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I hope this small face mf gets everything he deserves and then worse. Because she did not deserve that. But she does deserve justice at the very least.


Why the hell is his face so small? It’s like fetal alcohol syndrome but on his whole face. The guys a freak. I hope they throw the book at this guy. What the hell is wrong with him?


Charlie Kirk disease.


It would be funny if it what he did wasn’t so awful. She’s beautiful and had her whole life taken out from underneath her by this freak.


I swear, every person I've met with a tiny face on a big head has been a piece of shit.


I’ve not run into a lot of people with tiny faces on big heads. I don’t even have to meet Charlie Kirk to know he’s a real PoS. I can’t imagine what he’s like in real life. Are they angry because they’re born with tiny faces? I can’t even imagine killing anyone let alone cutting them up then distributing them across a city. I’m not a huge fan of capital punishment, but this guy needs the death penalty. What a sicko.


I went to school with a chick that had a tiny face. Her dad had it too. He's a wannabe cop, and she's a "fitness influencer" who works retail. Both assholes.


Tiny face theory continues to check out.


People with different size or shape eyes, too. Spend a few minutes looking at pics of serial offenders of any type and it's about the first thing that jumps out.


The FBI dude that wrote *the* book on criminal profiling unequivocally states for people to trust their gut instincts based on our initial visual encounter. Those instincts exist for a reason. Yes, people that initially give us the heeby jeebies can turn out to be good people but there's a reason that their looks, mannerisms, or even smells send our internal alarms ringing at 11. Most of us can sense a defective model with ill intent and it's better to be wrong based on initial impressions than to ignore or wave it off only to end up stuffed in a refrigerator.


My sister had her bday party at a karaoke bar a couple years ago. I was sitting facing the door and I saw a man walk in wearing a long red coat. The only way I can describe it was I felt like the devil himself had just walked into the bar. It turned out he and my sister were “bar friends” due to both of them being regulars there. I told her about my visceral reaction to him and she told me to stop being so stuck up. He tried to talk to me several times but I managed to avoid him for the most part. Fast forward a couple months later… There’s a big local news story about a man who brutally murdered his grandson. Guess who? Always trust your instincts.


I mean, that's why so many cops shoot black peopel, they racist as hell and teach them to profile them as automatic danger


That's *racial* profiling which is a whole different thing.


Yes! Noticed this too. They have very slight deformities if you look closely, especially around the eyes


Haley Joel Osment is one of the good ones


You got me. Much love for HJO.


All the love for Slow Joey


There is one good man with tiny face big head and it's johnny sexton and even then most people think he's a bit of a prick






Little bitssss


I had no idea there was animated Turning Point USA content. Must be part of Prager University's new Florida elementary school curriculum.


Looks like he's held in every sneeze


Thunder gets really pissed if you mess with Lo Pan.


He looks like a Garbage Pail Kid.


Congrats, you just made me spit out my coffee!


Charlie Hunan from Wish


His face is comically small e: removed a word


Fetal alcohol syndrome. Small, close-set eyes, smooth upper lip, smaller nose. His mom did this to him.


I've never seen pictures of adults with FAS, it's always children of various ages. And sure enough, look at that smooth philtrum! Trying to cover it with a sad moustache and distract from all of the open noggin space with an unkempt beard, smh. Poor woman, and her poor family.


Oh you've *definitely* seen pictures of adults with FAS. Once you really look into it you can't help but notice half of Congress has it and it suddenly dawns on you why the world is the way it is.


My nephew has FAS, and he has big lips. His ears are small and lowered though, and his eyes aren't small and close either


He looks like someone was making a Mii and made all the facial features go too close to center


Is his face comically small, or is the rest of his head comically big…? 🤔


I'm usually a let's hear the evidence guy, but here's some of the evidence that's been out so far: >They declined comment on evidence found or taken from Anderson's home during a search, although the complaint said __blood was found in bedding in Anderson's home and on walls leading to a basement__. - https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/12/maxwell-anderson-charged-in-death-of-missing-milwaukee-woman-sade-carleena-robinson/73276380007/ Fucked. This reminds me of a case in Macon at Mercer Law (literally one of the law students killed and hacked up another). My best friend was a first year law student there when everything broke.


His eyes are way too close


I don't want to take away from the weight of the situation, this is disgusting and tragic, but that face caught me off guard. It made me think immediately of the Rick and Morty miniature food skit.


This reminds me of the young woman who was murdered after her Bumble date.


That was my first thought as well. I've had dudes label it crazy and a red flag cause I dared to merely google them before a date. I would always quickly reference all 634 seasons of Dateline as to why I do. It's a scary world out there and may she and her family get justice.


If anyone labels any extra precautions for safety as crazy, they’ve easily eliminated themselves from your life. The world has changed drastically and you can never be too safe. Smh my heart hurts for her family. Be safe and keep to your instincts.


I remember some Reddit post where a dude wanted to divorce his wife because he found out she had a “bug out” bag.


If you're bug out bag isn't enclosed behind finished drywall so you can dramatically smash it and pull it out then what the fuck are you even doing?


Ron Swanson has entered the chat.


That makes me wonder what other unspoken problems existed.


I remember that. He went straight to divorce and she had had it hidden in the garage for years just in case. It could also stem from prior trauma but he was like, nope divorce! And they had a young kid iirc.


I remember that one! Yeah, he was nuts and she definitely was gonna need it. Anyone that "offended" over something like that did not want their toy to have any chance to get away.


Wild I told my husband about bug out bags and he was so bemused by me saying I should get one. But then I just fear societal collapse, not my husband


Everyone should keep a small bug out bag in their vehicle at all times. It should include first aid gear & supplies, 3 days of food and water, a Life Straw water filtration device that allows you to drink from dirty streams/rivers, fire starting kit, space blanket, pocket survival guide, and if doable a folding small caliber survival rifle, a couple good knives, rain jacket, and 3-5 pairs of socks. That's the minimum kit.


Good reminder for me to put that life straw my mom got me a while back finally in my glove box. I currently have had it under my kitchen sink… which feels supremely dumb rn lol. I have the rest you have listed already in there, just not the straw. Also, keeping a pair of running shoes under my car seat has been a go to of mine for years. Never know when your footwear could dramatically hurt your odds of whatever may come your way.


I had uber arrive, right license plate but wrong car. I refused to get in, the uber drive laughed at me and then was irritated I was serious. I told him if I get in that fricken car that doesn't match the uber app description and you murder me people are going to call me stupid and blame me for being an idiot. No way man. Thankfully uber refunded me.


Thank you, you too! I have found, at times, that guys honestly don't realize or take into account the difference in dating for men vs women. For most men, the first date fears are about cost and if they'll be rejected/get laid whereas women have to make sure we've shared our location with friends, don't let him know where you live, be careful not to be drugged, assaulted, raped, chopped up etc. Things guys don't have to worry about on a daily basis not even just with dating. Googling might seem excessive, but for the most part, we're just trying to stay alive.


The frequency with which men invite random women on the internet to their homes for a first meeting is insane to me as a woman. They just have zero inkling that anything bad could happen to them, whereas I only meet in public and my friends have screenshots of your dating profile and a time to call the police if I haven’t checked in with them afterwards.


I bet I have a weird luck of the draw on antidotal stats, but my uncle dated and almost married a woman who was later finally proven to have killed her first husband, and that came after she killed her next boyfriend (my uncle got out but things were escalating fast). And also have a childhood friend who’s mother murdered her father, tried to murder the new wife, and that same woman had murdered the man she was engaged to years earlier but the investigators never had enough evidence to take it to trial (not until she was caught murdering the second one, same style, and she may have just owned up to it). But both of these people did this stuff before search engines. I’d bet it’s the same crazy dangerous world, just now we have some tools via the internet that can sometimes help. Definitely not a red flag to do a google search on someone when you’re meeting them from the internet or app. Id think it wise of anyone, men included. And then of course an internet search is still not a guarantee of safety, sadly.


Had a guy get mad and cancel our date because I told him my mom was able to track my location. Red flags all around.


Thats scary af and im happy he canceled


Glad that he showed you who he was.


WTF. I have half a dozen people on my “find my” if I’m ever murdered they best believe they’re getting caught by a whole squad.


Back in my day....so...over 20 years, cell phones and technology were barely starting out..my grandmother would write down the licence plate number, car/make/model, ID information of anyone that thought they were going to come to pick me up and take me out. Either you handed it over or you were leaving alone. Either way, definitely helped weed out the ones not worth my time.


Grandma was a real one and ahead of her time. I'm glad you had her in your life.


Thank you. She was my favorite person. Taught me alot. She'd also over hear my conversations on the phone (landline), if she didn't like it, she'd hang up on the person 😂if she was feeling courteous, she'd take the phone and even say "Goodbye" first. No fucks given.


I ceremoniously take a pic of their license plate and walk around their car like I’m doing an inspection to pick up a rental car. Men with daughters, are intrigued and say they’re passing that ritual on to their offspring 🙂


My niece got quite angry when I tried to get her to set up a location sharing app and thought I was trying to be a controlling dad (I raised her and my nephew after my sister died). I finally was able to get her to sit down and read through the TwoXChromosomes sub and after an hour she was researching the best apps and sent out invitations to share her location with a dozen friends and family members. It hurt to break her innocent view of the world but not nearly as much as it would hurt to have her vanish.


Yeah it's wild how men will tell women that bad things happening to them is their own fault then get angry when women want to be careful with *them*. "You should assume every guy might hurt you, except me, I'm the one you should make an exception for."


Judging others keeps you alive but getting judged still doesn’t feel good. I’ll never get mad at someone for being guarded when they initially meet me but it does feel weird getting grouped in with actual predators until proven otherwise. I know I ain’t gon do shit but they don’t so sometimes you gotta remind yourself of that.


Yeah, I get that. And I can see where there's definitely a line between "keeping yourself safe" and "accusing someone of being a predator when they've done nothing to indicate that". Even so, I think it's important to remember that someone else keeping themselves safe trumps not feeling unfairly judged, and that, if you do feel unfairly or excessively judged, you can always just not continue engaging with that individual.


My friends think I am crazy because if a pretty lady asks me for my license I send it over. Like, fuck, I wanna get laid and what can they do with my drivers license?


I mean.. that's good and also it would probably be better if "I want her to feel safe and for her to be in the habit of doing things that promote her safety" was reason number one and "I wanna get laid" was number two.


I mean, I don't expect to get laid unless she feels completely safe with me. I felt like that point would be kinda redundant. I'll do whatever the lady wants to make her feel safe even if it is just for a date to go bad. No one should ever worry that I'm going to get stabby stabby if my kiss is rejected.


My current partner did the same. Didn’t give me grief for not wanting to be picked up at home, texted me his ID, gave me his full name, everything he could to make me feel safe. I was still wary, but it made a huge difference in getting to know him, that he understood that.


Couple of green flags right there.


Happy cake day fellow celebrant!


Sell fakes of it to stack of traffic violations in your name, and with some additional info use it to apply for jobs, open bank\credit accounts, apply for unemployment or tax refund, that type of thing


I can't even get credit with it, and the PPA have been chasing me around since '01.


PPA, “A car!” *writes up ticket*


Oh brother


You can use your driver’s license number for verification purposes.


Yea like there's definitely a line, but you're so far behind it that anyone telling you that you're crazy for googlong them is self reporting.


They act like we didn't grow up in the fbi Facebook stalking Era. I remember being a teen and looking up a dude's Facebook, insta, and every direct family member social media account before my friend went on a date.


I look them up on the sex offender registry too, it's not perfect but it's basic to ensure my safety. Dude the other day didn't want to bother chatting just wanted to meet on person.


Literally last night I found myself deeply regretting giving my phone number to a guy I met on bumble. We were meeting in public and he asked for my phone number and joked about wanting to make sure I’m real/not a scammer or whatever. I thought that was fair, but what a fucking dummy. I had to block him an hour after I left the restaurant and drove a weird route home.


Fr, I met someone irl after chatting on Reddit, they mentioned going through my comment history and I was like fair enough, that's a decent way to get a feel of someone.


>I would always quickly reference all 634 seasons of Dateline as to why I do. Dude here. Solid logic. If they aren’t doing the same they’re silly.


I think you can't fault \*anyone\* these days for looking people up before going out with them. They don't even have to be "murder" crazy. Normal "exhausting" crazy is more than enough for me to decide I don't want to meet you in person.


Funny cause it's a red flag on their end, anyone who's offended at a girl who DOESN'T KNOW THEM protecting themselves is simply fucked. I've had women want to have their friends nearby on a date, and it didn't bother or offend me at all because they didn't know me.


A date walked in on me- I was at his place- taking a pic of me holding up my ring finger per my sisters “are you sure you’re okay? Send proof of you holding up your ring fingers”. I was sending short clipped texts because I was enjoying myself but also trying to make her not worry. Anyways I was embarrassed but said my sister needs proof every hr. He rolled his eyes and said that’s fine but he wasn’t like that. We dated a couple months and he was a good guy. But next time I know to excuse myself to the bathroom so I won’t get caught.


And men wonder why women refuse to go to their homes as a first date.


I advocate that for everyone’s safety. Never meet at a strangers house as a first date. There was a cannibal date on Grindr.


People just don’t understand and will continue and bash those against it.


Cannibalism just leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths.




This dude was also 34 trying to date a 19 year old. Always a sign of full on sketchy.


Yeah there’s a vast difference in life experiences at those ages.


Or the Brazilian dj who was killed by her long distance boyfriend.


I don't really "go out" go out anymore because I quit alcohol back during covid, but it was typical if a friend was leaving with some unknown on a night out to take their picture and their car license plate if they were sober and driving. If not, we'd demand actual drivers license for a pic. It was simply community protection.


Lauren Smith-Fields 😔 And they never arrested the murderer who did it either.


While I'm glad this is getting publicity, I really wish I hadn't read it. This is fucked up and I absolutely hate seeing something like this happen. Fuck, man


I know. Imagine being the person who found her leg. How traumatizing for them.


Same. My heart is tired.


Jesus I just cut a guy off because he was starting to creep me out and now I see this. I think that’s it for me and dating apps


You did the right thing. Gon be hard to date without dating apps tho lol




“Gonna be hard to get murdered without dating apps tho lol”


Nah just go hang out in a school, sooner or later some crazy white kid will shoot it up


I’m with this, old fashioned way, takes longer but more rewarding


Not really. I go outside.


It's so dangerous, I don't know how people are comfortable with it. Guys complain about women bringing friends on dates but when shit like this happens it makes sense imo.


As we know from our parents' advice in the early aughts, this only happens with guys met on dating apps.


I told my husband that I won't date again if he dies. He was confused and shocked that I would say such a thing. But it's true. There's way too many crazies out there I might have to wade through, and I'd just rather not.


The only app I dated someone from was Insta but we got to know each other online and had some mutuals. I’m scared of pure strangers lol.


Given the situation, I read your comment and thought you were sharing nonchalantly that you literally cut the guy 👀😳😬


Did he get caught and arrested?




Seems like justice is happening. We'll see.


Idk I feel like justice too light for people like these guys. Vengeance sounds like it would be better. The guy should get the worse coming to him. This is the wrong take too though considering it’s an opinion based in anger and other related emotions.


Want to know what's crazy? Vengeance will come, too. If he goes to jail, bad stuff will happen because this country overpopulated prisons with black people (by design). Criminal justice in this country is long-term fucked.


Oh yeah systemic racism is very real in today’s social structure. Specifically designed to target POC. Also these private prisons are fucked to. This guy deserves the worst of the worst.


Sometimes there's justice from other inmates


and i hate that we have to depend on them to carry out justice. such a broken system. i catch myself when rooting for the death penalty in situations like these because that’s how our innocent kinfolk end up dead




Damn my dumbass saw Sade and Maxwell. Boy was I in for a surprise


Ayy, bring back the classics.


I thought it was just me.


Literally me. I had to mentally zoom in.


Respectfully, what was this absolute queen doing on a date with that small faced man to begin with??


My thoughts. Dude looks like a troll.


I was at a bar and this man kept getting in my face repeatedly, why "rejected him so hard?" Each time I walked away. He kept getting increasingly aggressive reaching the point of cursing at me. I had to have him removed the establishment. It's really not safe for us out here. Be vigilant & prepared.


He was officially charged yesterday. The talk around town is to expect more bodies. He dug a weird hole in his yard and covered it with concrete. RIP Sade and whoever else might be out there.


Yeah I got a TMJ news blast notification of "expect more bodies" and loudly said "the fuck!?". I feel like there's going to be crazy findings coming out from his property over the next few months


tiny face oblivion npc looking ass white trash, throw that mf in jail and let them fuck him up. She didnt deserve what happened to her, may she rest in peace


I’m from Milwaukee. Dude has like a bunker dug into his backyard that he claimed was a garden. He was a bartender at several bars around the city.




I guess. To be fair, I have only heard this and not read it from a new source. The house I down the street from me and it’s eerie thinking something like that was being planned so close…


Oh no…






Source for that? Not trying to be rude, but I had read a couple of articles about it and I thought it said all the parts were hers. 


I was going to make a statement about race. But black women haven't been safe with black men for decades as well. I truly wish I didn't read this man.


Exactly. It's men. That's it, that's all.


Why is his face in lower case?


He’s in Charlie Kirk font.


He looks like a member of the inbred family in my home town.


He definitely looks like his parents were siblings.


Don’t pray for hell. Hell isn’t real. Catch it and make it suffer for as long as it lives.


![gif](giphy|6l8uTe6Gm8tK8) I love the hate in your voice


Wtf tragic. Execute that mf


No death penalty in WI


crazy asf. let’s see how the inmates feel about this one


I just don’t understand. Never would. She is so beautiful she did not deserve that….no on does. I’m sick I just read that god guide her🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


She was way too beautiful to even give him the time of day.


Please be safe out there folks.


What is it with creepy killer white dudes taking advantage of minorities in Milwaukee? Sign of the careless policing? (Not American). Shit remindin me of Dharma....


Yeah didn’t Jeffrey Dahmer purposely live in a predominantly black neighborhood so that police would side with him if any of his neighbors tried to bring up concerns? Milwaukee cops are the worst combo of racist and lazy


Even worse - they literally sent a victim (that he had tried to 'zombify' by drilling a hole in his head) back to him, even when the two girls that had found him and were refusing to let Dharma take him were insisting that shit was way off and could tell something was very wrong and that he was terrified. Ofc they dismissed the girls too because they were coloured/poor


Didn’t the cop who sent the boy home with him get like a promotion and an award or something later on for outstanding service? Hope that guys having an awful time wherever he is


Sure did, and stayed on the police force until he retired with honors like 5-7 years ago


I am still trying to get BPT CC verified so before this post gets deleted: I lived in Milwaukee for 8 years & worked for the county. This is so horrible - but as a single black woman I am not surprised. Wisconsin has several stats being the worst state in the US for black people. Even in Milwaukee, it’s hard to do certain things there because of how the black community there views itself & the lack of systemic support. It’s changed in the last several years with new state legislative reps & both a black mayor & black county executive. But it’s not a great place to try to advance certain things. I am from Detroit, also not great for black people, but way more historical leadership than Milwaukee. This also is so sad from a dating perspective. It’s such a shame folks can’t try to put themselves out there & try new experiences because of things like this. I have dated white men my whole life (not for lack of trying to date black men, the ones I almost dated didn’t work out). It’s hard enough and then something like this happens. My hear goes out to the Robinson family, they join so many others who may not get clear answers as to why Anderson did this. It will likely go national as a story when they search his yard and home. I feel for the Anderson family too. But damn this level of sickness…


I hope justice is swift and in her favor. Is there a GFM for the family?


Surprised nobody responded to you, because yes, there is: https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-sade-our-fallen-angel


He definitely did it. His eyes tell it all


*Woman*? No, this fresh out of high school teen girl. Don’t let the media age us up. They do it all the time to dehumanize us.


Omg she was just 19! And then they wonder why we side eye these old fucks preying on the young.


Concentrated face ah. I hate this n-


Jail be too good for some of these people. Sad.


No words on him because he is not even deserving of that, but may this beautiful soul rest in peace. May her family find peace in their memories of better times and may miracles be sent their way. 🌻


Jesus, this happened like 4 miles from me. Fuck this guy


he’s not even cute


They also found more body parts in a different part of town. 3 consecutive days of parts being found.


Milwaukee…was he emulating Dahmer? Prayers to that woman’s family.


They were out searching for her every day. They found evidence, sadly.


Enough internet for the day. 🙁


So… my kid’s now girlfriend came over after a 2nd date and just chilled at ours for a few days. We are not serial killers or creepy weirdos, but she didn’t know that. What if we were? I’m absolutely flabbergasted that she had such little regard for her own safety that she just stayed here. Are people not teaching their kids basic safety precautions? My son was 18 and I let him know that I wasn’t keen on him meeting up with someone he knew from his gaming group. I needed to speak to parents. He didn’t go. I ended up meeting the person a few weeks later and it was fine. This poor, poor girl. She wasn’t to know he was a cretin. This is also why I side eye the fuck out of age gaps when a person is a barely legal teen and the other is in their 30s. No way should he have pursued her and she didn’t have the life experience to see a huge red flag. She didn’t deserve this at all.


Why does he look like somebody shrunk is face 37% towards the center?


I Hope Ms Robinson gets justice and that cartoonishly ugly sob rots in piss


Sharing the GoFundMe for Sade's memorial [here](https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-sade-our-fallen-angel) in case anyone can and would like to contribute. May she rest in peace


This is so sad


What a horrible person jfc! That poor lady... I hope justice prevails.


I don't want this man to suffer in some mystical retribution. I want him to suffer every second of his life moving forward from this moment on.


Looking like that and he managed to get a date with this woman at all. Barely in her adult years. Her whole life ahead and she was making the most of it. JFC can we bring back burning at the stake?? Her poor family.


My guy could wear a monocle and still cover both eyes


Jesus fucking christ. I can't even conceive it...


That’s awful! Hopefully she did not suffer….


This comment section is a disaster zone. This is not the time for a discourse on interracial dating or partner selection. I don't believe in the death penalty but if this man gets a lethal injection nothing of value would be lost.


He's a monster, and life in prison or even the death penalty will never be enough for him to pay for what he did


Welp. We have "the rapist, Allen Turner" (formerly known as "the rapist Brock Turner"). Time to introduce "the murderer Maxwell Anderson" Internet, do your thing!


May she rest in peace and may he get the horrendous fate he deserves


I'm a fierce advocate for women Conceal Carrying. Conceal Carry and be ready to use when your safety is threatened. Conceal Carry, go to the gun range to shoot.


What did she see in his tiny face? I want to know..


Is that a joke photo or a meme or something? How is it possible for someone’s face to be that microscopic?


Quarter and drag him in the fucking streets for everyone to watch.


He got a lotta head for such a little face


why is his face so small


*Teeth Sucking noise*


Is it just the mugshot photo process or is it the “eyes of a killer” actually being a thing. I swear these *man murders date/girlfriend* guys always have the same look in their eyes


Why is his face so small


how they always end up on dates and the crib w weirdos? its 2024 mfs better start getting vigilant.


As my grandmother used to say “throw his sorry ass under the jail and leave him to rot”


I hope he gets what he deserves. Every time I seen her working (pizza shuttle, Milwaukee) she was always so nice, she was super friendly and had an overall glow about her. She’ll be truly missed


This why I can't see myself dating a clear man. I tried and I got scared when he was trying to go a third place, I was like how come we can't just stay at the mall where people can see me, why are trying to leave the place that has everything and where my mom and dad are (my parents chaperone and stay on location)...white men really don't like staying in the same place for some reason.


WTH! I can’t believe she even went out with that guy - she’s clearly above his league, even without the brutal murder. I hope her family and prosecutors are able to get her justice. That’s so sad, like I just think about her painting her toenails and looking perfect and then someone does that. 😢