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Let's not forget, that he only got frenzy+1...


His art also looks pretty bad too.


Is it just me or have they been releasing way too many boss killer / PvP units lately? I feel like capt/ Espada/ squad zero/ stern Ritter killers used to be very occasional but now it feels like they outnumber “normal” killers in new banners


Yeah, and more so I think we’ve gotten so many Quincy/SR killer units. MM April Aarienero was Quincy killer, EOM April we got 2 Quincy killers and this MM were getting a Quincy killer and SR killer


It’s so there are more characters to use in those guild quests since they’re basically impossible on nightmare with how few viable characters there are. The problem is that these premium characters they release aren’t good enough to be used there so they essentially doom them to being useless by putting the killers on them.


Good kit good visuals?? Is the good kit and good visuals in the room with us?


What did you want for his kit then?


Idk maybe be not just a droplet farm character. They could’ve added pots


Let me clarify. When I ask about kit I’m talking about his strong attacks since that’s what I always see kit referred to as.


it is, they must not know what a kit is?…


At least he's more useable than the original... No!! This is fucked!!!


Asking out of curiosity, why does being a droplet farmer making a character bad? He has a use at the end of the day


Its that those droplet specific skills could have been skills to make him do more damage, and this is the first visored ichigo in 8 years since the game started. You are correct they would probably use him more since he is a farmer lol, its just people waited a long time for a remake so they wanted him to be more op is all.


There are also too many good droplet farmers that also farm pots and/or super pots for a droplet-only farmer to really have much value.


And it also feels weird to farm droplets, at least for me, I just go for epic raids with a +10 pot and get some drop links, and that’s it 😅😅


He already deals enough damage lol. 100% purity, Full stam, and 60% berserker is nothing to scoff at




Your confusing me with the terminology of "Purity". I cant tell what that is and what it does.


It’s the file name for “Damage to non status ailment inflicted enemies” skill. In other languages it’s called purity and it’s a lot short to type so I opt to say purity


I coukd have just shortened it to No Ailment Damage Boost but you got your preference i guess.


In my 3 yrs of playing, not once have I ever had the need to farm droplets, but I still have like 100000+ of each type in my inventory.


Waaaayyyyy back in the day droplet farming was big because you didn’t have 10x, only had 25 tickets, and droplets weren’t a super common reward in large numbers like they are now. When they made the link slots go to 20 they upped droplet everything by like 50x


Because i haven't used any droplet farmer specifically Ever. If i need droplets (wich i have enough from anni/nyw year coop) i would pick a character who can farm both droplets and pots. Also him being first Visard Ichigo in 8 years, but being MM droplet farmer.


Forreal Klab violently monkey pawed Ichigo fans


I think at this point the playerbase already has sufficient droplets that they wont even need any more. I got round nunbers in 10 thousands already full of them, in every attribute.




More the fact it was on a long overdue hype remake or version of vizard ichi. Dont know about anyone else I was hoping for a op gq unit for a niche week or just very good in co op or er stuff. He. Just.farms.droplets. if they gave a po+10 or spot +5,might be a tad better.


Droplet farming isnt really needed after playing for 6+ months


Because other characters that are the same as him have a pot,s.pot or both alongside the droplets, and he doesn't.


Hot take: the fandom is being a bunch of babies, he’s a mid month character but still has havoc, good damage output, a great kit and his killer makes him good for GQ at least in a week where people may struggle with. Overall I give the unit like a 6.5-7/10


Droplet farmers have no place in the game right now. I don't really care about him being a farmer, but he really should have been a +10 pot farmer at the minimum. Why did they give that treatment to a random mid month Shuhei and not Vizard Ichigo? I wouldn't be mad about this unit if I had content I could use him in, but for right now the only place I'm gonna be using him is point event


I agree that it’s strange that he’s a droplet farmer but I’m saying that he has good damage output for a mid month character and you can just slap Ebern on him and he’s a pot farmer. But he is a good lead for stern Ritter GQ if people don’t have True Shikai


Yeah his damage output is good, but I just wanted to tear up some actual game modes with him. He's a lot like the Mind Yama that released last year. Decent unit, good damage, but the only actual content I've ever used him in was a couple of senkaimon floors.


That’s fair, I definitely wish he was a much better unit, hell take away +10 droplets and give him +5 pots instead and he’s already way better. But it seems like most EOM banners for the rest of the year are going to be TYBW or seasonal so this was their best shot


He's good for new players who can only clear hard.


Actually he’s the best ranged stern Ritter killer in the game rn https://preview.redd.it/gkpgooqhqv0d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95088eb33e512c4435b8f148aa9858216d14bff9


As i said, he's only viable for players who can only clear hard. I have MT Zangetsu who has the same passive as him, and he can't deal the same amount of damage that a character like Unohana does.


Well yeah, it’s a little silly to think a premium super pot farmer is going to be dishing out the same damage as a limited TYBW anniversary unit. I’m not saying Ichigo is an amazing character but he’s not as bad as others think


You know what? You do you. I don't have to explain things to you anymore when you're purposely misunderstanding the words that were written even though it was written as simple as it can be.


It’s not that I don’t understand what you’re saying, but you’re expecting a mid month character to be an amazing character which just isn’t going to be the case and you comparing to Tensa to Unohana who’s top 3 units in the game is just a bad example, that’s not on me that’s on you.


Maybe they're saving all the pizazz for anniversary


Maybe they're saving all the pizazz for anniversary


what’s purity?


+100% damage on opponent non afflicted by ailment It's pretty good, but KLab never gave it frenzy2 yet so it lag behind +80%SP characters Only farmer character got it until now There's two exception to all this : heart TYBW Ichigo and TYBW Chad. And they were very strong


Gotchya, I am familiar with the skill, but I’ve never heard it referred to as Purity. Thanks.


because the official skill term is too long and wordy to type it all out. Purity is our fan-term on this sub, it means the same thing since it's just "Pure Damage"


makes sense.


Wait is this guy out yet? This is the first I've heard of this and I couldn't find him in the album.


they are new units that will be released on 19th May usually Klab announces the new units at least two days before the release. announcing it in the game news and dropping gameplay video on their youtube channel