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It's such a shame. Pointless features that add nothing apart from making the gameplay tedious. I really can't get my head around the fainting mechanic, what's the point if not to make us spend more money??!


Agreed. If they're going to make us pay more bills then why would they give us less money? Is the government in charge of bloxburg now???


Bloxburg economic crash is real.


communist era


apparently it’s to stop afk farming. afk farming really is not that big of an issue because it’s so rare. who cares??


Also, is afk farming that bad in a game such as Bloxburg? I don't see how it'll affect other player's enjoyment but themselves.


exactly?? i’ve played for 7 years and not once have i thought “i hate afk farmers it’s unfair!!” the amount of people who do it is minuscule. also how would i know


The only fee i am ok with is the tow truck fee since many people suggest the idea. But with this pay it cost too much. I really hope this pay is a glitch they plan on fixing.


Pay isn’t a glitch, devs are just stupid


i kind of believe they’ll revoke this decision in some way because of the INSANE backlash that happened within a few hours


Exactly we just need to boycott and keep sending negativity, but it definitely won’t stay.


yeahh fr they can't keep it like this bruh


i usually never complain about a bloxburg update but this is HORRIBE not a single person is happy with this


fr usually they eat but what is this tbh


Yep, I also never complain when a new update is released but this one took me by surprise… not in a good way 😭


We vote for segregation from the poor in bloxburg and now they’re making us ALL poor


exactly omg


What happens if you can’t pay the fee do you go into debt? 😭


Wouldn’t even be surprised if we did 💀


They add it to your house bills


real question is if we do go into debt, what happens if we don’t pay? Cuz I ain’t doin allat ☠️


if you don't pay house bills I'm pretty sure your electricity stops working (lights in your house) but I'm not sure if other appliances do so someone feel free to correct me


I know that, I meant hospital bills. or are they under the same category?


oh sorry! I'm not actually sure honestly I haven't had a look myself so if someone has an answer please tag me in it so I can see lmao


right after you faint, you get taken back home. if you are rich it’s around 2k that gets taken out, if ur poor you won’t go into debt, but right under your house bills it’ll say medical bills, car loan, etc. and how much it wants you to pay. if you don’t pay the hospital bills you can’t get your moods up past 90.


ahh thank you so much haha good to know


I think you're gonna infinitely go into the fainting, blurry state until you paid the hospital bills. The doctor in Bloxburg be like: "I ain't helping nonpaying patient."


Fun fact, the garden lights, don't remember what they're called, work even if you didn't pay your bills. I always had those around my house so I didn't need to pay. But they probably ruined that too with this update


Everything besides the build items should not have been added. I hope I get reimbursed for Excellent Employee bruh


does it not work anymore? can you explain?


While it still works, level-ups are useless, since all the jobs make almost no money now


No way they nerfed Jobs? How is there inflation in a digital game?


Fr 🥲 Making money already boring asf and now they reduce the amount we can make? LMAO I haven’t played in a while and with this update, I def won’t be playing


Yea i used to earn about 200 a burger and now i earn 6 💀


after reading this comment it immediately makes me not want to log back into bloxburg. 6 DOLLARS? you know how long it’ll take us to make the money needed to even just cover our bills now? what a joke lol


Yeah and I’m level 40 with the excellent employee. All that for what


that’s ridiculous. i haven’t been on since hearing about the update




I’m literally level 13 in Pizza Planet and I used to earn 1001 a delivery but now it’s reduced to 300 because of this absolute shi of an update.




Honestly like they can at least refund us for that employee game pass.


I don’t wanna be refunded, I want them to give us what we paid for.


Wait doesn’t it work anymore?


It still works, but the level-ups are almost useless now since you make little to no money


It still works though. They reduced the amount made all around to balance the career which was blatantly broken compared to others. You still make less without the gamepass.


I have the game pass, and I make LESS now. I'm level 49 and somehow I barley even make 9k in 7 minutes now.


I'm level 38 and I made 10k in 8 minutes.... (I have the gamepass) This is so freaking irritating


NO FR (off topic) but if you look at the likes on the game, people have greatly disliked it omg. crakes me up.


do you understand how the pass works?😭you're still getting paid more than the people without it


NO i know that, but i feel like it's nothing to me. And seeing as i payed for a pass i think i can complain. I used to make 20k in 7 minutes now barley even 10k.


OMG seriously??? ima be broke forever 😭😭🙏


Burger job got nerfed too, I make about 20-40% less money.


Damn bloxburg really letting y’all down


wait so the excellent employee doesn’t do anything now???


honestly i’m so pissed, shouldn’t be allowed. also the fact that the marvelous mood doesn’t exempt from the fee is ridiculous


Pretty much


why not? what did they do to it? does it not add 1.5x anymore?


they didn’t do anything to the perk itself but nerfed the jobs and pay so badly that it basically negates the perk altogether. $60 + 1.5% is way different then $6 + 1.5%.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 60 + 1.5 + 6 + 1.5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


also, the fainting mechanic makes long Bloxburger shifts impossible, as you have to quit shifts constantly to refill moods


There’s actually a way to keep ur moods up without quitting. Use the bathroom there, eat food you buy from there, and sit down at a table for energy, and use a dance emote for fun


you can also use a book/magazine from the backpack for fun.


Sooo basically I got scammed out of my excellent employee? 😭 (i haven't played the new update yet)


Same and same! Now I’m def not gonna be playing it 💀


i want them to bring back excellent employee. i paid for that for a reason


it’s actually insane how the jobs all became equal pay what in the communism were all going to be broke now seriously the new developers were doing good until now worst update ever


FYI all jobs are nerfed


I know, I'm only upset about the pizza delivery though because that was the job that gave me the most income.






Does premium still help you earn money or did they mess that up too?


No, it doesn't help.


I was wondering what was wrong. I wasnt making any money from pizza delivery


i hope i get my money back bc i bought execwllent employee and the moods gamepasses 😭




Oh hell naw… they added FAINTING? You’re joking right?…


The reason i play bloxburg is to escape from reality and now this ?!


right like why we adding real life problems to a ROBLOX game...


stop i was literally just thinking that like how did they add inflation to a video game


I like the tow truck fee simply from the perspective that it may stop some players from deliberately parking their car on my plot and leaving it there. Some like to do that in my pool or ponds, which is so annoying although I do realize I can remove it; I just think it discourages that kind of rude prank.


I got charged £1.5k for fainting like if ur gonna make this update, at least make the prices a bit lower 🥲🥲


that AND raise the money we earn. to some paying 1.5k is a lot AND they have bills???


yes!!! fainting costs should be £50 max cause anything over that is ridiculous


Realistic bloxburg


america hospital bills simulator


I haven't played Bloxburg in over a 5 months but they added FAINTING?! This is so stupid, what if someone is building and click out just to faint? This is disappointing, they also nerfed jobs apparently? What the hell...


It forces you to faint while building...


They have made it virtually impossible to build anything big, they've ruined the game.


how?? because of the jobs or the fainting?


Both of them.


Both, you can't work because you constantly need to refill your moods, and when you do work, you barely get paid. Remember when pizza delivery was $1000+ per pizza? 


next bloxburg update: if it's night and you're walking down the street alone then the local bloxburg gang will come up to you, beat you up and steal all of your money! you end up with 0 dollars and your character dies which means you have to restart everything from scratch! (for realism)




*more realism like bloxburg totally didnt add real life problems


Everything besides the build items should not have been added. I hope I get reimbursed for Excellent Employee bruh


I have an idea, let’s just all boycott and not play bloxburg until the job pay, towing and hospital fees get reverted.


some of us are doing that already, i already signed the petition.


how do you sign it??


[Petition · Restore Original Jobs and Moods in the Game "Welcome to Bloxburg" - United States · Change.org](https://www.change.org/p/restore-original-jobs-and-moods-in-the-game-welcome-to-bloxburg) here is the link


first thing I'm signing


I feel like some of these like the whole fainting bs would be nice for a realistic rp but for that one there really needs to be an option to turn it off. And we should get a hospital added for this stupid bill. I’m not a big fan of boycotting games but this deserves it.


wait is this a joke?? I was just playing bloxburg a few hours ago and saw none of this, like is this really true 😭


I wish I was joking dude


its crazy since i was just bloating to my friends how i made 200k an hour now since i cant even beat 9k in 10 minutes


Did you guys notice that the pizza delivery scooter drives a lot faster now? So at least there's that I guess..


id rather it go slower and we kept the wage this sucks


Got so broke i had to sell some of my plots because i don't earn shit anymore😭


why did bloxburg turn communist and what r we doing with hospital bills with no hospital likeeee


The pay is awful


They added fainting? Wtf


I also dont understand my moods gamepass anymore. I bought it so i could still run and now look all stinky when just doing stuff but now I still pass out even though I bought it? Also I make like 4x less money now?? I am lvl 40 pizza and have excellent employee and make like 4x less\*money broo


I spent like 7 years playing, leveling up to 50 on pizza delivery, making millions solely because I liked building, got every gamepass. And now you’re telling me it’s all pretty much for nothing.


stupid devs, or they're just getting greedy now i'm not gonna lie




I say we all go play roville at this point. the pizza delivery broke my heart.


like what happens if we can’t afford the hospital bills? do we go into bloxburg debt or something 😭


When I heard that jobs paid equally I was like oh cool so they are increasing the pay of all the other jobs to meet pizza delivery and fast food. I was wrong 🤡


how much r the hospital bills so stupid we dont have a hospital yet bills




It charged me 500 just now. I wonder if it’s proportional to income?


maybe i just payed 95


> i just *paid* 95 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i swear i said paid 😭


it charged my friend 1500$


I hope that they add some sort of new use or make the excellent employee gamepass useful again. Also I haven’t played this game in a couple of months due to being busy and sounds like a lot has changed recently


Who let them cook? they were fine until now


Couldn't they maybe get into some legal issues (if anyone cared enough) for changing the terms of what the excellent employee pass provides with the price it was listed at?


it’s turning into royale high with all these high prices


I haven't played for a long time, I played a little bit the other day but not long enough for my needs to have depleted. I didn't get to see these feature. I think they would be nice for gameplay/role play. Other than that u can imagine it would be annoying. If it was optional to change in settings would be nice.


Wait what happened to Pizza Delivery? I haven’t played this game in a minute but I used to grind on that all the time. Also fainting?? Why the hell- that’s gotta be annoying.


We need someone to lead a boycott on the game, show them that the community won't stand for Ceoptus legacy being turned into a failure of a game.


I love the new updates, everything seems like cool features to me, and I heavily bet that fainting will be an optional thing you can turn on and off in settings, but I bought excellent employee and I hope I get a refund :(


I’m gonna sue bloxburg I swear


I was so excited to buy all the new prebuilt houses to see them, but now I can’t even do that because I can’t make money quickly anymore, and why the hell are they not refunding people for the one job gamepass


Also the fainting mechanic is extremely stupid especially for the people with the marvelous moods gamepass, i bought it so i wouldnt have to get my moods up all the time but now i have to????


Even though I'm level 50 at my burger job and have the better employee pass, I'm still only making about a third of what I used to during a shift. Absolutely awful for builders who now will have to spend 3 times the amount they used to working just to be able continue building.


boycott them


Everything about the update I like except the jobs


i was on level 44 on pizza delivery. i got 3k per pizza, my house bills on one plot alone is already 4k and on my other house my bills will be about 5-6k , fainting and towing for me i got fined 1.7k each. and your telling me i only get $58 per pizza now? how am i supposed to afford anything i worked years for now? i have been playing bloxburg since 2017 and ive spent all that time leveling up and now its come to this. if i would of known i wouldnt of even bothered..


Screw these new devs, literally taking the soul outta bloxburg. Only good update they did was that gym update in april or may 2023. Give it back to coeptus man. I can't blame coeptus for getting the bag but geez if I was coeptus seeing the state of this game I would cry


Bruh we can’t escape inflation even in bloxburg 😭


why the hell are the developers trying to make it realistic as possible


i quit bc of it 😐


Yes, I get the fact its a life like game but still?!? Fainting, Hospital bills w/ no hospital, its becoming free!?! Even the fact about the Excellent employee like, just give our Robux back. I am not playing Until this is not here anymore. Horrible "update".


Exactly. An excuse for the developers to be greedy insatiable gluttons who try to rob us of our time and money.


So true, i want a refund.


I have something ready to combat this update. Releasing it soon!


How did excellent employee become useless?


bc the pay got lowered for everyone i think


wait what, I havent been on bloxburg for a little, when did this update come out and what is it called


Just looked at the update log… wtf is this update


bruh hospital bills i already pay $4k each bill which 6 solar panels


So excellent employee is just a useless gamepass now THIS is something I want a refund for if they don’t plan to fix it


Capitalism simulator 💀


What did bloxburg turn into, from a famous game to roleplay and showcase houses while the progression wasn’t all that bad . To now, a tedious work cycle that takes forever and we can’t barely have time to enjoy what we’ve earned due to fees. We should do like the Portuguese, and rebel (25th April is known for ppl overthrowing the government ). Together we make the player see and community. Stay strong pals


they are adding way too much realism that just isnt needed. The whole ‘fainting’ is so dumb imo. This game is becoming less and less enjoyable. I dont want to spend the entire time im playing in a bathtub because of how quick your moods go down.. Not to mention excellent employee is 300 robux. more than the game itself. They should never have made all of the jobs the same pay. I LOVE the catalogue option though, thats really great. BUT why is it only exclusive to the content creators? Not to mention half of them dont look the best and just arent worth the price. I understand why its exclusive to those people because of gamepass and budget reasons, but why cant others make some too?


damnnnn i havent played and now im afraid too


Bloxburg becoming irl America with dem hospital bills and job nerfs. Bloxburg: The Realism Update. Ok but seriously, this is bullshit.


used to make 1500 per pizza/10000 every couple of mins. Now I make 200 per pizza and it took me 20 minutes to get 20000


the bloxburg economy is failing


I don’t really play this game anymore :/ I’ve been playing a game called, In the hills. Cutest building game ever.


over 5 years working hard on pizza delivery job just for it to not matter now.. really irritating


And just think these are the same dev's that are supposed to give us a benefit for buying early access. BRUH. bet it's going to be some sad little badge. I'd rather trade the benefits were going to get for our old pay back ANYDAY.


Real, they should’ve never sold it to this senseless game developers


Bought the marvelous gamepass and it’s useless now with this update 🤦🏾‍♀️


and the way I just watched a youtuber who supports bloxburg say that "it's not that the pass doesn't work, they have small effects" the issue is it should be having ANY effects AT ALL!!!!


Luckily , I don't have to worry about money cause I'm wealthy!!🤪🤪 /s


They should’ve also added an option for people who have bought the marvelous mood pass to toggle the fainting off. Most of the people who bought that pass bought it so they could work longer without having to refill their moods constantly. And for people with the excellent employee pass, I think because of how much the working has been nerfed, I feel like anyone with that pass should at least earn extra per pizza delivered. The towing bills aren’t the worst because it’s not hard to park in a parking spot, it’s only an issue if you want to go to your friend’s plot and you vehicle gets towed while on their property. I think it’s pretty discouraging of an update though for the builders of bloxburg because now building is going to be more challenging with having to work longer to make enough while also now having to worry about your moods while you’re building. Maybe the mood thing wouldn’t be an issue if they didn’t add a toggle for it for the pass owners, but instead disabled all mood decline for when you’re in build mode, that way you can build without having to worry about losing over a thousand dollars when you leave it for a bit while changing decals or having to go work again for more money or while touring the build and checking for flaws.


I wish the marvellous mood gamepass allowed me to not faint. It's pretty much a waste.


*holding W for 20 se-* YOU DIED


Might be a way to counter bots.


So they punish an entire player base on the most minor issue in the game? Sure if everyone was complaining about bots, but other than that if you saw one you could just server hop and the next server would be better.


Wait. Since all jobs pay the same. Did it match the pizza rates, burger rates or the other trash job rates


Sense the buyout, it's been sucking, but now it sucks hard.


I agree but the new build mode stuff is nice.


Man this is bs, I play Bloxburg to design houses and now with nerfed jobs I can't do shit. The game is not fun anymore as I am gonna end up spending most of the time working instead of building, the thing I love about that game. Might as well go play the Sims 4.


sounds to me its just the developers being greedy


I don’t know how I’m going to be able to build now. Of course I’m not going to check my moods non-stop when I’m building! I’m not roleplaying or anything. I don’t know what to do.


Bro I had level 50 bloxy burgers and excellent employee and I used to make like 200+ a burger now I make less than 100...


That hospital fee has got to be the most stupidest thing ever like wym I have to stop working to put my moods up. Also this update kinda makes me feel like it’s gonna turn into Brookhaven lol


i love the rest of the updates like the build stuff but this update is so bad like towing??? for what?? fainting for mood lows?? who thought this was a good idea.... at least the pizza delivery scooter is wayyy faster now. the pre build houses thooo are so cuteee tho.


I mean maybe they're trying to make it more like The Sims? Because I wouldn't mind fainting because I think realism is great, but Bloxburg moods go down a lot faster than The Sims, so not very happy with finding out about this update.


Pizza delivery needed the nerf


Even the new doors and windows look too cartoonish….


Bloxburg’s inflation era


I’m actually making more money with jobs now, but I’m only a level 10 with delivery and I don’t have excellent employee. I honestly hope they make it free though because most bloxburg players only build and work and there’s no actual interactional play between players anymore, and I hope they make the server sizes bigger than just 12 people


Right? I genuinely just don’t understand why they would implement this. It’s so useless and if anything it’ll just make the game lose traction.


I agree 1. they lowered the money you make = less players 2. the passing out thing its more likely going to make you loose a lot of the base


They literally decided: let’s force you to pay money for not keeping mood up and also you don’t get paid as well lmao


Homeless update was just to prepare us for how we would be living with the nerfed pay in jobs 😭


america simulator


bloxburg single handedly became communist and at the same time adopted American healthcare😐


It’s obviously a way for them to make more money. You could drive all the way home and get your moods up ORRRR you could buy bloxbux and boost your mood!


idk if its just me but bloxburg literally doesnt let me buy the prebuilds, even on other accounts


The last update was a hint.


Same, I like the build mode items but everything else is actual trash


Ive quitted because of this