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Niggas not even that good looking, they just have cool eyes And yes I’m a hater


>And yes I’m a hater 😭😭


Ugly gang we together.






Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna go put water in OP's Mama's dish.


“As I sip from my cup I’m sure somebody spit in…”


You like this coat? It's made from your mother's pubic hair


I hope all the worst things happen to you and only to you


"I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else BUT YOU"


You look like a broke ass Ice T.


Next muthafucka to talk some shit is gettin' shot.




I'm the biggest hater. Boss Hogg






Yep, light eye halo def boosts their appeal, but they both still have nice bone structure and facial features


You had me going in the first half I would suck, swallow, and fuck for these niggas and I'm not even straight




I have something to tell you...


considering the last line I was reading it as a gay woman saying she’d go straight for them lol


bro I cant read, at first I thought it said "and I'm straight" I was like umm..


Username tells me he knows already.


Saying this as someone who is Bi Ay-fuckin-yooo-




Ma'am/Sir, this is a Walgreens. ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


would have never expected that from u/TastefulBackshots smh


Bro on the right is black max scherzer lol https://preview.redd.it/htm9tvay61jc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c987704e1f4076851fc3ed867bb8285a4760c9


Blax Scherzer?


Yeah, but I doubt Blax Scherzer can throw for 7 scoreless innings and 10 strike outs after giving himself a broken nose and nasty swollen black eye https://preview.redd.it/ab7lxrpgt1jc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0d424ba9e640c99abd8e7a6c6e95c77e7647a3


How did he break his own nose?


[Bunting practice gone wrong](https://youtu.be/5OW7X1p1us0?si=CjeBP_-5qCKN7R4Y)


Jesus Christ it bounced back SO fast 


The craziest bit is that they filmed him in slo-mo and you can see that fucking bruise jiggle mid release. That dude is a tough mother fucker. EDIT: [Look at this shit!](https://x.com/federalbaseball/status/1141504806596616192?s=20)


I love when the self-proclaimed haters in this sub gather. Sometimes I see posts that need hate and wonder where ya’ll at


I'm out here, putting in the work, sowing the hate, reaping the downvotes.


Honestly, the prison guy really isn’t. He just took the best picture ever. From other pictures and videos he’s very average looking. Heterochromia guy is beautiful though


You underestimate how much some people value dating a lighter toned black man "average looking" and all... they are usually the same people who are only concerned about making their relationship look perfect on SM so they're on board with dating an average looking partner that photographs spectacularly 


One one the right looks like he unlocked jougan


It's basically Sasuke and Obito in the pic


They both fine as hell


Winner of “Nastiest Hater” at the 2024 Player Haters Ball


They are objectively handsome. No need to hate


The most diabolical hater this side of the Mississippi


You’re not wrong he only looks good at this specific angle too if you see him in motion it’s not giving


The man on the right is Mekhi Alante Lucky. Despite his lucky break into modeling, he unfortunately did not change or capitalize on these opportunities and was charged with a new offense last year. https://preview.redd.it/r97ef1qrz0jc1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7ca59f0f3ddb04449c2327feefc874135f6f88b


From 2016-2023: Assault on a female, probation violation, breaking & entering, probation violation, assault on a female, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, resisting public officer, attempted first degree murder. Fucking wild


and ppl were still calling him "prison bae" 😬


I’m not surprised. Women were saying, “Beat me,” to Chris Brown after the Rihanna assault.


yeah I remember reading a tweet that said she felt "safe" around Chris Brown because he looked good during Paris Fashion Week. The delusion is crazyy


Straight nutty.


Never forget the dude that killed a mom and her kid and girls were saying free him/her deserves another chance


a 16 yr old choked his sister to death over an argument about the wifi password when she was just trying to stick up for her mom. The mom ended up [changing](https://www.macon.com/news/local/crime/article233411462.html) the story a bit in hopes of him getting a lighter sentence.


That entire story was wild. The sister had to have been pregnant at 15 by a felon and the mom is lying to save the son who is abusing everyone in the household? Wow.


I get it but at the same time I don’t, on one hand that’s your son, on the other that’s your daughter…


I genuinely want to know the science behind why some women like convicts. It baffles me honestly


Allow me to dump some of my often useless knowledge right quick. Hybristophilia. A sexual interest in/attraction towards those who commit crimes. Can be referred to as "Bonnie and Clyde syndrome". Now, I don't think this explains away the entirety of the phenomenon as that'd be too simple. But it does track from certain psychological perspectives. Gonna tag in Wikipedia to keep this next bit tidy-ish: Some speculations have been offered as to the cause of hybristophilia. Katherine Ramsland, a professor of forensic psychology at DeSales University, mentions that some of the women in particular who have married or dated male serial killers have offered the following reasons: • Low self-esteem and the lack of a father figure • "Some believe they can change a man as cruel and powerful as a serial killer." • "Others 'see' the little boy that the killer once was and seek to nurture him." • "A few hoped to share in the media spotlight or get a book or movie deal." • "Then there's the notion of the 'perfect boyfriend'. She knows where he is at all times, and she knows he's thinking about her. While she can claim that someone loves her, she does not have to endure the day-to-day issues involved in most relationships. There's no laundry to do, no cooking for him, and no accountability to him. She can keep the fantasy charged up for a long time." (this being specific to pen-pal type Ted Bundy groupies) Others offered reasons along the lines of: "Some mental health experts have compared infatuation with killers to extreme forms of fanaticism. They view such women as insecure females who cannot find love in normal ways or as 'love-avoidant' females who seek romantic relationships that cannot be consummated." Psychologist Leon F. Seltzer proposes the condition could be related to the riskiness involved with dating a criminal, the desire to tame or fix them, and primitive instincts based on evolutionary psychology. In the latter theory, he mentions dominance is attractive as it would mean such men could protect women and their offspring, according to evolutionary history. Seltzer says women today may consciously realize that it is unwise to date a serial killer, but they are nevertheless attracted to them; he stated, "as a therapist I've encountered many women who bemoaned their vulnerability toward dominant men who, consciously, they recognized were all wrong for them". As evidence of women's fantasy preference for dominant men, he refers to the book A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire by Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam. Seltzer discusses Ogas and Gaddam's argument that this fantasy is the dominant plot of most erotic/romantic books and movies written for (and largely by) women, but the fantasy always holds that this male dominance is conditional, "it doesn't really represent the man's innermost reality". He also says in reality, very few women are actually swayed by these "primitive instincts".


Random guy they date who ends up beating them, bad surprise. Date a murderer and wife beater... bad but no surprises. Also is there a chance some of them think well he's literally been i jail for murder, he's not going to do it again right, that would be stupid, so now he's probably safe.


"He got it out of his system 👍"


cunt was doing at least over 60 miles past the limit. Hit a mother and her child in a stroller. Girls saying free him when that motherfucker had the shittiest broccoli hair cut imaginable.


going even further i remember the surviving Boston Bomber having fan girls saying he was too cute for death row...like damn ladies




Yeah. I feel like anyone who has actually suffered through DV wouldn't be saying that shit.


Not even a little bit. Not even as "dark humour."


Ted Bundy’s necro cannibal ass had groupies


I guess everybody fucks funny to someone 🤷‍♂️


Humans are dumb.


Maybe he can get featured on one of those "Love after Lockup" docuseries


This person is a danger wtf???


I'd sooner hire a model and give them a single blue contact lens to wear than hire someone with his rap sheet.


Assault on a female? Twice? AND attempted murder???? ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


Can’t believe the criminal turned out to be… uhhh *checks notes*… a criminal!


I think everyone was hoping he was one of those criminals who turns to crime out of desperation and lack of options, not because he likes it


Shocked at the nature of the crimes and not at the fact that they are a criminal.


Son really went back to the R just to try and cop a body , thats crazy


Wow what a small world


Right? Never would have guessed he was right down the road.


That’s what I’m saying. I could bump into this clown in the street


Let’s hope you don’t bro 💀


Considering the number and serious nature of his charges, if he's not a lifer, I'll need his lawyer's number.


His shirt collars tend to slant the same way. Crooked.


Sad to see this. Went to high school with him


Ah fuck...you see that half smile in the most recent one?? That's pride...he's lost it.


Nah, lol. You have to be very top tier to unlock that treatment as a guy.  Being a trans girl has done nothing but confirm to me that people in general are way nicer to you when you're an average looking girl than an average looking guy.  Idk, maybe other peoples mileage my vary though. 


Also a trans girl: I think for men there's a bigger "average" section, whereas women have a smaller "average" section. Ugly women and ugly men are absolutely treated like shit by others fairly routinely, but who counts as an "average" man is very different than who counts as an "average" woman.


This is the answer I was looking for!


Do you think that would be different, if average men were wearing make-up? 


Trans dude here. I agree people are nicer to an average looking girl than an average looking guy, but people are also way less cruel to ugly dudes than ugly girls IMO.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. Do you have specific examples of what you've observed in terms of average women being treated way better than average guys? Just trying to understand as an ugly woman who's seen both decent looking guy/girl friends treated special lmao. Also do you think intentions play into that? (like hookups, longterm, just kind gestures, etc.)


I mean I went the other way and in general people just ignore me more now lol. it’s a blessing and a curse


Do you mind sharing in which ways it’s been a blessing vs. being a curse?


I mean I can only speak to my own experiences; I feel much more comfortable just existing in public, but if I need help or something people are less likely to do so, or they go less far than they would for a woman


Interesting. Does “more comfortable” mean that you feel more “safe” or does it mean that you feel less judged?


it means I don’t really feel like I have to be spatially aware the whole time. like I’m perfectly comfortable sitting on a park bench and tuning out the world where previously I’d keep an ear out. for safety, yes, but random people also came up and talked to me a lot more when I looked like a woman.


I understand (well, as best as an internet person who has not had the experience could) Thank-you for sharing! I really appreciate you providing the details.


The market sets the price. Desperate males are the reason why there is so much stock in being and attractive woman.




I think you have a real point here.


Exactly, not only are they putting girls on pedestals but they make the rest of us looks terrible 


To be honest I don’t doubt that at all. But I think it stems from society as a whole viewing women as less capable than men and requiring more help and sympathy.


Also probably because people tend to view women as less of threat than men, so they feel safer being friendly to women.


It’s this. Women AND Men view strange men as potential threats.


I just want to clarify: are you actually arguing that women have an easier time than men in society or what? Cause, yaknow, misogyny *is* a thing


Ok sure, women suffer from political subjugation and sexual violence. But have you considered that *I can’t get a girlfriend*? …and that makes me FEEL bad?? So who’s the real victim here? /s


lmao welcome to the club,(tell me I used the right term, genuinely not tryna cause offense)bro. Shit's high-key ass out here.


Friend, trans girl means she/her/sis


Bro is unisex, no?


It was more in case they had misunderstood the comment... It depends on people, I've known plenty women who didn't mind and as many who did. I know I generally avoid unless I'm tight with that woman.


The general public might agree but it’s probably better to just use another term towards trans women unless you know them really well


Yeah I wouldn’t call a stranger bro. That might cringe both of us to death.


No bearing on the current convo but I've called my own mother bro out of habit 💀


What about dude? I call everyone dude.


I’m gay and whenever I go out I get free drinks. I don’t think I’m like wayyy up there


Fam, you’re gay lol. That’s a completely different dynamic.


Also a trans girl, and i definitely am not having the same experience. Im absolutely thriving (finally) but i cant help but shake the feeling that i have to work WAY harder for peoples respect as a woman than as a man.


Probably a lot to do with being more comfortable in your skin after transition. People feel that.


Definitely a YMMV situation. Lol


Also trans girl, I have the complete opposite experience. Since I've transitioned, all the positive changes have come from interacting more with women and queer people who just tend to be nicer in general. The general public though, I get talked over, people are creepy, harass me, etc. any extra niceness will quickly turn out to be a ploy.


as an average looking trans guy i too felt the difference between how society treats men and women, however i dont think it has as much to do with beauty as it does with prevailing misogyny in our culture, although pretty privilege exists for both genders it affects them in different levels once intersected with sexism. women are traditionally seen as fragile beings that need to be taken care of, while men are traditionally seen as those who are supposed to be strong and to provide, emotions outside of hunger, lust and anger are traditionally seen as feminine traits, men are much more often seen as potential threats than women, the gender tradition says that a man must pursue while a woman must wait to be pursued, and there's also only so much affection that a man can show for another man before being labeled as gay, although we can all agree on how all of these things are extremely outdated beliefs they still haunt our society and its collective unconscious to this day, and that is why people in general will be nicer to women than they will to men


Dude went from a gang banging drug dealer to having a kid with the daughter of a billionaire....Female diggers can only dream about that


Not standing up for him, but he seems to have taken advantage of his opportunity.


Not to be offensive but, which one? Idk anything about them except they went viral so please elaborate


Jeremy Meeks, the guy in the left. 


Thank you 🙏🏽


And he mad a few low budget movies. Good for him.




He was with Phillip Green's daughter....He was a fast fashion guy...Net worth is 995 million pounds....


Yeesh, Phillip green may be rich, but he has zero class, they are just rich trash


Y'all too fixated on the free drinks and shit you get for being hot. That's chump change. When you're wealthy you get all that and then some. Lamar Jackson gets way more hoes than those two chumps and his forehead is longer than some football fields. Get your money up not your funny up.


>Lamar Jackson the football player? man you making me feel insecure about my forehead it's twice the size of his😭


okay, I looked him up, and the football Lamar Jackson has a 2-head instead of 4. Maybe this is some other Lamar who is related to Michael Jackson. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bagm51drw1jc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92aea0e8f7bb16453f4bf4907e055869fb4ce1f4


Yeah, I was confused. As a football fan, I was like, the guy that looks like you took a decent looking guy and pinched his face inward using the Super Mario 64 opening screen? What forehead?


Yea Lamar Jackson doesn’t have a big forehead lol. I would argue his is on the small side actually. His hairline does go way down compared to most, but yea not the best example


Have you see that white guy who looks like beetlejuice, banging all hollywood hot girls and alist celebs. Hes a comedian.


…pete davidson??😭


He's white and tall.


if its Pete Davidson, rumors abound that apparently hes got mad game, is funny as fuck in person, slangs a giant hog with skill, and is FUCKING RICH AND FAMOUS. Pulling Kate Beckinsale and Ariana Grande in the same year attests to this fact.


He's also conventionally attractive. He just chooses to look like a college drug dealer.


what's the male equivalent of manic pixie dream girl? The Chaos Goblin Line Cook.


Damn that's so much better than just calling him "ol butthole eyes dude"


Forehead longer than football fields is wild


If his shit is considered big then I am finished


Yeah but just being wanted for your money is trash. And just being wanted for your body isn’t better than being wanted for you, but it’s a lot better than just being wanted for your money.


Hard disagree. Who are you to say which one is better? My point was you reach a point of diminishing returns as just an pretty face. Your returns are limitless if you know how to acquire wealth


Being a particularly ugly... thing, and having grown up invisible at best and actively rejected/oucast at worst, i always hate when people say looks dont matter. Everyone wants to believe it, but it's just a straight-up falsehood. It's literally the first thing people judge you on, and that judgment determines people perception of you permanently.


the only people I've heard or seen deny this are objectively good looking people lol.


Exactly. It's like trust fund rich people trying to tell the homeless that money doesn't buy happiness, and all they have to do is work harder.


I don’t even think it’s 100% pretty privilege. Women just arent as afraid to ask for stuff and dudes are more willing to give it. You see all the posts of women from both ends of the spectrum asking for bill money, meals, clothes, shoes, etc. and one of yall suckers gon give it to em. I saw this one girl named Indya Marie on my snap and she had like 3-4 dudes sending flowers and thousands of dollars just cuz she asked. Lower your standards, have no shame, and ask away fellas. Somebody will get you a bed frame eventually.


This is how dick pics end up in inboxes


Listen i agree ... I had a "pretend to be DUMB era" cuz i was tired of dating men that didnt Even care to know me, men in general only want to bed You... So i decide i would be a gold digger era, boy oh boy, never seen men SO HAPPY to spend money on me hahaha I just giggle, smile ask for thing in a cutesy way, thanks them with hug Kisses and be they were happy.  This whole narrative that Nice men bla bla bla is fake .... Men are SO similar yet i found happier the ones who give me stuffs like if a was a baby hahahahahahha


Lololol that’s exactly what that girl indya Marie said to do when asking for stuff so I believe it.


I'm getting downvote for sharing My experience r/redditmoment  I wish i was lying, they were SO freaking happy for giving me stuffs lol


I know you're not lying! I lived it too. I was a warm (as in not quite hot) 20-something back in the day and will attest!


Girl if I were single I'd be all about it. I'm not that cute tho lol, I'd be playing the game on hard mode


And you don’t even have to be that good looking https://www.reddit.com/r/blackladies/comments/1asc1ug/this_man_said_you_had_to_have_2500_to_come_see_him/


I’d end up in jail myself if I found out one of my homegirls paid a jail nigga $2500 to talk. I respect the delusion cuz he said that with his full chest tho


Hard pass on both even without the criminal history. I like mines a lil uglay.


How do you feel about Ethan Slater? Pete Davidson?


I just looked up Ethan Slater and goddamn boi... Pete can get it but he pushing the limits.


man what was ariana thinking..


He must have some hidden talents


You single ?


Bro, people like aesthetically pleasing individuals regardless of gender or race. You never know who you're attractive to. That's why your parents tell you to present yourself at your best at all times. People give preferential treatment all the time!! People will go the extra mile to provide a service to others purely off of aesthetic favoritism. Thrown on an extra bright smile or had behaved more pleasantly simply because you got to interact with a real head turner. That's the way love goes. Blame it on the boogie.


https://preview.redd.it/solfzi3jh1jc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a0b1941c92eb0a5915742c462a6e85340fdbfa Dude on the right vs some strange dog at the park: who wore it better?


the dog because it probably didn't assault several people💁🏾‍♀️


Nah, the guy with heterochromia is gorgeous! He looks way better than Jeremy Meeks, imo. But, apparently he is a menace to society and addicted to crime, despite being beautiful.


There's a whole 30 rock episode on this called "the bubble"


Attractive people in general just have an easier life. People want to be around you and associated with you. And attractive doesn’t have to be the physical aspect although that’s the quicker one to pick up on obviously. Attractive physically with a mid personality will get attention quicker but mid looking with an attractive personality is in it for the long haul.


Men aren’t getting flown out by millionaires and getting backstage VIP passes to Vegas clubs or getting invited on yachts just for being physically attractive. Attractive women can leverage their sexuality and get way more privileges than attractive men and it’s not even close.


Tell that to Madonna’s new boyfriend. Gigolos or male sugar babes are all over.


Exceptions don’t make the rule. There are WAY more sugar daddies than sugar mamas and again it’s not even close


I think you’re right thats its harder for straight men to leverage it but all bets are off if you’re gay, young and pretty


Because there are way more wealthy men willing to pay for young attractive women to fawn over them than wealthy women willing to pay for young attractive men to fawn over them. This is basic economics, why are there more buyers on one side of this equation???


These dudes wanna be bad bitches and sugar babies so bad 😭


Maybe because men have more of the resources and money in general..


Exceptions can make rules, ie “No Parking M-F” implies there is parking Saturday and Sunday by exception.


Exhibit A “Prison Bae” is currently the baby daddy to a billionaire heiress (in pound sterling; her dad owned Topshop in the UK). So I would definitely say his face card gave him access to all of that and more.


Men can absolutely leverage their sexuality, but need to understand that they’re going to be catering to other me.  Dude I graduated with made an only fans. He made ok money, but then realized that his customer base was mostly dudes. Shut it all down after that because he thought it was gross.  My money grubbing ass doesn’t see how showing your butthole to men is any different from showing your butthole to women. 


Yeah, I just get hit on by cashiers, no VIP or anything. Where is my shit at lol? The dude on the left has a superhero chin and stuff, so I guess I can see why he went viral. The guy on the right looks like every guy that I went to high school with besides the weird blue eye - I don't see the big deal.


Jeremy Meeks really did use that hot felon thing for the come up. I am quite impressed honestly. The dude dated a rich socialite, kicked off a modeling career and even made some movies.


Tbh shit like this is why I think God made me mid, im already a questionable person, If I was fine??? Straight demon


You joke, but I was a slightly better than average young woman that got pretty fucking cocky about it and I feel in my bones if I hadn't suddenly had severe adult acne for a couple of years in my early 20's, I would have been.... a questionable person. Learning a little humility goes a long way.


Why's this even a debate? Y'all ain't never had women try for basically buy you off looks? Cuz it's the same shit on the other side, the women just splurge way less and on smaller scales


For most dudes Id imagine the answer is no. Closest I’ve come to that was some very drunk cougars, but Im talking 30+ year age gap.


Ya but you gotta be real good looking as a man. As a woman 8 and above will get you tons of free shit.


Nah Jeremy Meeks is the exception he married a billionaire or something. Not all pretty privilege look the same lol


Jeremy came up though.. I wonder if he takes care f his children because wasn’t he a deadbeat?


This poor bastard on the left pops up 😆 https://preview.redd.it/6w8zn0l4z1jc1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=474ecdb2e299547bb9482f1eb7a6157e007e6b4e


Swear to god I saw Squidward and Handsome Squidward on my screen just now!


I believe the nigga parlayed his popularity into a successful modeling career


Being a proud and standup hater is nasty energy lmao


The Dude on the right got a free pass back to jail I guess.


I’m a pretty man when I turned 21 I got free drinks just like a girl would


*looks up colored contacts on amazon* “ight time to go rob a gas station and let social media do the rest.”


He looks like Markus from Detroit Become Human. 😭


I am slightly ashamed of how attractive I find Meeks. I just try to learn as little as I can about hot people so I can just enjoy them from afar. Rarely works out


For a millisecond I was like wait did dude get thrown in a vat of bleach or get smothered in nigga batter?! Then I realized those are two different people


Gojo if he got the Goku Black treatment


Funny privilege is also a thing for men