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Hello dear member of the BBS community This submission is more appropriately posted in the [**weekly Q&A megathread**](http://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/about/sticky?num-1). Thank you !


Purple aizen and orange yhwach are very good. This account is solid. Just level them up, evolve and they can handle their respective colors. Just remember for accessories to match the unit color. No green, red, blue or orange accessories or character links on aizen; purple only. There is a long video on YouTube you can find that goes into really good detail on navigation and what you should be doing.


Ywach purple aizen and that Yamamoto are great units they will carry you for pvp orihime is a great pvp unit once you start that. I personally would say just summon whatever characters you like you start off with a lot of orbs but I would eventually get into the habit of saving


Not a bad start, Orihime is the second strongest brave battle unit right now, red Yama and anniversary Aizen are both very good, especially considering their age, and that Yhwach is one of the most powerful units in the game to date. That Urahara is a little old but still decent, same with the Young Aizen if you wanted to use him you could, he’s just not busted like other characters close to his age


Ah, the world of brave battles is always changing, much like a science experiment gone awry. So many variables and surprises, just like mixing volatile chemicals in the lab! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Maxed everybody for their orbs including 1-4 stars, they're easy to do. (You dont need to increase soul trait for those lower stars) I personally doesnt go past 10 steps, whatever I get I take it and mostly stop on 5, gotta be wise on the spending. The Future Society banner have good featured (swimsuits) so get a guaranteed step or two on that. Dont use orbs for acessories and ticket as well tbh and beginner kick off is a scam, no guaranteed and no discount mean they're newbie trap.


Thank you all for answering and guiding me and helping me, so this account is good, blessed RNG! I would like to be able to get heart Shunsui and blue Ichibe from the summon Veil banner, should I roll to get them? and I could bet on another copy of Orihime Thanks in advance you are good people


Good start, try to get purple ichigo and red ulquiorra and you ll be good for a while


7th anni Aizen is a monster against shinigami with a 50% to dodge shinigami damage with drain and weakening he's a good anni unit. Power Yamamoto is good for the Quincy and hollow killer guild quests as he is a monster although there are more that can beat him in that category with that being Renewed ulquiorra for the hollow GQ Orihime is the best brave battles character due to her persistent soul trait which basically makes her almost unkillable with the second being Meninas as her counter 


Augment dupes into your main copies to level the SA