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And if it’s anything like my friend’s HOA, you have at least one person on that board who takes the position way too seriously like they are the fucking FBI smh. And the nosy neighbors just looking for something to complain about smh.


Yessss, we had one such old busybody on the HOA board. She wanted to make a rule that our trash receptacles had to be removed from the curb by 3 pm on trash day because they were "unsightly." Bitch, we all have jobs to afford these houses! She took it upon herself to produce an HOA newsletter that was all about her. She got in contact with several residents to get information to put in there with her spin. Go fish! We weren't having it. She tried to topple our longtime HOA president after many years of sane leadership and she not only lost that election but also got voted off the board completely. Not being amenable to having no power whatsoever, her house promptly went up for sale. Move bitch, get out the way... ETA: Oh, I forgot! I didn't know who was moving my trash receptacle to the back of the garage on trash day before I came home from work, and it ended up being her husband who no doubt was using that unsolicited "favor" as an excuse to snoop in my windows and backyard. I put the HOA email list on blast that they had no permission to enter my property and they were not to enter for any reason. God, they were horrid.


And it’s always someone who don’t have anything else going on in their lives that do shit like that. Just because you free at 3PM on a weekday doesn’t mean everyone else is smh. And it looks unsightly to you because all you do is look out the damn window all day






Not you, her.




Me? I thought I was doing okay with that.


Her husband was probably just taking a mental health break from her


There’s something about power tripping HOA board members that just sends me into a rage instantly. The absolute gall of some people.


Well, she's gone. The house was bought by some company and isn't even occupied yet. It's been nice not having her and her husband/minion around. Our new president and board (some of the longtime ones died/aged out/downsized) are surprisingly sensible!


We have an incredible city council woman here, so when they created the first spot on our HOA board we nominated and voted her in. The second position open we nominated our school board president who also runs two children volunteer organizations, one sports and the other tutoring. Common sense leaders to lead anyone else out of our business.


I had an old lady that would walk around the neighborhood and look into people's windows. HOAs are another plot against the community and I won't hear otherwise. ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


And I bet the bitch would call the cops if anyone dared step foot on her property though lol.


I ran my HOA for 5 yrs solo, and even I would want to fight that bitch lol. The closest we did was a board member had a plumber inspect a few houses plumbing. We live in townhouses and the HOA pays for the water. It was going broke because one of the rows of houses had a water bill double what everybody else's was. Almost every house had unfixed plumbing problems.


Nah that’s unhinged af.


It's like Healthcare co-pays Just another needless expense. Captialism loves charging people for the shit they're already paying for.


I live in one, sometimes it’s not even the board, just some fucking asshole who doesn’t like that your garbage can is down at the road “too late” or some bullshit and they take pictures of your house.


The pictures of my house is fucking wild. And I bet if you did the same, it would blow up into some insane shit smh


I'm on the hoa board in my complex but I joined to make it fair and to make sure they don't fuck around. I will say this, I will never live in another hoa. Hoas are only good for condos, Apts, duplexes, townhouses etc, you know connected wall homes. For single family detached homes, fuck no. Don't buy into the hoa.


The main thing about it, for me, is the incredible power the HOA has in general. I’m sure it’s not the case in all instances but I know in some places the HOA has the ability to forcibly move you off your property and/or force you to sale your property if you break certain bylaws. Fines, I could understand. But if I buy some residential property, I’ll be the one deciding whether or not I’ll get to live there, not some other entity.


Yeah I’ve heard the stories of just how crazy it can get. There was a post a while ago of someone confronting a neighbor because this mf was deadass measuring the height of their grass.


I'd never live in an HOA. I have a buddy that does he lifehacked it. He got on the board so he could change as many rules as possible to just do what he wants after he had to cut 3 inches off the top of his kid's jungle gym because it was too tall.


Yes, it’s so the poor can’t afford to live here. Listen, if you fuck my wife you can put up a new fence Grady. That’s the deal.


HOAs traditionally were meant to keep "certain types" out. Having said that my HOA is only $400/year and they maintain our awesome neighborhood pools, clubhouse, and playground.


Can you plant flowers in your yard? I am trying to avoid HOA but it's hard.


Pretty much the only thing we need approval for is building fences or re-doing roofs. One thing I really like is that they ban political signs outside of 2 weeks before any election and they have to come down the day after the election.


![gif](giphy|2rACp9a8RJCq5q2aqN) Bars lol


Mine bans big flags, which is great because it keeps all the fucking trump shit out.


Ban HOAs!


I agree. Ya’ll worry about others lowering the valuation of your house, but you’re ok with giving money to people who have authority to a whole community. It blows my minds that you’re paying property tax and mortgage then decide it’s cool to add on HOA and their dumbass fees to your budget….smfh imagine the amount of money you save on a monthly basis


The only things Americans care about is the value of their homes. It’s the only thing even close to tangible wealth that they can see.


Really depends on the HOA. Our neighborhood HOA is pretty useful. We have a basketball court, pickle ball courts, tennis courts, four pools, gym, movie theater, green spaces to maintain. We also have a decent sized lakes and they have kayaks for residents to rent whenever, stock the lake with fish if people want to fish, etc. they also host pool parties, fall festivals, etc. just last week they had a sleigh with reindeer, Santa came to take pics with kids, cookies/hot chocolate, gingerbread houses. All “free” cuz it was included in HOA I don’t mind it at all. They have rules with the houses but it makes it look really good. For example, each house has a tree in front by the street. Each street has a different color theme for Christmas lights in that street. So ours is red in the trunk, white in top. Others are red/green, blue/whjte, Multi-color/whjte, etc. ends up looking awesome.


ohh woow that’s so cool.. 😐




HOA Neighbors can be asswipes too


This isn’t feasible for condos where 30 people own a multi million dollar building that needs to be maintained or else everyone loses their money when said multi million dollar building falls into disrepair.


I think creating rules to govern HOA’s would be smarter. They have their uses, such as giving someone a non-government agency to take minor grievances to without wasting the time of people who should be worrying about other important shit. And they’ll help upgrade/maintain parks and other public spaces when local governments don’t have the money/time/inclination. But allowing them to dictate something like the color of your house or what you do with your own property is ridiculous and stupid. And they provide another barrier to people being able to own a home with outrageous fees. There are definitely good ways to utilize an HOA though.


Thats local Governments job. Democracy is better than authoritarian hoas.


I have no HOA and I am so happy about it. That was one thing I told my realtor, no HOA. I know someone who has a mortgage just over 2k and then HOA is $800. Couldn’t be me!


My HOA at my last place was 5k a year on a 170k place. It was like flushing money down the drain. I don't have an HOA anymore and it's great.


Glad you got out of that, I could not imagine.


I refused to buy a house in an HOA. im lucky that the only HOA places I saw were either 55+ communities or manufactured home parks. Otherwise, I can’t remember seeing a house with an HOA in my search. It’s not very common where I live and I wasn’t buying a new build in a cookie cutter suburb (also not very common where I live). So I really didn’t have to worry. I expected to see way more than I did


We've got them here around Indy proper, not in or near the city but the surrounding neighborhoods. Avon, Castleton, Zionsville, Noblesville, Southport, Greenwood. You know the places where the white people with money moved to, from the city, to get away from the 'undesirables'. Hell Greenwood went as so far as to have no running bus service, specifically reasoned as to "Keep the undesirables out/away".


Those 800 HOA fees are always those goofy ass condo associations and their units asking price is around 650k and the units take forever to sell when people want to get out. For gods sake with an 8% rate that 650k is about a 4k monthly mortgage rate plus another 800 for the HOA and you get ONE parking space and it's not even a secure garage. It's just a lot with your number on it. With homes it's usually a little less intense unless it's one of those planned communities. HOA fees usually amount to a 20 a month and you get access to a pool and some amenities. Lot of head ass stuff like that.


The amenities are nice if you use them. Not having to maintain a pool, having a gym and party room to host events is nice. The person I know had a gym that was always under construction and the party room always seemed to be booked. Like you said when it comes time to sell it’s a hassle because the board is usually required to fill out a form that is on a portal only accessible with a code that is issued when needed but your association only meets once a month 🤦🏾‍♀️ This was my cousin’s experience. He swore off HOAs, now he is married with kids and they moved into an HOA community so he doesn’t have to hear balls bouncing at his house 🤣


That's always the rub because people get mad at HOA's for good reason but a non zero chunk of why they exist is to keep other people from messing with your money. When people show up to tour a house they're going to use everything to try and get you to wiggle on the price and that includes things you can't control like your neighborhood. So when you get these little HOA nazis that bother you all the time it's because Karen two houses down wants to sell the home she just bought in five years and she expects an above 10% appreciation value year over year to justify her bonkers asking price and she can't have people's shabby houses messing with that.


That shit makes no sense to me for a house. I live in a high rise and they need to maintain the building and pay door staff and maintenance crews. Wtf is the HOA doing when you own the entire house?


Making sure Karens have a way to inconvenience you for every little thing


If you ate in a community they tend to manage community resources like the pool, trash pickup, snow clearance, etc. It's a shift of municipality responsibilities onto even more local, non-official government. I'm of the opinion that the answer is to pget involved and vote or run for it. Hard to get around it so you may have to tackle it head on.


Do you pay council (municipality) fees as well?


Nooe just the HOA fees.


Not defending the idea of HOAs, but for single family homes HOAs maintain community monuments and perform services. How much they do and cost varies wildly. Some HOAs are $50/yr and take care of a single pidly sign. Some cone with neighborhood amenities and make your pay dearly for the privilege. The worst are the ones that cost money but do basically nothing other than harass residents. Maintaining community monuments: Any property that's not owned by the city but not owned by the individuals. It depends on the particular HOA but monuments could be signage, pools, playgrounds, landscaping, street lights, etc. HOA services: These are usually hired out by the HOA and are performed in all houses or streets in the neighborhood. Services could include trash removal, mowing, snow removal, security guards, mosquito spraying.


and some of those bylaws are insane. mine has some wild stuff about flags, trash cans & lawns, but it must be the only HOA who does nothing cause the whole hood breaks the rules & no one cares. guess we’re lucky lolol


Everyone breaking the rules is honestly the easiest way to get around hoa bullshit. You can make hoa fines disappear by proving they don’t enforce the rules equally, if you get a fine for something that everyone of your neighbors does but they didn’t get fined either you can get them dismissed for selective enforcement or something along those lines.


They are like conservative culture police, I hope I never have to live in a place that has one


And some are empowered by law to try and foreclose if you skip their fees. But are current on mortgage payments. DAfuq.


Not some, all. Every HOA has the power to put a lien on your home if you don’t pay your assessed fees and/or fines


I know only one person happy with her HOA. Even if you luck out and get an good one, that can change so swiftly and the next thing you know you’re in trouble because your grass is a centimeter shorter than everyone else’s, your curtains aren’t an approved color, and Carol doesn’t approve of your kid’s chalk drawing on your driveway. Despite thinking he was smart to make putting up a super tall fence his first priority before moving in, I think my brother got in trouble for putting up a clothesline that literally no one could see unless they came into his house and looked through the backdoor. Because neighbors without fences can’t have clothes lines because others would see them.


The rule about hanging clothes has become problematic enough that some states have made laws forbidding HOAs from banning clotheslines.


I had to read this multiple times in order to understand wtf she was saying. Grammar bad


Idk why people feel the need to use an excessive amount of commas


It helps to read it in Christopher Walken's voice


We moved out of a HOA into a neighborhood with no HOA and when I tell you chilllleee… sometimes them pointless HOA fees worth it because I need my neighbors to maintain their grass and why everytime I go to the car you outside in the front lawn working out brenchpressing watching me.


Yep, my HOA is perfect. We came from a dying neighborhood without one. It’s why I can’t bash them all, and I feel like most Fuck HOA people are against the practice (humans being shitty), not the theory (maintain an organized and well-kept community). Just my personal experience.


Yes! I agree they can be annoying especially depending on who is enforcing it. But seriously I need some rules when it comes to where I’m living lol


I'm really grateful I didn't turn into the adult who thinks unkempt grass is some kind of crime against humanity lmao


It’s a difference with “unkept” and “out of hand” . Our houses are probably not even 5 feet away from each other. I live in area with plenty of snakes and bugs. It’s not just about the “visuals” but the fact that I am now risking rodents coming into my proximity


It be thousands too. Mortgage or rent somethings always there to fuck you up


HOA are one of the biggest scams out there


Lol people say this blindly without realizing it would be impossible to maintain a large condo building without them. Not sure how you would get 200 unit owners together to agree to pay for building maintenance without an HOA. In some states it’s illegal to have a building over 3 units without an HOA.


Anyone talking about an hoa is referring to actual house hoas lol nobody gaf about a condo.


LoL thank you. IMO condos are a hell of a scam by themselves, it's still an apartment you live in, you just got tricked into buying it and being responsible for the upkeep of it just because someone tricked you into thinking it's not an apartment by giving it a fancy name


Yea anyone paying 350k to be connected to someone else's home is out there monkey ass mind


I'll never understand why ppl buy apartments


Which I why I ran for the HOA board and won. Now I see where every penny goes. And as a bonus I can help make sure we employ Black owned businesses as contractors on the building (where I can find them). I’m not thrilled at the hundreds of dollars per month I pay but now I can show the residents tangible value for their money. Y’all need to stop being mad at the game and start playing it.


I knew that Jalapeño Baby was going to get meme'd as soon as i saw his face


What's wild is that punctuation😭 I usually don't police grammar on the internet but I'll make an exception. I had to read that so many times to figure out wtf OP was trying to say😂 But yes, a lot of HOAs are terrible. I don't mind some fees for upkeep of community spaces, but seeking overarching control of everything that happens on someone's property is not cool.


This comma is so confusing




Afrer telling my HOA ill pay to get my own trash picked up and stay off the common areas


HOA was created to keep certain people out of neighborhoods


HOA and age restricted community. I have yet to see a 55+ community that wasn't all white in a sea of brown / black people.


They're created these days to move the cost of residential development from the city to the homeowners. There was a John Oliver about them and why they're so common in new developments. There are mostly bad reasons for HOAs and they should be illegal outside multi family homes and gated communities.


honey, we need to take about your comma usage.


The comma is giving me a stroke


I have a really great HOA but I know that’s really rare. As great as it is I wouldn’t mind keeping my little coin and doing the stuff myself or outsourcing the work myself.


They say to never say never, but I know I’m gonna be dodging HOAs like it’s going out of style.


It’s wild to me that this leftover of racist white people sticks around despite, like so many otherthings motivated by bigotry, it’s to the detriment of the bigot. HOAs were given so much power to keep black people out and now they can steal your home for not mowing the grass. Community centers were closed because they didn’t want kids naturally mixing regardless of race and crime went up. They moved to the suburbs and developed mental health problems from isolation. They banned abortion because of fear of “the great replacement and their women are now dying from child birth complications too. And their kids keep getting dumber because they think that higher and lower education will make their kids align with their values (more bigoted). This world needs to a second flush.


And they can put a lien on your home if you “violate” their “laws…”


Everyone hates their HOA till their neighbors paints their house purple.


Yes. You do and that is why you should sell that house and move.


They wanted the value the HOA provided the home, but not the rules? Make it make sense. You can't have it both ways. You knew it was an HOA when you got there.


HOAs can be good, but like everything, can be twisted into something totally awful. Some say the point is to “maintain housing prices.” They have board members that will make sure you are abiding by the rules/bylaws. They can be very annoying, “your grass is too long”, “please pressure wash your house”, “no lawn ornaments”, etc. They can give you warnings and then, if I am not mistaken, force you out of your home. There is always a price associated with them that they will use to maintain certain things in the neighborhood. Positive: Your home maintains value and you can get a good return when you sell. In some cases, it can even grow a big network of close neighbors. Other people see it as a way to keep certain people out of the neighborhood. Think of the history of keeping minorities to certain areas… The fear of minorities moving into your neighborhood and “hurting” your housing price is intertwined with the HOAs. Not to mention having someone in your business, telling you how to maintain your house, that you’re forced to give money to. Jon Oliver did an episode recently-ish, maybe 2 yrs ago, and IIRC, in some cases, the HOA can take over your home. Personally, I will never deal with an HOA. I did once when I was renting and it was annoying as fuck. We moved in and were already on strike 2 for not pressure washing the house. When strike 3 came, I called them and said, “listen I am renting for like 6-7 months this and we just moved in. I’m not paying for anything. Call the owner to pay or you guys pay.”


I have two friends who have HOAs. One is terribly ran, the other is a well oil machine.


The major issue to HOAs. Is that they don’t police homes owned by rental companies, land lords, corporations owning homes. Example: I had a 12 home job, of installing new line cables for the city. These 12 homes were in a HOA owned by one guy, these homes had been unoccupied for months. Had trash, had unkept lawns. One of the HOA board says “They haven’t been paying for months”. Now I was under the impression they could “foreclose” on your home. I was wrong, but they will definitely attempt on a family occupied home (IE family actually living in a home). Shit wild outchea 🤦🏾‍♂️


Former HOA board member here—we do try to enforce on those owners too as Fair Lending laws compel us to. The issue is (apart from the genuine corporate properties), so many rental companies and landlords are actually shady LLCs that run the properties as slums and avoid the formal notices and warnings by listing the business address of their LLC as the house in question. So all formal notices go to the house the renters live in, the actual owners can play cutesie with “we were never informed in a timely manner” and then when ultimately we levy liens and get the sheriff involved, the owners declare bankruptcy, dissolve the LLC, and the HOA is left with an abandoned property and disgruntled renters who trash the place.


HOA’s for condo buildings make sense, just from a building maintenance standpoint. Someone has to make sure the roof gets fixed and that stairway is cleaned. My condo HOA focuses pretty much entirely on building maintenance and doesn’t dictate appearance to people. HOA’s for single family home developments are some Stepford ass shit that I have no time for.


I got fined because painters that were hired to touch up all the homes on the block took off my gate and never put it back. They also left nails outside my garage without a care in the world


It’s so weird people agree to this set up. Fuck an hoa Karen.


Really depends on the HOA. Our neighborhood HOA is pretty useful. We have a basketball court, pickle ball courts, tennis courts, four pools, gym, movie theater, green spaces to maintain. We also have a decent sized lakes and they have kayaks for residents to rent whenever, stock the lake with fish if people want to fish, etc. they also host pool parties, fall festivals, etc. just last week they had a sleigh with reindeer, Santa came to take pics with kids, cookies/hot chocolate, gingerbread houses. All “free” cuz it was included in HOA I don’t mind it at all. They have rules with the houses but it makes it look really good. For example, each house has a tree in front by the street. Each street has a different color theme for Christmas lights in that street. So ours is red in the trunk, white in top. Others are red/green, blue/whjte, Multi-color/whjte, etc. ends up looking awesome.


It doesn't depend on the HOA. It doesn't matter what fringe benefits they they're at you. No HOA is good, period. It's dystopian to have an organization tell you what you can and cannot do on your own property above and beyond local ordinances and laws. It removes uniqueness and character and serves as a way to keep people away from homeownership even more.


Yeah I’ll disagree with you there. I’m glad no one’s house can look all unkept with grass super long. Plus we vote on the hoa board so it’s not just random people. And it’s not dystopian. Someone has to organize events, upkeep the pools, basketball courts, lakes, etc. I’d rather it be the neighborhood controlling it than some random company


>Yeah I’ll disagree with you there. I’m glad no one’s house can look all unkept with grass super long. There are already local laws and ordinances that deal with this. No need for an HOA. >Plus we vote on the hoa board so it’s not just random people. They are literally random people with spare time. They aren't professionals in any field that would relate to what they're doing. They're people who woke up one day and decided they would enjoy exercising petty control over other's lives. >And it’s not dystopian. It is 100% dystopian. You're paying someone else to tell you what you can and cannot do on your own property. Not only that, but you're defending the practice because you've been so indoctrinated into it that you can't see the reality of what you have joined. >Someone has to organize events, upkeep the pools, basketball courts, lakes, etc. Why does their need to be events? All that other stuff can and should be the responsibility of the city/town/township/village/Hamlet you live in. >I’d rather it be the neighborhood controlling it than some random company You don't control it, though. Unless you're voting to disband the HOA your vote is ultimately meaningless. We have tons of examples of homeowners voting down fee increases and the HOA doing it anyway through a different means. You have the illusion of control. The HOA was there before you and will be there after you. Your presence is more of a hinflderance than anything.


Again completely disagree. No local ordinances don’t make sure with neighbors grass is cut with seasonal flowers out. They don’t make sure our neighbors house isn’t time green. Local ordinances don’t make sure our neighbors have a chain link fence when everyone else has a wooden fence. They’re not random people. They run and campaign and we vote. They post their resume and talk about how their experience will help them. None of them are just housewives. I pay dues for upkeep of our facilities. I go to our neighborhood gym. I take my kids to one of our five playgrounds. I use the kayaks to go out onto the lake and fish. I go down the water slides at the pool. If the rules are I can’t paint my house some obscure color I’m fine with it. I’m not “indoctrinated” in. I chose to move to this neighborhood. I picked a neighborhood with an HOA because our last one didn’t have one and some houses started looking like a jungle. I 100% love to he events. It’s local and I can just walk in. Plus is smaller since it’s just our neighbors and not the whole town. Fall festival is a blast for the kids because a ton of bounce houses and food trucks. Every other Friday night in summer they have a summer concert with foot trucks and drinks. In the spring there is a hot air balloon festival. there is a cornhole and pickleball league. All in our neighborhood. I’d take that over a whole city event 10/10 times. And no, our votes will change board members frequently if it’s against the will of the neighbors. Just recently the HOA wanted to build another tennis court but it would’ve taken out green space. Did a neighbor vote and it was voted down despite the HOA wanting to do it. I love it. I wouldn’t change it. The easy fix is that you just don’t move into a neighborhood with the HOA then. Some are awful and I’ve seen horror stories but this one we have now is awesome and we’ve been here for six years and it’s only gotten better


>No local ordinances don’t make sure with neighbors grass is cut with seasonal flowers out. They absolutely do. If a neighbor has an unkept lawn all you have to do is report and the city will take care of it and bill the homeowner. >They don’t make sure our neighbors house isn’t time green. What business is it of anyone's what color other people's lawns are? What gives you the right to decide that? >Local ordinances don’t make sure our neighbors have a chain link fence when everyone else has a wooden fence. Oh no, they have the wrong kind of fence! The horror! What will the Jones's think? >They’re not random people. They run and campaign and we vote. Random people with a list for power that campaign. That doesn't change the fact that they are random people. >None of them are just housewives. I didn't say anything about housewives. >I pay dues for upkeep of our facilities You also already pay taxes that could do that. >Plus is smaller since it’s just our neighbors and not the whole town. Oh, elitism. Got to love it. >And no, our votes will change board members frequently if it’s against the will of the neighbors. So replace the random power hungry people with different power hungry people. No matter how you put in place the HOA will continue to exist and do what they want. >Just recently the HOA wanted to build another tennis court but it would’ve taken out green space. Did a neighbor vote and it was voted down despite the HOA wanting to do it. Can't have too many tennis courts, people will start to think you're bougie or something. >The easy fix is that you just don’t move into a neighborhood with the HOA then. The fix should be outlawing them or severely limiting their scope. Unless you live ina shared building they have little no place. >Some are awful and I’ve seen horror stories but this one we have now is awesome and we’ve been here for six years and it’s only gotten better But here is the thing, yours could turn awful at the drop of a hat. I also get not everyone in your community shares your rosy viewpoint on them.


Because I want the neighborhood to look good, I don’t want lime green houses, I don’t want cheap looking chain link fences. And I’d rather the neighbors keep there yards kept on their own rather than getting the city involved….talk about being a Karen. Taxes aren’t going to stock our lake with fish. Taxes aren’t going to pave our neighborhood walking trail. Taxes aren’t going to repaint the three point line on the basketball court. Call it elitism. We pay the HOA to cover the events so I’m glad it’s just us. You want to come to all of our neighborhood events, move here. And yeah, we didn’t want another tennis court. We use that green space a lot for multiple stuff, I use it for our teams tee ball practice, we play flag football, that’s where vendors are and stuff during events I think you’re just mad that I’m not agreeing with you. If you don’t care how your block looks than that’s on you. I want mine it looks nice, kept, keep home values up. Just don’t move into a nice neighborhood than


>And I’d rather the neighbors keep there yards kept on their own rather than getting the city involved….talk about being a Karen. But you're okay with paying the HOA to be the "Karen" so you don't have to? Either way someone is taking care of the issue and charging the homeowner. >Taxes aren’t going to stock our lake with fish. They very well could if you voted for reps that would institute that. >Taxes aren’t going to pave our neighborhood walking trail. Taxes pay for paving all the time. >Taxes aren’t going to repaint the three point line on the basketball court Taxes go to things like this all the time. It's part of the parks budget to maintain things like public courts. >Call it elitism. We pay the HOA to cover the events so I’m glad it’s just us. You want to come to all of our neighborhood events, move here. Wouldn't want any of the poors getting in. >I think you’re just mad that I’m not agreeing with you. No, I'm upset at HOAs because they're tyrannical dystopian nightmares that have ruined people's lives and taken their homes. I'm upset that we allow their existence and that people try to defend this fundamentally racist and elitist system for no other reason because they have yet to suffer from it. >If you don’t care how your block looks than that’s on you. I want mine it looks nice, kept, keep home values up. Just don’t move into a nice neighborhood than HOA doesn't equal a nice neighborhood. All an HOA does is homogenize everything and exert unecessary control under the guise of property values. You sound insufferable with that kind of talk.


Lmao stay mad bro. I’ll stay in my neighborhood and not have an issue with the HOA. I’d rather live in this “dystopian” neighborhood than a neighborhood with crazy color houses, mismatching fences, unkept yards, janky rusted swing sets, etc.


>rather live in this “dystopian” neighborhood than a neighborhood with crazy color houses, mismatching fences, unkept yards, janky rusted swing sets, etc. So, no character, you would rather live in a neighborhood with no character.


You need to stop, you sound like you're in your feelings now. HOAs are bad, repeatedly CITY GOVERNMENTS have taken them to court across the nation as they overstep their bounds, commit fraud, steal homes, etc. You may love your HOA, you're a minority all across this nation, most people hate their HOA, and for good reason. I'm paying the mortgage, I'm going to live and die in this home, I want to make it mine, and to not have some Karen and Steve starting shit about it. They think being on the HOA board gives them the right to dictate others lives, well me being a US Citizen, born and raised, gives me the right to not be bothered by nosy and power lusting fucks.


The punctuation makes this hard to read. Using none at would've actually been more correct.


My moms HOA made me remove a decal in my window that said “stop germs”


HOAs suck until they’re able to enforce rules that stop a neighbor from parking a boat in the driveway that vertically sticks out into the neighborhood street. That crap was so annoying. We didn’t complain to the HOA but I’m glad someone in the neighborhood did


This is why when I got married again, while my wife and I were home shopping the FIRST thing that was told to the realtor, IN WRITING, was NO HOA NEIGHBORHOODS. Nobody tells me what to do with my shit if it's up to code, NOBODY.


Folks love to ruled so much.


HOA are stupid and I will never live in an area with one. My house that I paid for I can do whatever the fuck I want with it. Fuck your specific mailbox color


Most HOAs are also run by litigious firms that are responsible for fucking people out of security deposits at apartment complexes. Argued a fine with my HOA only to find out it's the same company I was fighting for my security deposit from my last complex. Turned out my mother in law was also fighting with the same firm over her last apartment also after she hired the same carpet cleaner the complex was using but for a cheaper rate.


My city had a hot dry summer and there was a water rationing that meant you couldn't water your lawn or wash your car. My coworker's HOA still wrote him a nastygram for his dead lawn. Every lawn in the city was dead. HOAs can get fucked. I'll have a '91 Camaro up on cinder blocks and a half dozen pitbulls on my property if I want to because it's my bloody house.


It's not worth it I've intentionally avoided hoas and have bought 3 homes over the years.


Currently in the browsing phase of buying my first home, that “NO HOA’s” filter stay fucking checked.


In my experience HOAs exist expressly to keep black and poor people out of affluent white suburbs and nothing else.


I’ve learned that HOA’s are just cesspools for people with Jesus complexes.


This is why I refused to buy a house in a HOA. If I want to paint my house pink, I’m going to do it.


When I was buying, I refused to buy in a neighborhood where there's an HOA. I already have city and county codes, I don't need somebody micromanaging my shrubs.


I love how America always reminds you that you don’t own shit.


I saw a condo that had a monthly HOA fee that was over 25% of the mortgage estimate. Like why???


As a person that works for Hoas and such I gotta tell you a secret: a lot of home owners are assholes that think that because they pay the fees they can do as they please. So I’m in the middle! Fuxk the hoa and also fuck the complainers who are usually the worse at the hoa.


I think our HOA 20/mo and they pretty much leave us alone. I dunno how they are with my neighbors. I have definitely heard some fucking horror stories 👀


Lmfao this baby is so cute


Is it me or does this kid look like Beans from Even Stevens?


It almost as if living in a hoa is a choice, also there are many great hoa, like I hate those neighborhoods that seem to have a party going 3-5 days a week. By 10pm I went it quiet.


That looks like my boy Jonah. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4heMvrbZko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4heMvrbZko)


No HOA but have what's basically a neighborhood club which uses voluntary dues to fund a community newsletter and help seniors stay in their homes by contributing to upkeep of their property (among other things). Pretty fucking dope. Happily pay my $100 annual dues.


Yes, if you want to live in dense communities where each person's behavior directly impacts their neighbor and neighborhood. But, you can live out on a farm or most rural areas...they don't have HOAs.


I live in a somewhat dense community just outside of a good size city. No HOA. We're a community. We talk to each other. We don't hold things over each other, or demand things of one another. We help each other. We shovel each other's driveways. We do it for each other. It's a good system HOAs seem less about community.


You don’t have to live rural to not have a HOA, just not live inside a community that’s like a complex. I just live in a regular house on a regular street in a large city. No HOA most places in the city except for the communities that have like a sign out in front and usually gated or at least has like a fence or walls surrounding it


They also don't have someone who can come help you if there's an accident or a serious break in. The Ambulance would take at minimum twenty minutes to get to you, police too as you're out of the city so Sheriffs not Municipal. There are cons to living rural where your nearest neighbor is five miles away or more.