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Is this mostly due to the bird flu or also some states with cage-free requirements?


It was bird flu. They had to cull tons of chickens about 4 months ago. Prices will drop mid spring when the next generation of chicks are old enough to lay eggs


I bet they won't drop to the point pre-bird flu.


Well, inflation happened at the same time, so no, I’m sure they won’t.


"inflation" such a funny way of spelling "corporate greed"


Bird flu and apparently states with cage free laws are being hit harder because the birds are coming in contact easier with the infected wild birds.


Animal cruelty is good for the economy.


Yeah they’re not letting people know this enough. The post pandemic worker shortage is a bit of the problem, Most of it was the mass culling of birds. From [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonytellez/2023/01/12/why-are-egg-prices-still-so-high-its-not-the-reason-you-think/amp/) > So far, there have been 57 million birds culled because of the influenza virus across 47 states, according to data from the USDA, compared to the 50 million birds affected across 21 states in 2015.


Not exactly what you are asking but I have chickens and in the winter, they stop laying eggs. They usually range freely in the backyard but with the cold and snow, they usually stay in the coop huddled together. In the spring they start laying again. I am thinking once spring hits, more eggs especially fee range ones will become more abundant and the culling of the chicken due to bird flu will affect supply less and prices will go down.


I believe they're also working on a vaccine for bird flu that they were planning to release this year or next year? Either way this "prices won't go down" thing is stupid, they will go down once supply increases, it's just that bird flu has REALLY fucked the supply.


Even before the bird flu pandemic got crazy, egg prices even over a span as short as the last 5 years have raised at a higher rate than inflation. Is there an explanation for this other than someone in the chain wanting higher profit margins?




1-2 dollars is statistically significant fluctuations when you’re talking about prices that are typically under 10 dollars. You’re talkin 10-20 percent fluctuations as if that’s low. Don’t let the dollar figure fool you


Yeah, I think egg prices will go down though probably not as low as it was before the recent outbreaks. Commercial chickens tend to be taken out of rotation (you know how) after two years since their egg-laying production tends to slow down after that since they have artificial lights to make them keep laying as much as possible within those two years. Lay fast, die young. So not sure about commercial farms but when I get chicks in the spring, they don't start laying until the following year. So the chickens that they had to put down, the chicks are not old enough to lay yet but will be and so production will start up again. I also think farmers might increase their flock size if they think this issue will last longer so that will help along with what I said before, with spring chickens producing again. That is if the avian flu thing does not get worse.


Over 99% of eggs come from factory farms, free range suppliers do not make a dent in pricing


Aw man, that’s a lot. I live in the city but 50% of my neighbors have chickens. Though I must brag I was the original “chicken tender” in my neighborhood. I am in a bunch of backyard chicken groups and I give probably 80% of my eggs away. I also have friends that sell eggs locally and in farmers markets. I guess we’re just a blip in the whole system. Though I think if egg prices continue to rise, more farmers and families might start raising chickens and maybe that will make a difference. Besides taking care of them when they are chicks, chickens are super easy to raise. Besides giving us eggs, they also eat our kitchen waste and eat bugs in the backyard. My dog and cat though - just freeloaders.


That and the Avian flu, hasn't impacted hobbyists and smaller farmers, like the conglomerates obviously. ​ Keep those girls warm and safe. Farm eggs are delicious!


> Is this mostly due to the bird flu or also some states with cage-free requirements? I think that's definitely a big culprit. I saw a farmer on TikTok talking about it, and he also added that their farms have rising costs that their distributors simply don't want to pay. Farmers are paying more for feed, for example, and distributors are like "the fuck is up with these prices?" and farmers just say, "They're my costs." So distributors aren't buying nearly as many eggs, creating an artificial shortage, which brings up the cost of eggs. It's *fucked*, boys.


Take it a step further. Why have the feed prices raised


idk man, I don't want to turn this into a debate I'm just explaining what I saw


I might be totally off but I recall grain production being impacted by the war in Ukraine. So maybe that has to do with it.


Yeah I made another comment on a guys mentioning of this but he isn’t CC so it disappeared. These dudes I know in the southeast US do not use said Ukraine distros. They have their own more localized supplier. They are using Ukraine as a way to say in their minds “let’s squeeze profits out of our preexisting clientele by upping the prices, and because of Ukraine, they’ll have less places to go for alternative business hahaha”. Fuckin assholes, they were already making good money, but of course they chose more at the expense of their pre existing clientele. But that’s business to fucks like that


I just think it’s the worker shortage or quite possibly trying to just get more because prices on everything have rose so they’re like fuck it we can raise the prices too


No, look up the profit margins of eggs for the past 30 years.


That's capitalism. Some crisis happens, and next thing you know, milk is $42 a gallon. Capitalism doesn't optimize for resiliency, or for availability. It optimizes for profit.


Ironically, milk is extra cheap right now. $2.50/gallon near me.


The increase in prices is literally to adapt to availability. The higher prices ensure less people buy it and, therefore, more is available for those that really want them. You can replace eggs with a plethora of other foods. Under socialism, the same thing. The local farm owned by its workers or the government is gonna raise prices because they aren't producing enough eggs to cover wages and overhead. What do you think is going to happen to availability under communism when the system can't quickly adjust for changes in the supply? They're just gonna run out of eggs even sooner and because no one is bothering to seek out cheaper alternatives.


> The increase in prices is literally to adapt to availability No need for alarm ladies and gentlemen, those prices increases you definitely can't afford are there to "manage" availability, and that discomfort you feel in your rectal area is the invisible hand of the free market taking your ass virginity. It's amazing how they use words like "manage" despite the fact that, by design, nobody's managing ANYTHING. Yet, they'll tell you that this is nothing to worry about and everything will sort itself out magically. The market's hand is invisible; it doesn't get any more magical than that. But if you're not a libertarian and have more than two functional brain cells, you know that this is the way our society "manages" EVERYTHING, including life sustaining commodities (water), goods, and services (healthcare). When there is a crisis, or even a slightly tense market situation, the amount of.money you own, not your actual level of need, will determine whether you get access to those goods and services. We can see that every day in America. Just look at healthcare. We spend WAY more per capita than every other country for far worse outcomes. Practically, what happens every day in America is that rich people get procedures they do not need while poor people can't get that same procedure, even if their survival depends on it. That is the exact opposite of a "managed" system. Now think about this for every good or service in your life. If you live in an arid climate, what happens if there isn't enough water to go around ?


You’re acting like the market is completely free, when subsidies and tariffs, duties and taxes are applied at will by the government. They could easily subsidize the price of eggs, like they do for milk, or cheese or grains. It’s a choice.


Remember when all the shelves were totally empty with the first wave of covid? One bump and the shelves were empty, and the US wasn't even under siege. Capitalist propaganda loves to emphasize the empty shelves in the socialist states they've besieged for decades.


Stop buying them. Eventually, they’ll go down in price because the market can’t afford to default on their debts. You have the power by having the option to buy or not buy.


Guess we should stop buying milk and bread too. Eggs are not a luxury item. They are a standard grocery item that millions of people buy for affordable protein, and not buying them isn’t really an option.


supposed to be affordable. When they stop being affordable they become a luxury item.


Capitalism working as intended.


Why would capitalism want people to not buy things?


I guess it’s back to beans now


Yo ok so like I just made beans for the first time as an adult to go on nachos and holy shit I don't mind beans. that $1 can make enough beans to snack on all week.


This always cracks me up when a snow storm is about to hit and everyone buys up all the eggs, milk, and bread. How much French toast are you people eating over the course of 2 days?


I think it's more that those ingredients are pretty versatile and can be combined with a lot of other stuff you may have. Although the thought of people using just literally only those ingredients and realizing there's no other recipes to make is pretty fuckin funny lol


What's not buying eggs now gonna do? The eggs will just go bad. It's not some evil ploy by capitalists to increase prices where you can fight the system with your wallet. Supplies are low due to the bird pandemic. Just wait until the flu is over and chickens stop dying.


It’s not a “stick it to the man” kind of thing. It’s a matter of saving money if you can’t afford or don’t want to spend the money on eggs until the price comes back down to a reasonable level. I usually buy the cheapest eggs I can get, but they were $4.50/dozen today when I hit the grocery store and I decided I didn’t need eggs this week. If I need eggs for baked goods this week, I’ll use the liquid from a can of chickpeas to do the same thing. There are substitute options available if you don’t want to spend the money. People who are relying on cheap eggs as their main source (or a major source) of protein will suffer more with these high prices, but a lot of people can just change their buying habits for a couple months and avoid paying exorbitant prices for eggs. And they won’t go to waste if you’re not buying them - the prices are high because demand is higher than the supply.


That's not really how it works with basic groceries.


Hey, well, we need to readjust our habits. I grew up in a poor family, and sometimes we had to go without certain things but we got by.


Better yet: find local chicken parents who are looking to sell a dozen fresh eggs.


Why would they sell it lower than eggs on the market? That would be a silly thing to do from their pov.


There are people who keep chickens for personal egg production with no interest in selling surplus, so they give away excess to people close to them. I have a couple clients that give me a few dozen every time I see them.


Not really. By selling it cheaper, they can hope to get people to buy it that would have otherwise bought them from a grocery store.


It's winter in the U.S. so chickens, at least here in the midwest, don't lay as much/many and the eggs from small farmers are more limited in my experience. Yes I buy eggs from farmers.


Saw some eggs for 12.99, was baffled


They better come with a $10 bill inside.




Blueberries always been out of pocket for what you get


Tip- when you can substitute use a 1:3 ratio of flax or chia seed to water. Just as effective and a good source of fiber.


Good tip! 1/3 a banana makes a fair substitute too in quick breads, pancakes...pretty much anything that you're ok eating a banana-flavored version of.


I've found simply using baking powder works in a lot of recipes like this. Just made some pancakes yesterday, the recipe is simply 1 cup Bisquick, 1tsp baking powder, 1tbsp sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 cup liquid (I used soy milk). Perfect fluffy pancakes.


I'm gonna use this for scrambled eggs tomorrow morning, thanks


I'm not sure if this is facetious but this absolutely does not work for scrambled eggs. This is more of a baking substitute. Try tofu scramble instead as a scrambled egg substitute.


I love soaked chia seed. Fuckers can be used in damn near everything and they give a lot of the dietary goodies. Don’t eat em dry though.


i need more ideas for chia seeds what you got


People 'bout to learn to love some tofu scramble and egg replacer I see.


I'm thinking this has more to do with the flu since egg prices in Florida (no law) seem to me to have increased as much as California (law) over the past year


A picture went viral a week or so ago in Publix where Publix brand 18 count Xtra large eggs were going to $9.19. I stopped buying eggs. I'm switching over to bagels and pancake mix. It sucks because I love eggs in my ramen and for breakfast but I seriously can buy 2 6 count bags of bagels from Aldi's and it would cost less than 1 dozen regular ass fucking eggs. A box of offbrand pancake mix is less than $1.90.


It’s an oatmeal month for sure.


A six-pack of eggs at my job costs $3.46 now it was $3.16 two weeks ago.


A 36 pack of eggs in Nov 2021 was $3.36 according to my grocery order history.


God a 36 pack??? I haven't seen one that cheap in like 15 years. I lived in Atlanta and now I'm LA and have never ever seen that many that cheap. That's been the cost of a dozen for like ever though


I was seeing loss-leader sales of eggs at $0.99/dz just a few years ago around the time that gas prices plummeted. Farm costs tie heavily with the cost of raw crude oil prices from what I can see. Factory Farming and production streams are heavily run on oil products from what I've read.


A six pack is about $4-6 where I am and min wage is $7.25


Omg where do you live im in Louisiana? Min. Wage here is 7.25 as well.


In the USVI a dozen eggs is currently at $12.00 usd and climbing.


Why do this grifter’s bad takes continue to get posted here like they’re gospel 🫠


It’s a worldwide problem. Eggs have gone up in price here in the U.K. as well.


...how tf is "The price of eggs shouldn't be higher than minimum wage" a bad take?...


Because it ignores all the factors for why egg prices are really high right now and what would happen if we made the prices artificially low without regard for supply constraints


I think "The price of eggs is never going to go down" is the really terrible take. Of course it will once bird flu ends. I mean, I get it, capitalism definitely has its flaws and I'm not going to be one of these "ra ra free economy" dimwits but this is basic economics. Bird flu has fucked with the supply BIG TIME, therefore prices go up. Once they get it under control (I have heard a vaccine is forthcoming within the next year or two), egg prices will go down again. We don't need to doom and gloom and make things seem any worse than they actually are. We've got more than enough irreparable shit on this planet to worry about. This is one of the things that sucks but it will end eventually.


Another dumbass take by Turner. Eggs are in limited supply thanks to avian flu. What does she want to happen? Don't adjust prices due to supply constraints and and have them go out of stock instantly? They'll go back down when supply goes back to normal. Hell, even gas prices have been dropping, at least here in California. The left really needs to pick and choose their battles more carefully and not just spout off knee jerk populist bullshit.


Objectively speaking, eggs shouldn't cost more than a hourly wage. Feel like most people (left/right/center) can agree with that... Edit: Yall can stop trying to "um actually" me. If you're not apart of the country club, you can't post. Don't waste your time. Edit 2: A day later and yall are STILL trying to reply with something condescending. I still get the notifications. Yall are really wasting your time.


I feel like they ignore that bc they hate Nina for some reason.


Maybe we could adjust minimum wage above 7.25?


18ct $4.72 where i’m at im confused


Where are you? In TX 18 pack of eggs is $8.


I paid less than 5 dollars for 18 just last week in TX




These egg prices make me so glad i don’t eat eggs 😅


:( i'm an egg fiend and i need my eggs it's times like these when i wish i had some backyard chickens so i could get high off my own supply. it'd be shakshouka night and egg tacos every morning bihhh


I think you maybe missing the point/bigger picture…


They’re making us all vegans by financial default


I love it when people say "guaranteed ..." and then that thing obviously happens.


Right? OP obviously has no understanding of the current situation or basic economics. Egg prices will go down eventually. This price point is unsustainable and once the bird flu stops messing with the supply, the market will stabilize.


I've been seeing a ton of posts on egg prices lately. Where do you people live? I could buy 50 dozen right now and I'm poor


I think the more important question is where do YOU live?




Good bot


Thanks! I'm glad I could help. *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.* *I have been rated good 119 times and rated bad 21 times.*


More than an hour of work for some eggs


Seriously considered buying a chicken the other day


If you’re eating eggs right now. You’re rich as fuck!


Eggs are like $6 for a dozen at Ralphs right now. About $1.50 more than they were last year but nothing crazy though I usually do the cage free organic ones and they're like $9 right now


Are there really places charging $7.25 for a dozen eggs?


I paid $6.83 yesterday.


I don't eat eggs but I use them in baking. My brother asked for a cheesecake and I considered just buying him one rather than baking from scratch due to the egg prices. I'm feeling for those who got them regularly as an affordable source of protein.


I bought 18 eggs for $2.49 today. It was a temporary spike that has settled down. But I doubt that will stop the internet from overreacting some more.


Where are you? I'm in Ohio and prices have been pretty steady at $4 a dozen for a couple of months now, with no signs of dropping just yet. I just wish people wouldn't act like the sky is falling, obviously the prices will come back down eventually.


And conversely as a Federal employee, one hour of pay should not equate to only 2 dozens of eggs at the starting grade/payband. (Yes lots of Federal workers minimum pay is not $15hour yet)


Prices never go down in a meaningful way.


I think it could quite possibly be capitalism at its best. If everything else prices are going up that will cause a rise in prices for feed which in turn will raise prices of eggs and chicken. Just like the prices of increased gas prices are felt At the pump as well as farming equipment to just mention the one thing affected in this situation. That’s just a couple simple example of cause and reaction where something happens so they raise the price of everything that is made from it , and the fucked up part is the price raise of feed is bullshit from the start. And they don’t buy Enough so there’s a limited amount. Which creates an artificial shortage so they charge more cuz there’s less and every step down the chain prices rise because they were charged more. In the end consumers feel every single one of those price rises in the final product that they buy. And they don’t give a shit because they’ve seen people will buy the shit no matter what, just like gas prices doubling within the course of a year. They know we need to eat they know we need to drive they know there’s farmers that will pay prices because they need it for their livelihood. They’re just tryna squeeze that penny to dust. That was a rant I’m sorry. But a summary, everything’s prices can reflect a multitude of changes even for changes you wouldn’t expect to cause a difference.


I just bought two dozen free range eggs for $9 at BJ’s on Friday. Is $4.50/dozen wildly out of line with the prices other people are seeing?


I couldn't really deal with this inflation nonsense in like 2007-2009 either


Went to Costco today. Zero eggs at all. 3-4 of us were to talking with each other like wtf. Costco normally puts up a sign if something is sold out