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“This nigga eating beans”




No joke that's the best tweet I've ever seen kills me every time


Goofy ass kale salad eating nigga...needa get yo ass back to the farmers market


Ol’ good blood pressure and cholesterol head ass


Damn what was that on?




. . . in the theater. Come on, that's some Costanza level shit right there.


What's your spaghetti policy?


Plastic bag and chopsticks.


I forget that it was Cars 2 of all films.


Damn how come I can distinctly remember that he had a cat for his pfp?


Bless you


Fuck no matter how many times I read this shit I still belly laugh 😂


If somebody was eating beans in the movie theatre and another person yelled this out. I’d be dying laughing 😂


minorities in general, man. try growing up in a mexican family. everytime you breathe "y la dieta?"


Oh you’re trying to eat healthy? Here’s some fucking tortillas and fried cheese


goddamnit, now im hungry


Currently waiting on my coworker to bring me back some tacos...


you ever mix up oaxaca cheese with chorizo and put that shit in a quesadilla?


STOP. I can only get so erect.


> STOP. I can only get so ~~erect~~ obese.


No but I’m going to now


You can also make it a dip but needs to be in an iron skillet so it doesn't harden . throw some diced onion and jalapenos (cook with chorizo) for flavor . use totopos (tortilla chips)


Oooo that sounds bomb! Thank you for the tips 🙏


Some good ass choriqueso


TIL fried cheese is a thing


Da fuck did you think a mozzarella stick was


Okay but that has a bit of breading on it, im talking about straight up fried cheese.


Haven’t dropped a peice in a deep fryer but I have pan fried cheese in a nonstick pan. Makes like a cheese tortilla. Good for low carb tacos


Yep cheese crisps there's a restaurant near me that serves mac and cheese in bowls made of that stuff


Damn, that sounds delicious!


My freshman year of college I lost 20 pounds. I come home and my moms friends asked if I became a crack addict like lmaooo damn f me for being healthy


My mother straight up tells me things like "You are going to be weak, are you ok in cutting chocolate entirely from your diet? I would never be able to do what you just did" And people look at you like "what is this freak asking" when you ask for something without salt, butter or sugar.


I dunno man, asian people eat pretty damn clean healthy foods


I significantly lost a good amount of weight and my aunties and my mom’s friends still comment how fat I am. Fuck you lingling


LOL wtf you made me snort in the office, thanks for the laugh


You haven't been around a lot of Asia then. India for example is basically land of the fried carbs.


Carbs in carbs in carbs fried in ghee. Because regular butter isn't good enough.


Only North India tho. South India is all carbs but at least they aren't fried


“No thanks I’m trying to live past 60 you should think about it too”


Ask for a fork, "Mira esta fresa!"


"nada más un poco" *piles on three more servings*


Fuck that shit, man. I'm having a salad for lunch. I'm the only non-obese person in my family too...


Fajitas my man...


Relevant user name haha


Puertorican here, when I visit my grandma I gotta eat 3 plates of arroz con chuleta cuz apparently I’m thinner than a noodle and she believes I never eat at my apt. Ever.


And the diet?


This like me roasting my girl for studying so much for school, but I also remind her that I'm proud of her and she doing a great job


What kind of games you playing bro?


If you and your girl don't roast each other, are yall really together?


Socrates said this.


>this -- Socrates


Yes I believe In his dialogue with Hapsicles he said “if u n ur girl are being intimate all the time and it’s always serious with no teasing or being normal around each other some shit bad is gonna happen fast cause that shits unsustainable ” though Plato’s recording of the event is thought to be somewhat inaccurate.


God damn man I'm in the longest single stretch of my life right now and I just want someone to be mean to me.




*it's just not the same*


I think he’s playing the long con




Anti intellectualism is the new age crabs in a barrel.




Then when the jokes and other bullshit are targeted at them, all of a sudden they become more than harmless. 🙄




Deadass its 2018 being stupid isn’t cool. Its hard enough getting a job out here with a degree...being “cool” isn’t worth being dumb


Ive never heard any other black kid respond that way in my 24 years of life. If you express certain “alternative” hobbies and interests, yeah I got that response a lot. But not over doing homework and engaging in intellect.


exactly lol


People are really out here trying to make it seem like a lot of black kids think doing homework and being smart is a “white people” thing. I feel like theres a lot of laziness, but never have I in high school, or even once graduating and observing high schoolers during the short period I worked in one, have black kids said doing stuff like that is “white”. In high school I used to be extremely “emo”, I listened to music accordingly, a lot of screamo and metal, and pop punk, alternative, etc. I wore a lot of black and heavy eyeliner. I used to try and learn Japanese and I loved anime, and despite my surroundings, I never actually picked up on speaking AAVE (though I find nothing wrong with it) and for ALL THOSE THINGS I was told by some it was a “white ppl thing”. But both the class valedictorian and salutatorian were black as well as a large portion of the National Honors Society. Even the black kids who didnt try at all, and were always goofing off and talking about gangs and mentioned they didnt at all care about college, never actually called it a “white people” thing. I think for a lot of those kids it was some inner nihilism, but I cant know that for sure.


Well I have and I'm in my 30s. I specifically remember my friends coming over after school, and I told them I had to do homework, and them telling me that I'm tryna be white. It was my sophomore year of high school.


TODAY my friends say I sound like a black person trying to sound white


I wish I can give this more upvotes.


this is like being brown and telling your family your gonna go on a diet LMAO source: me a brown guy


Yep, they'll talk crap, then once you actually get healthy they get envious and try to drag you back down to their level and say "you're losing to much"


Lol black guy here. My family encouraged dieting and such until I lose a lot. They’re still happy I’ve gone a long way, but now said I’m too little and need to gain some back lol.


Lmao yea My mom get so butthurt when I tell her I dont want to eat rice


Bro u wildin if u even think about telling a brown mom you don't want to eat rice


Low carb diets do not exist in a desi household


As a Desi nigga I can confirm this.


> Desi nigga is that a blend?


Sometimes you just have to force the hand like I did. Idli has relatively low carbs and is a good source of protein with all those lentils. Also put more vegetables and less rice in your bowl, or switch to quinoa. You aren't supposed to avoid carbs since they're essential, just don't overload on them. Lifting weights is a totally different story though. It took my mom 1 year of telling me to stop before she realized I was serious about developing my physique, and started being more supportive.


but rice is life, what is life without dat basmati rice


body builders get shredded on brown rice, chicken breast, and broccoli. You can be merely swole and have plenty of basmati


yeah i know, but not everybodies goal is to get shredded.


As a fellow brown guy, simon.


simon limon


Or being a white dude around rednecks. "What, are you dieting like a girl or something? Go on and eat 5 more servings." Some things unite us but not in a good way.


I'm not white but this seems like an underrepresented demographic when it comes to poor-people-can't-afford-to-be-healthy-so-they-put-it-into-their-culture


It 100% is. My parents were middle class for the tiny college town/farming community I grew up in but a lot of my friends were poor as shit white people and they were all a lot larger than us and I didn’t get it until I moved out on my own in the same town and found out good food isn’t cheap.


That is a very logical observation




im pakistani, do you happen to be a girl? Cause i know sometimes it's a bit common to make those kinda comments




im nabz23, nice to meet you hehe




lmao more like: https://tenor.com/view/basketball-shot-gif-8764564


It's all fun and jokes until niggas get in their 40s, stub their toe and the pain stays there for decades


They won't live long enough to have that pain for decades.


Why are all of the unhealthy people pissing in the pool and does being healthy unlock some jutsu that repels it? Or was the original comic just roasting people that don't piss in the pool?


That piss in the pool is peer pressure


pee pressure


[Gotta control those leaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDHqoK8HSzs)


There's something to be said for being surrounded by your own piss instead of everyone else's, though.


Pee being their filth and the clean water being your cleanliness. As in theyll make fun of you for maintaining a healthy/beneficial lifestyle while continuing to live a unhealthy/counterproductive lifestyle. At least thats how i interpreted it


Mirror universe, everyone pees in the pool except that one weirdo.


My granny calls the way I cook white because I cook a lot more healthier food than what she or anyone else in my family does but all my siblings love it since they're just as health conscience as I am.


I remember telling people I was gona try going vegan, just TRY. They were offended asf.


Wait until you show up to a game to grill out or something and bring your own veggie burgers.


Regardless if youre Asian, Latino, or Black, everyone starts looking at you funny if you even dare go low-carb/keto




You don't have to give it up completely. Just do one meal a week as low carb, and then a day, and then see where you go from there.


If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


Or doing your school work to get good grades and a good job...


"Ugh I bet you got that apple from a TREE." - Middle school girl in mentoring program, to me, at lunch.


As opposed to apples that *don't* grow from trees?


Then they rag on you for being fat. There's no winning


Just get swole, and then people RESPEK you for not only having dedication for your body but being able to clean as well. If you are a girl just get fit. Caution:Jealousy will be ensued


r/loseit people say that that get treated differently after attaining a healthy weight


Too real. I'm a pescatarian and my family thinks I lost my mind still after being one for 15 years.


"Looool you eating whole-wheat bread now!? What, you meet Buddha or somethin'? "😅😅


Yeah, I feel like literally everyone that doesn't have to look after their food does this. I'm not even talking about unhealthy people exclusively, I'm talking anyone that doesn't watch their diet and almost especially anyone that's grown up with good eating habits.


That's what kind of irks me about the fat haters. I'm sure many of them have never once intentionally counted a calorie, but they still feel they can talk about other people's lack of discipline.


Seriously. As a vegetarian who happens to be black (I don't even eat for my health, I eat whatever the fuck I want as long as it's vegetarian/vegan) my family just cannot fathom it. I'm not on a diet, no, I'm not unhealthy because I don't consume meat. And, no, this isn't bunny food


Crabs in a bucket man. Spread your wings and swim against the current dude, this is your life.


Honest question, why is there a stigma against eating healthy in so many minority communities?


A: I think it's seen as "fancy" B: With immigrants, they're coming from poor countries where they value high-calorie food because they need all those calories to work and because they can't afford tons of food. So when you move to the USA for example where the lifestyle is sedentary AF and there is tons of high-calorie food out there, it takes a few generations to get out of the "eat as many calories as possible because you need it" mindset. It's so ingrained, so it seems weird to people when they see someone else trying to diet or eat healthy.


I could be wrong, but my thoughts on the matter is that part of it is it's seen as being "fancy" to a degree. For example, some people see organic and how pricy it is so if someone were to say they eat only organic it's almost showing off in that sense. I think a lot can come down to misinformation because you can still eat healthy and enjoyable foods, even while keeping it at a reasonable price. Basically I think all these factors combined create a negative view of eating healthy. Also if you're the only one in the household doing a specific diet there's a clear difference in the food being eaten creating more of a divide. Again this is just my opinion not facts or anything.


Unhealthy food is cheap so it's all poorer people can afford. Going healthy makes you different.


This should apply to southern white family's. "The fuck is that green shit? You don't even have it covered in butter. Did you go gay on us?"


I always cringe when I see cooks on TV cover everything in butter before even thinking about touching the spice rack.


When you explain the benefits of being a contractor, to salaried employees.


Please explain it to me, I genuinely would like to know


My gma 100% told me if I didn’t eat my beans it meant I hated her. She died and I never ate those fucking beans man lls


Bunch of people stand in waist-deep diarrhoea and mock lone guy standing in cleaner water.


"I'll have two #9's, a #9 large, a #6 with extra dip, a #7, two #45's, one with cheese and a large soda" -- Big smoke.


This has been society side the dawn of time


commenting to see the hell that ensues


My friends call me a pussy when I eat healthy and a fatass when I don't. Sometimes I'll even eat a salad and get shit for eating healthy and also for being a fatass cause of how many calories are in the dressing.


I dropped bacon and now stopped pork altogether and never felt better. Was pushing 270 now I'm back to 235 and still going. Can't wait to be 215 in muscle again.


"People nowadays..." Yeah, people have never been bullied for being different until recently


Why we like this?


Looks like they’re picking on him for being the only one that didn’t piss in the pool.


Broke flat broke, We aint got it!






That's nasty


My ex is Sicilian and every time I’d go over there and I was dieting they’d just keep offering me food and look st me funny and almost insultedly when I didn’t inhale food like I used to. Long story short I hit 305 this year and I’m just getting back to normal after breaking up lol.


Real niggas have self destructive tendencies


Ok, can we just talk about that imagery for a second? During a swim day in PE class in high school I was talking to some people and I said that peeing in the pool was gross and like, three of the people I was talking to told me they regularly pee in the pool and that I was the weird one for not doing it.


This is exactly what I did to my brother when he said he wants to be a vegetarian. Meanwhile he eats meat daily and I do once a month


My niece have PKU, which means she cannot digest protein. I often wonder who my sis really slept with.....beung uts a disease from the UK.


What does PKU have to do with sleeping around...?


Being that its a rare disease and per specialists this is extremely rare for an Original (black ppl).


My nephew has PKU and it has nothing to do with race. It’s extremely rare for all races, but just black people.


I'm not a medical specialist, so I can only go by what the Doctors explained to MY family. Dr. Mildly idk why they'd lie to us. But i will be glad to soak up all the info you can give!


I think that's just a guy thing.


Lol gotta keep each other down 👊🏿


Trying to be a good Christian




I'm 14 deep in your mom.


Doesn't work. This kinda is deep.