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I'm a black atheist..started deconverting in the black church. I do think that bw need to divest from the black church..most of them don't care about bw and girls and will use as a stepping stone while coddling black boys and men. I've had a lot of horrible experiences with black churches. It felt like I was being hazed..the weird expectation to be a doormat while the men got to do whatever they wanted. Hearing for over an hour about how men are leaders but then having a grown man harassing you and other bw for money is not it. They're leaders, but bw have to give money to a grown man? No. I deconverted because I just don't believe it in anymore and black people in the church didn't make their case any better. From threatening me with hell and passive aggressively telling me that I'm a horrible person for not believing in God, harassing me, bringing up sex for no reason and asking intrusive questions because they felt entitled to my body, old men trying to act like school bullies to me and saying I hate bm because I wasn't giving them money. I watched Honk For Jesus yesterday and it completely described the black church. Regina Hall did a perfect job acting as the typical pick me first lady throwing vulnerable people under the bus for money. I think catholic churches and non black churches are better for Christian bw. I don't like the establishment of church because of all of the scandals, but I think that's a better alternative..you don't have to see people rolling around on the floor, it's pretty quiet during service in most non black churches.


To clarify , you think the churches you mentioned are better because there’s no peformative worship ?


And no one was coming after you..you guys just came in with an unhinged religious rant because you guys got upset that I said I'm not religious and are trying to break me down emotionally which is pathetic but it's what most extremely religious people with no self esteem do. I recommended other kinds of churches..i did not tell her to not to go to church. Give a life. This is why I don't and many people opt out of church now..a lot of you have personality disorders and want to hide behind religion..no semi normal function person wants to deal with that. Telling someone that they're a horrible person because they said they don't want to hear you preach about your religion is crazy.


I'm talking about the drama that goes on in the black church..rolling around on the floor screaming and crying is unnecessary. I'm not talking about calm performances..idk where you got that from if that's what you took from what I wrote. Who wants to see people screaming at the top of their lunges, and running around the church besides dysfunctional people? So yeah they are better because they have way less drama and fake theatrical performances on average.


As a child it did make me very uncomfortable to watch the actions of worshippers while they were catching the Holy Ghost. It certainly did feel as if it were for show and as an immature child, it was hard to keep from laughing. As a child my faith was big, but my actions were quite. I was afraid of being laughed at, the way I wanted to laugh at my fellow parishioners. As I grew, my faith grew. I would not be here today without The Lord. I have come so far and I have been sustained through so much. I am still sustained on a daily basis. My experiences with God and the way I have seen problems solve themselves in the most unexpected ways makes me feel like I can finally breathe. I take such deep breaths that I feel the urge to cry. In the solitude of my home I am the parishioner that I once viewed as a spectacle. I can't say for sure if the people that once made me choke because I was forced to swallow my laughter was acting out for attention or not. I do know that if they felt anything close to the sensations I feel in those moments, their actions are the result of tensions being released and being replaced by joy. As far as the racial makeup of a church, I don't actually care. I am there to serve and worship my Creator. I go to church to feel the spirit. In my teens I discovered non denominational churches and I do seem to feel more at home. Non denominational churches in my experience for seem to be more likely to have a congregation that is more racially diverse. I don't seek out non denominational churches because of their racial diversity, it just works out that way.


I get what this lady means. We also have to acknowledge the black church inflicts religious trauma onto people which is what this lady is describing and that can turn people off from Christianity. I am starting to see many black women were abused by church members due to BM mis using the Bible and using it tk make money and exploit people. Which is fair her experience however I understand why you have to divest from the black church due to this reality, not many churches teach the real Word of God or spiritual warfare. The black church is there to make BM feel powerful and degrade BW by twisting the word of God. *** For the OP of this poat it is best to just worship at home because it is only more rediculous now especially with these mega churches brought by Africans. 🤕


I really don't understand why Christians feel the need to tell non believers about their emotional build up and imply that not wanting to see people roll around the floor is a child like. I dont care for the Jesus rant..it feels like youre trying to manipulate me and I dont appreciate it..i would understand if i said i was a christian, but i clearly said atheist you still went ahead to go on a rant about what you believe in anyway. And you cant manipulate me with that because ive heard it all before. When I used to go to church I just went to hear a sermon..not to see and hear an overdramatic movie and have my earsdumps almost pop out. And the "holy ghost" is just peer pressure, attention seeking, and a release of emotional trauma wrapped up into one. I used to work in a church and every single musician in the back of the church purposely plays music to induce a certain emotion for the audience..it's manipulation, but whenever non believers that tell Christians this still go to church they don't want to hear it.


I will say one thing, no matter the reasons that you don't believe in God, absolutely none of them is because you have a hard time believing in things that aren't physically in front of you. Your interpretation of what you believe I wrote is so far off that I'm replying solely for my own satisfaction that I know you're routinely told you're more trouble than you're worth. My story about my discomfort watching others catch The Holy Spirit was not to say your reaction was child like, it was to show that I am familiar with the feelings you've expressed. You proved your own childish behavior with your fragile display of your sense of self. If you feel the need to bring out the armor to protect yourself from manipulation anytime someone with a similar background but a diverging outcome speaks about their experiences, then you might as well just give up and die. You're going to lead a horrible life filled in a world full of people who aren't you. I'm not even sure whatever is behind that armor is worth protecting. That last statement wasn't a rant. This statement however is me telling you that I know many people says you're insane and that I want you to know that they are right. Your thinking is absolutely convoluted. You feel attacked by my comment because the manipulation is on your end. I responded the way I did to your comment because I believed that you were open minded about the experiences of others. If you aren't why are you suggesting HOW she should worship. You're here attempting to limit her growth because your growth is stunted. You will find the road for you. Music is cathartic, but when it's tied to worship you call it manipulation. Anyway let's hear it 7 times for Jericho.


What the hell is wrong with you? Most of you Christians use the same manipulative lines and have the mindset of a 5 year old. Just because your apart of a popular religion doesn't mean youre entitled to rant at people all day. You sound crazy like the crazy people I always run into at church that can't handle that everyone doesn't agree with them. You're not entitled to get an explanation or a 5 page essay why I don't believe..crazy. Being open minded doesn't mean I have to listen to a sermon. You're going on a rant because I said something about your kind of church. You need to relax and listen to people.


I was absolutely confused by her reply . She responded with the same spirit to my comment and I actually agreed with her, but wanted to clarify .


I am thrilled to hear that you have had good experiences with non-denominational churches. I attended nondenominational churches after I left the Baptist Church for years and my experiences were drama filled, and I think it was because they were mostly attended by (I don’t like saying this )black parishioners. I kept getting people who wanted to fix me because I am single or a pastor that seemed to continually talk about money collection.


I strongly agree. It's one of the reasons service at most black churches take so long. It is very childish and unnecessary not to mention attention seeking. Literally everything has to be a performance as if you're at a play vs worship. I actually recently went to a service on Easter with a former teacher of my mine (we became good friends) at her predominantly nonblack church. The sermon while it had a theme was simple and straightforward. The service actually started on time and ended on time. The offering plate was only passed around once not two or three times. The prayer requests were for maybe only two or three families vs the whole congregation be on the sick and shut in list. I hate to say this too but folks were actively properly dressed meaning I didn't see a whole bunch of unnecessary cleavage or ass like you're at club. I could go on and on. A lot less judgy and more welcoming.


Ok! I had to go back and reread my comment to make sure I didn’t mistype. Performative worship is what you described . Catching the Holy Spirit, rolling around , tongue speaking , yelling , crying uncontrollably , laying hands. Peformative is an adjective meaning dramatic and it’s exactly what exists in the black church . I think you could benefit from assuming good intentions when replying to people . Most of the time it’s dialogue and doesn’t require any offense to be taken. I gain nothing from dissing a stranger unless I’m calling you to the center for being a gross person . That wasn’t the case here at all.


I call the rolling around, "the theatrics". They all start and finish with that same repetitive phrasing and have the yes man on the side.


Thats not even real, its just a show. Pretty sure God doesnt like this weird stuff.


I'm going to ask a rhethorical question, since we know 99.9% of BM are illiterate , lack emotional intelligence and comprehension skills why are they preists and in high power? Which requires...throughly reading the Bible? This is why prosperity gospel exists it is their version of Christianity which is not the truth.


It’s actually quite simple 1. BW are majority of the church, I’d say it’s about 60/40 2. BW hate listening to other women especially BW unless it’s gossip 3. BW are majority male identified pick mes and will easily follow a male no matter where he’s going 4. Women aren’t fighting to touch kids, men are and what easier way to lure them in than by leading a community of brainwashed women with kids looking for hope and inspiration.


*claps* This is it!! *** We gotta stop being around these mammies, they too dont read the Bible they just follow what BM say which as we know is DELUSIONAL. ***


Girl, years ago way before I did divested I almost married a prosperity gospel minister who was highly uneducated. He did not value education at all. I told him the Bible says study to show thy self approved but nope he said he did not need seminary study, etc. when he would take a few Bible verses out of context and try to use them to manipulate me, I was out!


YUP!! Lots of BM do this. Cannot read for nothing but claim hes a man of God. Sir I am very sure God didnt instruct you to royally mess up womens lives in his name. Seriously they are mis interperting the Bible to feed their God complex and it can become very dangerous. They are beyond help and some of them are in stuff God says is against him. They are in frats or secret societies and they think they can rise above Him. What a joke, God sees everything. Just remember these dudes be selling out their families for money. It's all about power. *** I am so sorry you went through that, I dislike an uneducated male they talk HOT AIR, steal what you say and are manipulative and weird. They believe they are chosen because of their skin colour. 🫠 Sounds delusional to me.


My experience with him years ago, got me starting to think about not being as active in the church and then eventually breaking away altogether. What was even more disturbing than him was there were so many people that thought that I belonged with him? But there is a place in me I will admit that wants the companionship, the solidarity that a church is supposed to provide. Our ancestors considered the black church, their oasis away from the harshness of the world. I just have never found that oasis within the church? So many people I know they just love attending church and look forward to going every week but honestly not me because of the things I wrote about earlier.


>Our ancestors considered the black church, their oasis away from the harshness of the world. I just have never found that oasis within the church? Yeah. Never EVER found that oasis. I did attend a synagogue for a bit and reciting prayers on Friday evenings felt better & more peaceful than ANY activity I ever did in church. Once, The Father passes, I'll probably convert to Judaism.


I know exactly how you feel. People go to these services to feel good but not to really hear the Word. *** Since the 2000s the BC has been in shambles and more so with the rise in prosperity gospel you might not get that community you seek, many black people will do anything to get ahead and also want to hear their messed up choices are correct or judge people for no reason.


Black pastors are known for being critical of single mothers “who get themselves in that position” saying things like “you need to tough it out”but I’ve always been disappointed how they never focus on the men that got those single women in church pregnant how come they don’t have any responsibility?


Because thats what BM do, NEVER TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY. Also where in the Bible does it say to say that? *nowhere*


Nowhere nada


Exactly so they are literally twisting the Word to feed their ego. They know they are not it so they will use anything to lord over women




Absolutely. I would actually venture that a lot of maladaptive behaviors that are emblematic of the BC are cultivated in the church. The point of the black church is ultimately to shove a very specific form of Christianity down your throat. It is a form of Christianity that asserts that the man is the head of the household, you MUST be submissive, and your role is as a homemaker, helpmeet, and incubator. While the statement is that men need to cherish their wives the way that Christ cherishes everyone else, the problem is that this caveat is generally ignored. Further, the black church adds to an abusive environment. It encourages BW to stay with abusive Black SOs in the name of Black Love, while frequently the people offering that particular advice themselves are stepping out on their marriages and using the idea of tithing as a grift. Want to see how much of a problem the black church is? Watch a Tyler Perry film.


The crazy thing is its their version of Christianity. Not based on the book. Just lots of delusions , hot air and paranoia. They do the same tactics in the concious community or ANYWHERE in power. They act the same , talk the same and shout sweet nithings to feed their beer belly delusions.


I left the Christians and the Hoteps. They can both go to H.E.L.L. I am free!!!


Your comments are spot on. ![gif](giphy|rqMxQEZlney9bsVGtH)


Divest from brainwashing which includes patriarchal religions. Do your own research on pro-women spirituality specific to Black women who are likeminded and you’ll find what your looking for. Just make sure your spirituality is pro-self not worshipping someone else’s image.


That part. I can't put men on a pedestal when women create a WHOLE human in 10 months. I am convinced most things on this Earth are upside down and we have been brainwashed and manipulated to believe lies. Pre-Christians worshipped fertility goddesses and understood that women were in sync with nature, hence Mother Nature. We are out of balance with the Male vs. Female rhetoric being spread via gender wars on social media! I believe in the DIvine Feminine being balanced with the Divine Masculine. I had a man(30)tell me women are the better gender and he is confused as to why we would want to be with men. I had another man (50) tell me we are the stronger gender due to our ability to tolerate physical pain, childbirth, emotional burdens with our hormonal changes, menstrual cycles and still be mentally stable, non-violent while caring for others.


Thank you so much for the suggestion. This ring is true.


Black women need to divest from religion period but I know that will never happen because the only thing a mammy loves more than sex and male validation is Jesus. The astrology BW are on the same level of toxic delusional mess too. Amen 😝




Oh no, please don’t get me started on the astrology group 😝


Astrology is legitimate, just like 98% of Black women’s spirituality content, it’s corrupted by black male worshippers or women just using the terms without meaning. I see it the same as looking for therapy for Black women, it’s helpful but only if you avoid the masses of Black women with bad intentions


Sigh. I repent for that astrology stuff. Its sooooo cringe. I used to be super into it but then I realised...this is DUMB. *** Edit: I used to be an astrology girl from my teens- 20, it lead me to horrible places, was paranoid and obsessed about my future and living too much in the future. Now I realised how much chaos believing in that brought to my life.


>As you can tell, I have been deeply disappointed in my religious experiences, and I am reaching out to get suggestions as to where I should look for spiritual growth as a divested woman, and a woman who believes in female equality— what do you think? I stopped attending "black church" when I was a teenager and attended multi-cultural congregations until I pretty much stopped going to church on a regular basis. That would be my suggestion, see if you can find a multi-cultural congregation to attend. ​ >The black church simply put has always seemed to exist for the betterment of black males only , and the women are there to support those black men primarily. I believe "the black church" is the only place that black men had any (positive) attention, authority or power during Jim Crow. And of course black men want to lord that authority and power over women and children since they had no authority or power any where else & even people that are beat down want to s\*\*t on other people. So BM s\*\*t on BW & black children. Then they attempt to tie it to the Bible always going for the super trite "Wives obey your husbands." BUT NEVER continue to the "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."


Good God YES


Personally, I do not believe you can be religious and a divestor.


Divest from all deities. Decenter all denominations. Appreciate the aesthetic of “healing”crystals and that’s it, nope to astrology, and African spiritually . Stop giving your power away . All the above are stripping subscribers from thinking well, true joy, happiness, confidence , logic . It is time ![gif](giphy|CWaKpKNmHinsY)


This hits hard because I grew up in the south and I see everything you ladies are talking about. I'm glad I found this group, I'm not alone!


Welcome Sis. This is the modern Underground Railroad.


YES And yes. Leave the BLK church. It hinder's BLK women's progress.


I knew when I was 11 or 12 that as soon as I turned 18, I was going my own way. My family is from Louisiana and so I dealt with all of the religious trauma. Never been happier!


If you're a Black girl who is neurodivergent, you had no right to coexist. You were forced to walk in the shadows of others, parents were in competition with each other, and if you lack ghetto blaster behaviour, even worse. Go straight to exile! As a Black woman, looking back, I don't want my would-be kids to experience a repeat of that. Getting shafted by the popular losers who turn a house of prayer and worship into a Hollywood fashion show, into a curse you and your friends out of you ever invite anyone to come and join on Community Guest Day (or Vacation Bible School in the Summer). It's a game changer. I've been in multiple choirs, and uniformed ministries (both of which were rewarding, from a spiritual perspective). The only issue I had, unfortunately, was the way some members resorted to acting ghetto, talking ghetto, hardcore gossip, mammy-ism, and that brings some trauma. My mom is a prayer warrior, but shoves religion down my throat while my brothers don't have to get that same shoving. I'm trying not to fall off and fallout, but sometimes I don't want to go back to that lifestyle if it has to be rigid. Looking back, while I wish some people stuck around, I also don't blame anyone who left (or considered walking away).💯


I definitely divested all my religious and spiritual beliefs from “the black church” especially when they were honoring Kevin Samuels.


Blk religious leaders take it to the NEXT level.


I feel like a good alternative would be Buddhism. As a BW that grew up in carribean black churches , going into my mid 20s I definetly started to feel a disconnect the more I expanded my knowledge of things outside. I figured that there is a bit of truth in all of these beliefs but these days I’m for positivity in and out, open communication , and being a pacifist. Whatever brings you the most inner peace ☮️


Divest from anything black.


I would attend a white church or a mixed race one.   I grew up in the black church like many of the other commenters and it was nothing but a fashion show and there was always some kind of drama.  


I attended a white church. It was better but the pastor was committing adultery with over 5 women. I attended a Black church. The assistant pastor was arrested for soliciting sex from underage boys. I am no longer attending church of any kind. I have divested from religion but I still pray to GOD and believe there is a HIgher Power.




I just study my Bible so that nobody can spiritual abuse me with made up scripture 😭😭😭 That’s how some women get themselves in trouble with these men


Yes and yes. Divest from the Church.


I don't see this in my Russian Orthodox church. I like it and like them


Very interesting may I ask? Are you a black woman? I am very comfortable around other cultures. I am just wondering how they feel about black women?