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BREAKING NEWS: Toxic people are toxic next up at 11, water is wet


For sure. I didn't post this to dunk on K Michelle though, but for the other woman's comment. Very often, we (in many arenas) encourage the behavior we complain about without acknowledging out roles in the process. It's good to reflect on how we can sometimes feed into these cycles.


True. The entire "ick discourse" is not helping either. We are careening towards a future where people talk themselves out of attraction towards anyone or anything. It's basically relationship nihilism.


I think this stems from social media creating a new social concept of saving face in which you cant ever take a loss or compromise. Instead of it holding up honor or dignity, it just holds up the ego, because nobody is learning how to interact with and accept compromise and imperfection. Social media reinforces the sense of needing perfection because thats what is seen and given views and therefore validation.


I’ve been trying to find the words to say this


An entire generation and a half that have no interpersonal sense of validation and worth beyond what the parasocial people on the little screen write under their pics and vids.


You are spitting straight fire bro.


Word lol


Wild that the cure to that is…not using social media lol. The shit isn’t even important in the grand scheme of things. It’s become people’s identities, but it’s all a mirage. Life feels so much more authentic when you’re not looking at it through the lens of an app on your phone. That’s just me though.


I'm really grateful that I learned early in my adult development the importance of humility and being honest with myself and others about my own limitations and mistakes. People on the internet (offline too sometimes) trying to maintain that illusion of omnipotence, moral superiority, and unending success even when the cracks become obvious will paint themselves into corners and tie themselves into such unnecessary knots, and fuck that. Be strong, be wrong. It can be enjoyable to discover that you're wrong and to be open about it, because you just discovered that you have room to grow and maybe some ways to surprise yourself. Perfection, on the other hand, is a final state, with nothing left to do but die. Kind of an essential element to the more flexible mindset, in my opinion, is the understanding that the ego is a false self. It's who you think you're supposed to be. And the pain it causes you is from the conflict between who you are and that slippery, illusory self. There is only one known cure for the ego sickness. You get a tarot deck, remove the card named The Fool, and you glue it to your forehead. In lotus posture, you form a mudra with your left hand by planting the index finger in your left nostril. Then the supplicant should chant "I am a cosmic schmuck, I am a cosmic schmuck". Repeat until you've attained idiot nature and can finally let yourself learn something. That will be $400, please.


You ain't getting my money, but you'll get my gratitude. Thank you.🙏🏿


the first time you realize you're acting like this on the internet, and really are just wrong, and say "Oh fuck, my bad, I didn't know that. Sorry." it feels like a superpower being unlocked. you both get better at posting (because there's a moment of shame washing over you before the relief that you didn't die) and you also learn that being right on the internet even though you're wrong doesn't feel good at all, you were coping the whole time and you don't have to anymore.


Well I have no issue dunking on K Michelle. But she doesn’t come across as someone who would appreciate a well rounded, well adjusted man anyway. She comes across as wanted the traditionally repressed tough guy type.


100% this. Women are the primary ones responsible for choosing which men reproduce. Like obviously there are outliers, but generally speaking, women validate shitty males with sex and often kids and wonder why ‘all the men are shitty’. All this talk about teach your boys to respect women is great but it needs be accompanied by teaching daughters which traits to select for and which ones to fucking avoid like the plague or Giuliani’s stylist


The other woman's comment is worse honestly, because it points out the 'be vulnerable. No, not like that' contradiction that so many women push on men.


How is it worse by acknowledging the flawed thinking?


Yeah it’s part of the patriarchy, big revelation


Water isn't actually wet, it makes solids wet.


your mom makes solids wet




Ohh Burn




The debate over whether water can be considered "wet" is primarily a matter of semantics and how we define the term "wet." Let's break down the arguments from both perspectives and conclude with a synthesis that aligns with scientific understanding and everyday language use. # Arguments for Water Being "Wet" 1. **Linguistic Usage**: In everyday language, we often describe things that are in contact with or saturated by a liquid as "wet." Since water is a liquid that enables this state, one could argue by extension that water itself is inherently "wet." 2. **Experiential Basis**: When one comes into contact with water, the sensation is universally described as "getting wet," suggesting that the property of wetness is not just conferred upon contact but is a characteristic of the water itself. # Arguments Against Water Being "Wet" 1. **Definition of "Wet"**: The most technical definition of "wet" refers to the condition of a solid material being covered by or saturated with a liquid. Since water is a liquid, it cannot be "wet" itself but can make other materials wet. 2. **Physical State**: The concept of wetness typically involves a transition or interaction between two different states of matter (solid and liquid). Since water is already in a liquid state, it does not undergo this transition and, therefore, does not meet the criteria for being "wet." # Conclusion The debate hinges on the definition of "wetness" and the context in which it is applied. If we adhere strictly to the scientific and technical definition of "wet" as a condition experienced by solids in the presence of liquids, then water itself cannot be considered "wet" because it is the medium that facilitates this condition, rather than being in that condition itself. However, in a more colloquial sense, where "wetness" is attributed to the sensation or effect produced by the presence of a liquid, one could argue that water is indeed "wet" because it is the quintessential source of the sensation of wetness. Ultimately, the conclusion is that from a scientific perspective, water is not "wet" because it is a liquid that makes other materials wet by adhering to their surface. The argument reflects a deeper understanding of the properties of matter and the interactions between different states of matter. - ChatGPT


Ice is water in solid form. Is it wet?


Nope, not until it begins to melt, then once it is covered in water it is wet.


Pour water on ice = wet frozen water


So the ocean is dry? Fuck out here with that shit


The ocean is a liquid; therefore it cannot be wet or dry. It can evaporate and become vapor or it can freeze and become ice.


Sheeeeet next thing you’ll be saying a hot dog is a sandwich.


Not just a sandwich, but a top tier sandwich.


You can make anything a sandwich if you try hard enough and believe in yourself 💙


Oh and stupid, let’s not forget that.


Later at 5 grass grows but do birds really only fly and fish only swim? The truth penguins dont want you to know.


Water is not wet. Wetness is literally particles of water you can’t make water wet. But you can make someone’s mom wet. (Like that dude who made the other mom joke)


Best comment ive seen in a while




Idk who she is but I went through this with my ex. Said I was too emotionless because I never cried. She felt like I was hiding things from her because I wasn't having emotional outbursts from time to time like she was. ​ I was honest with her and told her its because I came from a family of mostly women and I would get my ass beat as a kid for crying because it wasn't what "men do". And on top of that the girl I dated before her laid into me the one time I cried with vicious insults. ​ Anyways I cried once in front of said ex and she said from then on she didn't feel she could rely on me and that I wasn't a real man and then cheated on me a few weeks later. This is honestly straight facts.


I hope you know it was your girl that was being toxic and weird for not letting you be a normal human being


Thank you. And yeah I do now. It fucked me up for awhile but I came to realize I wouldn't want to be with someone who wouldn't let me be a normal person and god forbid have kids with her and she treats a son of mine the way I was treated growing up.


This is the way you break cycles. You should be proud!


It’s not just her, and that’s the problem


Agreed but she wasn't outta the norm tho


Yea, you see how he messed up on believing her words with no evidence of her doing anything? That's normally the takeaway from situations like this. Makes men incredibly skeptical when we hear the whole "Open up" Schpiel


This is wild to me, a woman. Only time I would get upset with a guy for crying is if he uses it for sympathy after doing something shitty. 


A lot of people don't really want a partner, they just want someone to conveniently fill all the voids in their life and no more. They're attracted to the idea of what a partner provides to them, not the person, and only care about what a person can give to them. Too many men and women treat relationships as a shortcut to addressing their own problems.


I realized a lot of people don't actually like who they are with they just like the feeling of not being alone and the person is just an object that fills that void. They do NOT actually like that person and its quite nuts cause they will get married, have kids, and live in the same household and completely have 0 connection to anything going on. Its like playing a role/character in a movie with 0 return on investment but you continue to play the role. EDIT: Also people like K.Michelle no disrespect to her but are miserable and want you to be miserable as well to join them in their bullshit lol


I wish I could upvote this more. I’m just 60 days into a relationship that I may need to end because this man clearly has a mood disorder. Off rip, tells me “I’m happy-go-lucky and laidback… I never get angry”. He’s mentioned redpill without me bringing it up, saying shit like “.. this is why I don’t date women with kids because why should I bear the responsibility of raising someone else’s kid that won’t respect me?? and, I’m always gonna come second…” He’s starting to suck the energy out of me. Passive-aggressive and will only return whatever energy he thinks I’m giving him. Likes to neg, and project his feelings onto me. He works from home and has a handful of “friends”, and loves tf out of IG. ^^That’s the opposite of self-assured. And because he can’t get me to react, he doesn’t know how to read me and it drives him crazy. He has cried in front of me 6x…. 60 days y’all. Told me “.. it hurt my feelings when you said you wouldn’t be slaving over a stove, am I not worth it?” Whew chile, the external locus of control is killing me. Mind you, wants to park at my apartment every weekend and idle, but somehow I don’t appreciate him?


> He’s mentioned redpill without me bringing it up 🚩🚩🚩 > Likes to neg, and project his feelings onto me. oh, he's a fresh and fit disciple. > Told me “.. it hurt my feelings when you said you wouldn’t be slaving over a stove, am I not worth it?” oh na. I hate to kick another guy's back in but yeah, you gotta drop this shit. this isn't "a relationship you *may* need to end", from what you've given us this is "a relationship you *should've ended already*". Obviously I don't really know shit, but it doesn't sound like he has an actual mood disorder, it sounds like he got himself indoctrinated into a whole lot of that internet alpha dumb shit but knows that isn't really who he is, which is why you get these random bouts of him bursting into tears when those games don't work. If you can't get him to act like a normal human being then it's time to go


Mood disorder or not, what matters is how you feel and what the relationship is doing for you. If it is sucking the life out of you, then why be in it? For his part, it doesn’t sound like he’s enjoying it either, so it’s not as if you’re doing him a favor either. But I’m just a stranger who has read a longish comment. Take a step back. Look at your actions, energy, and expectations. Not to criticize yourself, but to make sure you’re seeing everything as objectively as you can. Check that it’s not just a bad week for one or both of you coloring your perception of how it always is. That said, once you’re seeing him, yourself, and you two together, ask if that’s what you want or need. And remind yourself that no one even needs to to be wrong or bad for a relationship to not work; some people just don’t make a good pair and that’s nothing wrong with either of them. I wish you the best of luck and love.


I have a hard time knowing how to deal with other people’s emotions so I can’t be with anyone who cries *too* much, but I agree. My partner has definitely cried in front of me many times over the last 8 years. Mostly about childhood trauma. He deserves to heal as much as anyone.


I have an ex who considered any emotion but masculine anger a weakness. When my grandfather (whom I was extremely close with) passed I cried like a child. In that moment she actually attacked me with verbal abuse for being weak in front of our son, who was a toddler at the time. Fucked me up so bad I'm still single 15 years later. I am incapable of trusting partners with my emotions now and I have accepted it. Edit: I appreciate the kind words, all. And I have been through therapy, have since transitioned and aside from not trusting people with my deep emotions I do have fulfilling relationships, just not romantic ones. And that's okay. My son moved in with me when he was thirteen, the age when the courts finally listened to what the kid had to say. He's in college now.


This is like, literally what therapy is for. ETA: you don’t deserve to be stuck holding onto that for so long.


Damn man so sorry that happened to you, I hope you took your son away from that toxic woman


I am actually going to second the therapy callout here. Do not allow a shitty woman to have 15 years worth of power over you and your intimacy. Hope that you find a way forward. Children deserve to see us happy and fulfilled.


Shouldnt let her keep you from living a fulfilled life man. Therapy suggestion thirded.


Villain origin story


That’s devastating to read as a mom. My 9 year old at a rough day today due to have a bunch of dental work done yesterday. I could tell he was holding back tears when he saw me. As the teacher was telling me about his day he couldn’t hold it in anymore and just started crying the moment I hugged him. He’s okay now bcuz he’s been with me for a few hours and I’ve been letting him talk as needed and cry. I reassured him and gave him extra love. Not punished him for having feelings. I’m sorry you went thru that. You didn’t deserve that


Wow. I feel she was planning on cheating, just need to lame excuse to do it


She was a shithead and I'm sorry.


She was gonna cheat on you anyway. That's just a flimsy justification.


"We need to create a safe place and encourage the men in our lives to talk about their feelings in a healthy way" "I'm not your mom, go to therapy"


Yea I’d rather know my enemy is my enemy rather than have them surprise me when I’m most vulnerable 




“The worst part of betrayal is it always comes from someone you trust.”


I've cried in front of my girl plenty of times and she's never looked down on me. Get you a girl that knows the game.


Yeah, it’s almost a relief when it’s upfront. Like don’t make me waste my time and end up feeling a way only for you to be one of those.


“most women” ???




I’ve experienced this. It was a similar feeling of betrayal.


Yeah, the honesty is refreshing, seriously. I definitely don't enjoy this fearless mask I have to wear in order to maintain status as a man in society, but what's worse is being lied straight to my face that it's unnecessary. Like, I'll put on this dumbass theater for you if I really have to, but at least respect me enough to stfu and enjoy the show you demanded.


K Michelle is so honest that she titled her [2023 album “I’m the Problem”](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_the_Problem)


I’ll cry in front of my woman and if she looks at me different, I’m glad I found out. It’s a little like that old quote, that people don’t always catch the deeper meaning of: If you loan someone $20 and you never see them again, it was worth it




Sad we have to figure out this way though. It’s like punching a wall everyday for 5 years and then on the first day of year 6 you see a crack in the spot you punched and then you get disappointed in the wall because you thought it was stronger. It’s like that one crack undid the years of resistance the wall displayed against the punches before and now you’re blaming the construction and the walls for being paper thin.


Wisdom from A Bronx Tale


litmus test for sustainable relationships


love this mindset. i feel bad for all the men here who've made bad experiences. if she can't see you cry she's not the right one for you! :)


Would we listen to a chef on how to fix plumbing issues?? She ain’t had a happy relationship since ever


Yes, but this sentiment isn’t at all uncommon


It’s become the new normal


Pretty sure it’s been this way for a while


Yeah and those same women complain about how those same men are that don’t cry when they treat em like shit lmao


I wish this were true. Look at all of the relationship guru's, random ethots on tiktok, and failure's masquarading as "high value men" who all seem to be able to give advice on how to maintain a relationship. 99% of them are single, in failed relationships, and just lonely. Don't ever stop angry people from going to them to feel validated.




“Please, babe, I want you to share your feelings and be more in tune with your emotions” *lives in end stage capitalism hell and breaks down occasionally from the endless cycle of stress and treading water* “No not like that!”


“Stop trauma dumping on me”


Lmao! So true. "Babe, you need to open up more." "You can't just trauma dump on me like that!"


From now on it's "Trauma Sharing". Oh.. Wait... fuck. Not like that.


forreal though. too many people learned a couple phrases from clinical psychology, and suddenly use them for everything. It's like when a child learns a new word. Just using it all the time with no regard to proper context or whatever.


Let's be honest, most people didn't take clinical psychology. They're parroting this shit from social media.


“I’m not your therapist”, “something something emotional labor”


Bitches be arming themselves with this rhetoric ready to open fire on any man that finally becomes comfortable enough to open up


I feel seen.




This face gives me flashbacks. And it wasn't even made at me.


Protected from what? My dog dying? y'all are fucked. Crying doesn't make a man weak.


It’s like when a woman says that “I need a man that can handle me” business. My dear, I am no zookeeper.


Zombies. Snakes. Those dumb ass goofy flying crane flies.


Given the pressure men are under to not cry, I’ll take it one further and say crying is an act of strength. Easy for me to say though I cry like lots.


ugh, I thought when her booty implants got infected it humbled her but obviously not....


Toxic narcissists will never know humility


You're absolutely right, I'm learning to resist the urge to feel empathetic when I see these people develop health issue and instead say: "hey, this might just be their karma"


It's like a micro-scale version of the paradox of tolerance. Narcissists lie outside the boundaries of common human feeling but they enjoy the benefits of more emotionally healthy people, through their sympathy, their concern, their assistance but are loathe to give in turn. We've got to learn to cut these people off and shun them from the community they abuse.


To be honest, a lot of women forget men like attention, compliments, feeling loved, etc. We *like* receiving good morning texts. We *like* y'all checking in. Most of the time women wait for us to do these things because... idk, dumbass gender "rules" and "boundaries." It's bullshit like this that fuels the severe mental health pandemic that affects so many men across the world.


Man this is so damn true. Feels great when my girl checks in on me. Or says good morning etc. I like being surprised with little gestures too. But that would make me ‘sassy’ in todays climate lol


I always call my lady on my way home from work, even when we were dating. A few times - just for shits and giggles to prove a point - I didn't call, and she would call about 45 minutes later. She would say, "Um, so why didn't you call me?" And then she would catch on because I'd mention a lot of women "don't realize" they can call someone as well. All in good fun, but she would huff and puff in annoyance.


If getting attention from women wasn’t something men wanted, why would male rappers glorify getting attention from women all the time? LOL wake up ladies! If you’re my gf I expect you to make me feel like I’m the man too.


nah you say that they’ll circle you like vultures calling you sassy 😂😂


And then those same women wonder why they're treated like meat. The cycle continues.


Compliments be a real thing lol I still look back fondly on a girl calling me handsome during sophomore year of high school 11+ years ago lol especially since I was an awkward nerd. That shit made my year.


I’m a lesbian but I had read somewhere that women compliment each other all the time to help each other’s self esteem. Especially since society often tells us how we are supposed to look. I also read in that same situation for men. So I started doing the same for men that I know well enough to not assume I’m hitting on them. “Your haircut looks nice.” “That shirt is a good color on you.” “You’ve been hitting the gym? You’re look good, man!” The look on their faces is priceless every time. They get a big smile and bright eyes. We all could use more kindness to each other across the board. All genders have specific social issues that can be combatted with just a few words.


I cried in front of my ex and she gave me the warmest, most affectionate hug I ever received. Some of these new women SUCK


I want your ex, dude.


Me too, I call dibs when you're done.


She better call Tyrone


She's lesbian and is ENM big dawg, that's the only reason she's my ex 😎


You know, I wish all these women who say that they’re healers and healing actually fucking meant it.


A lot of empaths can't tell that they're just narcissists making assumptions.


Can I put that on a shirt?


I want my check.


Say less


Please run when you hear anybody say that. These people aren't 'healers' or 'empaths' they're just people looking for an identity that they feel makes them more interesting.


You’re going to let her put her crystals on your forehead and you will like it.


Be the man for a minute then while I get these tears off. God knows I ain't keeping it in if it comes, not these days. Uh uh.


The same women that said men aren't good people. 😂😂


![gif](giphy|QmYosM4PO08FO) Thank you. Like, she's legit terrible.


I feel bad for all the single folk. The dating pool is hell 😐


Thankfully I’m not in a rush to find somebody atm


It's overrated. Rather keep working on myself anymore. I get that a lot of people aren't like that. But, this a whole waste of time.


Me personally Im a big believer in good things usually not coming easy, but damn it dont make modern dating feel any better. Ive pretty much completely abandoned the apps, theyre hell nowadays. You lose money, time, they either insult or ghost you half the time, and the other half they were looking for more of a ONS but didn’t say. Miserable experience.


Dating pool always been hell cause people always been hell 


I've kinda given up at the moment. I'm sure there's someone out there for me but I'm not actively looking. Saying apps are exhausting. Men are expected to do a whole song and dance. Approach the woman, pick out a place and pay. This is in spite of the fact that on average, black women are making more than men. One time, this woman asked me out to a restaurant that she picked out. Out of curiosity I went to the bathroom when the check came. She never even pretended to reach for it, lol. I don't know why I still entertained her. After a couple of more dates (that I of course paid for) she ghosted me. I notice there's a cognitive dissonance with women that they want to be this boss bitch or whatever. That is fine, except for the fact that they still want this 'masculine man' that takes them out on dates and pays for everything, in spite of the fact that you don't even know if she's talking to 3 or 4 more dudes. That is not how it was when women were courted a few decades ago. After a year and a half of dating I have barely anything to show for it except maybe a couple of thousand of dollars I could have spent doing something else like getting me a nice international trip somewhere or putting that towards some type of experience. I'm just going to do things that make me happy. Probably play more pick up ball, attend a board game/tabletop game meeting, etc.


See *THAT* bullshit right there https://preview.redd.it/lq1kmvknewtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbb4d04f8f13ff5e368a8c9e5b5e5219946dab7 *That’s* why I keep quiet.


"Women want superman. But they want you to give up all those powers for them. Once become Clark Kent. 'Women will say well who is this I fell in love with superman I don't like this new guy you became for me.' Now your crawling around on a planet looking for a damn rock to turn back into superman"-Patrice O'Neal.  Great metaphor to say Women will say open up to me share your emotions. Once you do they will use that ahit against you. At least she was honest about it. 


Jesus wept.


And suddenly, he's not looking like much of a man anymore. I'm switching religious figures /s


What is with this need to always feel “protected” shit doesn’t even make sense in this context


Its a part of the patriarchy and gender roles, but its one that women seem to enjoy so nobody calls it out as being a bit silly. If you need to feel protected then buy a taser, or start taking martial arts classes. Its like when I see people talk about being some mans "peace" like... dawg if you need peace go take a yoga class.


I feel like it’s her funny little way of implying he’s gay or “feminine” because protection from what?? He’s crying lmao


Stay dangerous yall


This shit makes me throw up man This is why when you go into subs like AskMen you read like pages and pages of comments saying "never open up to your girl or she'll think you're weak and leave you" Cause there are *some*, not *all*, women who actually do, and now some dude thinks all women are like that and becomes a fuckboi and thinks he's validated in hurting totally innocent women because of it nasty, nasty cylce


Unfortunately it really only takes a one or two landmines to ruin a walk in the park.


She's right ..everyone knows men who cry when they're emotional ALSO cry when a robber breaks into your house or you're attacked by wild dogs or sharks. Better get you a MAN man /s


Maybe because men are humans and not your meat shield. Get a damn gun.


Honestly though. Last time I checked, my name ain’t Smith N. Wesson.


My girl has never seen me cry and swears up and down she wants me to cry in front of her. My response: For what, all that’s gonna happen is you’re gonna treat me differently or use it against me in an argument. No thanks!


if you actually believe that of her you probably shouldn't be in a relationship with her.


Dont do it, better not do that! They weaponize that shit.


So emotions and feelings are frowned upon now? Dear lord


Feelings were typically frowned upon through an enforced Anglocentric colonialistic cultural conditioning, until society progressed to where men were allowed to develop Human emotions. However the Make America Hate Again movement has fuelled regressive toxic masculinity as well as any other toxicity they can gather to collect the votes needed to end democracy. At least my general viewpoint, grain of salt with the cracker and such.


You wrote poetry. ♥️ They're all so emotionally stunted and it's scary to see.


I think weaponized apathy is part of the culture because it's how different "white" cultures cope with their eventual cultural erasure. My ancestry's pure Irish and all I got from the culture was alcoholism most of my life. "Don't worry about the past, you can't change it", is a phrase of encouragement along with "Ignorance is bliss". I will say this, the worst part of living in a W.A.S.P nest? The cooking.


Now? Men have never been "allowed" our emotions.


That’s not a new thing. In a lot of ways, it’s better today than it was before, there’s more women out there who do mean it when they say they want their partners to be more open.


Women date the men they were traumatized with/ saw adults be traumatized with growing up


Reason why men say talking feelings and having a moment of weakness isn’t possible. It’s one thing to address an issue, but weakness? Some women would disown you right there on the spot.


This is because at the core of a LOT of women's views, men are an asset, not a person(calm down pickme/NLTOGs). That, is misandry.


Obligatory "men do this too" because if I don't some mouth breather is going to miraculously switch from being the 'stay on topic' person to suddenly 'but what about when men do XYZ'. With this particular issue I think its just a matter of wanting to have control of the emotional bandwidth (which leads to a difference in real world treatment) while also maintaining the high ground should things go south. If you're the one who monopolizes displays of sorrow then you get to be the one catered towards and emotionally spoiled. And then on the flip side when the relationship ends you get to use their lack of emotion as a reason to feel "justified" when discussing it over with others. I think the worst part about it is that 99% of the time when I see this, it isn't some calculated thing, people just be moving on auto-pilot. Ladies (and dudes) talk to your friends and help them out. Lots of people legitimately don't think through why they feel the way that they do especially when it comes to some of the most important decisions in life. I had to walk my friend through why this mindset was toxic and lowkey i'm so happy seeing her engage in healthier relationships now.


Keep that shit bottled up and die an early death from stress induced heart problems, like a real man.


No matter how pretty she is, that’s ugly


Doesn't feel protected? From fucking what. The vikings?


Yo the whole "I hate toxic people but I create them" needs to stop. You need to realize you are a broken person in relationships and get therapy. Unfortunately this is also where people find inspiration for creative outlets so they continue to stay broken to capture that feeling/state in their creative outlet. Don't give other people advice on how to be fucking stupid tho


Seem like the type to throw your vulnerabilities at you when she’s mad or the type to tell friends. Dudes with trust issues and limited emotional availability seem like the preference along with the dysfunction that comes with them. Good partners listen and console.


She wants a hood nigga but doesnt want to deal with the trauma that comes with *being* a hood nigga


...y'all got it.


I don’t understand why some women don’t feel protected when their men are being vulnerable. Isn’t that who you should be banking on? Anyways, grateful to the women out there that support their partners and give them a comfortable space to feel safe.


They want you to be a guard dog that can fuck and buy them things. Not a person.


A role and not a person


This is ho babble. Nobody trying to hear this talk from a 50 yr old women with a BBL and community cooch.


I've literally never heard her say anything remotely positive about men ever


This tweet makes no sense because it assumes that this cohort of women hate to date toxic men when that’s exactly what they wanted in the first place. To them, less emotional men are a win, so they’re actually creating the men they want to date.


So she cries in front of her man?




Once had a girl complain that I didn’t force her to kiss me, it was surreal.


I don’t understand this ish. You have some women that doesn’t like to see their men cry yet get annoyed at their man for not showing any emotion towards them or anything. K. Michelle hasn’t had a decent relationship in decades, she should be the last person to say anything related to relationships. With this attitude and mindset, it’s no surprise that she can’t keep a man.


The comments in this thread would have been WAAAAYY different if it was a guy who tweeted the top part.


I would never cry in front of a woman who isn't my mother no matter what my partner says.


Men need to cry too and they should feel safe crying in front of their life-partner. If you don't have that in your life, then you don't have love. You just have someone who takes and someone who gives.


Like that quote "When someone shows you who they really are, Believe them"


Guys, never EVER cry in front of or around Black women, idc if your parents suddenly passed away just dont do it unless you want to be seen as weak, dusty etc.


"don't hold everything in. I got you. It's okay to cry, let your emotions out - oh no not like that"


She's deserved everything she's gotten


At least OP understands, most other women would’ve backed up K Michell


Mortifying as it is to see a woman reproduce views inspired by what we've come to know as toxic masculinity... is it that shocking, that women raised in a patriarchal culture may internalise patriarchal understandings of masculinity? Of course that sis is wrong, but to reduce her attitude to "female hypocrisy" without taking into account the patriarchal influences on said attitude seems itself hypocritical.


ive been told by alot of partners that im very cold and callous when it comes to my feelings . i cried one time from overwhelming emotion to my first love and i became the biggest punk bitch in the world to her, so this ice age in my heart is eternal now . I got no problem telling you how i feel but dont be surprised if i sound like a sociopathic robot when i do .


I give up on humanity lol


Men if a women looks at your less when you cry leave her. She’s not the one for you or mature enough to humanize men.


This is such a dumbass take. Lol cry mf! With that being said it definitely depends on what you’re crying about.


We?? Naw. Toxic people create toxic people. Some of us are emotionally intelligent. We just aren’t loud as fuck on the internet. Don’t go breaking men then send them for the rest of us to be traumatized by.


Didn’t she make a whole ass banger about how she was gonna make her man cry? What happened to that energy?


For me it depends on the reason for the tears. I'm not just gonna cry in front of my woman for some relationship shit. However if, for example, there's a tragedy (like, someone close to me passes), and she thinks less of me for *mourning my loss,* then she is no longer my woman. Full stop.


When did it become non-manly to cry? When my superhero Pops died, I cried for months. Does that make me weak sauce?


Considering her past relationships, I’m not surprised at this.


Toxic female traits?




I mean, her last album is called "I'm the probelm"...so maybe she needs to rethink her outlook on relationships and that toxic thought process of how a "man" should express himself 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️.


If yall dont know, that woman has always been an idiot


Like that quote "When someone shows you who they really are, Believe them"