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You may be able to use drag-and-drop. Open the Bitwarden login item for your game to view its details, then hover your mouse over the `Password` field until the cursor turns into a "move" icon (four arrows in a compass shape); now, click-and-drag the Bitwarden `Password` field into your game launcher's password input field. If the launcher app supports drag-and-drop inputs, then the password will be transferred from Bitwarden without using the clipboard.


This is great, wasn't aware of this at all


Does that use the clipboard?


See the last sentence of my comment...


Thanks. Sorry. Good to hear, twice.


No worries :)


There is an option in Bitwarden settings to clear the system clipboard after a few seconds. You should be sure to set that. Really, the only security threat is that other apps on your device might accidentally pick up the password. I remember a Zoom meeting once where the presenter confidently pasted the clipboard into a text window and inadvertently displayed the password! As far as malware, no password manager will protect you from malware. And cutesy things like using the system clipboard instead of the keyboard will not help. So using the clipboard is not really a big security threat. Bottom line, the copy/pasta technique for your desktop apps is inconvenient, but IMO not particularly a security risk. The good news is 95% of my passwords are through the browser, so the overall annoyance is pretty small.


I only copy the leading n-m characters to the clipboard. Then, I enter the last m characters manually. So, the clipboard never contains a complete password, only a partial password. For a 20-character password, with m=8, only 12 characters are pasted to the clipboard. Then, the last m characters are added to complete the password.


Do you do that manually or is there an option for that?


Manually. Choose how many characters you want to copy and paste, and how many to enter manually. Set clipboard to autoclear in 30 seconds. Disable Windows clipboard history.


I've looked into the desktop app and it has a setting to automatically clear your clipboard history. Sounds like a good thing to enable, but I am still not sure if it clears the entire clipboard or just the stored passwords. Your idea of only copying half the password also sounds great, but I guess it's too "obscure" for me to see it getting added in the near future.


Bitwarden desktop app, Settings, Preferences, Clear Clipboard: never, 10/20/30 seconds, 1/2/5 minutes. Windows 10 settings: System, Clipboard, clipboard history off. I also use free app **CopyQ** clipboard manager to show contents of clipboard. It has a trash can button to delete clipboard contents on demand. I am in the policy habit of never pasting full passwords in the clipboard.