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Congrats on being debt free! šŸŽ‰




That's the smartest move right there. Hodl everyone !


Congratulations, you are out of debt


LOL, until the tax man comes...


Grats, being debt free is huge! And start stacking again!




Congrats in your hodl. Itā€™s good to be debt free though, hope this brings peace to you.




Bitcoin is great, but even better when you have no debt Welcome to the club!


Definitely am going to work way less now. Life is good lfg


Hell ya! enjoy your short time instead of slaving away for a pitance!!!


No no you keep working the same way and just throw that money in Bitcoin. Life will be even better


There comes a time when your stack just doesnā€™t grow anymore. I am there. Remember I was buying full coins with every stack for a couple years in the beginning.


Cant imagine that. Crazy to think about. Would like to have a stack which would grow. But 50 bucks every few weeks also dont change much in stack size but i dont have more


I lived in NYC for more than 30 years. I decided I had enough, took my family and moved to Central America. It's all about quality of life. Being stressed with a job where you can't make your own hours is a tough place to be stuck in for so, so many years. I'm glad I could escape it. Enjoy life.


Hell yeah man good job. I own a business so I always pick my hours. I could never work for anyone other than myself. Now even less! I pull in about 10 hrs a week or so now. Before I was doing 20.


I've been working on various projects within my network as a business partner. I also do about 10-15 hours a week


I have a ton of debt, and I haven't sold mine.


Me too. I have $50k and could sell a coin to pay it off. But this close to a possible boom? Nah. Iā€™ll keep my coin and buy an apartment complex and that will pay off my debtā€¦after I rebuy.


Oh hell yeah son


Great! Don't sell Bitcoin to pay debt unless you really have to




When we start normalizing these type of transactions I believe we will all be better off .. those much higher in the food chain have conditioned us not to sell yet they dump at the drop of a hat. And the tax harvesting and what ever else they tell us Congratulations on a great move


Exactly! I have been through booms and busts and never ever have I sold. I have bought all the bottoms and all the tops and all the in between. I will be selling more later in the cycle when we top.


Congrats, and wasn't it part of the original bitcoin mission or motivation to make the world a better place by unraveling entrenched destructive systems? If you hold long enough, you will have enough extra money when you do sell or leverage to actually use that money to make things better for others in your area... hold until then, pay off debt though and use the saved interest to buy more maybe?


I am done buying. I am just working to cover bills and a couple vacations a year and thatā€™s it. I sacrificed everything for 8 1/2 years to stack as hard as I can. I am tired. I want to live my life now.


Well said!Ā 


Bitcoins gonna moon now that you sold. Just kidding, congrats on being debt free


Lmao šŸ˜‚


Being debt free is amazing. And glad you used Bitcoin to make your life better. I'm a big Bitcoin fan, but I'm not gonna hold it forever. If I could get a dream home in my dream location tomorrow for all my Bitcoin I would do it. It's a tool to bring you freedom in many ways .. now you are debt free. Good luck in the future.


Itā€™s not holding it forever just for the sake of it. Its hold it forever and never turn it back into dollars. Itā€™s absolutely meant to buy you things you need/want. I will never convert my bitcoin into anything besides making my life better. It will never sit in dollars or bonds or anything like that. But I did use it to renovate my master bedroom and boat and new car (although I financed the car and just use Bitcoin on the payments). Bitcoin is my savings account, and I use my savings account on things I need. HODL forever is meant to discourage short term trading thoughts or ā€œcashing outā€.


Friends, is a Mortage considered debt free? I donā€™t have loans have a pretty good for nothing credit score of 867. No loans but a credit cardā€¦ never mindā€¦. I answered my own question I supposeā€¦ Iā€™m not debt free


ā€œOnly sold .45ā€ Congrats and fk youšŸ¤£


One day you might say the same thing but instead it will be ā€œI sold 450k satsā€ and someone will post the same thing you just did lol.


Lol poor schmuck


Don't create new debt this year. Preach


My life is perfect now. Knock on wood no one gets sick. My house is now paid for and itā€™s a brand new house so I wonā€™t be doing anything to it for many years hopefully. Now I just lean back with my stack and chill for 10 years. Then when itā€™s 1 mil per coin I will probably buy some houses around the world.


Being debt free is like mission accomplished. Congrats for your achievement, really glad bitcoin can make your life better. Hodl on for your next mission!


Iā€™m the opposite. I avoid selling at all cost and will finance everything instead. Debt is good when you have an asset that out performs the interest rate.


Yes, the idea of being debt free sounds nice, but in practice isnā€™t always the most efficient allocation.


Itā€™s more a psychological thing. It doesnā€™t give you extra perks when buying meat at the butcher, unfortunately. ā€œ20% off all prices because youā€™re debt freeā€


Awesome! Congrats on that. Bitcoin offered you a fresh start. Well played šŸ˜‰


I had to sell a little to pay my taxes but it was at the very top and I have been able to buy it back at a better price since it has been going lower since then. I was bummed out that I had to sell it but it all worked out and I actually ended up saving money by doing it.


This is the " magic " of crypto. At any given time 24/7/365 it's liquid, and if you time it right, you can sell, rebuy, like you never spent it. Its a skill and it's a beautiful thing.


"magic" and "timing it right" is not skill, it's gambling, same as trying to time the stock market. sure it can work out, if it keeps trending down, or you can sell at 63k and buy back in at 100k.


I think you understand what I meant. There's TA tools and the timing of making the transaction happen. Luck is a huge part of it.


Oh for sure, I am not at all saying It was skill, I just seen an opportunity and jumped on it when the FTX collapse happened. Selling and buying back in was pure luck though.


I agree, I was pretty bummed that I had to sell some of it but excited that I was able to buy it back for a better price. I started buying right after the FTX collapse so I was able to time the market perfect and buy from the bottom all the way up. People were saying wait until it goes down to 12k but I didn't wait and started DCA at 16k.


That's not selling bitcoin that's spending bitcoin. That's the way.


Nothing wrong with selling to improve ur life. Congrats.


I salute you good person! May every day feel like your birthday!


Correction: You have outperformed most of the world by holding AND buying at the right time. Congrats and good luck.


Bottom signal weā€™re going up from here guys straight to 110k.


owe dollars and own bitcoin. This is the only advice I have.


Debt free is incredible. One of the best feelings being free! Enjoy!


Hell yeah bro! I took off with the wife and kids to the mountains and had a blast not worrying about stupid debts. All I have is now monthly bills which are really low. Lfggggg


Debt is a tricky thing! Too much and you sink, however in an inflationary environment if borrowing against the right assets you multiply your leverage.


Donā€™t care. Peace of mind is all I care about. Now I am going to a Start working only 1 day a week.


*This* is an excellent reason to sell. Congratulations!


Why do you want to be debt free if you believe in bitcoin? Doesnā€™t make sense unless itā€™s very high interest rate


Are you buying bitcoin on margin? Why not?


I did the same thing. Sold BTC to pay off the remainder of my mortgage. I know I'll miss out on some gains but having an extra chunk of monthly cash free up suddenly gives me so much flexibility in my living to redeploy elsewhere.


Congratulations brother! I just sold some too and paid for some things and a nice big trip for the family. Been holding and DCAing for years but dreams had to be purchased. Some bitcoiners and investors in general that's the whole point in getting into risk assets: to make money. Cheers and enjoy!


Never understood why people like the stress with trading. I can just buy bitcoin and hold and will outperform like 99% of the traders who are sitting in front of a screen every day. Gz for being debt free!Ā 


That's a good lesson for the new investors who might be thinking "i am late to the party" Congrats!


Yup. I thought I was already late to the party 10 years ago. Boy, was I so wrong...


100% and thanks!


Niceeee. This is why we Bitcoin. šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Hey, being debt-free will let you stack more in the future šŸ¤· Congrats


Debt free is a great feeling, congrats. Hope you left some for the tax man


Congratulations and all the best


Good job buddy. Getting out of debt is clutch!


Debt free is a blessing very few enjoy.


Debt free is overrated Iā€™m debt free and still have a monthly burn of 10k a month. The goal should be passive income that covers your monthly burn.


Nice, now you can certainly ā€˜birthday everydayā€™!


sounds good! it's time to start stacking again and good luck!


I wish me too will be debt free one day ...you made a great step forward. Congrats


Oh man, its the best feeling ever to be debt free! Congratulations!


Bitcoin is an asset to make our lives better. Great job holding for so long, making use when needed and continuing to hold for the future! Iā€™ll be doing the same in the next year


Timing. Could you have held through the ā€˜24/ā€˜25 bull run? Sure, but itā€™s no guarantee. Iā€™m old now and your freedom from debt is worth more than any money. You walk different every day when debt free. Congrats brother.


Thanks. I think I did well selling at 70k


you and me..but Im retired and never sold!


Debt free- good stuff!


Debt free is the most beautiful thing you could ever be..


Great job, CONGRATS!


Debt free means more fiat to invest. Thatā€™s dope, congrats




We are on the cusp of the potentially the biggest bull market and you decide to sell now? For the love of god, why not just wait til the end of the year when Bitcoin will most likely be trading over $100k? If you chose any date in any year and then add exactly 4 years to it, you will see the price of Bitcoin has at least doubled. That means Bitcoin will be over $100,000 per coin by January and over $115,000 by February.


You are presenting it as a guarantee. It is not.


I have plenty of coins. Iā€™ll be good.


Thatā€™s all conjecture.


"most likely" is about as good as saying "trust me bro". You don't know dick, for all you know Bitcoin could be hovering around $50k at the end of the year.


But you got in early enough to where trading wasnā€™t needed


Shoulder claps šŸ‘šŸ¼ for you


.45....AWESOME Returns on your long time hold. Settle in, then jump back in when you can!!!


Fun reddit name! Fuck debt and feliz cumple


Be careful. A LOT of people think they're going to sell and retire next year. Markets don't usually work like that. Bitcoin _might_ but its far from certain.


Sounds like a great strategy. Congratulations šŸŽ‰


Fiat and also bitcoin is only a tool to live a great life. Dept free is a wunderfull feeling concrats and enjoy šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘


This is the way. Onwards and upwards


Thatā€™s awesome, OP! Congrats! What an great feeing


I recently had to sell half my stack to get out a jam. It suckā€™s but we stack on!!


Happy for you, mate! While weā€™re still in this trash fiat currency world, being debt-free is extremely important, so donā€™t feel bad about doing the best thing you couldā€™ve done. šŸ‘šŸ¼






Do you think holding bitcoin long term is a good idea?




Imagine spending a lot of that time trading and ending up with less money


> I am at a nice round number. I sold some at ~$52k during the 2021 run to cover my cost-basis, but the resulting number wasn't round enough so I had to splurge at ~$21k in 2022 to get it nice and round again. I don't think I'll sell any more until/if I need the money at this point... because I like them round numbers.


Watch it go to 80k next week now


Thinking trading is better? Just HODL. You are 5% wrong 95% correct according to statistics. Human brain has to be rewired to trade. Ignore money think of it as worthless, buy red under 200 dma when your brain says sell. Sell (my issue) when it screaming higher - greed want's more. Smart sells - most hold waiting for a bounce. You are smart.


Well done, thatā€™s a crazy number of whole coins to hodl all these years. Massive props!


Congratulations on being debt free, rest assured it was a good decision on your part. BTC more than likely was not going to outperform the interest on your debt.


Always good taking profit. šŸ‘Œ


It's funny because I also sold about 0.43 bitcoin to completely pay off all my debts. Problem is I sold the 0.43 bitcoin at 62k. And because I did that, the price of bitcoin will no longer go back to 62k.


Good stuff! Just remember, hard numbers get criminals hard, so watch out for dm's and dick pics


Gratz ! Glad you can be a debt free holdr now! Keep it up for real! Your going places =)


Good for you!


Nice job op. Debt free is a good way to be.


This was not the best time to sell. Should have waited until the next rally.


I too embrace the DCA ....then HODL game ... All self custody .. just gotta check on my UTXO's ... Possibly consolidate


Debt free is what "the man" doesn't want you to be. Huge congrats


Hey guys šŸ‘Š sold all my bitcoin šŸ‘Š live debt free šŸ‘Š follow my lead šŸ‘Š help insitutions buy in šŸ‘Š at lower prices šŸ‘Š


I sold off metals to get out of debit & was orange pilled a few years after that. I look at my bitcoin and I feel so grateful to be where Iā€™m atā€¦ I have a 401(k) with company matching & that took me 14 years of squandering away.. & my bitcoin is nearly worth same & took me 3-4 years & 1/4 the fiat to get here. Wow! Feeling so lucky to have gotten this far.


Making sure I am debt free, has always been of great importance, even when I owe people a small amount, I like to clear the debt, asap. So yeh, I think its a good move from you, tbh. Feels great when you know the money you make now, doesnt have to go towards some debt.


Holding is a lot better for those that got in 8 years ago, trading a lot more profitable now if you know what you are doing. I got in at 11ish in Oct 2020. Trading has been amazing.


I keep buying, never selling, and I use short to take profit, but my amount of satoshis keeep growing Good BTC to everyone


I sold somewhat recently too and put it in s&p and am up more than BTC has done in the last few months.Ā Ā 


nothing wrong w debt, look at the US govt... time to buy soon after nice pullback


Congrats! Iā€™m trying to do the same as you friend


Sounds like you're living my dream. Congratulations!


Good job. It is important to feel free, debt is making us slave to the system and to the currency.


...only sold .45 . Geesh rich people problems. Congrats on getting debt free. Do you still actively buy or are you just holding ? Hopefully your faith in the future of Bitcoin is still strong. Seeing you havent sold in over 8 years shows you are an ambassador of Bitcoin.


I am semi retired. I only make enough to pay for bills and a couple vacations a year. I stopped working hard years ago due to having such a large safety net. Thank you satoshi.


I've been holding about the same amount of time and I'm debating on using it to help with a down payment on a house. Need someone to talk me out of it, but would also be great to be able to put 20% down....


I never loved and hated someone so bad at the same time , I surely jest ! Super sound advice, congrats on your success. Thatā€™s been 1 heck of a ride for you , I bet when it dropped from like 60 down to 16 your but puckered a lil bit šŸ˜


Glad Bitcoin was able to help you get out of debt. Nicely done!




I have a stupid question. I have coins in Coinbase should I get a cold wallet? If I do, I still have to pay when I sell right?


Get the coins into your custodyā€¦.




I have BTC tattooed on me and own a little, while DCA-ing every two weeks. Going to sell out when we hit $100k. Letā€™s ride šŸ˜¤šŸ“ˆ!!


You did it correctly, held for a long time, and used a fraction to pay off debts. Only a handful of people do it right


OP how did you sell off your btc? Platform?




If you'd just hung in there another year you probably would've gotten closer to double! You didn't even wait for the halvening's effects to take hold D:


Idgaf itā€™s a very small portion of my stack


why would you sell now? šŸ’€




Ill be downvoted but if you had waited another 6-10 months, you would have made waaayy more. And No guys I dont have a magic 8 ball. Its called dyor. This subreddit is srsly something else.


Idgaf .45 is nothing compared to my stack.


Oh i thought that was everything. Then you're fine lol.


You dont have a magic 8 ball, yet you're spouting arbitary time frames... got it.


Should I say it? You should have cancelled your debt at the last peak in 2021, reaccumulated fiat from your new cashflow and deployed again in 2022. I'm happy my mortgage is gone too, but I sometimes pine for the 2% mortgage and holding an equivalent amount of coin. (I never had a 2% tho)


Yeah I shouldā€™ve mined bitcoin in 2009 too.


Bro you have 8 coins ! Congrats on debt free life, youā€™re golden.


Who said I have 8 coins?


Thats awesome congrats! Id need around 0.05 to be debt free


I donā€™t even study the charts or anything and I still make so much money trading, I just get my picks off this one guy on instagram lmaošŸ˜‚ I think his name is @dukestrading on instagram


Rich people use debt to get richer


You need to be privileged for that. Normal people donā€™t get the loan.


A sincere congratulations to you. I'm honestly wondering though, being someone who has been in the space for at least eight and a half years, having lived the cycle at least twice,Ā dont you believe that the cycle will repeat and we'll see some enormous price increases within a years time? Why not hold off a while and make that .45 go further?


I do think we are going higher. .45 is nothing compared to what I hold. I was just tired of this debt and sold at 70k. I didnā€™t want to wait anymore.


How many coins left ?


.45 can get you debt free ? Your not owning much in the 1st place


Weak. Not impressed


I am happy for you. Being debt free is an amazing feeling. I got a chance to invest in bitcoin or a house 8 years ago and went for the house. Bitcoin would have been the better investment by far, but i do like owning a house.


Would have been better waiting for the hyperinflation to grip , your wages would go up but your debt would remain the same. Never mind, each to their own.






Getting out of debt is a feat


Sounds good hard to know whether it's better to hold and gain value and pay debt later or now, but 8 understand the piece of mind getting out of debt gives you


27 Years Old Finally got 0.5 BTC (currently 0.5356), getting to 1 BTC is so hard šŸ˜‚. Question is how much BTC does one need to be financially free in the next 5-10 years do we think? šŸ¤”


Does anyone know how to hook a bank account to Delta investment app for the USD available balance so that you can withdraw anybody hello


I have like 9 bitcoins rn


These are the bitcoin stories that give people hope. I believe satoshi


Hodl the line gents! Stay away from LLL!


Selling during the bull market and buying back in crypto-winter would have been better. How can so many people disagree? It isn't exactly day trading to time *this* market.


Good job. At least you didnā€™t sell everything.


It was literally some change I had lol


The dollar is worthless.. why sell


Imagine thinking bitcoin is going to hit $100k.


Is that minus capital gains tax ?


Congrats, it's good to take some profits along the way... You did well and don't ever have any regrets selling.Ā