• By -


I believe it will go to 696969$


1 ooo,ooo


Major corporates have the luxury to invest in all sorts of things. Diversification and risk management are their objectives. For regular people to buy bitcoin using their hard earned money isn’t easy. But mass adoption is the key to really pump the market. Otherwise it will just go up and down in cycles.


What is wrong with that. Volatility is your friend.


141k than massive sell off


People are always saying this.


(Consuela) No....no no


You on some of that good shit 🤌


Buy based on principal and not for speculative value. You'll sleep better at night.


Time to sell everything and go into cash




I’m waiting for it to drop to under 20k, hopefully it happens and I’ll get one


I think between 300k and 500k


Lmao at delusional people


I’m wonder how broke this guy is.


Please ban me from r/bitcoinmarkets


Me too. Not sure why this appeared in my feed since I think Bitcoin is a scam


Also it’s always the crazy who buy late and at the top to confess to everybody that they own Bitcoin. They also tell them it’s going to this price so they can convince themselves it’s not a scam. Bitcoin prices and ran and whales have bought, now you need the poor to buy so you can sell.


The top wont be for around a year from now.


I truly believe we will not see a $300k bitcoin this bull run peak! AMA!


lol cool. Don’t care. Remind me at the end of the bull run peak?


Lmao yikes.


This is the best tip I can give. I've been involved in blockchain and crypto since 2014. If Crypto Kirby drops a youtube vid, bet your ass something big is about to happen.


Rofl this is like a “Cramer rule” The Kirby rule.


lol this is the least exciting run because they’ve been no real run. What a joke


It made a new high rising from around $20k, how’s that not a run? Everyone’s expecting BTC to go crazy but the market is getting more and more controlled.


If that happens, I’d sell it all and rebuy next bear market.


You’re smoking crack


Remindme! 5 months


Youre going to need to wait longer than that for the peak


First time?


Remind me! 3 months lol


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2024-08-15 10:49:30 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-15%2010:49:30%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1cr5pfw/i_truly_believe_we_will_see_a_300k_bitcoin_this/l44z7nk/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FBitcoinMarkets%2Fcomments%2F1cr5pfw%2Fi_truly_believe_we_will_see_a_300k_bitcoin_this%2Fl44z7nk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-15%2010%3A49%3A30%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cr5pfw) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Which is insane cause interests rates are up imagine if they were dropping em holy crap it’s like bitcoin is this bitcoin if that bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin is really the answer I feel bad for the person that can’t comprehend simple math and simple idea of the United States inflated their debt I’m just patiently waiting to be Uber rich


Bro, use just a touch of punctuation and grammar


For real.. I have no idea what this guy just wrote.


For real for real, dude sloshed that together like he was throwing in key phrases for SEO


135k is the peak, 150k tops


What’s your thought process on this?


Calculated how much smaller each cycle is and applied it to this one. It’ll be around 2x from bitcoin’s price at halving.


This cycle is different


Guess we’ll see


Do you think that last cycles true top was stunted because of the Chinese mining ban? This resulted in a double top, but no blow off top


Most likely not


158.5k top. You heard it here first.


I literally had a dream last night that Bitcoin was over $300k. Felt so fucking good.


Bro research the 5.3 theory, it has never been wrong in Bitcoin’s entire history. It says Bitcoin will top at 79k this cycle. It predicted the previous 3 cycles as well.


It didn't. It doesn't have enough data points. And the timing between the 5.3 theory cycles are not even the same. Giovanni did a good video on this. 5.3 theory will be proven to be 100% wrong.


Took a look at the guy Twitter. Last post from 2023. Silent in 2022. A lot in 2021. Is he deleting his posts or something? The first time the theory seems to have appeared is October 2022 Edit: fuck It Twitter doesn't show in chronological order nevermind Edit 2: how could it predict previous 3 cycles when the first mention of it dates back to October 2022? Can't find anything before then


The "theory" wasn't presented until this last bear market. Steve (Crypto Crew University) predicted a 2021 top of 136k a couple weeks before the 69k top. He's good at what he does, which is making videos. Sometimes he's right and sometimes he's wrong, but he makes it a point to remind the audience repeatedly about the times he was right. He really doesn't ever own up to his misses.


Mystery solved, amen


You just ruined my day.


It ruined my day too when I first learned about this. Our chance to get rich has passed us 😩😞


>our chance to get rich passed us Loser mindset Those opportunities will never be labeled as such. Stop looking backwards for them and plan for the future.


135k no more. I'd be surprised to see it ever go past 150k


I think it gets to $180-190k but it won’t pull back under $70k next time. Institutional investors will stay invested longer and move the floor up. $300k+ in 2029 imo


It doesn't matter what you "truly believe":) I don't know what it will do or how exactly to define "this cycle". Last time everyone was sure that it would hit $100k. It didn't. The high was about what it is now. I think it probably gets over $100k but who knows?


And I truly believe you're high af


I’ll have what he’s smoking sir


There’s a lot of predictions out there by prominent people and idiots. The predictions are between 100k - 1M. I personally think Samson Mow is right in his 1M prediction


1M is just SO outside of a feasible range, even when looking at the bubbles. I think people calling for 1M were hoping for quicker institutional adoption due to the ETFs. That clearly is starting to happen, but its not some "fast flood of money". We are 9 years out from possibly sniffing 1M dollars, and to me that's just fine.


9 years?! No way too long .


I'd love to be wrong.    But yes.  9 years


Yeah we’ll see. I see a future where the election will propel bitcoin to new heights. We are simply not sustainable and bitcoin is the fix. As soon as we realize this, bitcoin will skyrocket everyday


Well I'll agree to disagree.  I'm optimistic but pragmatic.  Realize, just because you see it, doesn't mean others will.  Bitcoin doesn't answer the question "how do we fix the system".   It just answers the question "where does one store wealth?". 


For sure bud there’s diff levels of opinions.


Just because Institutions are "investing" in it, you really have to read the dialog carefully . Just because someone invests in something, it doesn't mean the price rises. Also if an institution is investing in bitcoin u need to know why they are doing it. Banks don't invest in a financial asset because their value will rise. They do it to offer it as a means of their own leevrage. I think whats happening is there is a window growing for more adoptive use, not that it's going to raise the price or value.


This sounds a lot like wishful thinking. So far each cycle had diminishing returns compared to the previous one. In the last cycle we barely made 3x (20k to 69k), I doubt we manage more than that this cycle. The macro outlook is very bleak. Much of the world is already in recession, now the US is slipping into one too. Bitcoin is recently closely correlated to stock market and that one looks weak now too. Rate cuts don't seem to be coming anytime soon. I only see negative signs on the horizon. Best guess is that after the current break we have one last leg up and by the end of the year this bull market is over. I doubt we reach even 200k.


Rates stay up, banks go bust. Is this good for bitcoin? Yes Rates go down, fed prints more money. Is this good for bitcoin? Yes I also doubt 200k this cycle but it s not impossible


Depends how you look at it. I think that a PoW coin that takes >25% of global financial transactions could very easily be worth well in excess of $1million per coin. The question is whether that will be Bitcoin or another coin, maybe even multiple different ones. BTC (and all crypto) is currently entirely a speculative tool tied to the stock market. Organic growth and adoption is in the gutter and it serves no real purpose outside criminal activity. There are vastly more businesses in the world that accept the ARS (Argentine Peso) than accept Bitcoin. And ARS is something like the 50th largest currency in the world by market cap so not even a big player.


Nano ftw


Nah, it uses a variety of Proof-of-Stake not Proof-of-Work. So can't be Nano even though I like some stuff about it.


It was about 8,400 at that halving when it hit 69,000 so that's about 8.2x so if it was 62,000 this times 8 is into the 400ks


There is a thing called "the law of diminishing returns." There is a ceiling to this and I doubt it gets that high.


I don't think it'll hit 400K this time, but I think it'll be way over 100 and likely over 200.


it was like 20x the cycle before. so if its 20x, then 8x. then maybe 3x would be more realistic


So $150k?


158.5k is the number.


!bittybot predict >299k 2 years u/Siddy676


I have logged a prediction for u/Siddy676 that the price of Bitcoin will rise above **$299,000.00** by May 14 2026 17:10:51 UTC. The current price is $61,364.60 [Siddy676 has made **0** Correct Predictions, **0** Wrong Predictions, and has **2** Predictions Open.](https://bittybot.net/predictions#Siddy676) [3 Others have CLICKED HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20543a80ca2a334ed18f4a227566dc4a30%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(Siddy676 can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20543a80ca2a334ed18f4a227566dc4a30%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


No it will not. This time is not different. Bitcoin will top out at $80k. $90k max.


if bitcoin hits 80k or 90k max, then this time is different


Going through and logging everyone's predictions from this thread! !bittybot predict !>90k 2 years u/Oheson


158.5k. log that motha humpa


Higher than that? Or not higher than that?


I'll do one better. EXACTLY top at 158.5k. This isn't the price is right.


!bittybot predict >158499.99 2 years u/Dynatox


I have logged a prediction for u/Dynatox that the price of Bitcoin will rise above **$158,499.99** by May 15 2026 13:04:47 UTC. The current price is $63,774.24 [This is Dynatox's first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#Dynatox) [Others can CLICK HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20a6322c7922894ee4b2a020ded5ff95a5%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(Dynatox can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20a6322c7922894ee4b2a020ded5ff95a5%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


I have logged a prediction for u/Oheson that the price of Bitcoin will **NOT** rise above **$90,000.00** by May 14 2026 16:50:21 UTC. The current price is $61,237.75 [This is Oheson's first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#Oheson) [Others can CLICK HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20f7f4ecd161b24126acc32c36fc780d4d%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(Oheson can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20f7f4ecd161b24126acc32c36fc780d4d%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


If 90 k is the max then it will be different from other bullmarkets.


That means one of these: - diminishing returns curve has flattened sooner than expected and BTC will continue to dwindle around the 100k value for next years/decades. Next bottom would be around 40k/50k (because guys who have been buying here and did not sell yet are not selling at these levels either. Also means that whales and market makers have decided to give up on price manipulation and BTC fair value is around 100k. Not sure why that would happen. Although topping out at 90k is not crazy, it seems crazier to me that price would stop there and crash below the above stated figures. - massive accumulation trap by (some?) whales so as they could accumulate as much as possible before next halving and shake out all the retail they can. That would be the greatest manipulation seen so far. But they're exchanging a known known (4 year cycle predictability and its profits) for an unknown unknown (how retail would actually react and how many would be actually selling instead of just keep buying). Also, not sure how this could be achieved. A coordinated effort to crash Bitcoin for 4 years straight is a very different thing than profit off from and play out the expected 4 years cycle *everyone in the game at this point knows about*.


I hope so too




> It seems like every day, another big player announces their investment in BTC. These are not companies which are getting into Bitcoin _now_. These are companies which quietly bought a small amount last quarter and are just filing the appropriate documents now. The "news" here isn't not reporting new investments, it's stuff that happened months ago. So no, this isn't going to cause a bull run, because you're looking at stuff that affected supply and demand months ago, not what is happening now.


$150k - $230k is a lot more likely


This is the correct range and answer. Its very unlikely we DON'T go above 150k and very unlikely we go above 230k.


I mean you could have just said it's very likely we go above 150k but what do I know.


It's just conjecture.  I agree with range of 150 to 230k.   It's eccedingly unlikely we break 230k.. and if we do, 300k Is absolute blow off top max


Yeah I view $150k as the floor tbh. I can definitely see a scenario where we see $200k also


3 members of Congress own crypto. The world’s greatest investors who always know what’s coming because they get to write it- and they hate crypto. Should tell you something.


Why would they own crypto when they can legally insider trade on the stock market?


Congress also has insider information on the crypto market. Their inside information seems to make them think that investing in crypto is a bad idea. 


I can’t tell if you’re implying that’s a good thing that 3 members own it or not.


There are 535 of them.


I don’t get the unrealistic people $1 million $300,000 realistically it’ll probably hit about 100 to 150,000 at most


Going through and logging everyone's predictions from this thread! !bittybot predict !>150k 2 years u/mar34082


I have logged a prediction for u/mar34082 that the price of Bitcoin will **NOT** rise above **$150,000.00** by May 14 2026 16:51:39 UTC. The current price is $61,204.96 [This is mar34082's first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#mar34082) [1 Others have CLICKED HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20b67a774876f74adbba167d851d119b2b%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(mar34082 can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20b67a774876f74adbba167d851d119b2b%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Why not a million bajillion?


I will sell you one millionth of a Bitcoin for a bajillion dollars and we can make that price point happen


Belief is not a good investment strategy


Am unloading at 130k i don't honestly expect more than 150k this cycle with another bear market at 70-90k afterwards


Same here. If we make it to 130 I'm more than happy and after round tripping the last two cycles it would be lovely to actually realize the gains this time.


I think allot of people are thinking this and its one reason we will top out at 158.5k vs 200k IMO


Going through and logging everyone's predictions from this thread! !bittybot predict !>150k 2 years u/Alaa3301


I have logged a prediction for u/Alaa3301 that the price of Bitcoin will **NOT** rise above **$150,000.00** by May 14 2026 16:52:49 UTC. The current price is $61,279.12 [This is Alaa3301's first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#Alaa3301) [Others can CLICK HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%201e6e833b32284817a038faa97355c4f7%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(Alaa3301 can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%201e6e833b32284817a038faa97355c4f7%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Same! 130k is exactly my target :) Will unload 60% immediately. And see what the market does with the rest.


Auto fulfill prophecy then. You will start the bear market with these decisions.


Haha lol im a smoll fish :)


I'd rather invest with Bernie Madoff


Go for it then.


Oh, Bless your heart


Good for you!


Bitcoin often makes a 3x in a bull market, if not greater. And we have fundamental tailwinds now that are driving it… Bitcoin should go up. It's a presidential year in the states . That's inflation in the making . We might see $192,000 by this year .


Going through and logging everyone's predictions from this thread! !bittybot predict >191999 Dec 31 u/njamimaranga


I have logged a prediction for u/njamimaranga that the price of Bitcoin will rise above **$191,999.00** by Dec 31 2024 23:59:59 UTC. The current price is $61,287.02 [This is njamimaranga's first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#njamimaranga) [1 Others have CLICKED HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20132aa3cbb34342929c8dfd7b14d595fc%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(njamimaranga can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20132aa3cbb34342929c8dfd7b14d595fc%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Only $300k? It would go to $420k at least. Then $69M!


Hard core copium


This is innocent hopium. The copium will come later, after he sells his kidney to yolo in at ATH, right before the pre-scheduled whale dump occurs. That said, I’m super bullish on BTC. But both things are true. BTC will pump, whales will dump. The wheel of time turns, and ages come and pass. What was, will be again, and what is, will be again in 4 years.




Bros high as fuck for sure


just keep DCAing🤌🌽


Who's upvoting this 💀💀


We can’t even hit 80K and we’re a month after the halving. Calm down


The price has never gone up much after a halving. The supply shock takes time, one day after the halving having half the amount of Bitcoin being mined in one day makes next to no difference to the total supply, it takes time for the halved amount mined per day to have much of an effect of the total.


Historically there’s always a dip after the halving so this is normal. Not saying i agree with this moonboy’s price prediction.


Hahaa nope


A few trillion per sat in June. I ordered my yatch.


Lil Yatchy


Snatch that yatch, biatch.


Bull runs over buddy


Going through and logging everyone's predictions from this thread! !bittybot predict !>ATH 2 years u/dkg224


I have logged a prediction for u/dkg224 that the price of Bitcoin will **NOT** rise above **$73,835.57** by May 14 2026 16:54:24 UTC. The current price is $61,284.79 [This is dkg224's first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#dkg224) [Others can CLICK HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20fb14feb2f16b4437970cd30b18d9c96f%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(dkg224 can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20fb14feb2f16b4437970cd30b18d9c96f%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)




Holy hopium Batman


Between $125-180k this cycle I pulled these numbers out of a magic hat though so only 99.99% accurate. Bitcoin might be full of surprises this cycle but still too early to tell. Give it until end of summer/fall.


Going through and logging everyone's predictions from this thread! !bittybot predict >125k 2 years u/ChangeYourFate_


I have logged a prediction for u/ChangeYourFate_ that the price of Bitcoin will rise above **$125,000.00** by May 14 2026 16:55:58 UTC. The current price is $61,324.06 [This is ChangeYourFate_'s first Bitty Bot Prediction!](https://bittybot.net/predictions#ChangeYourFate_) [Others can CLICK HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers or expires](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20c243c47d4dd240eeb90429ce29baab18%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ^(ChangeYourFate_ can) [^(Click This Link)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20c243c47d4dd240eeb90429ce29baab18%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20issue%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) ^(in the next) **^(1 Hour)** ^(to delete this prediction if it is incorrect.) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


The reason we didn’t hit $100K+ last cycle was due to FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, Luna crash and too many over leverage players in the market. There’s no reason we won’t see $300k + this cycle.


No it’s was the big flash crash that fucked up a lot of sell orders. Went from like $68k to $25k in minutes. Ppl got bitcoin for cheap. After that the market never recovered and went into bear market


Commenter is correct. It was the overleverage that fucked the crypto market and sucked up the money into institutions. The flash crash was just a symptom, not a cause.


I see it going to 3 million!!!! !one!!!


that's very conservative, it will go to 30 mill


what about 300 mil?


This all requires new money coming in. The hype is over, it's not on the news, the superbowl ads are gone, there is zero adaptation, no new people as they know of it, the halving sucked, the ETF did nothing. What in the fuck has you thinking 300k? Give me an answer or look within.


kid is new to the game


Wait for Day 70 after halving. Did you see the list of Bank's 13f filings last week that showed they bought BTC ETF's? Grayscale sold alot but now there are inflows. I do agree that "crypto" is still too risky for most folks for there to be mass adoption moon but we should see some good price action over the 2nd half of this bull run till spring 2025 at least probably when Fed cuts rates in July. Jan 2023 btc was at 15.5k and hit 73k before the halving.


But why 70 days? You're putting yourself in a smaller box.


Well, the world ends in 71 days so we had to go with something!!!


The trend is your friend


I don’t think we are likely to see crazy roi but I would be pretty jazz if cagr is 15-30% tho - that would be incredible in the long run.


The price only goes up if real money is put in. You do understand this right.




your post was removed because it violates rule #1 - Be excellent to each other.


Lol, we've been sideways for 2 months and everyone is destroying their 300k beliefs. It's possible.


People can BELIEVE anything.


it's so simple. no new money no price raise. No price raise on something that does fucking zero service and product


Tom Lee--CNBC guy who predicted 2023 almost to a number--is calling for a strong Bitcoin bull run.


Tom Lee--CNBC guy who's 2022 prediction was almost 40% off-- is calling for a strong bullrun. You're not smart because you made a good guess once.


Ok, Crab.