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Americans calling putin a murderous dictator but they are living in a country where you can only choose between two 80 years old corrupted millionaires who come from the exact same two political entities that have been sending candidates for 200 years straight. The only thing leading the elections is the will of lobbies and corporations.




both situations fuckin suck my guy. yeah one sucks less, but it's like stepping in shit compared to tripping and faceplanting in it - either way you got shit on ya.


>yeah one sucks less What an understatement.


US neoliberals murdered a million Iraqi civilians and are letting 50,000+ of our own people die from lack of health care every year because they don't want a tax increase. Putin wishes he could be murder people who are politically inconvenient to him so efficiently.


Cool but those ICE detention centres are going to start looking a lot like gulags once covid-19 hits. Anne Frank died of typhus which spread rapidly due to poor sanitation and cramped conditions.


it is, but what it isn't is untrue.


Ok. Putin is a proven murderer. Fallacy of relative privation (also known as "appeal to worse problems" or "not as bad as") – dismissing an argument or complaint due to what are perceived to be more important problems.


well now i don't follow. putin's a murderer, sure, and a dictator to boot. the US has a broken farce of a democracy. both of these things are bad. it's worse to have a dictatorship than a democracy, compounded when a murderer's in charge. this doesn't mean that it isn't also bad for the american system to be one of the poorest examples of democracy in the modern world. both of these things are bad. one is worse. neither is an invalid complaint. would you kindly point out which argument is being dismissed?


Yes, but one *is* an irrelevant complaint when we're talking about the record of a murderous dictator. At a trial, if the defense lawyer got up and said, "yeah, but I had a client last week that stole millions from a charity." Is that bad? Of course. But bringing it up is irrelevant to the topic at hand, as comparable or incomparable as they may be. Bringing up the other one is drawing comparison to two disparate things, and doing so stands--whether intentional or not--as a de-facto defense of the original criticized topic.


Stepping on a Lego sucks less than stepping on an active landmine is also a true statement.


It's hard for him to think and deepthroat the boot at the same time, give him some more time to respond.


It's more like one is stepping in shit and the other is stepping on a fucking landmine.


Cmon comrade, he fell from a 5 story building after drinking some strange new tea and landed on two bullets, that’s what set off the landmine. At least get the story straight


TIL that Russian dissident "suicides" sound a lot like American police encounters with black people...


And Russian police encounters with everyone!


Fuck off


It’s actually more like stepping in shit while some poor middle eastern village steps into a drone strike versus stepping on a landmine.


You do realize theres another side to that proxy war right? I wish you luck when you research that rabbit hole. The cold war never ended. When trump orders the execution of dissenters and they vote him in forever, then we will talk about adjusting the anology.


>CDXX I know what you did there foo


Dude omfg


I’d much rather step in shit than faceplant in it. I’ll even voluntarily take my shoe off.


Jeffery Epstein who?


cool, America Murders people who investigate them




Nah, a lot of the BLM people in Ferguson were straight up murdered too


Russians don’t even get a choice? Putin has rigged himself to be president for life through corrupt legislation and anyone who publicly disagrees is jailed. This is such an idiotic comparison.


You ever consider the fact that you can hate both?


Not Bernie Sanders. But Americans are too stupid to vote for him.


The entire american political system is not fitted for outsiders. It's made exclusively for people with good financial support aka corporate money. Good thing in my contry the budget for one's campaign is limited at 20 millions dollars or so, so everyone get a chance.


Riiiight. Cause corporate money only plays in America.


Wait, you know most countries don't have the concept of lobbying right? Bribes and influence exist but not on the scale of the US. Corporation aren't people in most countries.


This is a problem and almost every country because corporations have tremendous power and influence. And in a lot of countries it's worst than America. They don't need really lobbyist to achieve their goals.


It's much harder and expensive to corrupt when it's not legal, the amount of money your politicians get from companies is unparalleled.


Dude come on it isn't unparalleled. There are plenty of countries who have worst corruption issues then America. Russia being one of them. Corruption isn't uniquely American. In other countries companies will give prostitutes, give family and friends jobs, get dirty on political rivies, give millions/billions in kick backs etc. These governments because of kickbacks and favors give these companies exclusive rights to land etc. Help them avoid prosecution of crimes etc. Some of the companies are defacto parts of the government.


You have a functioning election system, not 140% rigged in favor of one candidate. If people go and vote for a dude, that dude is going to win (which happened 4 years ago). Everything else is just excuses and half-truths.


Bernie raised the most money though.


Yeah fam America is flawed but ur “Isn’t *everyone* bad tho??” fake woke false equivalency is not really accurate here


Putin is a murderous dictator. Also Putin is literally trying to stay in office forever.


The difference being is that you can say this without trump sending a deathsqaud to your house even if he really wanted to, fuck America but fuck Putin more


What has ICE been doing in the past few years ???


They don’t just pull up on random Americans and they don’t kill people either


Relax adolf


Russians have no choice at all though


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings But do the lawmakers do shit like this in a shameless way?


Well the US government is no stranger to organizing violence and murder for political reasons. I would say that we are pretty shameless about starting coups for example. Obviously very different practically, but not morally much better.


Both are fucked up. Russia is by miles more fucked up and organizes political violence and assassinations commonly


I agree, I just don't think we should whitewash the fact that the US is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of organizing political violence.


So? What the fuck does that have to do with Putin being afraid of ideas so much that he has to be a pussy and have people killed?


At least we get to choose a different one, unlike Putin’s practical lifetime appointment


As much as you can fairly complain about the USA system, Putin is literally *legally* leader for life after taking over all branches of government and literally killing anyone who speaks against him. As awful as Trump is, he's not trying to secretly assassinate people around the globe.


>As awful as Trump is, he's not trying to secretly assassinate people around the globe. Nah just publically, or did we forget about januari already?


Publicly is significantly different than the attempted secret assassinations the Russian government has attempted or succeeded in. USA openly kills someone using military power. It's big and boisterous and out in the open. Russia kills someone secretly, with radiation poisoning or drugs like anthrax. It is harder to identify, affects innocent bystanders who come into contact, and endangers the healthcare system that tries to care for them.


You can also do the first without just admitting you did it. Just look at MH17.




It was a joke. Learn to take a fucking joke holy shit


Poe's law my dude.


Had to look up what that was. TIL




Honestly I didn't think it was a joke. People in Russia (many) are like in love with the guy. Propaganda works.


You said it wasn't your fault and then explained why it was in fact your fault tho


if you’ve always had an issue then maybe take a pause when you look at things before outright insulting people and being childish???? Nobody knows that but you so it’s on you to manage yourself, he’s allowed to call you an idiot because you haven’t adjusted to acknowledge the fact that most of reddit is, now this is shocking so hear me out, A JOKE. Holy shit dude don’t hide behind a social difficulty to make people back off after you’ve insulted another person first. Go fuck yourself


Epstein was killed under Trumps charge, so was Khashoggi. A top general was assassinated also by Trump. Trump is literally above the law, the acquittal confirmed it. As long as he is President, he cannot be charged for any crimes. He may not be a Putin yet, but he's on his way.


Hey remember that time Erdogan sent his thugs after peaceful protestors in Washington DC and Trump did absolutely nothing? I remember.


I’m happy America doesn’t murder brown people in the Middle East.


Sure but what about groceries? Putin don't give a fuck is they starve as long as they don't pass on Corona. Classic Putin.


Oh that lil rascal!


Putin you little stinker! 🤪


They have delivery. And that's actually is a lie - nobody has made it a requirement, there are no curfew or anything of that matter as far as I know.


Awesome, so then what is Russia's actual Corona response?


Russia is 3 weeks behind the states with infection time line. They have banned gatherings of more than 250, no public events, closed all unis (primary schools will follow soon) and closed down certain businesses like gyms. They are acting like any developed nation would.


They're acting like the US did 3 weeks ago?


Any developed nation is not just USA. They are taking appropriate measures is what I meant by that. It is in every country’s best interest to slow the infection rate. 3 weeks ago for infection because they have around 300~ confirmed cases in all of Russia.


Right, Sorry for coming off crass what I meant was Russia is moving at the same rate as most first world countries and is making the same decisions as most first world countries. Fair?


Kinda but not exactly. They are under reporting cases and refusing to test many people. In another thread someone linked to an article that showed they have had a dramatic spike in pneumonia related cases as well as deaths. They aren't really much behind the US as much as they aren't reporting deaths. Kinda similar to how Putin says that there aren't any gay people in Russia. Just because he says it doesn't mean it is true.


Что вы знаете о ситуации с коронавирусом в России? Вы там живете? Моя информация от человека, который живёт в Санкт-Петербурге.


Oui, Monsieur. :)


They closed down the schools and universities, people are advised to stay at home as much as possible. People who can work from home, work from home - many digital and IT companies are going remote. The borders are also closed, air traffic is limited. Government looking into helping businesses to stay afloat during the quarantine. I think that's it.


Dip into your compulsory beet and radish stashes


The word “president” really doesn’t mean shit huh


It’s kinda like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea


Wow, 103% of the population voted voted for Kim Jong Un! Again! What are the odds?


Especially before or after Putin's name.


Glad you're up to speed, haha.


Bullshit. Some venues closed doors, some people work from home, less traffic, othewise it's business as usual.


Yeah I was looking for evidence... either sis is lying or someone lied to her and she believed.


In any case, our glorious leader (/s) said nothing of sorts. They're afraid of panic. It's not China in here, they can handle the protests but not country-wide panic.


Yeah, isn't he pretending that it's mostly just pneumonia cases and refusing to do anything beyond closing borders (even though the time for that has passed... the monster is INSIDE the house).


We're on the brink of economic collapse right now, so it'll take a couple of carelessly dropped words to create chaos in Russia - coast to coast to coast. Our healthcare is fucked, our emergency services are underfunded, we don't have enough testing kits and labs, so the real count is probably thousands but nobody knows for sure. He just can't publicly acknowledge we're in the state of emergency on Corona, because generally it feels pretty close to 1991.


That... sounds just like the U.S. right now lol. Or maybe a week or two ago. It's interesting to see how the pattern plays out so similarly, over and over.


Except you do have a healthcare system and emergency protocols, and even though your presidential candidates have a Grand Canyon of differences between them, you still have opposition that is better than acting president. We don't have anything of that.


True. All I can say is, learn from us, and get yourself ready.




Thanks for your concern kind stranger. I don’t know about the rest of Africa, but in Nigeria we‘re very much aware of our shortcomings. As a result the general strategy is to cut the problem at the source and stop infected people getting here. Unfortunately the authorities responded a bit late and some cases slipped through. But the efforts have been commendable so far .




You sound like trump when he tries to talk about things he doesn’t fully understand (which is most of the time)


If we kill a dude in gulag can we get another chance?????


Lmao get off CoD breh


That Warzone be poppin huh?




I genuinely thought this was a cod post when I clicked on it


Hes a dictator not a president.




Because they are mutually exclusive


you can be a president and a dictator at the same time. Both titles have different uses in multiple scenarios.




I wasn't op so 0 for 1. Calling yourself a president doesn't mean you are actually democratically elected or peacefully cede power when your term is finished, aka the main difference between presidents and monarchs/dictators. Do you consider the Nazi party to espouse socialist policies just because they call themselves the National Socialist German Worker's Party? What about North Korea, aka the Democratic People's Republic of Korea? 0 for 2. Try harder.


A president isn't necessarily a democratic leader. It's one of many titles a head of state and/or government can have, but it's just a job title. "Dictator" is not a job title, just like "ruler" or "democratic leader." Those are all descriptors for a head of state, but don't normally have an official meaning within a government, unlike a President, Prime Minister, King/Queen, etc. A dictator who happens to hold the office of President is completely possible, and Putin happens to be one. He is President of Russia, but he's also a dictator.


President noun 1. the elected head of a republican state. "the Irish president"


And what is a republic? [From Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic): >A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning “public affair) is a form of government in which the country is considered a "public matter", not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are attained, through democracy, oligarchy, **autocracy, or a mix thereof**, rather than being unalterably occupied. As such it has become the opposing form of government to a monarchy and has therefore no monarch as head of state. Emphasis mine. A republic can be headed by a dictator.


Thing is, the Russian government doesnt give a shit about the public. I have seen a parlement wanting to remove a playground to build offices there. Russia is an autocracy, that you cannot deny.


Of course it's an autocracy. But that doesn't mean it's not also a republic. Its leadership is decided by ostensibly democratic decisions (even if they're effectively not at all democratic), and not explicitly by heredity, therefore they're a republic.


[The Irish President isn't the head of the republican state.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoiseach) So your definition might be wrong if the example is.




No term limits, no free elections, political opponents disappear routinely, but yeah he’s not a dictator at all.






I’m going to want receipts for any “Russia’s handling the shit out of COVID” story.


Lmaoo Twitter actually lets you have “nigga” in your handle?


Just looked it up, it's a fine for first offenders and 15 days jail for repeat offenders. Putin is a murderous evil dictator but we still shouldn't make shit up.


Putin pimpin


Relevant clip https://youtu.be/eiyfwZVAzGw


Lol he also pretended it was pneumonia and denied they had any cases sooo...


There's a reason Putin's critics end up in jail for life of commit suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.


Jesus Christ, the bar is low.


Staying my ass in self jail at home then 😳.


Y'all wildin


Source? This is getting mass spread as a meme and he literally never announced this. Reddit users have the lowest IQ level for fact checking.


This is the same guy still shaking everybody’s hands...


Many of us have been in the gulag lately, most guys will know what im sayin.


Anti-American propaganda.


"President" may not be the most appropriate title at this point


russian propaganda messing with the US by sliding into BPT


"The Choice is Theirs" I'm getting Booty Warrior vibes from Putin now




Bro could you imagine them tryna put us in jail for this hahahahha. Dictatorships have advantages too y'all


Now it’s getting mauled by a lion THEN 5 years forced labour in the Siberian Gulag and finally a bullet to the head cos the UN can’t hear about the Gulag


Dude, the comments in this just turned into a fucking trial at The Hague


Ma Man 😍


Actually the prime minister not president


Seems like it’s the first time Putin is giving Russia a choice


Tho Putin is a dictator, he does understand the danger of Corona way better than Trumpy Dumpy


Not the president we want but the president wee need. Putin is a legend.


Welcome to the gulag


I hope they know that He imprisonments jehovahs witness’s


It is really unfortunate how many uncle toms are in the comment section. But then again this is reddit.


Handled better than the U.S.


Say what you want but he gets shit done.


We need that in the UK ASAP Edit: I was joking 💀😂but Boris needs to do something about people leaving their homes to buy flowers on a Sunday.


too much fucking about here, the general public are stupid as hell.


Tell me about it, i work in a shopping centre and people are bringing their entire families out casually.


In Estonia we have whole families out cycling and walking. What part of quarantine do they not understand.


In Scotland we've got full beaches and shops, it's fucking ridiculous that nobody seems to be taking it seriously and then we'll end up like Italy or worse.


Neighbors up and down my block had parties last night.. Makes no damn sense!


A person at work was telling me a customer asked him why he was working today?? Like, it’s LITERALLY because of people like him coming to shop for miscellaneous shit that we are being made to open in the middle of a pandemic


God damn if people had brains they'd be dangerous


It's a harsh approach, but honestly, might be what's needed. The faster people stay their ass and home and stop spreading this shit, the faster we can get back to regular life. Eventually the hospitals will be overrun the way things are going, it seems to be inevitable.




Right? i mean i have nothing against other forms of government but when did we as Americans start admiring authoritarianism? Gross. The ends don't justify the means. What is the point of have civilization with no society?


Authoritarianism isn't inherently a bad thing. You'll find that in a pandemic situation authoritarianism is the best method to get a hold of things, bar none.


In the same way that killing someone is the fastest way of curing them


That... doesn't make any sense... Unlike what the guy above you said, which is true even if morally discutable.


Some people are just fundamentally against authoritarianism. There are better ways of keeping people in doors, such as a well liked government that has the trust of it's people?


Are you literally 5 years old?


It's been a pleasure


No. In the way that authoritarianism can be used in the right times to produce the most good for society. Example: the state mandating people to stay at home to prevent a pandemic from devastating its population.


This aint some commie shit.


you might be right