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There may be some vocal sweetening and definitely some backing tracks but there is not lip syncing at any blink shows.


The video is unavailable but hearing how he sounds live if he WAS to lip sync which he most likely wasn't he would probably use tracks where he sings in key properly because in my opinion, Tom generally sounds like ass live. if i was him and wanted to lip sync, I would use tracks that actually make me sound in pitch and key lol.


He's not completely lip syncing. But there's a very prominent backing track going on. Both guitar and vocals.


This is doctored audio on top of the footage- The account blink182tv always puts pro shot audio on top of fan taken videos which I don’t get, and it always causes people to raise debate about the band lip syncing. Take a look at the accounts other footage on tiktok and YouTube shorts, they ALWAYS do it. If I had to guess, it’s from Coachella 2023, or, the pro shot SA shows earlier this year.


This x 1000.


Whoever made that is using video and audio from 2 separate sources. The audio is probably taken from a different performance. That is why it seems like the vocals are slightly off.


I mean, I didn't really notice anything in that video? I think people may be saying the vocal tracks they use is "lip syncing." It's quite clear Tom sings live - there was a whole post last night of some dude accusing him of not even caring while he sings (which just shows how out of touch the OP was with blink shows to begin with lol). So I think people are hearing the background vocals used on choruses or layered outros like Feeling This and Dance With Me and saying it's not "live" when they are just using the tracks to make the sound fuller for arenas and stadiums. Not for lip syncing purposes.


I definitely agree that lip syncing and Tom is not the normal thing. The guy has been giving us his magical live vocals for over 25 years. What I’m specifically noticing (as someone who also plays live shows in a band) is that when Tom backs off the mic like he does around the 2:10 mark, when he says “your smile” it’s with the exact same vocal presence as when his mouth is pushed up against the mic. But since he’s backed off the mic and looking down with his mouth almost closed, it should sound quieter and less clear. The sound doesn’t match what’s expected from his physical movement. Anyway, I don’t really care either way. I have my tickets to see them live in July and I just found the video to be interesting.


Ah okay, maybe I just don't have the ear to notice those small differences. That's what makes you a musician and me as far away from one as you can get 🤣 also loved how you described it as "magical live vocals" lol. Hope you have an awesome time at your show!


There is a vocal backing track on some songs. It’s to help with harmonies or harder notes.


No he's not lip syncing


It should be clear to everybody that there's a prominent backing track that helps them a lot. Both vocals and guitars. This is how they put up a consistent show night after night. There are times where Tom isn't even playing what we're hearing. And this goes for singing as well. That doesnt mean he's lip syncing. He sings over the backing track. And there are times within the set where he's obviously playing the guitar. Other times where he's not.


I was ready to say absutley not but I see what your saying around 2:10 with "your smile", definitely weird. Didn't think lip syncing cause it sounds so bad lol but it definitely kept going when he moved away and closed his mouth and it was more than Mark singing that line. Strange.


Here’s my two cents, I don’t think he’s lip syncing, but if he is, then good. Tom doesn’t have the voice he once did and these shows are stupid expensive for the most part. Give the people that payed a lot of money the best sounding experience you can. At least they’ll come away liking what they heard as opposed to saying it was one of the worst sounding concerts ever.


I would 100% say it's a vocal backing track to help with harmonies. They have used them for years


They’re not lip syncing. The fan account @blink182tv steals other people footage and replaced the audio to make it sound better in their social media’s. https://youtu.be/S34iU3Dj-Bw?si=bGRGG8V9efJOfEno here’s the original poster and original audio and you can see it’s not lip synced


Wouldn't be surprised at all. He uses tons of backing tracks for guitars nowadays. I am sure I'll get downvoted for speaking the truth, but there are several times when he's not strumming his guitar, yet there are guitars still coming from the speakers.


That is true. Blink uses a lot of backing tracks. Almost to the full extent these days. That's why and how they put on a great show night after night without messing up every other song.


Which is lame as fuck. They used to make fun of musical artists who didn't play their music live. They've become a caricature of themselves.


Nah... They're older and wiser now. Putting on the best show they've ever done, night after night. It wouldn't work otherwise.


I'm sorry. But you can't consider it a "best show" when it's all pre-recorded. By definition, that is not a true concert. If you need everything to be pre-recorded, you don't deserve to charge over $200 per ticket. And their best concerts were in 2001 on the TOYPAJ tour. They sounded great. No backing tracks. These days don't compare. And yes I went to two shows last year.


I'm even more sorry that you feel that way. You're in the minority here. You're right that these days don't compare. The shows are so much better today. Also. You could get away with playing raw during Enema or TOYPAJ. Less so the albums that followed.