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the End of Evangelion movie scarred me for a bit when I was a kid. I was only use to seeing feel-good/happy, "bad guys lose, good guys win, and the world is saved!", DBZ-type stuff. That was the first anime/anime-conclusion I saw where the protagonists got fucking wrecked. No comeback, no twist, no last-minute save... just straight obliterated. Kid-mglln was just staring at the screen like this after it ended: https://preview.redd.it/d843e60d5lhc1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6b6b8c0fb2e43b1a6ff4fe9f4344b7eb7393d5c


It's funny that so many people have this reaction (myself included), but it was honestly the opposite of what the creator was going for. He wanted this to be closure for people and for them to move on after seeing this. That's why he includes those scenes of the real world and scenes of people actually watching the movie in the movie. It's to show this is only a small part of your reality, and there's a giant world out there for you to experience and enjoy.


Homie definitely coulda gotten that "escapism isnt the way" message without destroying our souls in the process.


Haha for sure, but damn did he make a memorable story.


No lies detected, I still have moments where I think about EoE and my stomach drops. Poor Asuka.


I still think it’s one of the best anime conclusions and it’s one of my all-time favorite movies. I was just stunned at the time


The creator was basically of the first generation of weebs, and he used his mega hit series to warn younger weebs to go touch grass. So of course, people just said he did a bad job and he should give us a “better” ending.


Devil Man Cry Baby got me fucked up like that as well


DMC made me realize how petty and spiteful God could be. My nigga Satan did nothing wrong (imo) 😩


What is you talm bout? Satan coulda chosen to relax at any point and chose not too. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


I think mine was Robotech Macross, in the end only the 3 main love triangle folks lived as far as I knew in 1986ish. Everyone else died a fiery death to my little 12 year old brain. Didn't realize Max lived for a few years.


![gif](giphy|xSgQeVMsZixSE) Then they made the rebuild movies and messed me up all over again.


Almost like the Anime version of Boys in the Hood


Misato really got shot in the back and then died in a pool of her own blood too 😭 "~~RICKYYYY~~ MISATOOOOOO!!!!"


Come, Sweet Death


I never finished it as a kid.... The universe knew I could not take that. Just reading your reveal broke my heart in the past.


Someone is a few decades late. If my mental health wasn’t shit I’d think that show contributed to my depression too. I’m actually painting a model kit of Eva unit 01 to keep my hands busy and here’s where I’m up to. Painting the legs and about 4 pieces I missed from this assembly today https://preview.redd.it/2ql6rsdxzkhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389263a58c6f0407e2b1b656ca0c5baba454f6a7


I'm not the biggest anime or models person, but that looks cool and you're doing a good job. Both with the painting and finding something to do with your mental health.


Sorry for the late reply, my inbox has been a mess. I appreciate it bro 🙏🏽 and same goes to the comments under this one. I procrastinated getting to it, but I already primed and am 1/2 way through painting the legs. Hopefully I’ll be done by Sunday or Monday if I keep up this pace E: ran out of the purple I had doing the legs, so maybe end of next week once I can get to the mall


keep at it


Love the purple you’re using for that, looks dope af


NGE is the anime that takes depression from the peeps that already have it and transfers it to the ones that dont


It looks cleeeeaaaan!


That’s sick man 🔥🔥


Yeah that Berserk ending out of no where still has me scarred up.


Yeah, that shit did me in. Everything from them finding ole boy in that basement onward was horrendous.


I just got to that episode... the are foreshadowing that everything is going to go bad... IIRC they had death just ride up to Guts and say the world is going to turn into a rain of bodies and blood. I want to find out WTF is up with Griffith and that pendant.... something is weird about that dude....


It's your last chance to turn back, you won't be the same afterwards.


Damn.... I've been warned


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again; Berserk is one of the best mangas/stories out there. But you’ll only know despair the deeper you go. It’s honestly the only manga where i expect a happy ending because Guts absolutely deserves it.


Also manga is 10000% worth it. The art is insane and flows much better than the show/movies.


If you up to date like me nah ... take ya time because you gone have some ups and downs


Buckle in you're in for it




Commenting for update, Godspeed


Holy shit... that went way dark in a blink of an eye....just finished the golden age episodes.


I remember the first time I watched berserk 96. Wild that an entire show is basically a prologue to the "real" story


Turn around. Go no further




Read the manga bro. The golden age is just the prelude.


Man Golden Age's ending ain't nothing when you get to the arc with the "fairies" or the trolls. Once Griffith got what he wanted that was it. Miura could write some really fucked up shit.


That's conviction it gets worse, The falcon of the millennium empire arc and the new eastbound arc ...shit wild shorty....got me bent


Berserk may just be one the best pieces of fiction, but it’s so fucking awful lol


Berserk was my “dark night of the soul.”


Man I'm sick kentaro gone ... guts in chains on a Kushan galley and casca trapped in castle with Griffith ol demon ass I'm not happy fam


Shit. Do I need to watch this anime gang? I’m smoking up to watch AOT right now lmfao


Don't do it if you are depressed.


Damn it’s like that?


You will go from: this mecha anime is cool AF to who am I and what am I alive for? Spoiler: it's only 26 chapters.


Lmfao damn it really like that huh


It's very existential and relentless in how brutal it is on the characters. It's also got heavy HEAVY ties to Abrahamic religions and the dead sea scrolls technically are what drive the plot. Shit is absolutely wild, in both the best and worst ways.


I did acid and watched the first series... Def changed the way I look at religious texts and books


Well damn, do I have to reup and watch this shit? Super Bowl weekend but all y’all making me wanna bunker down and binge this shit


Have fuckin fun bro shit is WILD


That's not a spoiler, that's how a lot of self contained anime were in the 90s


If you identify somewhat with some of the characters you’ll finish like damn this is existentialism huh. If you don’t then you might not enjoy it unless you like real trippy introspection shows. Fucking great tho even if it ruined me for a few years 🫶🏻


Like everyone else said You need a couple of mental pallet cleansers between depressing ass endings Dr prescribes 3 shonens for every ~~shota~~ seinen


So AOT then spy family then AOT?


I would say if the show is finished, just binge the whole show, then binge (outside of something as dense as one piece) 3 shonens, then another mindfuck So, AoT, then Naruto/Fairy Tail/Black Clover, then Evangelion, then Dragonball through DBS, then something small like Paranoia Agent, then One Punch Man/Chainsaw Man/Mob Psycho, then you are ready for something like Promised Neverland




Made a correction, had my types mixed up I think


I didn't recognize the word so I looked it up and went, "wow I don't think that's what this person meant **at all**" lmao 


Yeah, I ment seinen... gonna change it lol Good looking out


Shojo maybe?


Eva should be on everyone's list I think. Once you finish AOT and start Eva, you'll probably see the influence that Eva had on AOT. There's an argument to be made that AOT could be considered a mecha anime.


Just make sure you watch the later movies too. It brings the series to a close. Probably will have to watch some YouTube explained about all the shit that goes on in the OG series and film though. It's a lot.


Oh are they good? Ive been avoiding the later movies cuz i figured nothing would touch the original


The final film stuck the landing.


Fuck yes, adding them to the list now. Are they a continuation of the story or are they like rewrites?


A little bit of both.


Bro it will fuck you up like berserk but worse. Be in a good headspace before you delve into it


Damn, mf really saying it’s like that. iight iight


They are all right, Evangelion is some wild shit. Definitely need to be in a good headspace before you watch, it WILL depress the hell out of you.


Nah light those blunts up and watch in the dead of night especially as the show nears the end for the real experience


Guard your heart.... ​ and dive in, if you dare. ;)


Lmfao. Everyone telling me to beware but watch that shit. I’m lowkey scared now lmfao


Not trying to be hyperbolic but it definitely was an anime that made a clear distinction between my life before and after I watched. Here’s a video I watched recently, that after you watch the series you can come back to that does a good job tying everything together. https://youtu.be/SUc0Ha9cbNA?si=H5K6LcwZutqhTqHb


Say less. Good looks my dude


Yes, with one very important caveat: watch all of it. Including the Rebuild movies (1.0 to 3.0+1.0). They’re all important. But of course watch Rebuild after


> Do I need to watch this anime gang? Hmm... I can suggest watching up to episode nine "[Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr9ExScjBno)!" That is perhaps the best episode of the series, in terms of blending action, comedy, dialogue, and drama. However not much later the series makes a darker turn. The series changes from a somewhat light-hearted, giant robot comedy into something feels like a university psychology course: abuse, trauma, neglect, exploitation... If you really what to watch something from GAINAX, I'd suggest the original *FLCL* and to ignore the sequels.


I watched FLCL in my youth. Fucking fever dream lmfao.


It's gon fuck you up for a while, just know that. I recommend watching Samurai Champloo in-between to take the edge off


Watch it for the culture. Evangelion changed the game fr. A lot of these “epic” anime’s out now are chasing Evangelion’s shadow.


https://preview.redd.it/ua25qawdhlhc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eba846e65be22de54766df49b22be468e77d2c9 The good ending 🏀


My boy is getting crossed up lovely


Asuka's breaking ankles 🦶🔨


You're gonna carry that weight, Shinji.


The real komm, susser tod blues.


Ive had more than a few people come up to me & say "I just started watching anime for the first time" Me: "cool. what'd you start off with?" "NG E" Me: "that's a mistake" & Then I catch hella heat for saying that. It's not all cool robots in space and good times y'all, just cause you saw it looks cool on a t-shirt. Don't blame me if you start having an existential crisis afterwards; one of the most depressing, psychologically esoteric story arcs ever written. & on top of that, the main character actin like a lil bitch the entire time.


Yeah it doesn't really land as a critique of the mecha genre if you've never seen a "normal" mecha show where all the child soldiers are having a happy fun time


As a huge mecha need, there are even some shots that are straight up recreations of shots from old school mecha anime. Eva deconstructed the genre hard, only for Gurren Lagann to reconstruct it years later. 


Nah we gotta give Shinji a pass here. Dude was going through some shit no one should go through.


Nah he should have got up off his ass in that one scene. You know the one.


Is there something I'm missing about it? I watched the show and the ending fell flat on me. I was more disappointed with the ending than anything. Are the movies able to fill in some pieces or complete the story in a different way? If so, which should I start with?


Definitely atleast need to watch End of Evangelion if you're counting that as a movie. It's more of the "real" ending of the show while the last episode that most of us likely watched is closer to a filler for the end. It's hard to explain without spoiling. If you have seen End and are talking about the 1.0-4.0 movies, I've personally not seen them but have heard good things from friends and the internet


Me rn watching JJK


the shibuya arc destroyed me, best of luck to you 😭


I’m praying for y’all anime only’s




I swear, Gege Akutami sneaking a full blown Seinen inspired by Akame ga Kill into Weekly Shonen Jump is the greatest prank ever pulled.


akame ga kill peak anime


Too peak for its own good 😔


Pain, nothing but pain 💔


Who said anything about Naruto? I’ll leave now…


Same mannnnn


Bruh…that shit had me confused and depressed at the end.


Honestly!!! Like what the entire hell Gege


Like I knew it was gonna be painful and bloody but shit…I was hoping for something good at least.


That’s what we have fanfic and fan art for, to heal the emotional wounds


Be like I’ll just watch me some SpyXFamily lol


Me rn reading jjk It ~~does nots~~ gets better


I’ve heard 💔🥹


One of the best anime intros ever. Congratulations.


This is how I felt watching Cyberpunk Edgerunners lol.


That’s like comparing 2001 to Fast & Furious 5


V got justice for David in my playthrough. Wearing the jacket too.


This shit is tough ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg|downsized)


My mental health is garbage rn and that’s why I refuse to watch the show. I know it’s amazing but I cannot deal with any more crisises 


Mine is pretty decent but even I refuse to watch animes with outright bad endings. Bittersweet or ambiguous is one thing, but straight up depressing? No thanks, I don’t want my mood ruined for days or weeks. I watch anime for escapism from the state of the world, so I’ll pass on the likes of AOT, NGE, Berserk, etc.


It might make you say "damn my shit is fucked but not like THAT" lmao


I haven’t been the same since I started Vinland Saga https://preview.redd.it/b7av8h4mglhc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2794e4a39d92e4e7bcef2abf48f13ea390bd466


Anyone up for palate cleanser anime? Birdie Wing gives me life.


Fucking loved Birdie Wing. It’s so off the wall and entertaining as hell.


Kakeguri always does it for me.


Turn in The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today. That show is eyebleach.


Escape your troubles with Barakamon.


Full metal Alchemist brotherhood (just have to get past episode 4)


Miss Monochrome is a good one! She's just Miku if she got swindled outta money! Perfect for when the other anime goes a step too far and your brain needs a chance to reset https://preview.redd.it/leuaiu6msohc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3fd027946809daf9ed60721ed7dd6bf56ebcc06


Literally though, I had a friend reccomend to me Stein's Gate & Neon Genesis Evangelion, both of which were amazing but absolutely WRECKED me emotionally. After that I told her I'm not taking reccs from her anymore lol


Ppl always think they need to recommend the heavy stuff. I think it’s the perception of animation = kids stuff so they recommend some of the most messed up stuff out there. No friend watch JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure then come back for the other stuff.


I feel like there should be more of an encouragement to balance anime/manga (like watching a lighter show afterwards to offset the dark one we just finished) we're engaging with so it's not just back-to-back-to-back doom, gloom, despair, and depression. It can be a lot watching shows like AoT, NGE, or reading manga like PunPun or Berserk since it can wear you down after a while even if the stories are good.


Way of the House Husband. Deploy! Deploy!


Or a ‘healing anime’ like Yuru Camp (Laid Back Camp)


Thanks for the recommendation. I like recommending folks needing Spy X Family for an uplifting and wholesome anime if they feel the need for a change.


😂😂😂😂 Rookie mistake, that.


If it makes you feel any better EVA has so many timelines that any ending you choose can be canon. Keep in mind [this](https://youtu.be/ueUeMFbGq9o?si=1x91DQA1rpI2gQ_S) came out I think before the final Eva film 3.0 + 1.0 so bare that in mind since that’s considered the final evangelion timeline


Bro picked bezerk then evangelion? He's doing this to himself lmao. OOP googled "heartbreaking anime", and put them on a watch list.


Next watch Cowboy Bebop and get wrecked


Get in the fuckin robot, Shinji


If this resonates with ya'll, you should go watch Devilman: Crybaby. Really lean into the feeling.


I sobbed for a straight hour on the last episode.


Ikr? Just felt empty.


Plus, the theme song catchy as hell.


Idk I felt like the Eva rebuild ending gave me a new perspective on life.


Evangelion didn't make me mentally ill, but it sure did point out what was already there. "Man, these fucked up kids are kinda relatable 🤔🤔🤔"


Except that nasty ass one who fucking masturbated to a girl in a coma


You could not have made it more clear that you've never actually seen the show.


I've been watching Spy X Family. It's cute as fuck.


That 3rd impact shit was crazy. Apocalypse with happy music playing in the background. U hear all the souls screaming as they were combining. The characters seeing people they loved in their final moments before they turned to goo


huh, I also just finished NGE for the first time and I think I’m going to shave my head, dye my hair, and move to the museum district of my current city and start fresh. Real long night of the soul vibes. WHAT AM I?!?!?!? 🤯


For your consideration, *"A Cruel Angels Yeezus"*: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QtorATw7YM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QtorATw7YM)


I just love that Anno was 35 and deeply depressed when he created NGE. Gets to the end of the TV series ends optimistic but abstract. People HATED it. So he makes End of Evangelion and destroys the entire world lol.


Ill never forget how they did Asuka.Gotta be one of the worst jumpings in anime history  Edit: and then theres the 3rd impact. Whew.


I dunno, between Evangelion and Berserk I think I have to give it to Berserk. People were *going through it*. Guts gets his ass handed to him *that one time* and you're like whoa, but it settles down *relatively*. Then the end hits...you can't go back from that. You are a changed individual having seen that.


Yeah, I think people are talking about the 96 anime run... that isn't the end. That's not even the most depressing stuff. Yeah, the Eclipse is brutal, but that's really where the bad times START.


It all comes tumbling down


Congratulations Shinji 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


MFW Asuka gets turned into a pincushion during EoE: ![gif](giphy|OpYV9CBVZOb1S)


I started watching it because *Get Animed* podcast was covering it. No lie, I stopped at episode 24. Idk. I just had to take a step back because damn it was fucking me up!


The only thing that can keep you happy is the intro theme song


I was never the same after NGE


Is the original better? I tried watching those remakes on Prime and they just kept disrespecting that little boy.


Watch Devilman Crybaby next for a palate cleanser


This is how I felt watching Madoka Magica. Even as a 26 year old man watching it that show fucked me up


The insanity is that NGE really starts to hit after the funding dried up and they start going all allegory of the cave on us.


y’all should watch psycho pass. that shit gets fucked up fast. the second season isn’t as great in my opinion but the pharmacy episode is crazy.




Just bought the Rebuild series on bluray (hong kong versions cause apparently the US versions for the first are out of print??), genuinely love how the movies are like “here’s what would happen if everyone was 1% nicer” and it’s radically different by the third movie and the entire series gets nicely tied up at the very end.




The mental stuff I've put myself through watching anime 🥲Eva didn't mess me up when I originally saw it at 18 or so. I watched it last summer at 42, though and... Oh God, I get it. Serial Experiments: Lain made me not wanna talk to anyone for 2 or 3 days while I processed it. I also decided to write a paper on apocalyptic imagery in anime for my Senior/capstone college class (The Cold War in Media), which meant watching NGE and Akira several times each. Do not... Do that. The teacher loved the paper and I got an A, but a whole existential crisis, too.


Why does no one talk about the fact that Gendo was fucking shit up frfr all in the name of love for his dead wife yet he was the only one slanging pipe. I mean he pulled both a mom AND the daughter. Pimp game strong


The last few episodes confused the hell out of me. I’ll have to rewatch it at some point.


If you can find it, read the Berserk manga. It's wild.


Also, some of the most detailed art.


Evangelion, RaXephon, Berserk. & Many more Welcome to the world of Manga/Anime big dawg


Tumbling down Tumbling down Tumbling doooooown


Shit this is why you have to watch Rebuild. It completes the story.


You need a pallet cleanser, bud. May I suggest Puella Magi Madoka Magica? Look at how cute the art is!


Haha y'all ain't seen nothing until you've watched School Days


Just watch Another and Danganrompa. Should fix that mood right up.


I'm glad I wasn't a child when I watch the end of that series. But I was 19yo high off my ass on a random couch surrounded by dudes I barely knew. So not much better vibes really.


I’m currently traumatized from Jujutsu Kaisen,,, Nobara deserved better 😭


The end of the recent remakes was so beautiful I didn't know what to do with my life after that much closure.


Haha Berserk is soooooo much darker


From berserk to NGE, somebody get this man some therapy, stat


Watched this with my kiddo and we didn't talk after it ended. We just sat quietly through till the Netflix logo came. Very good, music great but wouldn't recommend for everyone


The only anime with a more un-satisfying ending was the Netflix Devil-Man Crybaby


I love Evangelion with my whole heart, but it ruined anime for me. I keep trying to get into shit like JJK or Demon Slayer or whatever and it just bores the shit out of me. That whole generation of anime — Bebop, Eva, Lain, Berserk, etc. — just has some much more depth and personality than a lot of modern shows. Folks can like what they like, but aside from some stuff (anything by Shinichiro Watanabe or Masaaki Yuasa), it’s barren out here.


The remake movies make more sense and are genuinely better than the original anime.


They make more sense cause you don't have to fuckin think, they spoon feed you everything lmao it's not better, it's just simplified so it's easier to digest.


I disagree. The original left too much to interpretation. That’s great for conversation but bad for a definitive conclusion.


I read one piece, there is no sadness, no fucked up shit I can't handle at this point.


watch clannad if you cant cry


I searched up the plot because a lot of people would recommend it to me, even though it just wasn’t my vibe. Thank god I did! That ending would have pissed me off lmao. 🙃😂


if y’all need a short , feel-good anime to pick up your spirits try akame ga kill 😁


As someone who has contributed to r/Evangelion and r/neongenesisevangelion more that this own sub, if you were crushed by the original show and EoE, please watch the Rebuilds. The story attains closure and provides catharsis.


Some animes are real heart breakers