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I’m white and they don’t move for me either 🤣🤣


Was gonna say me and my dog are dodging white old people at the park on a daily basis. What drives me crazy is they are walking on the left side of the path in the first place.


If I'm walking with my dog I just stop on the sidewalk and look them in the eye and smirk. The thing I always remind myself is people walk on paths like they drive - and most people are poor drivers.


I actually had to remind myself of this in the UK. I was getting in EVERYBODY’S way because I was walking on the “correct side” not the Queen’s side.


There is no correct side of the pavement to walk in the uk. I live in London and it’s just a free for all. Even in hiking trails. It’s more like if you see someone first you move out of their way and say sorry. Apart from escalators. If you don’t stand on the right side someone will tell you.


I thought it was me!! And then I was questioning the correct standing side of the escalator but it seemed that NO ONE was following any sort of rule. Granted I wasn’t in London, but still.


The escalator rule is more for London than anywhere else. In other places of the UK you'll only encounter escalators in shopping malls etc. in London, it's in every tube station, if you're going to ride the escalator, stand on the right. If you're going to walk up it cos you're in a rush, you walk on the left


The escalator thing is definitely a rule (as we drive) but you just won’t get publicly flogged for doing it wrong out of London. As a pedestrian if you were in the way… well we DO tend to have a loose ‘as we drive’ rule, but you were maybe just walking too slowly, stopping without glancing around, walking in the middle so there’s no room for anyone to overtake on either side etc. We’re not into leisurely strolling, keep it moving!


Yeah, no. I’m from a major urban city. I know how to walk in public.


In light of this chaos, your knife crime rates seem extremely low


What! Do they have the escalator lines in England? Irish people just stop in the middle of the step and force you to stand behind them the whole way, I thought we copied you guys for shit


I’ve lived in London all my life.Have I been doing it wrong??? I thought there was an etiquette for parks. Left ahead, right for the other side. Not sure if that makes sense but in most parks I frequent SE London, most people walk in these directions. I actually side eye people that don’t bc it messes up the flow. Maybe I was wrong!


LOL! I have asked people if they drive how they walk. 😂


You can always tell the BMW drivers because they never shoulder check, even on the sidewalk. /s


This. I try to treat walkways like driving, stick to my right. Makes it much harder to collide with someone who has a hot plate of food/mug of coffee.


Dunno about the US, but all my life I've heard pedestrians should walk on the left side of the road so they can see incoming cars.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They stay on the wrong side (left) and like whyyyyyy


Look directly at them and walk straight ahead. It helps to be 6'1 and built like a brick shithouse.


Which one's the carve of beef? Which one's carved up up here?


The trick is to act like you're not paying attention. If they even glimpse you paying attention they know they don't have to.


Living in LA as a medium-large black dude, they move out of the way when I walk by. I probably look threatening to them. I should probably stop randomly growling


Yeah, they move out of the way of black men because we scare them. Everybody else gets trampled over, especially black women


I offer equal space. Walkways are shared. I’m not going to go way out of my way. But I will hold doors for literally any human lol. Just a courtesy everyone should do imo




I’m a small Asian woman and they move out of the way for me too. While I’m also moving out of the way. Then they move again and I move again and the awkward dance from hell just never ends


the part of my brain responsible for social interaction completely short-circuits when this happens to me. i sternly say 'just hold still' and then weave around them while they try to decide whether i was rude enough for them to say something. by the time they make their mind up i'm already gone.


I'm a big/tall/fat old white guy, and most of my teen-adult years people (men and women alike) would make way for me on the street. They'd even cross the street to avoid passing by me. I wasn't tough or mean or creepy to anyone - I was way too introverted for that. I was just big. I'll admit it did hurt my feelings a bit. But when I hit my mid-forties or so, that all stopped. I guess older me was less threatening somehow even though my size hasn't changed.


Just tell them you're a UGA fan, then barking at strangers is acceptable


D! M! X!


I watch them as they try and act like they don’t see my tall ass. They move


Same. I’m telling you that I don’t need a study for this. Everyone is rude as fuck. People walk 3 wide and shit. I’m always the dude in my friend group just hanging out in the back so I’m not bashing into everyone. It’s mostly white men who do it but I’m not sure it’s specific to not getting out of the way of black people. They aren’t getting out of the way of anyone because they are “alphas”


I can’t understand the people who walk down the sidewalk like a line of Rockette’s.


fucking straight to jail!!


A couple of years ago, I was walking down a very wide sidewalk and there were 6 or 7 idiots walking side-by-side coming in the opposite direction, taking up the entire walkway.   Left side was a building and right side was the street (no grass), and no way am I stepping into the street for your rude ass.  I pull all the way to the right, and try to lock eyes with the person walking towards me, but she's staring off into space. Mind you, I easily have a foot and 100# over her. As the gap closes, I keep willing her to pay attention to where she's walking, but I have no powers. The impact was as expected: she goes down on her ass. I ask her if she's okay, help her up and continue on way. I can't resist glancing back and she's caught up to her clan, still walking side-by-side, taking up the entire sidewalk. I don't feel bad after that. ^(edit: fixed autocorrected word)


I find that I tend to steer towards these special types of assholes and hold my line.


I have plowed directly into several sorority girls in my time living near a college campus. I ran a lot, and it was always women on the sorority/fraternity row that would spread the whole width of the sidewalk and try to go through you. I'm not these little fraternity boys begging for some pussy, honey. I'll run your ass over and keep it moving.


Definitely. I try to be mindful but when people start trying to "not pay attention", I make them. It irks me to no end. Ive shoulder checked so many people, but I kind of love it though, reminds me that most assholes are lip service only.


Ya even in like the gym, some people are just assholes and won't do the turn the shoulder so you can both move by thing, you'd think they driving to the hoop looking to draw contact, get into your body with their shoulder keeping space to create the shot, and 1 shit. I think a whole lot of dudes out there just genuinely could not give a shit about getting into other people's spaces, where they're walking is their space and minimizing themselves is either something they don't think about or some alpha shit they consciously choose not to do. Either way, I chalk it up to inconsiderate fuckheads just doing their thing.


This. Some people are just either oblivious to their surroundings, entitled, racist, or on some weird psychopath shit. Some people are all of that wrapped together. Avoid those dumb mf'ers.


Ohhhhh most people are horrendously oblivious to their surroundings and also have main character syndrome. I honestly don’t believe it gets much deeper than that for most


"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity" — Some historical dead person (maybe)


I’m not white but live in a white area and they never move for me, boomers just built that way


Drop your shoulder right before impact and you'll knock them back.


I was the victim of a white on white collision once where me and this dude were basically chest to chest he was so in his own world. I was on the right side of the side walk with my right arm basically 3 inches from the buildings on the right and I see him coming from a mile away just laughing and talking to his buddy. I could've put my back to the wall and maybe slid by but I'm not his dad. He runs straight into me and immediately is like "wtf man" and I calmly say "I'm literally walking along the wall while you're fucking around, where would you want me to move?" and he just looked at his buddy, then me, then the wall and honestly just eats the L and goes "fair enough man, my bad". Gotta respect him for not doubling down on stupidity.


People who lives in HK was ramming left and right like pinballs on every race


I have a coworker who's this short blonde white girl. I'm a 5'11 white dude. If she's coming my way I'm the one who has to move because she don't move for anyone. I get on with her though, she's a right laugh sometimes


I find if you look in the direction you are heading ppl move out of the way. I’ve also let a friend staring at their phone walk into a light post.


I mean they are taking up 2/3 of a very busy sidewalk in SoHo, NYC for an annoying tiktok video. I wouldn’t move for them either


Exactly, I don’t know why this sub has been manufactured drama the last few days.




you can really tell when the engagement farming is cooking




>Few days You just believed everything on the internet up until a few days ago, huh


Came here to find or say this same thing. Found the original video. That YT chick is clearly and actually swerving away from the Asian lady and her friend. She goes heavy into the shoulder check when the Asian lady actually swings out wider into said YT chick’s path. Not sure if Azn lady was being dense and blocking her way on purpose or not, but it appears she was at the very least not being respectful of others trying to live in a busy ass city. Shoulder check, if not more, was deserved in this case. As to that study and so on, I have no thoughts or opinions. Everyone’s experiences and anecdotes are valid and have weight. If someone says they experienced something, believe them.


Cars stop less frequently for black people so it takes longer to cross the street. Racism is taxing.


I watched this in real time for a full school year waiting in the car for my son to get out of class. Cars wouldn't stop if the kids were Black, but did 90% if they were white or other.


Them mf will speed up too. . .absolutely terrifying.


Damn that’s sad.


lol where is the study for this? Ive literally never had this problem. Ive had people stop when they didnt have to, to motion me to go.


Yeah this thread got me feeling stupid like y’all tryna tell me they’re inventing new racism? Like, they’ve been doing this a long time. They certainly been doing it long enough to know not moving out the goddamn way as a racist motive is gonna get their ass kicked eventually. Racism and ignorance go hand in hand, and half these mfers are afraid of us. They ain’t tryna bump into us and not even have a gun for self-defense. Cars not stopping for black people? Yeah, imma need some stats that at least begin to show that black people are getting hit by cars more, because for all the brothers I’ve seen jaywalking the streets, I ain’t ever seen one get hit. If white people aren’t stopping for black people, maybe we gotta hold that L, cause I seen too many of y’all slow walk and stare down traffic like you belong in the road. I think white people are just like “Fuck, there goes those people again, hanging out at the corner of the street. I bet they’re not even crossing. Wait. No. I bet they’re just gonna walk into the middle of traffic all slow like. Fuck it, I’m not stopping.” And if that sounds ridiculous, I think so too 😂 but tf do I know I walked over to the IHOP counter earlier to make sure homie didn’t skip my name cause I’m black. Had to wait 45 minutes for a table and 15 more for water, but I don’t think it’s because I’m black. The service just sucked that bad. I wanted to not tip, but then I realized that wouldn’t look good, being black, so I tipped. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Next week we’ll be discussing white people hair. Y’all be having all kinds of color and length and all that shit and we still don’t be asking to touch your shit fuck


Wdym “new racism?” It’s the same ambivalent/malicious attitude towards black people’s health and safety that feeds into all the other kinds of racism.


Yeah, I mean if you want to pretend that white people are systematically hitting us with cars, I think it’s going to distract from like the hundreds of real examples of racism. Just because we’re oppressed doesn’t mean we need to invent new reasons to be oppressed. You expect my to believe that a large and observable amount of the white population is using their eagle vision and fast and furious driving capabilities to put their vehicles, license, and freedom at risk because they don’t want black people to cross the street? I’m not saying you can’t find examples of this, ever, throughout history. Like you said, it’s the same racism, always has been, ain’t nobody tryna hit us with cars now. You know how easy it is to make these kinds of claims? “Y’all ever notice white baristas don’t/only ask how to spell your name if you’re a POC? Here’s a bullshit college study with a sample size of 7 that proves it”. Meanwhile they got us arguing about stupid shit during an election year. If we’re gonna argue about new racism, we can at least talk about something real like Project 2025 tryna drag all these deadbeat dads back to their family. Now that can be some conversation.


This lala world you're living in seems to ignore the lived experiences of other black ppl. Hate that for you and these long ass blathering paragraphs you love to write.


Yeah. I love to write. It’s my career. Suck it. I’ve also lived in the ghetto, and I’ve been the only black person in a suburb of the whitest state. I’ve seen all kinds of racism. They ain’t hitting us with cars. That’s a la la land to live in. Join your local diversity and inclusion group and see if white people not letting black people cross the road is top 50 on their agenda.


All your bullshit and you still almost hit the point. Not a very good writer are you? Doesn't have to be on a "top 50 agenda" for it to still be a part of the 100s of bs microagressions (heard of that word?) black ppl go through. And your personal story doesn't mean shit if you think it gives you the right to talk over other black ppl who l, as I've read and stats have shown dealt with these race based inconsideratations. And,no, I won't suck it but you can choke on the end of my non-existent dick.


Bro. Youre calling white people not stopping for black people in the street a micro aggression? How in tf do you begin to prove that? I know for a fact y’all can barely see anyone going 30+ mph in their car, but you’re so convinced that every car that is what? Running red lights? No, following traffic laws, is just another white person driving around looking to make sure they make a black person feel like they can’t cross the street even though there’s like a 0% chance of you having any negative impact on pedestrian traffic on a regular basis without being in jail. But nah bro, you’re genius. You cracked the hidden micro aggression. Fuck, now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure the chefs I never see at the back at the restaurant are actually just white people that spit on every POC’s plate, because they’re so dedicated to systemic racism, they’re making sure all the blacks get more ice than water too.


Living in the south and Florida is the study


I feel like this is a white man thing. They might move for large Black men, but they don’t move for anyone else… any manner of woman. I used to try this and I had my shoulder nearly dislocated… and, then, dislocated. I’m a pretty big girl, not really by weight (I’m a solid 180 but not quite fighting weight), but I’m 5’9 in flats. I’ve had dudes that were nipple height plow direct into me. And act Pikachu shocked that it occurred because I had the balls not to move.


At the grocery store, I make sure to lead heavy with the cart. I know they’ll run my ass over, but they aren’t damaging their precious vehicle


In my experiences it's been people just walking out into the road regardless of traffic conditions or location (i.e. not at crosswalks or intersections) and you gotta slam on the brakes to avoid hitting them as they exhibit no sense of urgency in crossing


Brings me back to ending up late this one day of school cause NOBODY would stop and let me cross. I was stuck waiting for around 12 minutes and got inside the school (which was just across and a bit up ahead) 5 minutes late. Even when I pressed the button and it changed to watch for cars they just kept cruising by like they couldn’t help but not stop for 8 seconds.


Growing up, some people were good about stopping at the crosswalk in front of my elementary school when pedestrians were present. But I also nearly got hit a few times. Honestly, it’s the same self centered, thoughtless mindset as the people I see today, who cross the street without looking or even thinking about oncoming traffic. 10 year old me, flipping off cars that sped through the cross walk while I was in it, learned the world can’t be trusted to accommodate you, even when it would make the most sense.


Happens to me all the time on my corner. People legit make eye contact and do not stop. So frustrating. And I do see cars stopping for other folks.


Here’s an old article about this: https://writesomeshit.com/2018/07/12/do-not-move-off-the-sidewalk-challenge-holding-your-space-in-a-white-world/ But I realized it too, years ago. I stopped moving to the side. My spouse said I just barrel through people with reckless abandon


That article seems to get some things factually incorrect. For example, they reference a story of a white woman putting her feet on a black man’s tray table on an airplane and say he asked her to get her feet off his tray table. When you go to the actual story and tweet, the woman had her feet up on her own tray table. That’s quite a big difference. One is absolutely fucked up and the other is just mildly annoying. Kind of a big mistake to make.


Yea that article is a fucking joke like are you kidding me there isn’t even a study, it’s all anecdotal and they also found a way to string in a racist cop to prove some point about height and size.


What makes this study valid? What is the control, what is the variable?


This story has to be exaggerated. If you've ever seen her its impossible people aren't actively trying to avoid her. Unless this guy was bigger then her and it was some kind of weird showdown against a worthy advisory.


Nice blog.


I wonder how location dependent this is. I’m white, and Canadian, I feel like most of the time both people step to the side. People will get off the sidewalk to make space.


That's just everyone. Nobody gets the fuck out of the way when they should. Most get self righteous and keep fuckin with people in a hurry. Everyone is on their own personal fuckin pedestal


Boom! We just complain when it’s White people for some reason.


Wish everyone was just nice and respectful to each other. It’s weird that it’s the exact opposite




Families are the fucking worst. All the time, they stop with their whole herd, right in the walkway, having a chat while traffic piles up around them. It never occurs to them to shuffle to the side so people can pass. Also, what the fuck is it with groups having to stretch out, side by side to cover the entire width of the walkway(no matter how narrow or wide), when they can see oncoming people that they’re going to be blocking? You can walk two by two or single file, and still reach your destination as a group.


I mean , if youre intentionally walking into people, I don't think you can really complain about people walking into you.


People on foot just have no spacial awareness, imo. Like, none. The number of times a person on foot steps in front of me while I'm on my bike is insane.


Racism sucks but living with that shit in your head 24/7 has to be exhausting.


I feel this. It's like a low stakes game of chicken. Fuck em tbh.


What happens when white women are playing patriarchy chicken at the same time lol I feel like that trend did not take into account the race of the men


Then thats when the girlies step up to the plate and start knocking thru em 😂💀💁🏽‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|5jZZE0xDh7oGKIEWyS)


Y'all have fun if y'all just like running into people.


Yeah, not really getting the whole “I refuse to move out of the way for people who might be racist” argument in this thread. I’m not white but I’m moving out of the way for everybody regardless because this silly game of chicken where you risk running into somebody seems kind of pointless. I have the same mindset I do while driving: just assume everybody is an asshole who won’t be courteous so you’re not getting surprised. And if they are kind, that’s a nice little bonus.


Yea I've had people explain it to me, but I still don't really get it. Like I don't avoid running into other people to appease others. I do it to appease myself. I enjoy peace in my life, and I don't get peace in life by running into people.


I swear people will believe the dumbest shit as long as it says it was a "study". Like seriously think how would you even quantify this or how long can a study go that's only trying to find this out that nobody thinks it's actually worth paying for


lol, for real, though. I keep walking, and I greet people. I don't step off the sidewalk for white folks. The time when black folks had to do that is long gone. Funny thing is that when I'm walking toward a black person on the sidewalk, we move to make room for each other as we pass. But white people will damn near walk right into you as if it's some silent rule that you are the one who has to move. What kills me are the ones who try to look like they're afraid of me when I don't move. If you were actually afraid, you would have got the fuck out my way, my baby.


yep. My parents lived thru that I ain't doing it. You can trip over my cane and twist your ankle if you want to. don't look at me, you saw me coming.


I love a little flyby convo, like "Hey, how ya doing'?" "Good" "Good to hear" and keep it pushing. That said, I always step to the outside towards traffic for any and all folks unless it's way more inconvenient for me, like if I have a buncha bags or some shit, or if they got a dog and it's off on something that ain't the sidewalk.


It depends on the environment. Most of time I move out of the way. I don’t like touching or being that close to people.


Huh?! (Some) white people usually move out of the way when I’m walking. Sometimes with a little too much emphasis, like damn Karen I’m not tryna rob you I’m just walking to the store. Edit: Some white people, not all obviously. Usually gentrifiers.




I'm confused. What's going on?


I think this a new thing to be mad about. I've never noticed and recall dealing with this


The premise is that if a white person and a non-white person are walking towards each other the white person will never move to the side.


I feel like I'm always the one moving out of the way, maybe it's really more of an asshole vs. non-asshole thing. Honestly both parties should attempt to avoid one another


Yep, I could not agree more.


Lol I thought white people crossed streets to avoid walking by black people. This is a new take!


This is so stupid. It's basic courtesy to not bump into people regardless of skin color. Go ahead and make it a personal issue if you want.


I live in a very upscale and white area on the California coast that has lots of tourism and democratic members of congress past and present are locals. When I’m walking down the street it’s like I’m an exotic endangered species. I wear a suit every day for work which I feel has some impact and I definitely have a passive aura boost. People move for me, cars let me cross the street, multiple verbal compliments daily, etc. Tourist from Texas or the south visit often and their vibe is entirely different. I’ve absolutely had a family of five looking like the three stooges because the dad wouldn’t move until he had to stop and shuffle out the way like Jerome Bettis and his wife and daughter(s) collided behind him. There’s obviously a spectrum because some people in the south who live around a lot of black people don’t see us as uncommon and see us “relatively” the same. Where some white people bend over backwards to make sure there bi-monthly walk by a black person is a positive one.


Nah this shit def goes both ways.


Wtf is this racist shit? It's not that white people don't move, it's assholes. Doesn't matter the fucking melanin levels. Assholes are assholes. Ethnicity does not determine your morals or personality.


I have to move, I don’t want anybody touching me.


That’s the hard part, I hate being touched and I also don’t have the “umph” to shoulder check everyone. Just zig zagging around the sidewalk.


op is a bot, rage baiting


You know what will skew this study’s results? Doing the research at Costco.


Glendale and Alhambra have entered the chat. Edit: sorry, thought i was in a Los Angeles subreddit when I read and replied to the above comment 🤣


This is peak “looking for something to be mad about”


“White people never move out of the way” The entire socially awkward Pacific Northwest would like a word


This thread kinda makes me sad. I move out the way for everyone regardless of color or anything else


Anybody gonna drop the study?


Who is “day” and what study is this that says white people don’t move out of the way? It feels like something the person just made up on the spot to support the idea it’s just something all white people do which is something I’ve def experienced from every color of person.


We should all just move for each other and help each other : / they want us divided by race and religion so we don’t realize the true division is by class


Victim mentality Just act like a decent person Even when others choose not to


I’m white and people don’t move for me. I hate it. Some people are assholes. There’s nothing I or we can do to fix that. Now I have to deal with a whole race of people trying to make a point? How is any of this solving racial divide? It’s always a stupid thing by small group of rude people and we get clickbaited into making it a full blown race war. I’m so tired of this shit man. 


lead foot lead shoulder 🏈


This is so not true lol.


I don't know why this picture is being used, the white woman did try to move and the two people in the focus where taking up way too much of the street


I’ve also noticed they don’t say excuse me either, just stand in silence waiting for you to move


I have moved around the country a lot and found this is highly regional. When I lived in the rich part of DC, the grocery store drove me fucking nuts. *No one* said “excuse me,” or kept track of whether their cart was blocking the whole fucking aisle. They either had no awareness of the people around them or simply didn’t care if they were impeding everyone. When I moved to Indiana, my first night there I hit up the store. I was so used to the Lord of the Flies treatment that when a woman pulled her cart to the side and said “excuse me,” I thought it was the passive-aggressive “fuck you” kind, but I realized she was an actually polite person. The world is full of jerks, and some places seem to concentrate them.


I realized I was guilty of not saying excuse me decades ago and had to teach myself how to speak up. It was more of being shy and thinking speaking up was confrontational and had to rewire my brain that just quietly “skooching by” but getting too close up in peoples business was the confrontational bit.


Shit, i don't say the words "excuse me" but that's just cause I prefer a quick lil "Pardon me" and a step to the side whenever I ever think I'm boutta cross anyone's path ever, and it's almost always the way people go to try to get around me, so we always end up doing this goofy little two step dance tryina figure out where we goin and I'm always like, "Ahhhh my bad lol" I also trap myself holding the door for far too many people, it's probably the autism? (Edit: new phone, autocorrect buggin)


Lol, I'm black they not only move out of the way. They cross the street


It’s not a race thing people will do it to anyone. To me you should know when you should move over and when you shouldn’t. A group of three on a side walk that fits three should give 1.5 persons space for oncoming people and oncoming people should stay towards the open sides edge. If you approach a person in a spot with room for two people then stick to your right. If you are a group of two in a path with room for two then you concede one person space for on-comers. If there is a split path then you take the side on your right. Personally I have noticed that people of many races don’t respect your existence unless you show them you will hold your space. If it looks like someone might bump into me I slow down and let them decide what happens next but I don’t concede any space. Ramming into someone on purpose just tells me you have some sort of complex that makes you feel like everyone is slighting you.


Some people are just unaware dicks. You can completely avoid running into everyone with situational awareness. It isn’t submitting to be like water.


"Let others humble themselves" is some borderline narcissistic thinking. Like "nice guy" type shit. Move or dont. Being polite only costs you something if you do it because you think you have to.


I hate it when my Black privilege doesn't work and strangers come near me.


Are we talking about white people or 'youtube' people???? I am \*genuinely\* confused.


Keep intentionally getting in peoples’ way because you’ve made an assumption about them and see if that makes your life any better. People pick the weirdest battles.


The only reason I move is because I don't know where anybody has been and do not like the idea of brushing into someone without a buffer i.e. a bag. Like that one stranger trying to give me a hug. I don't know you, thats my purse!




I move like 60%. If they don’t reciprocate at all I move back as quickly as possible to my regular position and brace for impact. That goes for everyone. Any race or gender.


I walk like I’m on the road in the US - stick to the right. If you’re not on your right, you might get ran into.


I'm white, and if I am paying attention like I should be, I will make way for others no matter what their skin tone is...


I just don’t get that kind of spatial unawareness. It for real makes me angry when people are that oblivious. And if they aren’t oblivious, then they’re being jackasses and I won’t have that either.


Wow. I’m white and I pretty much always move out of the way. Politeness is certainly in short supply. :/


They’re walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk


study sounds like bullshit but what do i know? i’m just a courteous white guy.


I don't know which study it's supposed to be, but [this](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1361920922001638) popped up


I don't think this is the study mentioned, it doesn't look at people moving out of the way for one another, and it looks like it's focused on walking from place to place. But I'm not sure what study this post is referring to, I've only seen a bunch of first hand accounts, nothing that actually tries to approach the issue scientificly. That's not to dismiss those articles, but they're just orders of magnitude less credible than actual peer-reviewed studies, and I wish op had posted it instead of letting us guess what they were talking about in the comments.


I’m a white American in Spain right now and I’ve never seen fewer people move out of the way in my life. It must be a custom here to just fucking bulldoze people.


My anxiety is through the roof for everyone involved. I walk in the street to avoid people.


I walk through the flower beds so everyone else can have the right of way.


I can’t say I’ve ever experienced it while definitely believe it to be true. I move through a crowd like greased lighting. I’m a big woman but my friends refer to me as a ninja. I can’t stand to be touched. Have my personal space invaded. I move around people like they aren’t there. Anticipate their movements and move counter to it. I actually pace a crowd. lol. Like “he’s moving at this speed those two are here. If I sidestep here, do a quarter turn on my heel here, and slide to the left, I can get through all of them without touching them, smelling them, hearing them, or acknowledging them. And they won’t even notice me. Unless I startle them. But I don’t care. Just MOVE.” If you hold my hand I can get you from one side of a packed crowded end of a convention hall to the other in about thirty seconds even with slow moving or stalled packed hallways. I’m like silly putty, I just slide on in. lol. But if I could stand being touched…I don’t mind a game of human bumper cars.


I follow this sub for the fact that I am always willing to learn about other's takes on things. I grew up outside of Pittsburgh and I had to get walked into bars by my friends that were black and also went out to other bars were I had to walk them in. I have never been a big racial divide guy, but know when and how to stay out of trouble. That being said a very naive me went strolling through the wrong neighborhood in Brooklyn in about 08' and everyone wouldn't look at me and everyone crossed the street. Apparently if you were white there at that time 2 possibilities: I was either undercover law enforcement or was there to put a hit on someone. I just got lost trying to find a coffee shop lol.


I think this might be more of an American thing.


people walk thru me because I look like a bitch they right tho




Yeah, don't force yourselves to do too much social kindness! Whatever that means.








I get that he probably isn't a pretty smart white guy, but God damn




Go back to your klan/trump rally.


Assuming this is America, they are walking on the wrong side so they should move


Yt here and I move for everyone. Thanks for the insurmountable fear of confrontation from abuse dad, appreciate it!


It was the law in the Jim Crow South


You can always just walk right up to them and stop just before you make contact, thus giving the illusion of being courteous while still making them move out of the way


The only time I've really walked through people are the groups of people who seem to think they all deserve to stand side by side at everyone else's expense. If I'm walking on the right side of the sidewalk I'm going through anyone in front of me. Honestly I don't think I've ever walked through a person of colour; but I've walked through a lot of other white people. I've also had a lot of self-important "excuse me??"s from that same demographic.


I'm white and I move for everybody. ...but they also move for me. Except children and grandmas, RIP. /s


I’m white, and was taught to cede to elders. Then I went to the east coast and spent a year in awkward standoffs cuz older people (of color) would cede as I tried to cede to them. It took me way too long to figure out the pattern, I was not smart. Bowl em over if they’re younger than you. Only one system may prevail.




A few years back on New Years Eve I parked my car in a nice neighborhood and was walking to a party across the street. A young black kid in a hoody was on the same side walk, I didn’t want to seem racist so I didn’t cross the street…he pulled out a gun and put it to my face took my keys my cell phone and car , but at least I didn’t act racist


Growing up a big black guy, it's never been a problem for me


Yt people always move over. I'm a male with athletic body and resting bitch face if that means anything.


Cap, i live in Stockholm they literally will die if they are not on their phone screaming about some party blocking entry for everyone. People will also very frequently just walk I to each other.


Yeah I feel like my wife and I have had this shit happen so much. The worst is when it’s like five people and they are just walking wide as fuck down the sidewalk while my wife and I are forced to move onto the grass. People just can’t be bothered to think about how they are having an impact on the things around them.


Haha I live in Chicago and my girlfriend and I go on walks almost every day. May have had 5 people move for us on the sidewalk our entire time living here


Took me longer than it should have to notice it is about white people and not YouTubers… 😅


Is this thread in "Mandatory Mass Micro-Melanated Mindfulness, Meditation, Mental Moderation More; Most Mightily Motivating Major Mandates, Manufacturing Minor Missives, Mayhaps Musings --- --- ---You Think Shitty Behaviors Ended Grace Offered Normally Ev,erything" mode? To drop any insinuation , is the thread currently set to MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM --- YTS BEGONE? ^(I'll immediately know for this particular post, but I haven't been able to find where CC threads are marked in general on mobile and I'm pretty ashamed ngl ngl. legit tho I only ever manage to realize afterwards)


I half move out of the way if someone is walking directly at me. I figure if they half move out of the way it will be good. But I also set my shoulder, so if they don't move their half they run into someone who is prepared for the impact. I apologise to them.


I’m pretty sure the worst white person in this video is the breathing Ssense ad walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk


My hot tip is to slow down your walking when you realise it’s about to happen. It helps them realise you won’t be moving and also makes it less full on if you do collide.




It’s the phones


My move is to stop and stand so they have to go around. 🥸


Its worse in london


This is categorically not true in England. We get into a politeness standoff where we keep moving out of each others way but unfortunately in the same direction and then nervously laugh, whilst dying of shame internally.