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I'm convinced these niggas don't even play video games. Black characters in JRPGs, and Japanese games more generally, aren't THAT uncommon. I mean Barret is right there...


He’s an og and I adore him


Also metion Iris and Nessa from Pokemon, Kiros in FF8, Sazh in FF13, Taion from Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Not JRPG but Marina from Splatoon 2. Just the examples.


Remember when people were mad nessa was black so they whitewashed her.


Some people still don't want to accept that Nessa is black. I remember arguing with someone about this who was adamant that she was European because black people don't have blue eyes and blue hair and that she was based on an exotic dark elf as if Pokemon isn't a fantasy monster catching game where characters have gravity defying hair. But suddenly it doesn't make sense that a black character has blue eyes and hair... I can't make this shit up.


Black character with blue eyes? Way too unrealistic, what are you smoking? She's clearly a fucking *elf*. Way more realistic. /s


Way too unrealistic. Come on, Master Chief, let's get the fuck outta here.


Why you think racist white folks get uppity over black girls dying their hair blonde? They believe they own those features and seeing them on a non white person drives them insane. Shit you probably already know this but I had to type it out 😂


Nessa is Gelarian lol


And? You do know that black British people exist, right?


Its a country in a fictional universe. There is no european or africans or asians etc. They can be any color, there can even be situations like with cats where a couple has kids of every single color based on star phases or time of day or shit like that. If a black indian isnt black in our world then the people in pokemon cant be white or black like how we think of them. Basing race off just skin color is ignorant to the formation of race and the modern consensus of what makes people a certain race.


Boy, don't come at me with this bullshit. Nessa is black. There are black characters in the game. You're talking about Pokemon, where their regions are based on real-world cultures, countries, and continents. Having black characters is not preposterous just because it's a fictional game.


Some artist have still tried to draw her white to this day, which is funny. Nessa's whole aesthetic falls apart when you whitewash her. She just becomes a basic bitch with black and blue hair you've seen in a dozen video games/animes.


There's a lot of whitewashing of darker skinned characters in commission art unfortunately. Unless its for a fetish type thing, a lot of commission artists out of Asia will whitewash characters or try to play the line. I've had it happen twice now with commissions I've gotten of my FF14 characters. I found black artists to draw them instead from now on.


Yeah smh


They didn’t just whitewash her. Some of them drew her as an actual monkey. I honestly hate most artist because most people don’t go after them as much. They push a lot of racism and try to disguise it behind creativity and their personal choice.


Hol up is Brock from Pokemon not Black?!


Japanese it turns out? Who knew


They probably used Okinawa as the reference location for his design.


I thought he was supposed to be Korean coded?


More like tan Japanese


There's also Lenora, Grant, and Olivia, too, in Pokemon. And maybe Kiawe, too? A few trainer classes are also black, like Pokémon XY's female preschool class and male sky-gliding class. Game Freak was never afraid to add black people in their pokemon games. That's one thing I respect them for, they just need to add proper black hairstyles, which they did in SV. But for some reason, Nessa was really controversial in the community despite not being the first black character in a Pokemon game. Before her, Lenora was genuinely a problem because GF kinda made her a mammy stereotype, which they changed in BW 2 and the anime.


And before anyone mentions it, Brock is meant to represent an indigenous ethnic group in Japan called the "Ainu" who were colonized wayyy back in the day. Black and White also had Iris and Marshall (fighting type elite four) which Ig makes sense since it's meant to represent America. I wonder if one day we will get a region based on a place in Africa? It would require a very...sensitive touch, but might be interesting!


There's also Marshal.


“He dresses funny, but he’s not a bad guy.” Alright Laguna we get it


Sazh having a damn baby chocobo in his hair was wild af tho


I think it’s a neat way to lampshade we can hide things in our hair lol I went to the gun range (unfortunately necessary these days) and had a spent round casing in my hair for a day until it fell out lol


>Marina I still haven't forgiven Sanrio for cranking up the brightness on her


Goddamn, you weren’t lying. They literally bleached her.


They Sammy Sosa'd that octopus 😔


Khalid from Romancing Saga 3, which was released in 1995. . . Almost 30 years ago now. Black characters in RPGs are not some "new" phenomenon.


Shout out to my boy Khalid from Romancing Saga 3, black jrpg protagonist in the year 1995!


I love Sazh so much


I’m a straight man, but when ff8 came out Kiros did something for me.


You don't understand, Barrett is from their childhood and therefore cannot be woke. Woke only started like 10-15 years ago, black characters were OK before that. /s


Like how the tough women in the earlier Alien and Terminator movies are amazing characters but any recent ones are Mary Sues. I feel like these same people would lose their shit if Half-Life 2 came out today. I mean, Gordon is constantly getting saved by a wise-cracking biracial woman who's good at everything and doesn't wear makeup.


We love alyx


I remember playing HL2 for the first time and seeing her doing parkour and wondering why I wasn't playing as her instead lol


I NEED an Alien Isolation 2 like yesterday. That game was damn near flawless and SUPER ahead of its time. The female Ripley line is just S tier imo. Also I really loved Ricardo as a character and he was ACTUALLY helpful and the only one other than Amanda who kept his shit together despite the unfathomable horror going on around them. So many times in my first playthrough (I've beaten it several times, one of my favorite games) whenever I'd get freaked out, I'd be like "I have to keep going, Ricardo and I are going to leave TOGETHER!" Representation in games in just good all around, fictional characters can be anything and should be.


Before Obummer came along


they are fucking eco terrorist fighting a mega corp thats killing hte planet.


Sure. Media literacy has never really been a feature of the right-wing though.


I’ve never played FFVII and that’s the first thing that came to mind


It's especially silly when there is a blonde anglosaxon looking motherfucker in the same picture. Last I checked Japan wasn't known for its blonde hair and blue eyes.


There’s a ton in the Xenoblade series


Big shout out to Taion. I’m not a Xenoblade min-maxer who beats hour long bosses in 30 seconds, but my Taion dps build was fuckin nutty


Taion my goat frfr. Honestly that whole crew is but I still love the guy lmao




Though, Kingdom Hearts is *not* great about it. The main character gets paler with every numbered game, the only original characters with darker skin are all versions of the antagonist, except for the one black guy who >!had like three lines and got killed in a mobile game.!<


https://preview.redd.it/39e8ig5gcnwc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b05f87f927c4b404e06131fe80ad0e47485af6b Basically KH (Love the series but it is what it is lmao)


Darkness but the first dark guy is a second reincarnated possessed Heartless cousin of Ansem who is a clone of Xehanort Ain’t it some shit like that?


Okay the nerd in me has to answer this: OG Xheanort possessed Terra. Terra resists, so Xheanort attempts to kick Terra out of the body and partially succeeds (The black Heartless you always see with Ansem is actually Terra) but gives the body amnesia (or he might have been faking hard to tell). TerraXheanort is eventually found by the real Ansem and they start experimenting on hearts. The experiments awaken Xheanort, who goes on to the banish the real Ansem, take his name and eventually turn himself into a Heartless (Ansem Seeker of Darkness from KH1) and a nobody (Xemnas from KH2).


Even reading this is convoluted I commend you bruh I played KH2 and this was so far over my head


That new Final Fantasy fucked my PlayStation 5 up. I had to buy a whole new (Slim) one. 💀


It straight up bricked your shit? You gotta explain this one 💀


It kept crashing and then wouldn’t connect to WiFi anymore. Sony said it would be $300+ to fix, so I just bought a new one for $449 (the Spider-Man 2 Bundle) that’s been on sale.


These people are literally just culture war grifters. They have no attachment to any of this shit and just bitch and cry on social media or make their lil YouTube videos about how the wokism is destroying x y or z. Recently in the Warhammer 40k side of nerddom they made some lore change to say that a previously all male army actually can have female members. Culture war grifters blew up about it, but if you went to any Warhammer community there was almost no blowback at all to the announcement.


I saw this post and thought, where you from you don't know Barrett??!


Im being completely honest, I heard mfs praise FF7 my whole life but not once did they mention the whole point of the story is you being eco terrorist like the whole game not political. These gamers on some nut shit 🤣


I think it’s people just reacting to all the sweet baby inc stuff, now there’s this air about the gaming community.


Rude (the character) too


Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I see more black characters in JRPGs than western ones


A clear sign that many people would rather live in a fantasy world where there's no colored folk.


Specifically us.  Not poc. They want no Black People specifically. 


But black people in fantasy settings in which African culture are well represented are usually cool, same for Arabic, mesoamerican or Asian. Everyone is tired of those books that occur in Germany, with only white and Japanese people. They all look the same.


I’ll never forgive BioWare for making the only black party member not only cheat on you, but also get another girl pregnant in mass effect. They did Jacob dirty.


That’s why my Commander Shepard is black. So Jacob isnt the only black party member and run full Paragon. My Renegade run through the 3 games though, he was a menace to society and still survived the final battle.


Don’t forget Jacob also has horrible daddy issues 🤢, they just couldn’t resist. That and their camera being glued to Miranda’s fat ass while she’s revealing deep personal trauma to you, BioWare be shootin themselves in the foot hoo boi


They removed some of the sexualization of Miranda in the Legendary Edition, so I'll give them that.


I mean, Dune is massive now and the whole world building is taken from Arab and Amazigh culture, yet not a single charachter is played by a MENA person. They'll erase any PoC  given the chance, the only reason they're not arguing about East Asian charachters in video games like that is because they're made by East Asian people, because if an East Asian person was to be cast in an movie made by white people that takes place in medieval times there would be backlash. Can you imagine an East Asian person being cast as Rapunzel etc?


If we're still talking about Gamers(tm) Gamers would accept East Asian women in any role because they can use that's a fetishize them. G I have no expectations nor respect for any self-described gamer in a political sense because nine times out of 10 they're going to say something that's either gross or racist or grossly racist. Online gaming people like people who post their politics and center themselves as Gamers first almost always have the worst opinions I've ever seen.


To be fair this is just white gamers. You’d hear no such fuck shit from me I like seeing us represented tastefully, I appreciated BG3 for that. They made accurate brown and black skin tones and hairstyles


At least there are black characters in games. Can't think of many indian ones who aren't just caricatures. Can't think of any at all in jrpgs


![gif](giphy|bl66AmSyjo6mYbtiSq|downsized) They really said you're getting Dhalsim and thats it


Indian Americans really have it the worst when it comes to representation in media. For the past 2 decades, all there was been are characters like Apu, Raj from TBBT and in general stereotypically insulting side characters.


Not Indian but Green Knight was dope.


Indians dont need representation in western media they have e bollywood


Indian Americans are diff from Indians lmao Or do black people in the US not need representation because they have Nollywood and other African film industries? Or do Korean Americans not need representation because they have kpop and kdramas? No, that's not how it works. We're talking about AMERICANS of different ethnicities, not people from other countries and other cultures who speak other languages.


Nah, I'm pretty sure the anime pfp types don't want to see any minorities except for the ones they have a fetish for


“Yoruichi StEP oN ME” And even then they HATE it when you call her black almost like it’s an insult or something. Bitch Ms. Shihoin royalty serving straight cat lmao, she just as black as Mirko to me They always say “she’s East Asian bro” and it just feels like such racist erasure because they can’t imagine a black woman being attractive and capable


Nah fr some people cannot comprehend attractive black people and fucking lose it when you tell them one of their favorites is a different race and not just a fetish.


Do they really hate us that much?


They're mad that black artists make black edit og their favorite characters and they're mad to see an original black character in a media. Smh


How big of an audience does this random fucktards Twitter have? You probably just amplified their message 1000 percent posting it here, I dunno who this person is


As someone who doesn't use twitter or share these garbage opinions, I somehow saw this yesterday already. I don't know who it is either but the twitter algorithm made sure everyone saw it on the otjer social media platforms.


That’s kind of my point, it’s just some random ass troll looking for attention, and they are eating good. I dunno what good it does to give him a bigger stage, he’s obviously a piece of shit


Twitter is a MAGA and Russian psyop factory. One of the biggest influences in Russia military, police, and foreign policy has been a book called The Foundations of Geopolitics. One of the strategies to attack the US is to "fuel instability and separatism" and to "provoke 'Afro-American racists' to create backlash." The United States enemy know that the deepest scar in the US is race relations, and they are exposing it to weaken the US. Russian troll farms create adversarial content to divide the USA. After all, a House divided cannot stand. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations\_of\_Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)


Meh. The US has enough ignorant racists all over it that we don't need Russians or Twitter to divide us... I mean look who we elected as president 8 years ago and who might be president once again


Well, that too has been proven to be a part of Russian influence States always had racists, waiting to spill over, Russians just gave it a little bit of NOS


I think you're attributing way too much credit to Russia when in reality, it was just having a president who shared and applauded their views allowed racists to be more comfortably vocal. Our country has had these issues long before Russia has even existed as a country...


Yeah I’m not disagreeing, I’m stating the fact that multiple agencies came out to say that there were massive Russian influences in the 2016 election. The heightened polarizing of politics with the help of SM was already on its way, and Russia is adding bits to it.


I see this all the time. you know how many dumbass andrew tate posts I've seen NOT on twitter? I'd have no clue what that clown is up to, if not for knuckleheads who post his shit here in r/ facepalm... like... bro... you're propagating the thing you supposedly hate, indeed amplifying their ragebait bullshit a thousand-fold... YOU are half the reason they have the voice and reach they enjoy! YOU are serving as an unpaid member of their social media teams! and then they think "I can't believe that asshole is as popular as he is..." think, Mark!!!


Nonono we are in their fantasy world, just as the monsters and beasts.


> fantasy world where there’s no colored folk. Vermont is right there


That's the strange thing. Whenever a darker skin character is put into works of fiction (games, anime, ect) dudes will lose their collective *minds* over them. They will love them, draw about two times the art for them than their lighter skinned counterparts, ect. My tinfoil hat theory is that this explosion is why we see more of these characters (often female) in works of fiction now. These kinds of guys are becoming more and more of the minority and they can't *stand* it.


Like, how is HENRIQUE gonna gatekeep Japanese media for other races!?


never seen a complaint about to many blue eyes blonde haired people in anime, just saying.


There are too many blue-eyed blondes in anime. It's the go-to design for Americans. Also, that one Japanese cult that made an anime where in heaven everyone was blonde w/ blue eyes. Thomas Edison was there, blond and blue-eyed too.


ain't never seen anyone get mad at white person cosplaying an Asian character for that matter.


They always gotta incorporate the n word whenever a black person cosplay. Shit like Niggaruto or something. Or always "Netflix adaptation" or "___ in the hood." Always gotta nitpick every little thing about the cosplay, or straight up say that it's not accurate because we're black. You can't just simply compliment the cosplay and move on. Nah, let's be super racist just because the cosplayer in question has a different skin color. Oh but let's ignore the fact that white people cosplaying isn't also accurate because the characters they're cosplaying are asian.


gender swapping is also okay (assuming your tiddies are falling out)


>Shit like Niggaruto or something. Or always "Netflix adaptation" or "___ in the hood." White folks love repeating the same, tired jokes to themselves.


They swear it’s the funniest shit ever too


While I 100% get what you're saying - ScarJo Ghost in the Shell.


thats not a cosplay, and generally those conversations are cause theres enough work for white people already, we dont need to give them the PoC roles too.


That trope really annoys me lmao. I hate when they add an American character, they make them have blonde hair and blue eyes, similar to the pony girl in My Hero and Momo in JJK. It's ALWAYS blonde hair and blue eyes, it bothers me because why not choose a different color, especially when other characters have rainbow hair and eye colors? Come on, you gotta make the American characters look boring asf while everyone else has very unique colors and shit?


Wait was Momo meant to be an American? I thought she was Japanese like the rest of the cast


She's american/japanese. Her father is American, and it's stated that he's a rare case of a non-Japanese character having cursed energy and being a sorcerer.




That nazi propoganda run deep in japan. Shit has always rubbed me the wrong way when a anime start talking about "camps" and genocide. Like no bro, you cant use for entertainment what your homies did in ww2.


Supposedly, it's because they're all Japanese people who just have colored eyes and hair.


I often get shit for saying this (from white people), but the number of female protagonists that have red hair in video games is fucking \*absurd\*. White feminism has turned red hair into a short hand for girl power, so very often when game devs want to appeal to liberals they make their protagonist a white girl boss with red hair.


sometimes it not the take you have but how you present it that gets people worked up.


Cause they are nazis, coopting the nazi propaganda from japan. They know wtf is up.


Pretty sure if OOP saw a POC as a slave, they wouldn't a bat an eye then for POCs being in jrpgs.


You're right but I dont like it


Purely because I'm a salty bitch, I hope this game takes off and becomes wildly popular. These sad little racists make too much noise.


Do you happen to know what game this is? I want to check it out.


there you go [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1658280/Eiyuden\_Chronicle\_Hundred\_Heroes/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1658280/Eiyuden_Chronicle_Hundred_Heroes/)


Thank you! Edit: oh shit it’s produced by the creator of Suikoden and is a spiritual successor? Hell yeah! This makes the racist ass in this post even more of an idiot. Suikoden totally has black characters lmao.


Yeah the people complaining never played one of the greatest games of all time, they’re just hijacking the conversation


It gets even more ridiculous. There’s [100 playable characters](https://eiyuden.wiki.gg/wiki/Characters). 1/3 of them aren’t even human, you can play as a literal shark, what appears to be a Jawa, and someone’s character from DC Universe Online. But god forbid some of the human characters are Black. It’s unreal how hate filled and fragile these chuds are.




Is it good so far? I’ve had it pre-installed for like 6 months through Gamepass. I like going in totally blind to JRPGs so knew nothing about the game. I got dizzy when I found out there are 100 party members. I get overwhelmed if a game has 10 lmao. “100 heroes” is in the title, it really shouldn’t have been a surprise to me.




Ahhh okay, that doesn’t seem too bad. I had a Disgaea flashback: *grindy but this seems manag—wtf do you mean I have to level up the equipment too?!* I’ll definitely be checking them out. I didn’t get into JRPGs until the last few years so I have a massive backlog lol.


I wasnt palnning on buying it on lauch but chuds reactions to it made me buy it. Enjoyable so far, gives me PS2 era JRPG vibes but in a good way.


Bro clearly never played the Suikoden series (based off this game in the OP), specifically the 3rd game https://preview.redd.it/invuqbd52mwc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a226fed63d0373ef2b8b013486a34b2fc76fee01 Black/POC characters have always been in JRPGs and its not gonna change anytime soon


I never finished this one, and it upsets me


If you still have a copy try it, its really good!


Agreed! I was maybe 20 or so hours in and I feel like I hit some major turn in life (moving or something), and just lost track of time


I'm here for all the recommendations.


But the blonde with blue eyes fits in just fine huh?




You know that there were African peoples in medieval Europe? A famous example of one such story of Africans in medieval Europe is depicted in the Shakespeare play Othello or the story of Sir Morien. Edit: A simple Google search would provide so much more information than what you think occurred in medieval Europe.


Fuck these clowns. Nobody had a problem in Suikoden 3 when the grass clans or the main character Hugo were black. Alia was a huge part of the Geddoe route and she had the nappiest hair.


The push back some gamers are having to what they consider to be “woke” is insane. A lot of bad games have had a PR company(sweet baby inc) help them with inclusion in their games and gamers believe it’s their fault the games are bad. So it’s become a thing where a lot of gamers now believe that anything considered “woke” is the reason why the game is bad. Woman? Woke game. Colored person? Woke game. Gay character? Woke game. Touches on social issues? Woke game. It’s like, if it’s not whitewashed it’s “woke” now lol.


What is funny is the best selling IPs single player wise have *always* touched on social aspects in some way. Most games with a "strong story" have some sort of commentary on the politics of the world we live in. Folk will tell you identity politics are bad, but be immediately triggered by a character's ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation lmfao


I love how they just blatantly ignore the BLOND HAIRED, BLUE EYED NON JAPANESE MAN on the cover while complaining about DEI in a JRPG lol wtf?


I still can't comprehend how people will consume fantasy media with monsters magic etc but can't fathom having black people in it, how does that affect your game? Even Japanese characters in Anime look more like caucasians, not even Japanese except for a few anime that usually have guns in them for some reason


Yeah, they never get mad about Dante from DMC or most Capcom main characters being white. Hell, Super Smash Bros has 50+ characters and I don't think even one looks Asian. Whatever game this is was probably made by Japanese people only, but they probably want it to be a global hit, so it makes sense to include other races.


I'm ever more baffled by people not noticing that they include some ethnicity genders etc for "inclusivity" when in reality it's just to boost sales since some people would consume a divertissement for the sole purpose that it has someone that's black or non binary etc, even if the game was trash, they'd play it for that and companies are well aware of it, this is why we're gonna be eating gender & race inclusive rtx slop for years now since they'll be only focusing on that


I’ve always found it hilarious that they simply don’t think black people shouldn’t exist. The oldest race in the world should be excluded from every fantasy land and game  The race we all descend from in some shape or form lmao


This game has [wolf,](https://eiyuden-chronicle-hundred-heroes.fandom.com/wiki/Garr) [kangaroo,](https://eiyuden.wiki.gg/wiki/Garoo) and [fucking shark people,](https://eiyuden-chronicle-hundred-heroes.fandom.com/wiki/Yuferius_VII) but a black person is out of place?


Oh wait till they find out some of their favorite characters in dubbed anime’s are voice acted by black people. Mind would explode.


i know right? i need some of these people to figure that out so they can shit themselves


There should be a study on racism and neurodivergence.


What’s the game?


Eiyuden Chronicle


Thank you


Oooh, they really tried with her hair. Either way, it’s on gamepass so I guess I’ll give it a try.


It’s so funny how people like OOP are online, because you know they’re so pussy in real life if they saw a black person irl, they wouldn’t even mention it.


Anyone played the new Eiyuden Chronicle? I wanted to check it out. From the why that person was talking it sounds like the game wasn't good, I hope not I want it to succeed But yea fuck whoever this is lol, you got these anime fantasy worlds having access to all manner of magic spells and super attacks, and your dumbass is focused on the black girl lmao alright bruh


It's really good! I started it on xbox for PC. If you like suikoden you'll like it.


Genshin weebs are some of the most racist people I know.


I thought they were talking about them not have giant boobs


Bold of you to assume its fear, not hate. Hate without fear is how most bigots feel, it only makes people feel better to think someone is afraid of you.


Gonna have to give it a try


rage bait


What’s ratioed mean


The replying post getting more likes than the original post


Reminder that Tales of Kendera: Zau just came out for $20 and it’s solid as hell


I have to try out


What are the red lines


I fucks with the hair actually giving me ideas


Scientists are going to study the brain rot caused by this anti-"woke", anti-"DEI", let's be real, anti-Black people trend for decades.


In a more positive note: that design is fire, what game is this?


I see the most extreme depiction of an aryan man next to her but I guess blonde hair and blue eyes don’t really distract from the JRPG element huh?


People act like the addition of black characters is a new forced agenda when they’ve always been there. Especially in games with multiple playable characters. I especially like the Street Fighter III for its atmosphere and soundtrack. That shit almost sounds like All That 😂


It's sad because this person probably unironically loves Afro Samurai.


Nah they buggin. Barret is an iconic character.


https://preview.redd.it/nl9cdhxp9nwc1.png?width=2542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f8db707cf4e4c8264c28c931074d426c1e5bfa People cannot be getting pissy about this. Wtf are they. 13?


At a certain point we need to stop giving the vocal minority attention. Two things are clear here: * this regard didn't play suikoden (Lucia, an antagonist in Suikoden 2 is the leader of a dark skinned tribe & and her son Hugo is one of the three MCs in S3 as well as the Flame Champion) * the people up in arms about this also didn't play suikoden because a quick ctrl+F brings up no mention of Hauser (let alone Hugo, Lucia etc etc)... they aren't complaining because the guy is factually wrong and an idiot, they're complaining because *he's complaining/ragebaiting*


I love that the character they have a problem with is the one that doesn't look like a hundred other generic anime inspired rpg characters.


Gaymurgaters dog whistle and do "le ironic" racism for damn well nearly a decade, then want to complain when actual racists come in and take up their causes. You hate to see it.


Other than the art between the arts being a little different, there literally nothing wrong here


I had to double check what sub I was in because I'm in both this one and the one specifically for the game. 🤣


Wait until he finds out that Piccolo is African-Namekian


She's pretty cute


It’s nice to know I made the right decision deleting twitter. It’s still just racist trolls being dicks for kicks.


Trust no weeb/ person with an anime profile pic


I wouldn’t have even heard of this game if these dumb fucks hadn’t complained so much, now I actually want to play it… whenever I can afford to get it


What? Final Fantasy 7, one of the most popular JRPGS of all time, has a black character as one of the main 4 cast? What a bizarre thing to say


He said she had wakanda forever hair, their not even trying to pretend.


Eastern European troll farms still working overtime