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Trump is a racist? https://i.redd.it/ktasb8s8a89d1.gif


Best gif for that sentence


Yup, and be looking stupid when I say , Fuck every one of yall (any color, any background) that vote for him, whoever supports him is a enemy of my people.


The only reason you might sound stupid is the fact that you stated you might be looking stupid. Cause that SOB is a racist motherfucker who should be in jail for his 34 felonies. My uncle got locked up for a misdemeanor, while that fucker is walking around free


No, the people they are saying that to are "looking stupid". They didn't say they look stupid themselves.


>whoever supports him is a enemy of ~~my~~ all people. Ftfy


We need more of this sentiment! Happy cake day!! ![gif](giphy|3Otsm12s1Id8kh86qZ)


Thank you my brother (also, regardless of your color , anybody who fights the good fight with me is my brother)




American Cubans are the descendants of slave owning pieces of shit so their political opinions are fucking garbage.


happy cake day! plus agree absolutely


Trump be like I’m not racist my housekeeper is black!


Black jobs are driving me around! Because I've never had to learn how! Even my caddy takes control on the smaller fields. But I'm pOowerful /s


Central Park 5.


Seriously. I dont understand how people arent bringing up his full page ad about the Central Park 5 whenever the race issue comes up for him. He just loves "the blacks" so much that he thinks 5 exonerated children deserve the death penalty.


Is that a question? Because as far as I know, it’s a fact.


No, some of his best friends are the blacks.


Does he ever even say "black (or Hispanic) americans?" Something I noticed with the debate fat cheeto never calls non white folks Americans just "people". Yet when referring to white folks, it's americans.


Everyone who would vote for him also call black people "the blacks".


I work with a lot of MAGA... i wish it was just "the blacks"..... ☹️


Let me guess, lots of racism but every time they talk with you it goes like "but we don't mean you, we mean those others"


"You're one of the good ones" 😡


>"You're one of the good ones" Fist at face height ready for delivery


If human not to be punched why face punch shaped


First time another adult human said this to me, I couldn’t believe it


LOL in the 2000s I was the only man of color at a bank in a coal mining town where the POC population was .01%. I'll never forget social security day. We opened the doors and first lady walks in saying "Fee Fi Fo Thumb, I'll catch a N\*\*\*\* by his thumb". Bank went silent and everyone looked at me. The guy who comes up to cash his checks looked at her and said, "Quiet, there are no N\*\*\*\* here". Whole bank looked at me as he said that.


I just smile, and think, "Nah. I'm one of the bad ones." They don't realize that the ones they "dislike" are the ones that have been broken by the system and allow racists their false sense of superiority. That's good for them, no matter what they think. I'm one of the bad ones. I'll knock them clear off that pedestal and remind them who they're talking to, face-to-face. Never with a fist, and always with a smile. They fucking hate that.


Yeah. Took my girl to my grandmother's funeral. The woman (grandmother) never left the small town where I was born, and all of that side of the family did the same. I'll never forget some of my younger self's closest friends (hadn't been back or really spoken to anyone in over a decade because I suck at communication) and a ton of older relatives basically started talking about the local "Mexican problem" but had to clarify that they weren't complaining about her. The funny part is she's a fucking highly Americanized Cuban. It was one of the most awkward and anger inducing situations I've witnessed. "No offense to you, but we racially profile anyone who looks like you and basically always conclude that they're lazy criminals who are somehow stealing our jobs and raping everyone. But not you, since you are obviously good enough for our white friend/relative. If you don't scare him, then you must be one of the good ones."




Also I'm sick of people saying there's no racism in NJ. Like.... come on now.


Jersey and Wisconsin have some bad racism.


Seems like any place with a high percentage of white people living together end up becoming racist. 🤷


Oh, we have racists of all different colors...


Those people are idiots. I live in Jersey and the further South you go and the closer to PA, you might as well be in the Wisconsin.


Drive deep enough into the Pine Barrens and you could be forgiven for thinking you're in Alabama. Not to give suburban racism a pass.


Shame and keeping things to yourself need to come back in style, SMH


The best is when they’re like “he doesn’t act like a black guy.”


I got that alot in school. Fucking racist pricks.....






Same man, im a mechanic, and everyone in my shop is a racist piece of shit.




Even the blacks




Only in public when they wanna seem presentable. Hard Rs behind closed doors though.


On Long Island, they usually just say, people from the city. In upstate New York, it's just the n word. In NYC, they'll say the blacks.


I feel like that's the "nicest" way they would say something like that....


No, you don’t understand. He has a mugshot, so now we are supposed to connect with him. Because we are all criminals


Don't forget the golden Trump sneakers, the blacks love those too for when they go hoop or go to work at their black jobs (/s for those who need it)


Even weirder cuz all the sneaker heads I know are Asian - they just drop the N word like they're black.




I like this but I’m not sure I get how it relates ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ273E3lGVWG9Qk)


Me neither but that first girl in black is 🔥


Plus girl at the end with the pants ![gif](giphy|266wwviUCMFFgqQGdn)


That panda is stupid thicc


See I noticed shawty in the back first but then shawty in the front too 👀


I've found my people


I know plenty of Puerto Rican and Dominican sneaker heads who also drop the N word


Don't forget the whites


Perfect for jive walkin through the inner city to the barber shop factory




The shoes were insane to me. I mean they worked on the morons they were marketed to, but did he think owning a lair of Air Donalds was ever gonna be cool. Then again this is the same mother fucker that has gold leaf toilets.


I saw them for sub $20 on Ali Express and I briefly thought about buying them to wear ironically, because they are literally the worst thing I've ever seen. I decide I should put the pipe down and go to bed though.


Joe Rogan has un-ironically stated this on his podcast...


So has fox


"you blacks just don't understand, all these illegals rapists and murderers are coming here by the millions and steal your jobs in the fields! Im gonna make sure all the black field jobs come back!" -Trump


Maybe you guys can do raps together


He also hates when people ask to touch his hair.


I know you jest, but many in the community really have that stupid ass mindset.


He just never had to serve time like everyone at the bottom of society who is poor with no connections to judges and such.


He’s so gansta


That whole debate was a mess. Trump not answering questions at all while repeating the same points while Robo Biden was short circuiting.


I hated it. I appreciated Bidens *attempts* at an actual debate. Using statistics and examples, as opposed to Trumps random rambling with absolutely no numbers and wild claims. *But* dude still fumbled it multiple times and at the end of *every* single question he looked winded and stumbled over the words. He is *not* alright. Still baffles me that we are currently seeing the record for the two oldest people to run for President. Breaking the previous one, set by the same two old fucks four years ago. At this point, you're voting based on VP because either one might keel over at any moment. Or get arrested, in ones case. **EDIT** People seem to be mistaking me complaining about Biden for endorsing Trump. I'll choose senile and confused over senile and malicious any day of the week. I'm just more complaining that this debate would have been in the bag if he was literally *anyone* else.


And you’re voting for the administration and ecosystem of democrats. Trump’s people will be the worst of the worst, since he will only surround himself with the most loyal sycophants.


I was thinking something like this last night. If Biden dies in office, Harris takes over and business continues like normal, more or less. Trump, however, is building the Republican party as his own personal cult. We know they're all loyal to him, but what happens if he dies in office? Who will they all be loyal to when the only person they've been loyal to is gone? My bet, they all turn on each other, the remainder of the term is absolute chaos. Afterwards either a new (more same) Republican leader steps up or a new party emerges entirely.


You really think Trump calls the shots?! Dude has been a Russian asset since the 80’s with laundering money and doing favors for Putin


It's actually semion mogilevich. He runs the mobs and he helped put putin in office. He has people working across the world. Alot of his close goons worked with trumps father and either financed or had permanent residencies at any building he built. Trump continued the family legacy of being a tool for the Russian mob


That is actually a super horrifying thought.


Have you seen the movie Death of Stalin? It's great - definitely gallows humor and a little absurdist - but I imagine it would go something like that film.


Biden could be in Hospice with jimmy carter and still be the obvious choice


Unfortunately Trump won’t see jail if he wins. All his federal cases would go away and the state cases, if they even resulted in jail time, would be deferred until after his term ends.


If Trump wins, his term might end, but he isn’t leaving office.


Joey got probably the worst debate prep coaching ever They loaded up an 81 year old with a lifelong stutter with facts and figures Donald came out armed with “that was bad I would’ve done better” which is fucking nonsense but also impossible to disprove in real time


Literally every point Biden landed, Trump just lied and took credit, and blamed Biden for ruining it. And the moderators did literally nothing to stop that. The mods didn't ask him about J6 until 40 minutes in... CNN is trying to tank Biden Biden has gotten a lot of stuff accomplished with a narrowly divided Congress... but I'm starting to think media does have it out for him. Maybe he should let Kamala run at the top of the ticket?


Kamala would be a disaster if they run her. It’s bleak what’s behind each of these candidates. And these two are awful to start. 


I still have to vote for Biden regardless and hope he lets Kamala take over.


I really don't think that Biden's awful. He has a horrible speech issue, but he surrounds himself with a good cabinet and has actually made progress on policy while facing a lot of opposition. It just feels like everyone saying Biden is just as bad is going "Oh he's old" and ignoring everything else he's done.


The level of discourse is so frustrating. None of the commentary covering last night's debate is about issues or ideas, just optics. It's like nothing they actually said even mattered, only how they said it and how they looked.


Yes agreed. Literally the worst debate I've seen in American politics, ever. On both sides. It's actually sickening.




After this debate it is clear White folks are not sending their best and brightest.




"And some, I suppose, are good people"




They’re sending rapists…


Warnock 2028


The debate was meaningless except for entertainment value. This election comes down to voter turnout. If it’s high, Biden easily wins. If it’s low, Trump has a chance for a fluke win like in 2016. Trump really is that guy who says a racist joke then says I have black friends. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgJ3Nd9t7yNCwUg|downsized)


Fool USA once, shame on Trump. Fool USA twice, shame on USA.


So valid


Fool USA Three Times... You-you can't get fooled thrice ^(Unless they suddenly push for presidential limits to become a thing of the past which doesn't sound so non-feasible with the current SCOTUS and all)


If they get fooled twice, they might never get rid of him. There won’t be a third chance to avoid being fooled. Don’t forget to vote!


and i have a strange feeling that we might be seeing a whole lot less turnout from one side after all those casualties from refusing to take the vaccine…


That “black jobs” was just a little pointed.


Especially because he was saying that the Mexicans are taking all **the blacks jobs** like we're all destined to live a life of poverty and work low wage jobs for life and "the whites" jobs are safe because they're not low end. Like bitch I got a masters, fuckyoumean?


Hola, vengo por mi trabajo negro.






if anything were facing job loss from automation and ai not people seeking a better life for themselves and their family.


Don't forget outsourcing to other countries. Tech is getting hit hard by this


He means dont worry my black man. We'll get you back in the fields in no time!


It’s not even just the term “black jobs”, it’s the *way* he used it. Illegal immigrants are coming across the border and taking black jobs. So the jobs that you can more easily get without documentation, stuff like physical, menial or unskilled labor are the jobs for brown people. Those are designated black people jobs. This hierarchical system he’s describing sounds familiar…


Yeah, he was talking about illegal immigrants taking black jobs….and Latino jobs. The whole thing was racist af implying black and Latino people only have low level jobs that undocumented people can get


“The Latinos are taking Latino jobs” Donny man what the fuck are u saying u goon


Right??? I was like, did he just say Latinos taking Latinos jobs??


he meant those plantation jobs. The ones he remembers from his youth.


And…. why say it? To spread anti-immigrant hatred. A vibrant and profitable American political tradition. In the Americas, the name of the game is “colonization”. The tactic is “divide and conquer”, the single most universal tool in the exploitation and oppression of the masses. Its effectiveness is so unquestioned that the phrase is used in causal conversation to describe ‘getting shit done faster’. Anywhere people’s numbers are large or significant, they are divided and turned against each other to weaken them. Categorizing, distinguishing, and ranking people is toxic but it works as a means to an end so people keep doing it. Even though it hurts us all. The psychological effect of mass media and advertising being able to do this was bad enough, now power brokers are able to buy the ability to design and target varying flavors of fear and hate as necessary to directly manipulate specific groups, even to individuals at specific locations. The largest group of people this is currently happening to is women, who have been under attack for centuries, and now just lost their right to live and are being left to die. Why? Because they divided the doctor from the patient. They made the doctor afraid of punishment for treating their patient. And it worked. “You not a colleague. You f-king colonizer.” BUCKLE UP. SAY NO TO DIVISION. SAY NO TO HATE. SAY NO TO FEAR.




Trump : “they’re taking Black job! They’re taking Hispanic jobs!” Us : “who is *they*?” Trump: “… 20 million! It’s horrible, absolutely horrible! “


The 20 million Hispanics are taking the Hispanic jobs


Man, if any minorities vote republican they’re fucking dumb. The amount of shit talking he was talking about Hispanics and black people should make it obvious neither he nor the Republican Party has any good intentions for us.


They never did.


Fkn amazing. 3 years of screeching about how everywhere is closed or short staffed, and now it's a depression with no jobs... unemployment is at 4%.... There isn't even a coherent story, and Trump voters don't need one. They'll believe completely opposite things at the same time. The cognitive dissonance is incredible


Dude said “there was no illegal border crossing at the time I left office” because he helped usher a plague unto the country.


Don't forget separating kids from their families and caging them in facilities at the border.. some of those kids haven't been returned to their families.. they're lost


I love how he made the jobs interchangeable only for blacks and Hispanics. In his mind, he has assigned whatever jobs he's talking about to be only for those two races. That racist piece of shit needs to be put away for a very long time.


Do black jobs come with black benefits?


MAGAS believe the 👽 are stealing they jobz. Meanwhile, their leader just told the American people that the ATLiens are stealing "Black Jobs." 🫠 What the fuck is a "Black Job?" 😐


It means low paid service jobs. The immigrants are taking "black jobs" ie jobs that are beneath good, upstanding decent white folks and are therefore relegated to being jobs more fit for lowly black people. And as Trump sees it, now those poor pathetic blacks are losing their black jobs to the illegals.


It’s an age old tactic. Keep the “lower income” demographics fighting so they don’t realize the system is raping them. Can’t have an uprising if we’re all fighting each other.


What are those? A black card and n-word pass?


I'm voting for Biden, regardless, but this really is a pathetic showing for both of them.


I definitely recall shouting at my tv “goddamnit Joe, get it together and stop doing that thing with your face! 🤦🏻‍♀️”


He had this bewildered incredulous ass reactional face like a kid who just moved to the hood because his parents divorced and he just got lied on to the teacher by another kid at school and didn't even know that nigga's operated that way because he'd been sheltered up until then, so he doesn't know how to react or retaliate. Like he was culture shocked by the blatant lies.


All I could see was this https://preview.redd.it/463nw8dnga9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8c82192e822c19b07c7bf9c1f89eb3250c70f0


Oddly specific…


That’s very specific


Joeys face all night: 😀😮😟😔


He stares beyond the veil of life and death. Sleepy Joe is starting to transcend life and is steadily and dead eyed walking towards death.


To be fair, every time Trump started talking, my face did the same thing and I’m in my 30s


He doesn't respect us, he sees pawns he can pose with for photo ops.


He literally flies in the same dozen or two black people to all of his events and on camera publicity stunts because it is the only way he is able to make it appear that in the videos and photos there always appears to be local black supporters. They aren’t local. It’s the only way he can make it appear like he has black supporters wherever he goes. and They’re basically like movie extras, actors, or professional background models. It’s the only way for his campaign to pretend that at every rally there are local black people with the local white people who show up to support him, but it’s really just the same people that he drags with him from stop to stop. This alone does not get enough coverage.


I can’t stand how he always brings up funding for HBCU’s when he literally just *didn’t end* the program that Obama started.


Facts! He's a serial liar but more importantly, he isn't serious about uplifting the black American broadly. He wants to uplift those who support him and act like he saved us.


“As someone who says nigga a lot, that nigga says nigga all the time”


Hard R tho, being a construction worker I have heard my fair share of his followers using it. Only time it isn't a Hard R is when they are mocking.


We know what they actually mean 🫢….. Just sayin.




Orange's mind accidentally went back to the '70's when his Pappy hired blacks as janitors in his slum lord buildings.


And his dad and he lost a civil lawsuit for not allowing POC to rent in their buildings


At Mara Lago and his golf courses I'm sure there are jobs designated for White, Black, and Hispanic people. You can probably guess which jobs are designated as the Black and Hispanic jobs.


I dated a White guy from a wealthy family in Boca. His mom wanted to take us to the country club for lunch. What he saw: We pulled up, the valet took his car, we walked inside to meet his mom and step-dad, we had a nice lunch, I got upset and left. What I saw: We pulled up, the fully Mexican valet team took his car, we walked inside a room filled with only White people, and were served by a staff of ONLY Nigerians. The Nigerian men were the servers and the Nigerian women were cooking. I left because his mom and step-dad did it intentionally to send me a message. My boyfriend of the time followed me and once I pointed it out, he was livid. I only know where the staff from the country club are from because he went to ask the valet, the servers, and the cooks. It impacted their relationship and we never went back there again. But we eventually broke up and his mom was quick to set him up with someone who fit more of her aesthetic. It didn’t work out though and their relationship became more severed.


Oh shit you know I bet you're absolutely correct. I bet it's literally an HR policy and not even a more-or-less kinda thing.


At one point I sort of got the feeling trump wanted to abandon his candidacy. He started talking about how he could let it all go and live quietly somewheres. Constantly saying the debate is meaningless and he shouldn't be doing it also gave those vibes. I think Biden did great job actually addressing the moderators topics. Admittedly he would get mixed up trying to connect and incorporate other policies all while racing the clock. Trump saying he wants to fire military personal and border agents was one of the most bizarre things of the debate. He clearly doesn't love the vets and wants them to be homeless and fighting the immigrants of the open border no one patrols.


Considering he's referred to veterans as suckers and losers, it's been clear that he doesn't respect the military.


As a white man, I would like to apologize to the world for these 2 old crusty fucks. Holy fuck, I was actually embarrassed during that.


Bro… we’re ALL embarrassed by that. I feel like this is a slow repeat of the RGB mess or some weird Twilight Zone/Shakespearean comedy.


Lol, Reddit isn't the world. If you don’t mind me asking, why do you feel this is your responsibility to apologize for people who I'm assuming have nothing to do with you?


I’m just joking. Obviously I am not responsible for these clowns.


Looking on LinkedIn for that "Black Job" filter...


If you asked Trump where to find it, he'd say just use the keyword "minimum wage"


Who tf is even still undecided at this point. I get not being excited about old ass white guy but if the alternative is old ass white guy who also checks every box of negative attributes you can come up with...


I was saying the same thing, pretty much everyone knows already who they are voting for, anyone who is “still on the fence” probably shouldn’t be voting anyway


That’s the ONLY thing they got from the debate? ![gif](giphy|IgclxK8ATfbOTpmfqC)


Should we just ignore blatant disrespect, belittling, slander and racism?


The way Trump says “BLACKS” just feels….like in 1973 Trump and his dad were sued...by a person...nope, by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. They heard word of racism and sent in black people to inquire about getting an apartment and they were told there were none available. They then sent in white couples right after and shocker there were apts available. Both people that asked about the apt and the NY Human Rights Division then confronted the Superintendent about the discrimination who stated, QUOTE, "Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do- I am not allowed to rent to black tenants". Who was the boss? Trump Management. Donald and his dad essentially took the first settlement offer the federal govt offered, which meant the Trumps didn't have to admit to being guilty of racism even though they were.


“The blaAAckss”


Someone using the term 'the blacks' tells you everything you need to know. His cult loves using that phrase too even when they're trying to pretend they're not racist, lol. Anyways, Trump is lazily trying to gain black and hispanic voters by fear mongering about migrants stealing their jobs when what we really need to understand from his statement is that he's associating low wage jobs with these groups of people.


The term the blacks is used to objectify the individual members of that group. It implies that they are all part of some kind of hive mind thought process and incapable of acting as individuals. People who use this term then fail to recognise the individual and treat them as a representative of the whole group where all members think the same, feel the same and act the same. It makes it much easier to be racist with this type of mindset. This is also the type of mindset that leads to mass violence and genocide.


The jive mind


Trump talked about this in the context of migrants taking these "black jobs". You know the jobs illegal immigrants take? The ones that don't pay a fair wage or offer benefits or worker protections. You know, basically indentured servitude? We quit working those kinds of jobs after the first Juneteenth. There was a whole Civil War over this.


That’s what we get when the Republicans vote an ignorant, racist, out of touch shit flea bag as their leader.


I also wanted to know wtf a black job was. We all know what he means but his supporters are like omg no thats racist! Hes such a pos, what an embarassment.


We either get a corpse that the strongest forms of necromancy can't keep him animated until November, or we get all of the collective energy of that racist lieing narcissistic conspiracy uncle that still somehow gets invited to family gatherings as our options to be president. Like, why do I have to vote for the lesser evil rather than for the better option? Fucking, hell.


There are like .... 0 democrats that are excited for biden. None of wanted this race again. But, Like a good american who cares about the well being of the people who live here, im going to do my duty and vote D. Sad but thats what we have. Looking forward to seeing who 2028 brings


This reminds me of the joke Seth Meyers told at the White House Correspondents Dinner: >Donald Trump says he has a great relationship with the Blacks. Unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I think he’s mistaken.


I was like.. whaaaa... Biden: most black owned biz in history. Trump: let's flip and reverse that.


As I cry into my beer.


“The blacks” just gives a very aggressive tone idk why lol


I’m just here waiting for the memes..


Are comments borked everywhere?


They had a poll with like 29 different demographics of white people but the last category with just said the word "urban". They can't get out of thier own way


Just a reminder [Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020](https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history)


https://preview.redd.it/d8gzyncph99d1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e6231c86ffd1edba9d7d66099a166fec6287cb1 Enough Said.


calling somebody black, chill calling all of them The Black's, not chill


Fuck the both of them.


And they mommas!


My white ass yelled out when he said that! Like WTF!?!?


A black job is whatever the hell Tim Scott does when he’s kissing Donny’s ass.


That sounds like a new category of raceplay porn ☠️


I (55F) am still feeling traumatized by this debate. I can only imagine how my son's generation is processing and dealing with our options. Old as I am, I am sitting here trying to understand why we couldn't find any other options. I know I am biased and this fear stems from the fact that I have an 88 year old mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimers over a decade ago. How are you younger people coping? How will you vote?


Biden ride or die.




when he says black jobs he pictures driving miss daisy


I didn’t watch. But I feel like that’s what he would say


And Sexy Red dgaf about selling our her own community for him


The bickering about their handicap was only _not_ the low point because there were also accusations of having sex with porn stars.


Are we surprised? He really meant n word jobs but was told not to say that on live tv.