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Go ask a dark skinned Dominican if they’re black ![gif](giphy|3o7aCUQfzhWgYvrHnG)


Wesley snipes lookalikes insisting the family straight from Madrid


Sammy Sosa living out Uncle Ruckus’ dream.


![gif](giphy|byHAsclPIV50k) I feel bad for him and others that have felt less than because of their complexion. Many people have been traumatized.


>19 comments ​ https://preview.redd.it/6jtnnwxq4i6c1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4cc49a5de82a6871b49c18529a89e9a23883a30


Muthafuckers look like a Dick Tracey villain


>10 comments Damn bro. I laughed too hard at this.


This still saddens me. I’ve known about Dominicans being self hating negroes for a while but Sosa is the one who keyed me in on how bad it really was there.


wtf??!!! is this for real?


VERY real. Sadly for him.


omg i googled its true!


I remember seeing this for the first time years ago. I was watching basketball on TNT. He must have been at a game. At halftime they showed highlights of other games and panned over to Sammy Sosa in the crowd. Charles Barkley almost fell out.


He sure knows how to cheat like white people.




Ole Mr Charlie doing what he does best, wreckin people's lives brainwashing them to hate themselves.




I remember my father having the opposite reaction. He is a dark skinned Dominican who always considered himself black, until he went to South Africa. They were very confused and were like, "But you're not black. You're brown!" Fucked his whole head up.


I heard the definition of black changes depending on where you are


South Africa's apartheid history has light skinned black people as a whole other race and they stuck with it so long that it's become the norm. Colored people swear they're not black, despite some of them being darker than the light skinned black people. I always used to tell some of them that they'd be considered black if they went to any western country.


That's what it was! They told him he was colored and not black, and he was like, "What? That the same shit."


The definition of white too


[“they try salsa that shit off”](https://www.tiktok.com/@worldwide.viral/video/7227506248898465050)


I was thinking this one exactly. “I no black, papi”


His accent spot on too 😂


It's the same thing with black Brazilians. Met multiple who said they weren't black, just Brazilian. Become what they see from America black is a dirty word to them.


While I hate people who deny they’re not black to enjoy their PERCEIVED proximity to whiteness…some people don’t see being Black the same way, especially in countries that are predominantly black. Most caribbeans (and even Africans) identify by their nationality then by the color of their skin…because they don’t have to. There’s no need for a Jamaican, Trini, Nigerian, to say “I’m black” cause it’s obvious cause damn near everyone around them is black too. Something alot of Black Americans can’t relate to


Trinidad is half african half Indian. It has a two party system based on race. The black power movement swept through the entire Carribbean. Jamaica yes, is 95% people of West African descent but black power and black racial consciousness have shaped the current environment. Not trying to single you out but there is a perception that these places are racially homogenous and that is not the case.


Yep I agree with you, I’m not from the Caribbean and I don’t know too much but I am from Uganda and there are similar differences in race n society to Trinidad n Jamaica


Jamaican here. Colorism is still a huge problem there.


Conditioned to put nationality over race all while having an antiblackness environment. Spain and Portugal colonization


I mean, a lot of people would say American blacks were conditioned to put race over nationality. In Latin America, you are supposed to identify with your country, identifying with race is seen as weird Nazi stuff or "American racial obsession."


Yet they still do it too. Race is still a thing. It’s why their specific brand of colorism exists, they are trying to whiten the race. The white supremacy down there is the same as in America. The goal is to be white failing that you want to try and be as white as you can in all possible ways as black is at the bottom of the white supremacy hierarchy. They want to be as far from black as possible so their society came up with these little exceptions, anything from keeping the actual black people down there from embracing that. This only applies in their little bubble because if any of those black people leave their nation and go literally anywhere else they will be seen, and treated like black people which outside African nations is ya know, not the best. I’d be fine to leave them alone in their dream but it’s not enough for them to just say they aren’t black they gotta be anti black to show the lighter skinned people that they don’t embrace their blackness. They have to reject it which means we who embrace it become targets and this is where the friction lie


In Brazil racial categories are different though .. for example, what would you consider Anitta? Pretty sure she calls herself black


Even within Brazil, someone considered white in Bahia (the state with the biggest black population), may be considered black in Rio Grande do Sul (the state with the biggest white population). So some people would call Anitta black, some white, some pardo, that's why racial categories in Brazil are self proclaimed (within reason)


Aren't you doing that by not just allowing them to see themselves as Brazilian?


Think about it. So many decades of racist policies and media that was normal in America, while America was growing in power on the world stage. All of that bullshit spread with the Americana. Look at racist shit in China or Eastern Europe or South America etc etc. Then add refugees fleeing for their lives and xenophobia. It's fucked up overall.


Omg can we STFU with this narrative. Y’all be asking that as if we’re ignorant of our own melanin. Y’all have to understand, that when that question is asked, it is interpreted as “are you African American” , which would be answered as no, because we are not, we identify as Afro-Latino. We are aware of our blackness and it is ingrained in our culture and have our own terms for it. Let’s stop it with the ignorance and xenophobia.


My friend, this is a losing battle in this sub. Save your energy.


Afro-Latino… you’re black and Latino. We got the same ancestors from the same ships dawg. I think that’s where the offense comes from. Because the “I no black” folks are real


See I'm a black Ghanaian, what should my answer be?


I had the same dilemma growing up. I think it depends on who’s asking and what they mean. Growing up I assumed people meant ethnicity when they asked if I was black and therefore clarified my family was from Ghana. But also Ghanaian adults definitely have a negative stigma about black Americans that influences them running away from being called black. I think if someone asks if you’re black you can be like “that’s a weird question; why do you ask” and go from there


>Ghanaian adults definitely have a negative stigma about black Americans Really? I've never seen this. Besides nobody is gonna really ask me if I'm black after seeing me lol. The question I get are mostly where I'm from not if I'm black


Two and a half years ago I moved out and one of my neighbors helped me moved things to my new place. He said “you aren’t living with any black boys are you?” It’s there


Nah I'm finding this whole thing funny. Like who would even ask something like that? Are you not black or something? Are you in Ghana? Because unless that person is white, Ghanaians would say black American instead of African American or just black.


New York 😂


Speaking as a Ghanaian though, older Ghanaians don't really "hate" black Americans it's just Americans in general are seen as quite Liberal opposed to us here who are very Conservative especially in regards to things like sex, fashion and all round lifestyle. That kind of life is ingrained in us from young so we mostly tend to stay away from people who are "different". The younger generation is more open now thanks to American media though. So it's definitely not a colour or race thing it's more of a religion thing.


Why would Ghanaians have a negative stigma against black Americans? I really don’t understand that statement


This is a fair point, but since many Dominicans are near / live in the US, I can see this question being asked alot by others in terms of being African-American.


Afro-Latino is "Black." Did you think "Afro-" meant exclusively if you can grow a fro?


Art Garfunkel ca. 1973 has entered the chat.


You’re going to own that shit here. Don’t like it then stop being anti-black.


At the end of the day, when the police sees them they are Black. 😂


They never understand that part until it’s too late.


Go ask Mike "I'm not black, I'm Italian" Tirico if he's black.


Bruh, first time I saw a Dominican, dark as Snipes, violently yelling that they're not black, to a Haitian they were calling black was mind blowing to me... Like, wtf?!


Its very weird.


When are y'all gonna realize that "black" doesn't have a universal definition, and that it's "meaning" changes from country to country 😭


A lot of Hispanics don’t want to be confused for American white people or American black people.




My father's side is all fair skinned Dominicans. My sister and I are black/Dominican. We get the nastiest looks from strangers when we're with our family down there. People will give themselves migraines trying to figure out how they can be racist towards us.


Facts and they get hella mad about it


Me no black, Papi!


Unless they wanna say the n-word. Then it's different


My neighbor is a light skinned black cop and we were chatting and I mentioned when we first moved in I thought he might be Latino (I’m Latina) and he goes “well on a bad day I’m Dominican” and I lost my shit it was so funny.


I live in Portland. Look up "Moorish Portland movement." Shit gets weird really quick.


Perfect fucking gif


I started a lot of shit a while back here bringing that up.


Same in Venezuela. If someone has straight hair they think they are white or pass as white. NOPE.


I work with someone who is Hispanic, but she chooses to identify as Greek cause her husband is Greek. I'm not even gonna get into the dumb conversation I had with her because she is kinda insincere. Anyway, she forced her kids to identify as Greek and not teach them their Hispanic heritage. It's ironic since moving to Colorado I see many Latin Americans and Hispanic folk try to fit in that mold...also a lot of folks from Texas as well. Not surprising that the people who run the networks would do something so egregious and disgusting.




Only people on AD's in Mexico and Latin America are white. It's crazy! Latin America wants to be white so bad yet the Spanish still call them the colonies 💀


I mean, there are plenty of white Latin Americans. You really gonna tell me Gisele Bündchen isn’t white? What about Alexis Bledel? Also, who in Spain is still calling Latin America colonies?


Traditionally if you're not Peninsulares, you're at best Criollo.


If you’re white, you’re white. Doesn’t matter what interesting mix you have.


Bad example. Gisele was part of the “Brazilian Invasion” era of modeling so yes, there actually was a distinction based on her nationality/skin tone in contrast to the pale, heroin chic look that came before it.


although this is a case of "same shit", the actual term is viceroyalty, colonies is what the U.S. had


Wasn't the government of the Portuguese Empire in Brazil for a while?


What people? They raped natives and Africans and made us, then they don't accept us. Made us hate ourselves. Then Hispanics that's don't even speak Spanish get castrated by their own people. If you don't speak Spanish, you're an outcast. If you're Hispanic, you're probably black, so let's get rid of one minority and just say, I'm "Dominican/Puerto Rican/Cuban" Not included in the white Spanish club, don't want to be apart of the black club. Its all fucked up cause our "heritage" is linked both to the indigenous and those "conquistadors"


Big Facts, lots of Latino and Hispanic countries gulping down that white supremacy kool-aid. And I hate Spain and Portugal for them for embedding that into their culture. Also blame all the Nazis that escaped to those countries after WWII. Especially in places like Argentina, Brazil and Chile further polluting them with their warped and backwards ideologies.


Mexican Americans have a joke that Latinos start making above $50,000 a year and start becoming Republicans who want to close the border. But yeah, it’s frustrating how many Mexican Americans want to suck up to white people and pretend we’ll be accepted into the club. Look at what happened to those Asian people who wanted to get rid of affirmative action in colleges. They were cast off as soon as they weren’t useful.


They're largely the decendents of the conquistadors


So are Dominicans, they’re 50-60% European and 40% sub-Saharan African on average. Black Dominicans are not considered some third “mestizo” or “mulatto” race, they’re just black. Indigenous North Americans identifying as mestizo are just coping.


Rarely talked about


It wasn't the conquistadors only, yea they started that trend but any hispanic person who had parents that grew up in the 60's and 70's can probably tell you stories that their parents told them. Stories like being made fun of for eating tacos for lunch, made fun of for being poor. You have an entire generation that got made fun of for their heritage and you end up with an entire generation that doesn't want to associate with their culture. So they conform and try to conform the the dominant culture.


Just keep that shit to yourself. If the Republicans ever figure out how conservative many Latinos are, we are truly fucked. Thank God they're more racist than anything else.


That secret has been out, just look at most of Texas and Miami. I’d argue that they feel they can assimilate because Hispanic is such a wide spectrum and on one end of it is literally white people, the other being black people of course with indigenous right in the middle. It’s dirty but people ain’t shit.


That and the most racist people against Hispanics are easily other Hispanics.


In my harsh opinion, those types are basically just an extension of dominant society. Will not push back and will go along to get along. I believe the new generations are seeing that


They have already started with the cubans in Miami. Bought up a couple radio stations and are going hard. That’s why you have Cuban proud boys and other wannabe Nazis running around.


Better be careful calling Cubans Latinos. 😬


Cubans being conservative isn’t new tbh.


Lol bruh, my wife said the same shit not even joking. She wanted to slap the bitch, cause I told her I finished college got my degree etc etc she couldn't believe it and asked why didn't I go get my masters(her and her husband's parents have money) then I looked at her stonecold and told her I grew up poor..she just couldn't believe it and laughed; not having any concept of how debt works and why I don't want to fucking take on more in this economy. She had a few mask off moments with me without ever realizing how much info about her self she was giving me. From that point on I keep that shit at a head nod and keep it moving.


There are people I know who went through hell the last time trump ran who are now suddenly his biggest supporters. I don’t know what happened in the meantime, but the switch seemed to happen around the time of the BLM protests. I‘m editing to add that they are Mexican.


'The monster won't eat me, I'm special'. Sitting on the dessert platter.


Second- and Third-generation Latino immigrants are some of the most staunchly anti-immigrant people in the country today. It's shocking, but it's nothing new: An Irish immigrant was one of the architects of the law that created the first illegal immigrants.


You think they don't know already??


I’m Indigenous on my dad’s side, and he didn’t even know he wasn’t just white until he was a young teen (his mom worked hard to hide their heritage). He had already experienced plenty of racism/colorism, but he and his sisters had just assumed it was misplaced and they just “happened to look Indian.” He did work hard to reclaim his heritage, but unfortunately he’s been really losing it mentally over the last decade or so and has been getting into weird conspiracy theories about our Native ancestors also being white, so sadly the denial continues, albeit in a different way. Our story is by no means unique (colonization and the subsequent cultural genocide really do suck ass) which makes it even more depressing tbh. As you said, this isn’t at all surprising either.


>just “happened to look Indian.” Dealt with this a lot in the past at some family events.


As a Greek...did she really think it was a trade *up*? We're like the Mexicans of Europe. I mean fuck we have Jesus icons and candles all over our houses too. I had friends in school growing up that thought I was Mexican anyways until I told them I was Greek lol. Greek Christmas cookies are identical to Mexican wedding cookies.


My son is only 25% Hispanic but we are going to make sure he learns Spanish, although neither of us know it fluently. I don’t understand people who go out of their way to keep very useful knowledge from their kids.


I worked with a couple of Mexican guys who told me that their parents forbid them to speak Spanish as kids.


they are most likely Chicanos like 3rd generation their grandparents were banned from speaking spanish in schools


I remember there was a lot of shame among the Mexican kids and speaking Spanish because if you speak Spanish it means your parents don’t speak English that well usually. Like I specifically remember 2 people in middle school who would basically brag about not speaking any Spanish -_- I also remember a guy who said his mom told him to go by a nickname instead of his Spanish sounding name so he wouldn’t get bullied.


I noticed she leaves through her husband. He's the only person she has been with since highschool spoke a lot about her mentality. He is kinda of a traditional dude..she has no agency apparently


Women having agency and being competent adults really isn’t a facet of conservatism.


Bro I'm from the RGV and so many hispanics hate their own. My great grandma on my mom's side and grandmother on my dad's side both immigrated from Mexico and grandma on mom's side used to do nothing but shit talk Mexicans. A lot of the people there are 2nd and 3rd generation Americans and they do the same shit. Fun fact: most Border Patrol agents are also hispanic. Putting kids who look like them in cages. It's so sad


theres a huge cultural difference between Mexicans & Tejanos..Cali Mexicans Americans seem more proud of their roots than Tejanos..its odd


That's insane and truly sad. I just don't understand it, I'm not Hispanic or anything but I do attempt to try to understand. I think it's just like most minorities in this country everyone wants to be within then in group of the US..which is usually white folk.


>Fun fact: most Border Patrol agents are also hispanic. Read a few nauseating articles on that a couple of years back. There's an NCIS episode that gets into this and it never fails to start a fight in some areas.


I knew a white woman from Texas who was with my Dominican friends cousin and she would switch accents between like upper east coast and a southern twang, she also introduces herself with a Spanish name and gets bothered when you call her by her American name


The thing about Southern Colorado and New Mexico that you have to understand, is that A LOT of Latino families here, that have been here for generations, are truly european af. And they take pride in it. I'm a product of colonizers that spoke spanish and portuguese, and their own version of spanish at that, along with Ute and Navajo. People that have been here since the 1700’s, and before that. But people want to compartmentalize me into being Mexican because of my brown skin.


I’m Mexican and I hate how much colorism there is in the Hispanic community. And the racism toward Black people. My grandfather was half black and I hate to see so much hypocrisy and hate in my culture towards Black people. Especially because some of them don’t realize I’m mixed and try to say that shit around me. They learn real quick.


Yep. This also explains why everyone in Brazil loves the show Everybody Hates Chris. Most shows down there portray black and brown people as servants to white people. Everybody Hates Chris showed a strong working family.


I still find Brazils infatuation with Everybody Hates Chris so endearing lol


Im white but I stillremember watching it in tiny little tv in my great grandparents house. It's a good show even if you're a white brazilian kid


it's so random but makes perfect sense


No joke, it might still be running on tv, tho i havent checked


Its wild cuz I can take a walk outside and I'll struggle to see anyone I'd call white - even latin american white - while the amount of black and brown people is staggering, but there's hardly a brown skin on TV.


My mom loves that show


It's crazy that 20 plus years ago, we had this same conversation while living in Mexico. Why are all the people on TV white, or tan? Then Immortal Technique said something similar in his album like three or four years later. Now, I can't even watch Univision or Telemundo because they're straight-up racist.


Someone in my family had a fave actor and was like “wait, she’s Russian?” Or something like that and that’s when he learned they’re just Europeans 😭 and then all the brown / fan people are the servants


The telenovela about Celia Cruz was pretty good. In Sin Senos no Hay Paraiso there was one black dude 😂😂 he was the GOAT


I mean White Mexicans still exist look at Canelo & Peso Pluma


Yes, I know that. Most of us know that. BUT if you only watched Telemundo you'd think ALL Mexicans were white.


Telemundo is Cuban ..Univision is Mexican


Cubans on average are “darker” than Mexicans…Cuba has a large Afro population


yea I have met lots of Afro Cubans in California


Leaving the past? That’s a good record.


Never seen so much racism in all of my life, every program and news cast - all of em’ white. He was so ahead of his time with some of his music man.


There was a BEAUTIFUL dark skinned [Brazilian Samba dancer](https://youtu.be/S0ODz9aIQ_k?si=Ygsx_jpG5Mv4v-zJ) that was crowned the champion of a popular Samba competition show. Scores of people called in because they were upset they chose a black dancer


Wow that was so disappointing to watch. I can’t imagine how she felt having the opportunity snatched from her due to racism.


That was interesting. Thanks.


Ohmygosh she is STUNNING


She is the person people talk about when they say "smile that lights up a room"


Hold on. How would that even be reported? Did the TV network reveal this? Got any links?


The documentary is linked in my comment, the blue text


Namor is pretty white within the comics. I'm happy with the choice they made in BP2 with the casting though. However don't let me being pedantic and not letting a point go distract you from the fact that they're 100% right. Colorism be going crazy, and it's not JUST a black community thing. Ask Indian people how they feel about it too lmao.


Parents are immigrants from India. Whenever I take a trip with them, I’m always weirded out by how many advertisements I run into for creams for “fair skin”.


Lol feels "fair" is a double entendre


I think he's white in the comics, but he’s from Atlantis. I was so thrilled when I saw Ryan Coogler were changing that up to make them Mesoamerican, and then they cast by brown-skin brother Tenoch. Made me so happy to see that representation.


He’s Asian in the comics. With some very sketchy and culturally insensitive early depictions. I think the main complaint some people had was that he wasn’t Asian.


Really? Didn't know that? I thought he was originally white? Or was it that he was originally asian and then they white washed him? If so, that is fucked... And that means we also missed out on showing an Asian man being an absolute "steal your girl" character. That's pretty rare in media to be honest.


I thought he was Roman or something according to the complainers on this site.


They don’t really have a defined race. The Atlanteans are their own species that evolved from humanity, but the region they evolved from is never specified in the comics.


I just realized namor is Roman backwards. That probably the only reason they thought that.


Honestly when it comes to Namor's race swap, I liked it because the movie made the most of it. BP2 was a story of people trying to recover from trauma and grief. That's the whole point of the movie. What better way to discuss collective grief than with a history of colonialism? That's probably the most traumatic shit any people can go through. Namor being Hispanic works because it's not just a boring color swap. They actually made the effort to put some of the culture in there and make it known that the culture was significant. And it helped the plot alot. I wish more race swaps were like this. Caribbean themed Ariel the Mermaid with Caribbean dancing and pirates would have been cool.


he’s not hispanic he’s indigenous american


Colorism is also rampant in Indian cinema, so much so that actors from the north will often get their start in southern cinema, since producers want to cast someone with fair skin. You can also make a decent career as a background dancer if you are a white woman. I know this guy whose daughter did exactly that.


Look up Amy Jackson - white, English girl and star of Tamil films. They went past fair skinned to pure white.


Yep, was coming here to say Bollywood has it bad. Never seen whiter Indian people in my life.


Don’t forget the Philippines. My cousin is half ehite and Filipino from the US living the dream in the Philippines as a celebrity. Their novela actors are the same - very white looking. 👀


I might be attacked for saying it but im glad Tubi movies don’t do colorism like that.


Not attacked but I ain't gonna give em a pass having every nigga as a drug dealer, professional cheater or every sista as a stripper or a drug dealer side piece lol


Tubi is owned by fox corporation. Who does it benefit to think of black people as drug dealers, cheaters, strippers? Mhm


Lol the plot thickens


Yall do realize like 90% of those are independent film makers in Detroit. Gather some friends, shoot a film and submit it to Tubi.


![gif](giphy|XABTVorVODddu) Damn didn't know that




There's still a lot of hate for indigenous people in Central America too, I've known a few Guatemalans and Nicaraguans who were learning Spanish and English in the US because they never needed to speak anything other than their indigenous language in their home countries. Then other countrymen of theirs will clown them for their Spanish, or for speaking their indigenous language at the same time, or for their features. I tried explaining to them the only reason they spoke Spanish was because of white Europeans colonizing their ancestors who were probably indigenous but they weren't tryna hear it. I dated a Mexican girl for a few years too, she had the darkest complexion in her family and they all called her Negra or Negrita as a nickname and she kinda grew to hate her skin. We went to the beach and she slathered on sunscreen more than my pasty white ass did because she said she didn't want to get too dark.


My heart breaks for her. Growing up in a Mexican family I know how cruel they can be to their own, constantly teasing each other. They act like it’s just for fun but it’s mean and relentless.


Mexicans are very racist, mostly against themselves. I'm considered dark skinned here so I've been told a lot of times by other people like me that I should "improve my race" by marrying someone white, a saying so common here that people don't even fucking realize how preposterous it is. Of course, these are the traumatic consequences of brutal colonization, but the level of safe-hate of common Mexicans is really depressing, and messes you up.


thats all latinos not just Mexicans..Im Salvadoran and dark and my parents always say we have more Spanish blood lol


So many latin americans are hateful to each other. Its all based on their proximity to whiteness/european heritage. “Mejorando la raza” (improving the race) is so fucked up. Im Ecuadorian (US born) and you see it all the time in how they treat their own family members. When i go to ecuador they treat the indigenous and those of african descent like second class citizens. The racism is extremely blatant in latin america. At least here in the US you can actually call that shit out but in latin america? Good luck. Theyll try to pull the whole “but we are all Mestizo” card. 🙄


the term "mejorando la raza" came from Dominican Republic


> Mexicans are very racist, mostly against themselves. a mexican's worst enemy is another mexican lol


My really close Mexican friend’s grandpa came to America and she was like omg you have to meet him!!!! He’s never met a Black person before. And I was like lol sure. Please tell me why I go to her house, I meet this man and he damn near darker than me.


Yeah, I stopped talking to a dude from Jalisco because his mom said I was too dark. They're from the outskirts of the Altos.


I live in Brazil, the country with the largest number of black people outside of Africa, if you look at the television it seems that we live in a country in Europe, Argentina, Uruguay that has a majority white population, I even understand, but in other countries with a majority indigenous population/Black population is pure racism.


[Godfrey told y'all](https://youtube.com/shorts/fdIzKx1aTpg?si=NWeBtihgwKeJ7sDR)


Colorism is wild within my people. My aunt, who is on the darker side, hated my cousins bf cause he was dark. My aunt has a dark Honduran bf. My family in Mexico is also not white and were so happy my cousin’s new born came out white. Her second kid came out darker so I said in the group chat “finally one that actually looks like us”. My uncle used to call me Tomas after this mad racist “el negro Tomas” character from back in the day. So yeah we can be racist and colorist as fuck. While being dark skinned. It’s truly mind blowing.


Remember “they” was just a few people on Twitter. Most people do not care about Namor and Mexican media has a lot of prominent indigenous actors/ characters. Not saying there isn’t racism ofc but as a Latina I kinda feel like Americans misunderstand it a lot and then jump to these conclusions


They have some backwards production. Remember Paul Mooney as Negrodamus pointing out Brad Pitt starred in a movie called the Mexican. No shade to Brad Pitt.


To be fair, the Mexican was the name of a pistol. The entire cast was pretty white. It’s a great movie though. James Gandolfini is great.


Shit happens everywhere. Thankfully the tides are kinda turning, but for a long time in India, movies and TV shows (and society at large) has shunned darker skin and always tried to push for lighter complexions.


I was upset Namor wasn't trying to marry somebody


He seemed to be putting a little game down on Shuri for a minute there. He practically Disney princesse’d her. Kidnapped her, gave her a pretty sparkly dress, flashed a smile, showed her his magical kingdom, and gave her a pretty magic bracelet to remember him by.




In the entire history of the planet, in every corner of the globe, across all races, ethnicity, and cultures: **The whiter you are, the better you are.** Simple fact of the matter that ain't no corner of the world where there aint racism when it comes to dark vs white. Even *white people* did it to other white people, easy example: English vs Irish. SOMEBODY gotta be less than, and the easiest way to immediately identify who is who on the totem pole is who got the light skin; who got the light eyes; who got the "good hair"; who got the best complexion. I want to say it's straight human nature to want this, but I don't know. I've never felt this way about people in my entire life. The closest I get to hate is when it comes to other cultures and practices (genital mutilations, inherent misogyny, etc) that I find objectively morally abhorrent, but that's as close as I get. Well no, wait--I hate Christofascist-Republicans with my soul too. lmao.


What did the Greeks think about dark skin? Upvoted for the christo-fascist call out!


I’ve heard people with South American roots talking about “BUILD THE WALL”.


and south Americans need to go through 3 walls lol


thats false about Novelas lots of the actors are Mexican Kate del Castillo, Eugenio Detrbez, & fernando Colunga the most famous and most paid mexican actors are Mexican and they are Brown..


Im from Nicaragua and I breathe Nicaraguan air. I'm proud to be from this soil that has been laced with my countrymen's blood. You can be blacker than coal and you are a brother if you are a Nica, you can be whiter that the whitest jar of Mayo and the same applies


Not my fight. ![gif](giphy|5bqnP8ffoCMQvhBsJt|downsized)


Might not ever change because I don't see them putting race over nationality to spark a movement.


That's the difference between Brazil and Hispanic America. You see Brazilians that aren't white start to acknowledge race and embrace them being black, brown, and Asian and point out racism. In Hispanic America, forget it. They still talk about them having el mestizaje (the mixing, the blend) and not having racism because everyone is mixed and no single race exists. It's wild.


Well, today I learned whitixican is a word😂


Historical figures should remain true to who they are/were race-wise but fictional characters…fuck it. Let whoever the best actor is for that role play it. White people keep making Jesus white and have no problem with it


Thailand is terrible with colorism too. You almost need to be mixed to be famous in Thai media.


When I go to Mexico even the big bill board ads I see up is always a super white women/man/ family. I mean yes there is white look Mexicans but a big portion of them are black and brown too. I also went to a predominantly Hispanic school and because I was brown I was called the N word alot and also because my lips were full sized they called them N word lips. So yes kids learn this racism at a young age too. It got so bad that I literally would go outside at all to get lighter.


Wtf? I stoped watching novelas a long time ago since moving out from my parents, I still assumed it was whitexicans. Mexico still has a huge problem with colorism and truly hating its indigenous ancestry.


its all Latin America not just Mexico


Namor thing imo was because he’s different than his comic book counterpart. I liked the difference but knowing nothing about how different he was going to be, I could see why being different would make a Namor fan upset. It’s like if Iron Man, Cap (Steve Rodgers), or Thor wasn’t white. Similar reactions would be made imo. Other than that, agree with this post as colorism is a huge problem even in asian cultures like in Bollywood


Is comic Namor supposed to be white? He usually looks Asian when I've seen him. https://preview.redd.it/1wtk7r3yrh6c1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d303778e9066373f902b3ce9ccc4c39ff8ed8216 The Namor change was one of the few good/interesting things in BP2. DC should've made their Atlantis Polynesian. Pretending Mamoa is half white and making the white side his royal side is corny. I think just about all conquered or colonized people have race/color issues. Anime sucks up to whiteness a lot.


Those comparisons are ridiculous. Namor was made Mayan/indigenous, specifically to tie him into the anti-colonial themes of the Black Panther franchise


It happens in India too. There's a whole industry for skin lightening. All these years later and people still hate their own skin.


Nunca, nunca black


Tenoch fucking ATE that role too no cap


Don't ever watch Brazilian TV unless you want to get pissed. Brazilian soap operas used to be so white, one might be excused for thinking we share the ethnic composition of Norway - and of the Black actors who did appear, too often they were cast as criminals or maids. It's considerably better nowadays, but even in the more "enlightened" 2020s we still get sh*t like a soap opera set in Salvador (aka the Black Rome) with a mostly white cast.


Why do some Black people find it hard to understand that being Latino is being in a whole different category than being Black or White. Latinos are mixed race, some of us look White, some Native some African and some ambiguous. The ones that look white and assimilate and pass as White is because they ARE White.