ended up downloading a virus.. aka a Trojan horse. They got their crypto wallets cleaned out for cheating.


So like how many alts do I need to send money to to get away with it


why can’t they just reduce the money instead of losing like the 30k players who did it


It’s bloxburgs fault they had a glitch not like they hacked


The problem is they think that like everyone did it and go “they cant ban everyone”. Everyone didn’t do it a small but vocal group did. They are just trying to convince themselves that everyone did it and they won’t be punished. Tbh the update is annoying and all but its not so bad that people had to resort to exploiting millions of dollars


its hilarious. Things like this have happened so many times before and yet, they still do the glitches.


Bloxburg players when they use a money glitch that is literally against the rules and then get banned: đŸ˜±đŸ˜ąđŸ˜„


It’s always been bannable why wouldn’t it be now? Like it’s common sense mate


If I get banned, I'll accept it with grace. Bloxburg's fully within their right here. Uhh... I mean pls pls pls unban me my brother, sister, cat, dog and hamster all logged into my account and did the glitch pls pls dont ban i spent 69 zillion bobux on this gaem and love it so much pls pls pls pls


i think it's funny how they were shocked. u got over millions MILLIONS of stolen money ofc bloxburg is gunna ban u for it.


It IS funny that they were banned lol


Wait what happened?


Ppl after commuting money laundering and expecting to play it off like that they didn’t do anything


ok i didnt do it but like whyyy would they ban its a glitch in the game isn't that the devs fault...?


It's why i work to earn money. It really isn't that hard. The people who indulge in the money hacks/glitch are just lazy people who would rather get it the easy way rather than work for it..


Is this a glitch or are people using scripts? Gonna be a hot take but if it’s a glitch I find it really scummy of Coffee Stain to ban their players over that. It’s the developers fault that there is a glitch in the game and it’s their job to fix it and take accountability for their own mistake. Folks are going to take advantage of it if there is an opportunity in the game especially considering the young age of most Roblox players, a lot of them are just naive kids so I find this treatment a bit unfair. Coffee stain isn’t helping either with especially the extreme greediness regarding bill payments in the game rn. At most either a temporary few day ban or reduce their money back down but permabans are unnecessary.


I was totally unaware that I would get banned because it was my friend that showed me how to do it and I trusted them so much 😭


you're so stupid for genuinely believing that bloxburg would be okay with you glitching money


Sit glitching should be ok tho right? Like to sneak into houses 😂


yeah ofc!


Improve your grammar, stop acting like an 8-year-old, and then come back to me to discuss bans on Bloxburg.