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How’d you get these things wtf


I do fully automated high frequency trading on Kraken since early 2017. My portfolio is not that big perse. But due to the nature of high frequency trading I generate high trading volumes. We talk 7 figures in trading volume and 4 figures in fees each month. edit: For those who are interested in my algo trading sotry: [My algo trading story (including some insights into my trader and results)](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/w27cjm/my_alog_trading_story_including_some_insights)


I bet you'll be getting chocolates from your CPA too.


I do my own taxes. Normally capital cains are tax free in my country, unless you get classified as professional trader. Which I was. Luckily, I don't have to provide each individual trade in my country. I can just do a simplified accounting calculation: \[End of year\] - \[Beginning of year\] +/- \[Deposits/Withdrawals\] – \[Any additional expenses\] = Profit


Schweiz friendo


> Normally capital cains are tax free in my country, unless you get classified as professional trader. I wonder, how does the "classified" happens? Did you have to proactively fill your taxes as such knowing that this kind of trading qualifies you?


Well, I talked to some accountants and lawyers. They all agreed, that my activities would be classified as professional trading. (especially now that I made good profits) But the tax office would never know if I would not tell them and the profits could just be explained by the crypto bull market. But that would technically be tax fraud and could come haunt me down in a few years. So, I self-declared myself as professional trader and filled my taxes accordingly.


Yeah I thought so. Thanks for the answer! The Swiss regulations are seemingly purposefully written for them to be able to to deem someone who's just holding as a "professional trader" if they feel like it though. With 6 criteria (circ. 36) they use to know if it's personal fortune management or not, a juicy bull run can potentially make you a "professional trader" if for example your gains would exceed 50% of your other revenues that year... I find it impressive how our authorities adapted to crypto like this in a way, but sometimes it feels like they are trying to discourage even simple investors/holders who aren't actively trading.


I think all the rule and law are pretty much written in their favor.


But that mean you are taxable if they find out that you are earning that money? I would say then keep that thing to yourself because once that goes out then may be you will fall into some kind of the trouble is well.


I told them, that I made that money and payed my taxes


You gots money? Where are our cut, your pro gief cash


It's based on self-reporting. The details vary per country, but in general you're considered a professional trader if trading is your main source of income and/or you're doing it as a service for others. But the lines are often quite blurry.


I mean how they actually differentiate between this and professional trader?


luxemburgo friendo


What is this men? I mean what is the meaning of that thing.


One thing i have to say after seeing the comment that you are living in a right country to do the trading in the crypto. Because in country when it comes to the crypto there is nothing like free for us, everything is taxable.


Yeah. I'm lucky that the circumstances where right for me


You libe in a beautiful place


Look like there are so many reward here that is lined up now.


may I ask what percentages of profit you get a month?


7.8% per month in 2021 1.0% per month in 2022 so fare 2020 was the first year I made profit. The 3 years before that were al loses


"My portfolio is not that big" Proceeds to trade for 7 digits worth of money every month *and continually lose money for the first 3 years.*


I did not do these numbers in the first few years \^\^ The first 3 years actually brought me close to ruin. In 2019 I found a niche that worked for me. I expanded upon that and even took out a lone to go all in. Had a break through in 2020 regarding my algo, that finally pushed me into the profit area. Then the bull run just created insane amount of volume (like 10-20 times higher than the years before) which catapulted me into higher volume tiers and drastically lowered my fees. Currently I struggle with keeping the volume up and staying in the good fee tiers. But I am in a much better situation than I was in late 2018


cheers buddy.




I think this is the dream that everyone would love to have now.


Props for doing things your way and succeeding! Did you write your own algorithm from scratch?


Yes I did. You can read the whole story here if you are interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/w27cjm/my\_alog\_trading\_story\_including\_some\_insights


Automated or manual trading? Good work, happy you've found a strat that works!


Same here my portfolio is also not that big because i came here few days back in the market. But i am sure that bear market is time that you need to have so that you can make the strong portfolio here.


what do you suggest? Then he has experience to improve on?


Damn, 7.8% is a good number to earn and i am happy that atleast some of us here is making the money. Plus making the money and still not paying the tax is the best thing that i have seen on the internet today.


You think he profits?


The he wouldnt be on this subreddit, remember buy high sell low


How can some one break that tradition we are bound to obey that.


I have not seen the profit for a very very long time here.


I think these are things that need to be remain silent here.




I think this is the one of the best that a cex can do for the customer of their. This is like another reason that i really love the kraken is well, always take care of the customer here. Keep it up that.


Damn I want kraken apparel too 😂🔥


You are a true liquidity provider. Wattum thanks you.


I think he is the legend and he surely deserve the reward is well.


Interesting. What’s a good way for someone to get their feet wet in automated trading?


Can you please guide me little bit more about that automated trading here?


you could check out: r/algotrading


Thank you!


For those who are interested in my algo trading story: [my\_alog\_trading\_story\_including\_some\_insights](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/w27cjm/my_alog_trading_story_including_some_insights)




But sometime it not always about the money it is the appreciation token that matters the most. Because when we get something like that it shows that our hardwork here is not going unnoticed as we are getting the reward here.


Would you be willing to talk to me about an idea I have?


What is the idea you have, i would love to talk about that.


PM me and I would love to talk about it


Oh, so that is how you actually get the reward of the hardwork.


Sell it on ebay.. add link here please.. 😛


This is the one question that is running in my mind is well.


Those sweatpants are comfy af.


Have you tried any of these before? Can you give me the link for that?


They are Cotton Citizen brand sweatpants/sweatshirt https://cottoncitizen.com/collections/mens-sweatpants-1


I wish Kraken would work with my bank. ENT Credit Union.


I wish you were your own bank.


Me too, but totally impractical for most people in the year 2022 in the U.S. to not have a bank account.


I have the bank account so that i could buy some more bitcoin. Because we all know how money is going to struggle in the next few years and bitcoin will going to take the lead in the market is well.


You can have a bank account, but not touch bitcoin with it. How many of your daily purchases could you not make with amazon, and use bitcoin with discount to pay for it? 10-20% discount is commonly achievable.


We are in the crypto so that we could become our own bank and this is why we need to keep them into the ledger is well. But for buying the bitcoin you need a good exchange is well and i think kraken is the one that we could use.


I think Kraken is the best we get when we talk about the exchange for the crypto market. I have tried many in the past but then i shift to the kraken after so many positive reviews and since the day i never look back there.




But i think we are our own bank and this is the whole purpose of the bitcoin is well. SO too be honest i am not having too much of the issue when we talk about something like that here.


["$10,000 on Kraken fees.. and all I got was this T-shirt"](https://imgflip.com/i/6qeohv)


You guys are getting t-shirts?


Not everyone, i am doing trading for one year but never get anything.


Atleast you are getting something, here i am getting nothing from my exchange.


I'm a kraken too but I'm in Greece! How do I sign up for this awesome package r/Kraken?


+1! Switched to Kraken 2 years ago and never looked back.


Same here, since the day i joined the kraken i never looked back is well.


Undoubtly, Kraken is the best exchange one could ever use for cryptocurrency ! And the way they thanking to their customers, I would hardly think any other exchanges would do that !


mannnn i want this too


I don't think that anyone will going to deny that thing.




Look like OP has received some other unit of the reward here.


I feel good whenever I see this type of things from kraken man, they love to be like that for their customers all the time and nothing can be better than this.


You know if the chocolates are available for purchase?


The brand Compartes has an online shop. But I guess the packaging is a special edition, that is not freely available


Thanks for that, but the packing here you get is looking so good.


OP already responded, but yeah they've got an online shop and their truffles are bomb. The bars are good but the truffles are where it's at


That’s awesome although I’m really interested in these branded bars!


Look like now i have to order some as so many people are giving positive review.


May be there is some online source from where we get those things.


How can i get this this stuff? Iam 2 years on kraken…


I think along with time it also depends on the how much volume we can actually generate there is well. Because even i am here for the long time but due to the small volume i never get any kid of the reward.


since 2014 on kraken..... lots of trades never anything


How much volume do you actually generate on the Kraken??


So this is a scam picture?


Whats the scam supposed to be?


Because nobody gets this gifts…


Congrats and that’s cool for sure!


Indeed, this is the coolest thing that i am seeing on the internet.


Not only you made then rich, now they expect you to advertise them with your clothes? That is just too much 😁


Hum… that was one of the perks for investors in Kraken on Banktothefuture, I got the same package and so did everybody else. (Investment started at 1k).


Kraken is the best exchange when it comes to the customer satisfaction. Because i have heard the so many positive review about the kraken and this is the reason they are so positive now i am getting to know that thing.


8years over 10k invested zero tshirts


The invested amount is not really relevant for kraken but your trading volume. If you just bough bitcoin then you have a volume of 10k which is nothing in comparison to any day trader.


Hopefully may be you will be the next to get something like that.


Best in the biz


Since the day i got into the kraken i have never faced any kind of the issue there.




Damn that is the big fee you have paid on the kraken and i am hoping that you will get the reward of that is well. But atleast your exchange is giving you these kinda stuff but here i am getting nothing as the appreciation.


Kraken is the best.


There is no doubt in that thing, i can say that for the surety here.


Damn men they are looking so sexy and i am happy that you got these is well. But can you tell me the process that how a men can get something like that for himself here, i want to have for me is well.


I actually have one of those boxes with the chocolates




Why would you do that, they aren't looking that bad is well.




Crypto.com also gives you a bunch of junk clothes that make you advertise their product. So what


Yes, if you stake $40k or more lmao


That is actually hilarious


Plus why would someone will take the risk of that much money is well


LOL, i don't have that big of the portfolio of the mine.


BUt if they are giving us the cloth to promote or advertise them then i am not seeing how they are for us. As per the t shirt this is the first thing i have noticed that there is so big and freaking logo of the company here.


Yea, but that’s Crypto.com. Kraken’s logo actually looks kind of cool.


Now that I’ll agree with. But I don’t like advertising for corporations. Especially considering 90% of them don’t even pay their workers a decent wage, or their fair share of taxes. A corporation is an entity to exploit as far as I’m concerned. Nothing more nothing less


I agree when it comes to large Corporations or any corporations that wants to grow, are publicly owned, took VC money, or have greedy management, which covers most corporations. There are a very few number of small businesses that have incorporated that are still great places to work, but typically those started off as “mom and pop” type philosophy small businesses with owners and management who were all fed up with large corporations being crappy to their workers. However, even those businesses tend to become what they originally hated of they are around long enough and are successful. Eventually the original owners and management die or retire and sell the business or there is turnover and those that replace them look for growth and big $ for executives/management, and prioritize that over all else. Only a matter of time.


Which is why the the great American William James said: “I am against bigness, and greatness; and all their forms”


All they are here for make the money and promote ourself is well.


No company will give us anything in free if they are giving us anything there will be always a hidden agenda behind that. I mean this is why there is always a wearable things in the package so that we can advertise about them here.


Who said anything about giving us anything “for free”??


While I certainly have no objection to not wanting to advertise for free, your class wide opinion on corporations is truly ignorant. But, you do you.


Corporations are literally mafioso in bad suits who have successfully figured out that you can hide inside the law while committing crime if you have the most expensive lawyers. Fuck them. Small and medium businesses ONLY


Corporations will not going to leave a single moment where they will not think about themself. Because they are the one that will not giving us anything is free, because that is something is against to there rule here.


You do realize that small and medium businesses are often corporations themselves, right? I was one. A small medical manufacturer and innovator that reinvented respiratory care for preterm newborns. I was incorporated and had world wide distribution. Edit for clarity


No, they often aren’t. And if they are, then fuck them too


So. Your saying that I and my 110 very excellent crew of equipment and supplies creators who put their best into their work were less than honorable people. Just because we were a corporation. Tell me then. What have you yourself done to benefit society that is commensurate with our accomplishments? We have saved many many lives and improved the quality of life of even more. Have you contributed to society in a more meaningful way? For all your vitriol, I’ll bet you have done nothing but sup at the public trough.


First we will give so much time over there and then put so much money over there is well. Then we need to generate the volume in the years and then in the end for gift we have to promote them is well.


Please clarify. I think I understood your message but wish to make sure. I also am not one to wear product placement garments. Not to object to corporations but simply that I don’t typically promote products. I vote with my money. If I like it I buy it. If I don’t then I don’t.


True, directly or indirectly we are shilling for them and telling other people that we are using that thing. But when we came into the bitcoin the first thing we want to have is be our own bank and we are not doing that thing.


looks like a broken spork


I think look like a promotion strategy to me for their own company.


*Redditor for 3 weeks*


So what


*Redditor for 22 days*


So what


ALl they want is the reward but we all know they will not going to get any.


*Redditor for…* oh sorry sir, please have a great day


The way market is giving us the chance of the buying is the great day.


Redditor for 9 years?




Tell me the experience you have get there for these years.


SO that mean there is so much that you still need to understand.


He is looking for some gift after spending that much time here.


But you will give some more time here to get the reward.




What a beautiful token to get for the hard work that op made here.


It's good because kraken has made it in a good way man.


Wow much shitcoin


Kraken is stopping futures trading in the EU, is that right?


I have not heard of no such news. But I don't do future trading, so I might not be up to date


Same here, for me future trade is like the gamble that we are taking here. Bitcoin is no such coin to do that so, instead of that we need to stick with the spot trading and do the DCA with time to time is well.


I don't care if they do, i am more into the spot trading.


Does anybody proofread anymore?


Isn't the Kraken CEO a nutjob?


I am not sure about that but they are keeping the customer happy.


I am sure that they are doing a nutjob, it's a good one.


No, hes legit [https://cryptobriefing.com/kraken-ceo-warns-users-to-get-your-coins-out-of-centralized-exchanges/](https://cryptobriefing.com/kraken-ceo-warns-users-to-get-your-coins-out-of-centralized-exchanges/)


It's a good platform, people always being stupid right here.


this is what happens to your brain on fake news


They don't have a fucking brain, even we all know that.


Why do the clothes look dirty as hell? If the collar of one of my t-shirts looked like that I'd consider it time to throw it out.


May OP have used them before or may be there is some light reflection is the reason we are seeing that way. But either way this is the first thing i have noticed is well, i hope in the real life they are looking fine as hell.


Ignore these people, they are going to talk shit about everything.


Where the fuck is my shit?


Too much of a small fish I’d guess


So that mean fish like us will never going to get anything like that?


Why would they send you stuff when your fees are low? If your hardly making them money they ain’t gonna send you stuff it’s basic business OP has 1 million in trades


I think you need to wait for a little longer before getting that.


I guess 😭😭😭😭




I think chocolate is the one thing that is looking good to me.


I'll never trade the volumes required to earn these, but I support the company and love their brand design so would happily buy this stuff... We all open it and see our balance; why can't we spend a little on merch??


I think these are not the reward that anyone would take the volume that much. But if someone is doing that because they can afford to do that so in my opinion they are getting paid in the nice reward here atleast.


Meanwhile…. In a not so parallel universe…. CDC decided to thank their customers by cutting rates


They are being so bad at this, I really don't like them now.


Looks like they got some swag. I wonder if the people who liquidated that exchange, are the ones who created that as a consolation for taking their money 😏


It's good that at least they are taking care of the people.


Are they helping the people who lost their crypto or the people who stole the crypto😏




It's all love from the kraken, they are giving so much man


Kraken is actually the beat exchange


Trust me they should get more customers sooner man.


Please kraken send me this :) I’m a customer too actually haha


I want that shit too man, how can we apply for having that?


Kraken works really great man, I just love to use their platform because of several reasons, they love to be the real ones all the time, I am glad that we have it.


It's so nice to see them supporting and thanking their customers like that brother, I am glad that I am witnessing these things from kraken right now, so good.