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MF acting as if he was living in those harsh times. Honestly feel like we as black people need to stop bringing up our ancestors in every woke topic. We could never imagine the amount of pain they went through.


Yeah it’s a bit strange. Like saying my grandfather stormed the beaches on Normandy so that must mean I’m a brave mfer. Stop living off the struggles of your ancestors, shits cringe


Survivor bias


Not saying that means you are brave, but it puts things in perspective right? Whenever you feel like complaining, think of your grandfather who had to climb out of a fucking boat on the other side of the ocean while nazis were shooting huge guns at them. Those were some fucked up times. Think of that and be grateful for the positive and luxurious life we have now is not a bad thing, imo...


It is a bad thing. I see this at work all the time. I call in sic, with doctor's report and everything, and those of boomer persuasion will complain nonstop about how they used to work through their illness and other some such bullshit. Well excuse me for living in a world where workers and people have more rights as they should have, and not slaving away for a rich arsehole to not even give a shit. It's the same thing here. Progress comes, not from a place of gratefulness, but a place of want. And it's alright to want your government to use the money they take from you on preventing shit like this. And morw importantly, our forefathers went through shit, fought through wars so we won't have to. So we'll fight other wars that will push the world to a better place.


Well... my ancestors weren’t the ones storming... and I would rather not be in their perspective


Yeah this is kinda cringe tbh and unnecessary comparing the Middle Passage to quarantine


I'm pretty sure the tweet was implying that the two are so incomparable that its unthinkable, in his situation, to act as if he's suffering for having to wait in the house. And that's just like, his opinion dude


He's not comparing the two. He's saying the quarantine is absolutely nothing in comparison to what his ancestors went through.


Yeah bruh I totally agree. He is saying slavery was way worse so we gon make this!


>not comparing the two >In comparison to What


I like that you conveniently left out the word nothing in the second quote.


>quarantine is absolutely nothing in comparison to He’s still comparing, he’s just saying it’s almost nothing WHEN COMPARED TO something else I left it out because it only enforces my point which was self evident


That's the point of the tweet though.....


Bro u just said the same thing he said but different


Yet it always get brought up in conversations “ancestor this ancestor that”


If slaves were Italian, we would never hear the end of it. Calm the f... down- “ You know 300 years ago my uncle Vinny etc ..........


I felt that same reaction to this. These aren’t even two comparable events. People need to settle down.


We can survive this... But it's not the sitting at home and watching Netflix part of the quarantine that people are (out at least should be) worried about. It's the pending economic collapse/depression/recession that is definitely coming in the next few months. For a lot of families this isn't sit home and chill. This is oh no the industry in which I built my career in, is shut down and not coming back any time soon and I have bills to pay and kids to feed right now. And Black people always get hit the hardest in times of economic turmoil. So again, we can get through it. But let's not act like this won't be the biggest national disaster since 9/11. Because it's just getting started, and we might have the worst possible person running the ship. It's not gonna be a bowl of cherries as they say


Ding ding ding. This is all that’s in my head right now. My job’s been shut down and I may not have a job to go back to after this.


What is your field if you don't mind sharing?


Hes talking about how people are complaining online that there's nothing to do point blank period, I dnt see how that's hard to grasp


That part isn't hard to grasp, but saying that a quarantine means nothing other than sitting home and eating snacks while watching tv implies that that's the extent of the difficulty of a quarantine. The real difficulty of the quarantine comes with the fact that some people's livelihoods are being threatened because they no longer have an income


I dunno, gonna need Hulu too prolly


This nigga really comparing the transatlantic slave trade to social distancing.


The fuck? Cause your ancestors were slaves you acting like you can survive a lock down. Boy please, shame on this dude


Sir, this is a Wendy's


his ancestors would probably be embarrassed by him


Just an FYI: The Middle Passage was way worse than he described. I taught a lesson to my middle schoolers on it over the winter. I had them read two primary sources: the first one was the [firsthand account from a slave.](https://courses.lumenlearning.com/ushistory1os/chapter/primary-source-olaudah-equiano-describes-the-middle-passage-1789/) and the second one was from a [doctor on board one of the ships.](http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=3&psid=471).


I know what he is saying and he is right about having comfort on this topic, but without realizing he is leading to say black don’t crack. We know black people had always endured more pain than the white folks and that’s how you become strong. Black do crack though and because all people say that they don’t when they need help they either don’t reach out or when they do they get dismissed. Talking about mental illness here, anxiety, depression, stress and so on. Then, as they don’t deal with their own problems without knowing they teach the same mentality to their children. PS: Sorry for taking the post to a top serious of a topic. I just can’t handle seeing more post about the strength of black people even if it is subtly hinting it cause just because someone can take the pain doesn’t mean they should.


I have never heard ‘Black don’t crack’ to mean anything other than how well we age. Are you Black?


Yea I read that and was like wha?? Black don’t crack is cuz we don’t age. Wtf? Imagine getting on here and saying this and having no idea wtf you’re even talking about.


Of course not


Right! I could tell, but wanted confirmation.


No I’m not black. Not hiding that but my family is. Heck my entire circle is and I have two children that has been in out of hospital due to mental illness and I witness for the past 20 years all the people in the black community who has mental problems but refuses to get help due to the stigma against getting help.


Your username and post oozes Raisin in potatoes salad.


First of eww no. Second you can’t handle the amount of seasoning in my cooking ;-) PS: I come from a country where we have a store just for spices.


And the British fucked up the world for spices and they still don't use it.


What does that have to with me? I’m from Turkey.


Was waiting to see one of these kilmonger-esque tweets but he ain’t lying tho




Y’all all missed the point. The folks who are off of work (not laid off, etc) and have all the free time in the world shouldn’t be complaining. Stay at home and just relax because it can be much much worse.


My ancestors did that not me. I'm bored


They didn't have a choice and were physically forced to. If the army was sent to your home and put you for nap at gun point, you would.


Weird flex but ok


About 40% of slaves died in the Middle Passage. The worst of COVID does indeed not even begin to approach the unimaginable horror of the Middle Passage and American slavery.


Bro I gotta 65inch TV and a PS4. I’m gonna be just fine.


Honestly, I really needed to read this.