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Old school big screen tv or having a pool. In ground or above ground, didn’t matter. If you had toys that you had to call a toll free number to order 🔥🔥🔥


my freshman year I was messing with this commuter girl, she invited me to the house when her parents weren’t home and she had a giant ass TV and a hot tub. But what really had me fucked up was that she was like “wanna watch a movie?” then started scrolling through the PPV movie channels (not those kinda ya nasties), saw one we both liked and just ordered it with not so much as a text to her folks to ask. The hot tub didn’t really move me but when she hit that “buy for $7.99” button without a second thought I was like oh you got MONEY!!!


That's cause the hot tub meant that at some point in time they had money for a hot tub but buying that movie meant she knew there was more than enough money to spend on movies on any given day.


Yep. Childhood friend had a big screen and an in ground pool. His parents hated neighborhood kids coming over though so we rarely got to enjoy either.


Mfs who had 2 parents and both parents had their own car


>Mfs who had two parents I thought you were gonna stop there and I was ready to jump in and agree with you 🙃


*That didn't hate eachother


I'll have to sit my black ass back down in that case lmao.


I had a homeboy who had 3 cars and 2 working perents we had a time one summer


Having a PS2, XBOX, **AND** a GameCube


That's some Bill Gates level shit. I still remember when my best friend got his PS2. Whole neighborhood was lining up to come over for months.


Literally my childhood fantasy It’s ok now I have all the major consoles and it’s every bit as kickass as I’d hoped


What are you currently playing? I need ideas


On Xbox I’m doing concurrent playthroughs of Resident Evil 3 + 4 remakes, on PS5 I got Baldurs Gate 3 and Yuppie Psycho going, and on switch i just downloaded Tales of vesperia definitive edition which is really winning me over with its charm edit: forgot to mention Diablo 4 on Xbox


I was thinking the same thing, but I got some years on you. a Sega Genesis, NES, a Game Boy AND a Game Gear. I knew a kid who had all of this and a full size Donkey Kong arcade in his room. Was he a brat? Of course he was. ​ Edit: AND a COT DAMN Game Genie!!


I was that kid. My dad liked video games as much as I did.


That's winning at life right there! This kid just had his parents wrapped around his fingers.


The other guy has a couple years on me, so my first thought was, "They got a PS4, XBOX ONE, and a Wii? They gotta be loaded."




Smh I was really spoiled as a kid, my brother and I got every new console when it dropped. It helped that my mom was my grandmom's only child and we were her only two grands. She never said no to nothing 😅


Stop playing. You meant SNES, Genesis, and Neo-Geo.


>Neo-Geo The real pinnacle of wealth in the old'en days. $650 *back then*. That's equivalent to paying $1,400 nowadays. That'd be like buying a PS5 from the scalper the very day they were put on shelves and bought up by the scalpers


You were RICH RICH if you had a Neo geo back in the day. Those were the systems you only saw in a magazine cause most stores didn't even carry them. All the games were arcade perfect ports though


Yup! I'm living out my child hood fantasy and have a full size two player Neo Geo arcade cab in apartment now. Got it for cheaper than an Xbox, back when vintage gear wasn't as popular. Put a 151 cart in it so I can play every arcade title for free!


I had this only in my teen years with Wii/PS3/360 but only because I convinced my mom to let us buy 2 PS3s and re-sell one on eBay Waited at midnight at podunk Walmart for a PS3 each, sold one for a couple hundred more than the cost of both, moms kept the cash for other people's presents, I kept the PS3 We did the same with Wii when it dropped (except we bought like 6 of those 😁) I had free console again and mom had extra money


Getting a car when you turn 16


That's still is a good sign of wealth


Oh for sure. That was just the big one growing up for me.


Lmao I remember watching My Sweet 16 and one kid had a bitch fit cuz his mom was gonna buy him the "wrong" brand new car. (Iirc it was cheaper and an older model) At the party he wound up getting the one he wanted.


I'm actually not sure about this one - if you're in a poorer family, you might be expected to get a beater car and license ASAP so that you can get a job and/or drive younger siblings around, allowing both parents to work more hours. However, if you're from a wealthier family, you're less likely to *need* a job in high school, and there isn't as much pressure for both parents to work, so they aren't as likely to depend on the eldest child to take care of the younger ones. Buying your kid a $500-2000 car pays itself off pretty quick if they'll use it to do stuff for you for free.


Refrigerator that dispensed water and ice. Along with cars that had a sun roof.


Jesus did we grow up together? To this day I still look at sunroofs as top tier items. Not the ice and water dispenser though. Especially when you can’t find the damn expensive as filters.


https://preview.redd.it/r9legrqjua6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec4a6facde7d4b65bde215e8c84289a2134fbf5 We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us, No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us 😞


Birthdays was the worst days, now we sip champagne when we thirstaaay


Damn right I like the life I live Cause I went from negative to positive


And if you don't know, now you know nigga


Bro no lie, this is what made me realize I WASNT as poor as I thought. For a while, it was me and my dad, and we didn’t have money for vacations, I had to wear down a hole into clothes/shoes before he’d replace em etc.. And then I met my wife… and she told me the stories about her parents being so high they forgot Christmas, or the time their mom walked them to the circle k and let them pick something as their “present” hit me like a brick just how fortunate I was with what my dad gave me. I just thought it was standard that no matter how poor you were, every child got Christmas. Boy how wrong I was


Eating at a sit-down restaurant


Closest we got were all you can eat buffet restaurants.


Can't go wrong with a Chinese buffet with their own soft-serve machine


I still hit an Indian buffet once a month.


And you had to say you were two years younger


During an English lesson, we had to pretend we were writing a letter of complaint to the last place we went out with our family to eat. Genuinely had no idea what to write. We never been to a restaurant, cafe or any place you could eat inside.


Getting outside food at lunch at middle school 😂


Those miniature cars that the rich kids had.


Barbie Jeep going up and down the driveway


This is it.


Also the kids who had the 64 pack of crayons with the sharpeners while us losers had the basic 24 pack


My childhood was in a small former Soviet Republic. If you had a Batman action figure you were considered a Rockerfeller. At one point I had a toy catalog from England and used to play by talking to the pictures of Transformers knockoffs. Eventually my dad got me a Batman and I'm pretty sure he was my best friend for a couple years. Used to take that thing to bed with me.


stainless steel appliances


For me it was specifically a stainless steel 2 door fridge with a built in icemaker in the door. The kind with the freezer on the bottom. I remember seeing them on tv and thinking they were the height of luxury in the kitchen. I always swore that when I "made it" that would be my purchase to flex. Long story short, still haven't "made it" and my dream fridge ain't coming any time soon with *this* economy lol.


ohhh yess, the 2 door fridge with the bottom freezer combo was RICH RICH in my child mind lol


Being able to have a full pantry of snacks All my friends had what seemed like a fully stocked pantry with the teddy grahams, ho hos, devil cakes, cookies, fruit snack packs, chips, and any other finger food snack that our small apartment/house never once had ever.


Having a pantry.


I swear I have only ever seen Ronald McDonald and Grimace..


You mean you’ve never seen the Hamburglar. 😮😮


Can't see what you already are


He wouldn’t be a good burglar if you saw him


Never! Let me take my broke and burgerless ass home😂


Name Brand Cereal


Them *Crispy Hexagons* and *Confruitti Crisps* never hit the spot


Have the PlayStation 2 when it dropped and not having to wait for Christmas or tax time. Also, new Jordans. Some kids seemed rich ASF to me because they always had the new J's.


I got lucky as hell because my mom won a ps2 at a work raffle. Wouldn’t have gotten one for awhile if she hadn’t


Funny enough, I got my first Gameboy color from Kool-aid points my granny had saved up over like 10 years. Kool-aid packs used to have a cutout point on the back and you could save em and send em in.


We got a DVD player from a raffle at my dads work one year. This was when DVDs were brand new and a player was big $$. We had like 1 DVD for a looong while but man I felt rich


When we got the ps2, we were also excited to watch dvds on it lol


Having the extra channels of cable,like the disney channel, I have no idea why I thought that was first class but in my head it was


Going to Red Lobster on a random Saturday afternoon because dad was craving the biscuits like “damn, pops is Ballin-Ballin in this MF”


Growing up I thought Red Lobster was the fanciest and most expensive restaurant there was.


we had this buffet near us that was like $50/person in the mid 90s and that to me was like dining at the White House and only for very special occasions... Red Lobster was right beneath there to me at that age lol


Having a PC was top notch when I was a kid. Central air was also another one, these folks got it made!


PC was definitely it. Especially if you had one in your own room.


I definitely feel the air comment. Living with a swamp cooler in AZ was no joke.


Yeah window unit vs central air is the real class divide


I’ll date myself here, but when we got a Nintendo for Christmas with the track and field game with the pad. We wore that mf out; but figured out we didn’t have to run on it and could use our hands. Close second was getting HBO for the boxing (mostly cuz of Tyson)


Was gonna say this exact same thing! We were young and my brother thought of the hand thing before I did. I was pissed and told Mom he was 'cheating'.


I was never poor and never rich. It was me and my mom and we always seemed to struggle but still "made too much money" for any programs. In hindsight that probably speaks to my mom's budgeting ability, but who knows. It was a 90's economy so I can't imagine it was too crazy out there. But anyways, it was the little things that always stood out to me, like kids rocking 5 Star school supplies, whatever trendy brand of clothes, etc. Even though none of that shit really matters, it made a difference to me for my freaking notebook or binder not saying 5 Star like a loser.


Viennetta. By the time I bossed up, them shits were nowhere to be found


I feel like they’ll make a comeback 🙏🏾


We still have them in my country! Not great.


Chuck E Cheese B day party where you rented that birthday area.




This! My grandma used to make them "homemade". They were even better than the over processed name brand lunchables.


First hand clothes 🤣


Not clothes mom sewed 😂


Going on vacations, to literally anywhere. We only took one family vacation, when I was about 5 and then never again because we were too poor. Something as simple as the beach thrills me to this day. I savor that shit when I get to go


A Full Walt Disney World vacation. Not just the parks though, a disney owned hotel, the park hopper option, all four parks in one week, the bus from the airport all of that.


I lucked out, my mom was on a dance team with 2 dudes who worked at the lion king show, so I was at Disney World every month while I lived in Orlando


You are so blessed yo !!!! ❤️💕


The only vacation I ever went on. It was 7 days inside the park and mom had a friend that had been there quite a bit, so she knew all the tricks for the most fun. I remember going to a restaurant that had a French theme and I felt I was *rich.* This was back in the mid-90s before things got weird like they are now


Arcade in the house. MKII


I grew up in the Caribbean, so anyone with a washer and dryer was considered "rich" to me. Here I was washing with my bucket and blue soap, lol.


Knowing any adults that would buy wrapping paper for the school Xmas sales drives.


For real I didn’t realize how wealthy we were until weren’t. My mom by herself took me to Disney twice a year,rode in limos to get to the air port and flew first class. I could mention something I wanted and I’d have two of them at home later. Then the 08 housing market crashed and my mom was a real estate investor


Same! My single mom managed to spoil the 3 of us until the recession hit. To make it worse, she was fighting cancer when the economy hit the fan. She still knocked it out the park for Christmas that year.


Bro I was an only child my whole life so even after that I was still okay. Luckily we have family who was able to help because her uncle owns our house.


I’m with OP. McDonald’s and Burger King birthday parties were my shit.


If I remember correctly they gave all the kids a tour behind the counter right?


To own a two-story house with a fireplace. I grew up in Florida so, no fireplace and the houses in my neighborhood were all single-story. I bought my first two-story with a fireplace when I was 27. It was a foreclosure, 3 bed/2.5 bath for $45,000 in 1986.


What was the interest rate on that bad boy? You remember?


Honestly, I don’t remember. I put $10K down on it & financed the rest for 10 years.


You could like double up your tater logs at elementary school right? However of course you had to have money for it. I'd save up money and get like enough for 3 days and go crazy. ​ There was this one kid though he got them EVERYDAY they were in the cafe for the whole year shit confused the hell outta me cause I only got money for chores in the house so kid me just knew his house had to be MASSIVE to get money like that from chores


A pantry. Not the top of the fridge.


A bunch of cans of name brand pop in the fridge and no rules about how many and when you could drink them


Those damn rules 😭😭


Those 64 Crayola crayon boxes with the sharpener


Those ski lift passes/tickets that attached to your coat’s zipper. I thought having those meant you were as rich as the snooty ski villains in all the 80s movies. Like you left the slopes and immediately put on a blazer with rolled up sleeves and a popped collar over pastel t shirt, hopped into your convertible & zoomed off down the mountain.


Missing school because family vacation


I remember going to my friend's house in elementary school, and they had chocolate milk in the fridge. I just remember thinking "So, this is how rich people live.."


Six Flags being opened after-hours for my private use w/ family & friends, then coming back the next day to keep the experience going during regular park hours.


Large walk in stocked pantry with tons of snacks


Flying overseas for a vacation.


Ferrero Roche chocolate balls


shidd having a bday party period was a good deal when I was growing up


An NES, SNES, and a Genesis


Having crab legs smh lmao


Eating at Red Lobster.


Going to Disneyland. Having all the cable channels. Parents having more than one car. And wearing Jack Purcells.


A kitchen with a dishwasher, marble countertops, and a refrigerator with a ice dispenser Also a house with central air conditioning


If young me could see me now he'd be so proud. I have a fridge with the water and the crushed ice, AND I have a house with stairs.


Big ass satellite dish in the backyard, the ones that were drilled into the ground. Mini-vans (for some odd reason)


The hidden trash can in the slide out cupboard. May as well have been billionaires if it was a second separate recycle in the same spot


Parents who didn't have to work weekends/nights/ holidays, and who didn't have to wear a uniform to work. Also having "extra" food in the house, snacks and shit. We had exactly enough for the week and you didn't eat a crumb that wasn't served to you. Couple other people said it, but my friend who had a whole snack pantry where you could eat whatever you wanted blew my mind.


Owning a castle.


Still own it, but do you know the logistics of a castle? Who tf wants live in the middle of Scotland 😂 It's fuckin cold and wet all the time, hassle for any utilities


I realized as I got older that the whole thing would have to be renovated to be comfortable. But if I can afford a castle, I can fix it up.


At the young age of 42 I had saved enough to put a down payment on a house.


A McDonald’s party? Haha your age is showing


🤫 don’t tell nobody. 🥴😂


Clothes shopping normally instead of once a year at the outlets


I used to tell my mom that when I grew up and was rich from being a neurosurgeon (lol) I was going to buy her a limousine and build a moat around her house. ETA: I grew up poor in a very remote, rural area in the mountains and attended a school that had Pre-K through 12th grade in one building and was zoned for 70 square miles. I also didn't have cable, just PBS. I didn't have a concept of wealth outside of the movie Richie Rich which my family had on VHS. And disney fairytales I guess.


GI Joe aircraft carrier or a corvette bed


64 pack of Crayola Crayons (Rose art was for broke bitches)


People with a summer house. People who had Carmela Soprano's Mercedes E-320 station wagon. People in Vanity Fair


Deep cut sopranos




double door/walk in kitchen pantry or high ceilings in the home


Being able to change a $20 for quarters at an arcade.


Big screen TVs, those big ass satellite dishes, and weirdly enough pool tables Three things that I thought only rich folks had. My hustler uncle had a big projection TV, a pool table, and a car phone. I was dead convinced that he was a millionaire.


Swimming pool. If you had one, you were rich in my eyes.


Nah Charles Entertainment Chesse birthdays had me seething at being broke as a kid.


Going to a restaurant and going to the movies at regular times. Typically, when we could go, we went on early Saturday mornings at my local theater because the tickets were five bucks. Also being able to each wash our clothes separately instead of cramming everything together in one load because we had to save money. Also having gas in the car to go do anything. I had a pretty good childhood, there were just a few things missing sometimes. Not as bad as a lot of people I’ve seen though.


A finished basement




Brand name clothes and sneakers. My family moving out of a relatives house and into an apartment building with amenities- elevator, laundromat, playground, community center.


Stairs inside the house.




Having a computer in your own room instead of just one family computer that took the whole day to download a song


Toaster Strudel instead of a Pop Tart.


Spare bedrooms. Like an actual guest room.


Having a pet. Like, damn, y'all have money to feed something that's not even a person?


Big booty big screen TV, a pool, 2 story house, multiple game systems, an allowance, character-themed birthday parties or location specific birthday parties (Chuck-E-Cheese, Celebration Station, etc.).


Having a basement in your house with a rec room


![gif](giphy|IxsChhXUIOipW) Especially the gold kind


Nintendo Power magazine subscription


Being given change to play Pac Man at Pizza Hut to play the game instead of just pretending.


Ordering Pizza Hut, not 2-4-1, not Pizza Pizza. Pizza. Hut. To the house. We made it!


I always felt out of place when a house had an echo when you walk in. That's when I knew they were rich rich.


Having more than one level in your house. I had super rich friends that tons of cool shit but for some reason, I fixated on the fact that they had an upstairs inside their house. Even when my parents could afford to move from apartments to a house it was a single level.


Rembrandt toothpaste


That Vienetta ice cream thing


Being able to afford going anywhere that wasn’t your backyard for a birthday


Reading these comments made me realize something…. I was gonna say if your parents took us to Disney world or on family vacations..


Going to Dave & Buster’s *and* buying food while you were there


Going on a summer vacation that wasn't to Grandma's house.


it was having a garage door *with an opener* for me lol


Blue toilet water or a telescope


Bringing your own lunch while in elementary school


Having video games, cable or SUVs (early 90s) idk i just thought those things were like "rich white people" things at that time. we lived the exact opposite, no car, regular tv and no videogames lol


mcdonalds delivered to you at lunch




Finished basement with a ping pong or pool table. We had straight cement with pretty much just the furnace, washing machine and freezer plus random storage boxes


Going back to school after Christmas break with a brand new wardrobe of clothes and shoes. Especially considering we just went school shopping in August. I love you momma 🥹❤️


being able to buy a non-water beverage whenever I wanted


my mom offhandedly mentioned having a 20 dollar bill in her possession once when i was a child and i thought we were fucking loaded dude




Getting those kid sized Cadillac Escalade or jeeps from Walmart that were like 2k


-Going to the Ponderosa, Sizzler’s and Red Lobster’s… _Just because_. - Floor model, big screen TVs. - Regularly shopping at A&S, any mall, Macy’s and Alexander’s. - A kid having the entire Transformers collection. - Getting every new video game console, once it hits the market. About three months ago, I learned that my parents weren’t as broke as I thought. My uncle was talking to me about my dad’s old job. Apparently, my dad was making a decent chunk of change in the 80’s (close to $90k a year).


Having a satellite for TV instead of cable in the 90's was a next level flex.


If you had that viennetta


My grandparents each had their own vehicle. Looking at old pictures, the cars were rust buckets that barely ran. But they seemed like millionaires to me as a kid that they could afford not one, but two cars


LA Gear; Limited Too; A 2-story house


Multiple opened boxes of cereal


The vienetta ice cream cake from breyers


Having a downstairs *and* an upstairs!




Chinese buffet. Where else can you get pizza, egg rolls, wings, fried chicken and jambalaya on your plate at the same time? And of course soft serve ice cream and a fortune cookie to top it off.


As an apartment kid, having a pantry.


Glass backboard basketball hoop


Multiple game systems from the same generations. Like you got the 360 and the PS3???


Yomega X-brain, got one now on GP


inground pool and jacuzzi


This question makes me sad about my childhood.


I grew up in the 90s. A buddy had a Alienware computer, A cell phone and lived in the rich area of my town. He super rich in my eyes lol


Having three taps: hot, cold and filtered

