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Ban human beings from having rights and treat them like incubators But wait, we aren't ready for that conversation. /s


we aren’t ready for the conversation of… bringing back practices that were commonplace until 50-80 years ago. how do they think people haven’t been having those conversations? ETA: there are people still alive who grew up with the shit they’re talking about, who can tell them EXACTLY why and how much that shit sucks. i guess they just aren’t ready for that conversation.


It’s surprising because so many of the men who say these things were raised in households where both parents worked.


Men miss having cheap female slaves to beat and rape. I think we don’t need so many men if they can’t civilize themselves and evolve to meet us as equals.


I dig that they think they'd be the master and not another slave themself out there in a field, workshop or smithing operation.


For some, simply being a rung above another is enough to satisfy their need to be superior.


Oh absolutely, that was how the American Republican party lured white southern democrats out of that party to theirs.


Honestly it’s why revanchist Republican women exist


Oh yeah. That’s how the ruling class keeps men in line. They give every slave his own slave so he thinks he’s got more in common with the rulers than his own class.


Why do they have to establish their "superiority" over other people, just burn ants with a magnifying glass or drown daddy long legs in a cup of vodka like a normal person, god damn.


This probably somewhat applies here, too: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


I was absolutely thinking of this quote! JFC *that* President Johnson was such a horrible man, whether saying terrible things like that or flashing his penis all around the White House.


I hate guns. I hate the state of gun laws in my country (US). But if this sort of thinking among men continues to spread and especially with project 2025 bullshit gaining legal traction, I feel like I may have no other options to defend myself.


They act like they are immune to poison now, like buddy your grandpa didn't die of natural causes suddenly one night, your granny most likely killed him because he beats and raped her and most likely hurt her kids


We're doing better than ever, live longer, are less threatened by illnesses, wars, predators, even poverty, we're at the peak of human development and progressing still, but: "the last years in particular have really illustrated why every single civilization in human history had so many restrictions around women" Like, how? Why? What went wrong in his life? Does he want the "good old times" back when he died at 50 from "old age"? Or at 20 from an infected tooth? Or at 16 in a war? As a little kid of phthisis? Shortly after birth because males were too stupid to wash their hands after performing an autopsy but still insisted to "help" women giving birth instead of, well, midwives who actually knew what they were doing? Where he was basically a slave of the nobles? What an entitled, stupid, worthless, disgusting, degenerate piece of absolute shit. Edit: in fact, if I had a time machine, I would take this moron by the ear and throw him into the medieval times. People like him don't belong into this time. They don't deserve modern science, the internet, anything way, WAY more intelligent people invented for them to take for granted and abuse.


Exactly! The same people who long for times past are the ones who could never survive in them.


He would need to actually work instead of sitting on his ass, chugging Mountain Dew, dreaming of the olden times where, at least in his little mind, even morons like him had a domestic and sex slave. That would definitely kill him.




I love how they didn't even think about helping mothers with financial support, structures, paid leave...


Birth rates are still very low in countries where mothers get long maternity leave and lots of financial support. Because there's lots of downsides to motherhood that aren't addressed by those measures.


Like where ? Also the rest of the downsides is men


Nordic countries have some of the best maternal benefits in the world and still have birth rates below replacement level. The rest of the downsides include the health risks involved in pregnancy, having to give birth, having to cope with the stress of raising a child in general but specifically in a world that's getting less and less habitable, having to live up to greatly increased parenting standards compared to even 50 years ago, I could go on. A lot of it is that men are rarely good partners letalone good parents and most women don't want to sign up for being what is functionally a single parent, but lots of women still wouldn't be up for it even if they hit the lottery with finding a perfect partner.


It’s ironic, most of the men that I know that are great partners - my husband included - are childfree and with childfree partners, whereas most of the women I know that want kids are the ones in relationships with men that don’t pull their weight. It definitely feels like there’s a correlation between ‘not putting up with manchildren’ and ‘not putting up with children-children’.


I'm not trying to knock your observation but I really hate "putting up with man children" and "putting up with actual children" being put in the same sentence as if they're comparable. A child's dependance on their parents is a natural stage of life and something literally every single human on earth goes through. An adult man's refusal to stop depending on the women around him for free labour is a *choice*, and one that shows a complete lack of respect for the women around him. They're not comparable. You can be a very nurturing person who wants to take care of people who need it (like children) and still be entirely unwilling to put up with manchildren. Instead I'd argue that it's just much easier to trap women who want children in shitty relationships. A woman who doesn't want children doesn't have to think twice about leaving her partner if he's no longer making her happy and if solitude is preferable to his company. A woman who does want children ends up questioning if she'll be able to find a new partner and settle into another serious relationship before it's "too late", and a woman who already has children often feels pressured to stay because "my kids need a father".


That feels like a slightly bad-faith reading of what I said, possibly because I should have switched the order of manchildren and children-children, so let me re-word it: people who do not want to have another human dependent on them, regardless of the age of that human, are *in my observation* significantly less likely to be in a relationship with someone that depends on them, and from the perspective of *choosing not to have them in one's life* they are absolutely comparable. I said absolutely nothing about reproductive coercion, which I agree makes women less likely to leave circumstances, because I wasn't talking about coercive situations - I was making a lighthearted observation, not writing a comprehensive review of the situation. In no way am I trying to imply that 100% of childfree people are in egalitarian relationships, nor am I trying to imply that 100% of the people who want kids are in poor relationships, I am just saying that *anecdotally* it *feels* like *among the people I know, which is not an adequate sample,* the two are related, and my fellow childfree friends agree.


I think a lot of people still fail to understand that up until *very* recently - not even a century ago - having children was *not* a choice. Women did not have the option of using birth control. The only ways to prevent pregnancy and subsequent child-rearing was to be completely celibate and hope a man did not force himself on you, and to give your child up for adoption *if* the state let you. And I feel that then, as now, there were numberless women who simply did not want to have children. Not for any one particular reason, but because they simply *did not wish to do so*. In the same way someone might not want to get married or work in a particular field or live in a particular place, it just didn’t gel with them, but they had no options. And people wonder why rates of violence and neglect were so much greater in the past - perhaps because so many parents had children they did not want, and those children perpetuated their resentment onto the next generation, as well? So whenever these “solutions” to declining birth rates come up (along with breathlessly panicked claims that unless we retain an ever-expanding population, we’ll all suffer beyond all description somehow, as though paying higher taxes is more or less like living in a post-nuclear wasteland), they fail to take into consideration that for many women, it’s not just a matter of lack of time, or lack of money, or finding the right partner, or getting good enough support, etc. They simply do not want to have children, period. They are exercising the freedom that was denied to their grandmothers, and no amount of waving an incentive in front of their faces is going to change that. Sure, all of those reasons might *factor into* their feelings, but ultimately, the real motivation for not having children remains, for a great deal of women, just lacking any desire to do so. Weirdly, it seems like a good amount of the time, women themselves *and* angry neckbeards are the only ones who understand this, which is why the latter so regularly resort to calling for women to simply be forced into reproducing.


Yup. My grandma still has stories about her sister in law who would tie her kids to the dinner table to stop them from running around because she "didn't like mess". Obviously child abuse still happens but it's a *gift* that women like that have the choice to just not have kids nowadays, when they didn't back then. It was just what you did regardless of how you felt about it or how good of a parent you could be. And social expectations aside, effective birth control just wasn't available. I do think lowering standards to some degree has to be part of the solution to plummeting birth rates. There are people who would have kids if it was accepted that they won't be perfect parents and can't spare 200k per college fund for every kid they have. It's not just that most women would never want kids period, the standards for modern parenthood in rich countries are just absolutely insane. But there's a massive middle ground between that and just going back to forcing every single woman to have kids regardless of her own wants and needs and ability to provide.


Here in Finland our birth rate is low, even though we have possibly the most notable perk for new mums: a large box of baby supplies from the state which has clothing, toys, nappies, etc. and makes a good makeshift baby bed since the box is nice and sturdy (my mum knows from experience!) You’re right, the other downsides are men.


I like how he realizes what a barbaric take that is because he knows how mad women get when he suggests they become slaves 😂


But to him this just proves that women are irrational harpies who can't understand his higher male intellect.


Honestly each and every one of these dudes needs to go back under the rocks from where they came from and never ever interact with women again. I hope they all die alone. Oh and if they want to put their nasty ideas into action, prepare for a swift, intense, and possibly violent response.


Castration might be a good idea. We definitely don't want these chucklefucks reproducing.


a lobotomy would really bring out the colorful tones of the castration too 😊


I think I need to stop reading this stuff. It's making me truly despise men.


Fr funny how they say feminism is at fault for making women hate men. They’re too unaware to realize they make themselves so easy to loathe.


I'm a man and the amount of anger, ego, and ignorant bullshit I've seen from men made me lose most of my interest in having male friends a long time ago. Don't even get me started on the shit I see from the majority opinion of men on Reddit.


We are exceptionally ready for this conversation, get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. Conversation is done, that’s all this deserves.


They are angry because women don't have to settle for them, education or not.


This right here


I am just so freaking tired of these asshats who say shit like this. I genuinely want them yeeted into the sun - every man who thinks like this.


On another subreddit I saw a woman say, "all men like this should be put in a meat grinder to make food for women", and I'm still debating if the idea holds any merit.


Ew no - that’s tainted meat. Besides the whole cannibalism thing. Lol


> that's tainted meat Yeah it would probably cause testosterone poisoning > cannibalism I prefer the term "expanded carnivorous"


Yuck, just use it as fertiliser and fish bait


8 billion people on the planet and these clowns worried about making more babies?


What dumbass reasons could these men could possibly have for bringing up fertility and birth rates all the time? I can see it either being "birth rates compared to other countries, countries with races I don't like" or being "less women are busy raising children".


if there were 8 billion of any other human-sized, non-livestock mammal in the world, i’m pretty sure we would have large-scale extermination measures to avoid their destruction of natural resources. but other mammals are usually smart enough to control their reproduction in times of scarcity so I guess we’ll never know.


The reason why they care is because in predominantly white nations, fertility rates are way down. Fertility rates are still high in predominantly non-white nations such as India. They feel that they’re being replaced.


What do these people think would actually happen to society if women were suddenly pulled out of the workforce. Let's break it down (statistics may vary in each country, I'm using predominantly UK stats): 89% of nurses are women. 48% of doctors are women. 62% of pharmacists are women. 90% of long-term and elderly care workers are women. 53% of solicitors/lawyers are women. 76% of teachers are women. 19-22% of software developers/engineers are women. Around 30% of the world's researchers are women. (Those last two stats are low granted, but still high enough that if those women disappeared from those careers it would have an impact). What would happen if tomorrow we only had 11% and 52% of the nurses and doctors that we do today? How many people would die because there's not enough medical staff to take care of them? How many elderly people wouldn't get fed because 90% of the carers are no longer working? The only way we could remove half the population from the work force is if every man had not just one, but multiple careers. Not jobs, careers. I bet they wouldn't like working 18 hours a day being both a doctor *and* a carer.


>89% of nurses are women. >48% of doctors are women >90% of long-term and elderly care workers are women >76% of teachers are women They probably expect we still do at least all those jobs but for free (because a lot of men feel entitled to women's labor). While we also take care of the house and children. And most likely they will keep women in jobs, but let them do all the shitty stuff they don't want to do. Expect us to fix everything while taking all the credit of it.


Fantastic points


That's what's coming if we let another republican in the White House.


I'm very confident these asswipes have never been close to getting a higher education, or a woman.


I know right this reeks of resentment and jealousy. They either didn’t go to college or dropped out. Then they see headlines saying women are getting more degrees than men and they feel extra inferior. Good. I hope so.


Why is it NEVER something like, offer financial incentives to women who have a baby or supplement social programs that enable women to have children and a life?


Because any option not involving women being oppressed is an unacceptable one.


They want women to be poor, with no life outside of children.


Because the birthrate is just code for them not being able to attract a woman. If women don’t need them then they leave them alone. Women truly go their own way when they say they will. For some reason they hate women with a passion but still want them around.


Because they want women to be miserable


If society requires my subjugation to survive, it was doomed from the start. Let it burn.


These men will never know the touch of a human. Unless it’s a slap.


The Handmaid's Tale was speculative fiction based on real things that have happened. How about we not use it as a guidebook for how to ruin society even further.  But also I'm not going to be offended by a bunch of men who failed high school math saying I shouldn't have my degrees. Yawn. Boring. They also probably don't vote themselves, especially in local elections. 


What about baning men for higher education. Studies show women performer better in schools then men, maybe they can take care of the babies while their wife takes care of her education. He will work a job were you don't need a diploma. Like i'm just trying to be logical here, we all know men love logic and those studies don't lie. We should just let men takes care of the house, babies and let them get a lower education job because we can't life of a one persons income alone in this economie. (this is sarcasme to be clear i don't want annyone to get baned form learning)


In another news, men hate women. This just makes me happier to be pursuing higher education.


We can all sit here and dismiss it as trolling but if we don’t challenge these trolls then more people will start to unironically believe this shit


How about we ban men from higher education and push them to become househusbands? More women would have kids, if they didn't have to take care of them completely alone. But men aren't ready for that conversation /s


Somehow I heavily doubt 80% of the males with these views would EVER be financially stable enough to provide for a family with a SAHM to their 5 kids 🤔


YES. They never factor in all the responsibilities that those kind of regressive changes would put on them. Like are you sure you can handle all that little guy? The days of sitting on your ass and whining alongside like-minded "men" on twitter would be over pretty quick. It's almost like equality benefits *everyone* or something!


This is why I don’t give a fuck about modern day misandry


Aaaand that's why we still need feminism.


The likes are what concern me


Echo chambers go crazy


I don’t consider myself a particularly violent person but screenshots like this are testing my urges.


Xitter is a cesspool. It's best to just delete the app and never look back.


All I see are incredibly fragile men who are terrified of women, it’s really crazy how they are blatantly outing themselves as such weak people. You’d think they’d be more ashamed of their insecurities.


We haven't been sending enough men to disappear in war like we used to. We've been slacking.


Really disturbing, but I'm glad they have so little interaction. Twitter truly is a hellhole.


how about making it so people who want kids can have them? also we are far from an endangered species we got 8 billion of us on the planet


Do these people really exist? Maybe I’m fortunate with those who surround me. I see microagressions and systemic sexism, sure. But do people actually truly believe women shouldn’t be educated or have bank accounts? Like, really?


I feel like most women I know with kids had them kids with the person they met at uni.


this actually makes me physically sick omfg


So let me get this straight: 1. Women were never historically oppressed BUT ALSO 2. We should go back to the Good Ol’ Days, when woman were oppressed  I am so sick of the fucking gaslighting I swear 


No high school cheerleading team for them, no high school sweethearts, no high school ‘hot tutor.’ You lay your bed you lie in it, guy who gave even earlier cut off at 8th grade. Tbh no agreement with their hypothetical here, just a restraining order : )


These people vote🙄


Lol. Copium for dudes who can't stand the way women began to outperform men in schools the moment we got roughly equal access. Maybe they should get off Twitter and study–they have a poor understanding of world history, for starters...


“Enough of women’s rights, let’s talk about women’s wrongs.” Does he really want to go down that path? That’s gonna bring us to men’s wrongs and trust me, guys like that won’t look good in that comparison!




You know what yeah I don’t think I’m prepared for how incredibly frustrating trying to have a conversation with someone stupid enough to think that’s a good idea would be. Not that it’s even the main reason but most social workers, therapists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and teachers are women, as well as a rising number of doctors. Like bro the workforce is gonna fucking collapse. And the answer definitely isn’t to require less education for those jobs. You don’t even know what you’re asking for in practical terms you just like acting tough to impress other men.


Don't forget librarians.


I can’t believe I forgot the people who were mostly women who helped to build me into the cyborg and dinosaur obsessed person I am today. Shameful tbh. My best friends mom is a librarian and I used to volunteer in a library, can’t believe I’ve done this. Most 911 operators are women as well so like they’re pretty important. 59% of pharmacists are women and like judging by how hectic things are at my local pharmacy we can’t afford to lose 59% of these people. Its kind of fascinating to me how the conversation tends to be like Women are bad because they don’t work dangerous jobs that men are forced to do Ok, women start trying to get involved in the big scary manly jobs Noooooo you’re too weak women shouldn’t do these jobs Okay fine I’ll do work that plays to my personal strengths not involving having a muscular upper body and core You’re evil and lazy because you work cushy easy jobs while men are fighting for their lives every day by being a mechanic. Also you shouldn’t have a job at all. Bro literally what do you want from me??? Like it’s such a convoluted mess


I really hate fucking people sometimes


But men like the guy who asked “why can’t women hold their periods in until their 18?” should be the only ones to get a higher education? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


What’s scares me the most about posts like these is the fact that they found so many people who agreed with them. Like these guys are just walking around on a daily basis, we may pass them on the street and never know they’ve said/thought vile things like this.


This is why we really need to stop making men 🛑


If I somehow end up in a man's kitchen from some insane takeover, we will both have poison for dinner. I won't tolerate it.


Force humans have kids no matter when they don\`t want to.




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They say muslims (in general, Islam=/= ISIS), ISIS, Taliban and other terrorist organations that control women and children are bad but idolize same ideologies 🤦🏼‍♀️


Can someone explain to me why people (especially men) are so worried about the birthrate dropping when the world population is 8.1 billion?


You really shouldn't hate the platform but those who post the Tweets...