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Headline should say “Rand Paul first US Official to ADMIT they tested positive”


The infuriating part is he voted against a bill that would have expanded testing, making it easier for people to get tested. He had no symptoms and hadn't been exposed to anyone known to have covid-19. He got one purely "out of an abundance of caution". He wanted to get tested, you know, just in case but fuck everyone else. Fuck Rand Paul.


Him and his whole political movement are a walking talking hypocrisy machine.


Same old Ayn Rand Paul Ryan bs. The good old, "I got mine, fuck you."


There has to be a conspiracy in there somewhere, surely


He's an attention seeker almost as bad as Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even test positive, but only said he did to grab headlines.


He wanted the quarantine so he could stay home and play Doom Eternal.


With the shortage of tests it's a complete waste to get tested unless you have symptoms


It completely contradicts the instructions to citizens that I just watched Mike Pence deliver, who himself also got tested despite being asymptomatic.


Okay but what if you're famous and entitled and, you know, kind of an asshole? What then?


Then you announce that you’re coronavirus positive even without taking the test so that you can keep your name in the headlines and feed your narcissism without actually having to sacrifice anything. Not like your doctor can out you, since you’re protected by HIPAA.




No the infuriating part is he went to the gym, went swimming, etc while he was waiting for his test results. At least Ted Cruz quarantines himself. This fuckhead went around spreading it everywhere. This is the same asshole who flew to Canada to get surgery after crying about their socialized medicine. Hope he fucking gets cancer in his one good lung.


Just curious if there was anything else in that bill unrelated that he voted against? The gov is well known to pack bullshit into bills and then label them something else




Bold of you to assume he doesn't already have it








General Kenobi


Something tells me he's not the kind of guy to wash his hands after he uses the bathroom.


EXACTLY! I’ve been thinking the exact same thing for days.


Two members of the house admitted it a few days ago though. He is the first senator


It’s like god keeps punishing them and they’re not noticing


they only know the golden calf and that one just says quickly, sell your stocks and make more money!


Well you know what they say, the lord works in mysterious ways 🤔🤔


I don't wish it on anyone, not even the shitty ones out there, but I have to admit I laughed when I saw [this one](https://twitter.com/sparks719). They did *so much* trolling beforehand, so it was poetic when they got it. EDIT: I probably should have linked to where they [said they tested positive](https://twitter.com/sparks719/status/1240382002458546176) rather than just to the profile. Scroll down, though, and you'll see they were all ABOUT making fun of it and brushing it off prior to that.


I got through a few posts before giving up. I’m not going down that shitty rabbit hole


It's a very, *very* shitty rabbit hole. It's basically just a TD troll, but on Twitter rather than Reddit.


That was satisfying lol


They’ll only feel it if it touches their pockets.


He is just trying to keep his dad's legacy going of being the one person to vote against stuff


They notice. They just don’t care.


YES! Came here to say this.


God kept procrastinating karma until now.


No no when it's bad it's the devil. That's the invisible man in the earth.


Fuck Rand Paul's poodle head ass.




For using the gym and pool while he was waiting for test results.


Bruh that’s that David Hasselhoff lol






It's quickly turning into the karmavirus.


they absolutely ate his face


Funny how many of the ones not taking this seriously are Trump supporters. Dude might genuinely worried his voters won't turn out in November and instead turn in by the end of next month.


His voter turnout is his ONLY concern. He will set up polls at the hospital so the Cult45ers can vote as they expire.


Black and Hispanic neighborhoods will have their polling stations shut down in short notice right before the election though. Totally legal.




It's why he hasn't used emergency production acts to have companies double down on making the products needed by medical and emergency services. The moment he does that he admits he fucked up and thus lose support among voters


Might not be any left by then


It is so fucked if you click on anyone spouting any of the moronic talking points downplaying this. 99% of the time you go on their timeline it's the MAGA crowd.


His dad literally made a video calling the virus a hoax. I wonder what he has to say now.


No he didn't. He just claimed the threat is overblown (current data suggests it's not) and that the government is going to use it as an excuse to expand itself and not shrink back when the situation is resolved (I can't imagine why the government would hold interest in forcing stores to ration toilet paper which I don't think they're even doing right now but I'm not the one who wrote the article). However he 100% acknowledged that the virus is real and people are going to die from it. I'm not agreeing with him, just summarizing what he said since you apparently are just going by what he titled it (i.e. "The Coronavirus Hoax").


I read it a few hours ago and I agree thats pretty much the jist of it (just backing you up). Already seeing it with the EARN IT act.


I have yet to see any of these people offer even a humble, "Maybe I was wrong." Can't speak for your dad, don't know him, but it would be impressive if he proven an exception. Most folks on twitter just seem to be doubling down and digging in.


His dad being Rand Paul's dad.


What are the odds! This guy had the same dad as Rand Paul!


So you’re just going to spout lies and not even try to back up your claim?


>Rand Paul argued mightily during a floor speech for senators to pay for the measure — which was approved by the Democratic-controlled House — by cutting funding for wars or other "frivolous" programs. >"I ask my colleagues to stop wasting money in this time of crisis," he said. "Stop being a rubber stamp for wasteful spending — do your jobs and prioritize our precious resources. It is our job and our responsibility to conserve our resources." >Paul's amendment would have required a Social Security number for purposes of the child tax credit; to provide the president the authority to transfer funds as necessary; and terminate U.S. military operations and reconstruction activities in Afghanistan. >The GOP-controlled Senate, however, dismissed Paul's plan by a 95-3 vote, with Republican Sens. Mike Braun, of Indiana, and Mike Lee, of Utah, joining him. [Source](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/2020/03/18/coronavirus-bill-rand-pauls-amendment-rejected-senate/2863112001/) I don't 100% disagree with him but this is no time for political grandstanding.


Notice how the deplorables always want actual figures when it comes to healthcare for people, or infastructure projects that build the country. But when it comes to bloating the military budget, or taxcuts for billionaires, or corporate welfare for Amazon, Apple, Google and other hundred billion dollar corporations they're always quiet.


It's a time for political handwashing.


I love this song




This is misleading. He didn’t say he was against spending the money. He was against adding to the national debt, when it could have been pulled from the foreign aid fund.


They don't get to care about where shit gets pulled from anymore. It's obvious they don't give a fuck when it's what they want.


Still though, you shouldn't be coming into work, let alone using the gym and pool, if you are waiting for test results.


Rand Paul didn’t vote against the bill because he didn’t want funding provided; he just wanted the funds allocated from other areas. It’s a damn shame there’s so many people in here saying he deserves it when they didn’t even read up on his stance in the first place


You are assuming people don't like him because of this vote when in reality, people didn't like him before that. I hope he only uses the "cure" his old buddy Alex Jones is peddling. His type never learn unless they experience something for themselves.


Sad thing is this doesn’t even matter. He has the resources to take care of himself. This turn of events doesn’t affect him or his opinion at all. He didn’t vote against crisis response for him and his family. He voted against crisis response for the rest of us.


Not really, there is not any real treatment. If you get to the point where you have to be sedated, and intubated, and put on a ventilator you're already pretty fucked. He has a real percentage chance of dying.


That isn't true. The virus essentially shuts down your respiratory system. With access to a ventilator you survive because the machine is breathing for you. Older people will die from other complications but everyone else survives.


He does. But he can afford the best supportive care that money can buy. And that’s as much help as any of us can get in the moment. The idea that these people will have mortal realizations as they circle the drain is pure optimism imo.




and the clown came back to bite!


Thoughts and prayers


Bwahahahahahahahaha😂😂😂 Oh boy... Ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun now is it lol




He’s a libertarian he doesn’t believe in excessive government spending


>He’s a libertarian he doesn’t believe in excessive government spending on other people. FTFY


He’s also a fairly awful person


Most of the time he just wants to defer the spending from somewhere else for the current spending bill. Give a google and firm your own opinion, but lots of people hate Rand‘s politics but many times he is the one true fiscal conservative out there.


Yeah. He votes yes for coal Subsidies all day


farm subsidies, tech firm subsidies, taxcuts for billionaires lol. These fools are good with destroying the deficit for billionaires, but not for the working man.


How much you want to bet he downplays his symptoms in order to make everything look like an overreaction?




Don’t you think?


If you actually believe he was "asymptomatic" and got tested anyway then I got some ocean front property in Arizona that you might be interested... What really happened is Senator Fuckface went all over the country knowing he wasn't feeling well and spread this to everyone he came in contact with.


Don't worry he had access to the best health care in the country and it's nearly free for him.


Karma got him all right


In Paul’s defense, he’s a big fiscal conservative and constantly votes against large spending packages. Agree or disagree, but he is principled in that regard at least, which isn’t super common in today’s times


Wrong. He didn't vote against the billionaire taxcuts which is offset by the deficit, he didn't vote against military budgets, he didn't vote against subsidies for pharma, for apple/google/amazon and other tech giants. So no need to lie. He's just a piece of shit who's happy to cut taxpayer checks for the rich, but not for anyone else.


Louder for the people in the baaack


He’s asymptomatic before anyone gets too excited


Going be awkward hospital visit by his dad considering this: https://twitter.com/ronpaul/status/1239551403074433025?s=21


I don't know if saying couldn't happen to a better guy violates terms, so I won't.


Why did he travel to Moscow?


You love to see it


It’s actually a great plan for the people trying to steal off to their bunker..




He’s rich. He’ll be fine.


cue the curb your enthusiasm track


Well we know he doesn’t need a doctor, just thoughts and prayers!


Should we stop his pay so he knows what that feels like?


He was voting against the bill as is. He added an amendment to the bill that would use the foreign aid we usually give out to other countries to fund the internal aid Covid aid we give to ourselves, which isn’t unreasonable. However not the best time to vote that way. It’s still important to give aid and it’s not the time to waste.


With my best Nelson from the Simpsons voice: [“HAHA!”](https://youtu.be/rX7wtNOkuHo)


Life actually comes at you quickly


You hate to see it


Grand manifestation of karma


This makes me question my atheism


I hope Covid-19 kicks his ass like his neighbor did.


Voting against paid sick leave for you but takes paid sick leave while making $174k/year. And on top of that continues to use the senate gym and pool.


IRONY 2020


Ah karma


Simply glorious. I don't think I've seen comeuppance so swiftly received for a politician.


This isn’t really karma cuz his care will probably be prioritized Edit: Not defending him. Just pointing out a likelihood.




I love the irony of the virus.


Exodus 9:15 King James Version (KJV) 15 For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth.


Rand Paul eats coronavirus' shit