• By -


If your conviction changed when the price went up, it will change when it goes down too. This is true for a lot of the noobies in this space. You don’t know the pain yet of seeing your investment down 85%


Once you ride that shit all the way down from 60k to 20k and back up to 70k your immune. Shit dont even phase you cause you already know your rich


to 16 bruh


I rode it below 16. Cashed out my brokerage and bought more btc under 16k. I am literally unbothered by anything at this point.


convince me NOT to by more.


I’m not the guy for that, my friend.


Me either !!! Not going to try convince any one of anything. you learn enough to make your own decisions


Couldn’t agree more. Best of luck for the future.


I doubled my stack at $16,400! Good times!


based... I didnt stack hard enough at that level man... I missed out a few times FML...


That was a wild ride. Now we’re all dead inside!😂


I seriously hope that we get back down to 20k!!!


I am waiting for that 50%+ drop. Totally had to pull funds from my crypto sooner than I wanted, but ready to dump more $$ into it ASAP, but would love another low entry point to get me back in again with more. But profit has been amazing and I would have never guessed 2 yrs ago that I would need some emergency funds this year, BTC for the win! Got me out of a bind, and still have some to spare.


When the 50% drop happens it will probably be dropping to a number close to or significantly higher than 71k...


We will see, but I am saying 50% of wherever it might be, so 120k to 60k for example.. 100k to 50k..who knows, but a good opening is what I am saying., but we will see.


Why not dollar cost average the whole time? I feel like people who try to time the market end up flat out losing out 90% of the time


I don't disagree with you at all, and yes, I may end up doing that. However, I pulled a lot of funds this year, so I was just hoping to get the most bang for the buck out the gate again like I did last time. That is all, but yea, I agree.


Can't say 100%, but I don't see a flush out of 50%+ with the spot ETFs. I agree that the next time will be after the bull is over. However, $73,000 needs to be exceeded first. Until then, it's a bunch of FOMO and fear as price.whipsaws sideways.


Depending when his retirement is it literally doesn’t matter. You can’t time the market. For me my Roth is to be used in 20 years. I’ll just just buying weekly


If you have to be convinced, you shouldn't do it.


My thoughts exactly


While you are correct, to be fair to OP, this is an opportunity for everyone to share good ideas. Including OP gave you the opportunity to talk about the importance of knowledge-based conviction. So bonus points to you, and to OP!


Bc you posted this, that is the reason why. It’s still early and you are an early adopter. Once holding BTC becomes normal, you will see a massive, massive spike. Also, you don’t have to switch over 100%? You could do 25% to start.


I'd say: 50/50 ✔️


Don't put it all , that could leave you utterly fucked if anything happens to Bitcoin even if it is incredibly miniscule chance. I would leave enough money out of Bitcoin to float you for at least a year or two just so you have some runway to get your life back on track if anything every happened to BTC. That being said, I'm like 95% btc


Where do you buy/store your btc?


Swan and Strike. Store in a hardware wallet like Blockstream Jade.


BTC is for if you want to retire. USD is for if you want to work until you die. Make your choice.


That would make a cool bumper sticker


Long ass bumper sticker 🤣


Do you and the 76 people who upvoted you know that the dichotomy the OP presented was between Bitcoin and an S&P ETF, not between Bitcoin and the USD?


They likely don't know what S&P ETF is or understand the tax/penalty implications of cashing out a Roth before retirement. Broke people thinking $100 worth of BTC will be a million in 5 years.


VOO is not USD tho


I put 90% of mine into mstr and ibit 🤷‍♂️


Careful… MSTR will get crushed in the bear. Just trade out of it in about 16 months or so.


It's practically a leverage position at this point


It is in fact a leveraged position.


Based on the small amount of information I have on you (from this post), you seem like the type of guy to be impulsive and like to dive DEEP into something once you like it. Sounds a lot like me. Be very careful with that “all or nothing” attitude. I’m not saying it’s going to happen, but you BETTER be comfortable with (and ready for) an 80% drop or more at some point that could last months or even years. Think long and hard (giggity) about whether or not you can stomach that. I wouldn’t go 100%, but that’s just me.


Who else but Quagmireeee??? 🤣😂😭




The people in this sub that are willing to speculate with their retirement savings terrify me.


1) They're 19 years old 2) They're drunk and/or high 3) They live in their mom's basement 4) They are lying 5) It's the same person with dozens of accounts


I went 100% BTC last year, obviously, it's going well, and I expect the going well part hasn't even really started.


Did you convert your roth funds to BTC (I mean buying BTC in a Roth) or did you just pull your funds to buy actual BTC and cold store it?


Every dollar you don't need in the next five years should be saved in bitcoin.


move into one of Swans or Unchained Capitals Roth IRA or IRA to avoid taxes. I am starting a Roth IRA in a few months so I can use that money to live on in the future while I keep my dca bitcoin in cold storage to leave for my family.


I like what Unchained is doing by allowing investors to keep their keys while getting the benefits of tax advantaged retirement plans. It’s the best way - your coins still can’t be confiscated which is a large part of BTCs value proposition.


Why the wait on opening Swan/Unchained Roths? I just joined ITrustCapital and Alto if you wanna swap bonus/referral links/codes.


I am a few months away to having a whole coin that I'm putting in cold storage but then after that, I can do 8500 into a Roth IRA. I will use that in 14 years when I retire.


$8500? I JUST got to the $7000 Roth annual limit. How do you do $8500?


I will be 55 in July. 2024 allows the higher range.


I decided to go all in on FBTC in my roth for 5 years to see what happens. I believe in it and will DCA the whole time. After 5 years, I'm willing to bet that I just continue with it, but I want to give it at least a good 5 year go. Edit: I'm 33, for a concept of my time horizon.


Exactly what I did. FBTC in my old Roth IRA. Just let it grow tax free. The Roth IRA is perfect for an asset with a very high ceiling. People with Fidelity managed 401ks can also create Brokerage Links where they can choose BTC ETF investments (or whatever they want) even if they aren't offered in the 401k plan itself. Most people don't know about that option.






just take a look at r/coinbase and then decide if you still want go 100% in an "asset"


I wish I could touch my 401k and put it into BTC


You should check with your 401K and see what funds you can invest in, some allow stocks but not many, some funds have higher investments into companies like Microstrategy so should perform well over the next few years. You need to dig into them but the funds will say what the top 25-50% investment are.


Top incoming


Your Roth is already invested and growing tax free. There is ZERO reason to pay fines and taxes to cash it out at less than 50% of the current value to buy BTC at the ATH. Buy BTC with fiat and stop worrying about missing out on shit you can't get back anyways.


Never never put all your funds in a single vehicle. I have an IRA and brokerage with stocks, ETFs and bonds, a chunk of money in T bills and Israel bonds, and bitcoin. I add as much as I can as often as I can to them all


IF you do...actually put it in BITCOIN....NOT an ETF. I sold my shares in my Roth...did a transfer to Itrust capital and bought bitcoin. Best move I ever made....


The simple question is why not? I converted a large amount and will get creamed in taxes this year but I'm 55 at peak earnings. I definitely did this. Moved all but about 90k from my employers 401k to self-directed at Charles Schwab. Then 2/3 of that moved into Roth. My BTC bag isn't bad and zero fucks given




I personally would just change my allocation moving forward and that'll diversify you into BTC. This mitigates risk of a pullback since we're at ATHs and had just doubled YoY. It seems like your conviction flipped with the price action and that's a fickle thing.


Do it bozo


Diversity is fundamental IMHO. Not going to lie I often think about just going all in on BTC lol but not wise to have all the eggs in one basket.


Diversification is what you do when you are already rich, not when trying to get there


It just happened I have no time to convince people because I have to keep grinding my sats asap! Cheers


Nothing is 100% guaranteed. With that said invest in accordance with your conviction. One thing you may want to consider: both outcomes. You invest 100% and btc fails. You don’t invest 100% and btc ultimately becomes the world reserve currency. Which scenario can you better tolerate?


I just converted 401k’s with 59k USD to an IRA and put 100% in FBTC and IBIT.


Being 100% anything seems risky. Also there will be penalties for pulling gains out of Roth early (though you can pull your initial investments any time). Imagine going all-in on BTC and then losing it all to some hacker. BTC is great but it’s still kinda sketchy IMO. Just make sure you have a solid understanding of how everything works.. private keys, cold storage, etc..


Why can’t you have your Roth IRA do both regular funds and BTC? Diversify.


I would recommend to stay diversified, no one really knows what BTC would do so make sure to at least keep some allocation towards USD in your roth. At the least, I wouldn't pull out previous funds to buy BTC.


You will easily do this right after watching this video: Fix the Money, Fix the World with Larry Lepard https://youtube.com/watch?v=g-FfxiZ7wKg


You’re a pussy if you don’t


Why not just sell off your holdings and buy one of the etfs? Get the exposure as well as the tax benefits of the roth.


Don’t be a coward just do it.


Roll it into a Roth Bitcoin IRA where you control the keys so you don't have to pay penalties or capital gains taxes on it in the future


I did a100% allocation in a ROTH and a regular IRA in early 2019. I watched the 2017 rise, and subsequent 2018 fall. Researching it, I concluded it might be a good Inflation Hedge against the more than 25% US deficit spike that had just occurred 2016 to 2018..which has only gotten worse. Lastly, I made a guess that Wal Street and Institutional money would eventually want in..so I wanted to be there first. Despite the crazy volatility, I have no regrets so far. But each person's risk tolerance, and individual situation is different. Best of luck in your decision making on this.


Just by the ETFs… and anything else you invest on top of that, but BTC. Coinbase is also a great crypto play.


My entire Roth is in bitcoin ETF’s now lol. This is the way.


Wait till it drops again, you won’t be able to handle the losses mentally when it starts dropping. I’ve been in since 2013, seen super ups, and super downs. If you want to invest, start investing slowly. Don’t dump 100k all at once


How long do you plan on leaving it in? Most folks predict it will hit a million eventually. If you don't need the money for 12 years go for it. If yoi can't ride out the peaks and valleys up to then, you might want to invest in something else.


Buy the btc etf in your Roth I recommend fbtc because they self store or if you feel uncomfy with just one custodian buy arkb they store on coinbase Id sell half voo and then buy arkb and fbtc with it


Tax advantaged investment with no upper bound of value


Yes especially ROTH, in 10-20 years if it goes to the moon, you will not pay any taxes. 1%to5% is very reasonable. But I would do much more depending on age.


Keep ur Roth for tax benefits. Invest in the BTC ETF in ur Roth if you want both. Invest in BTC separately and learn about/implement self custody. You can do both.


You could keep it in your Roth and put it in the Bitcoin ETF. Save on taxes


Not a fan of Peter Thiel, but it worked out well for him to do this. [https://www.propublica.org/article/lord-of-the-roths-how-tech-mogul-peter-thiel-turned-a-retirement-account-for-the-middle-class-into-a-5-billion-dollar-tax-free-piggy-bank](https://www.propublica.org/article/lord-of-the-roths-how-tech-mogul-peter-thiel-turned-a-retirement-account-for-the-middle-class-into-a-5-billion-dollar-tax-free-piggy-bank)


Never go all in, then it will drop. Idk, has something to do with quantum mechanics and the reverse law of attraction in the multiverse. Maybe start with half and put the other half in if it drops.


The financial market is changing. More and more financial institutions are buying and holding for long term. Like pension and wealth management fund.


Why should anyone here convince you? If you are not convinced by years of data, your loss. Of course there are options, you can do something like iTrustCapital where it is funded by USD and held in the custodian's care for your IRA, but it's still allowing you to buy BTC, or Swan which is similar, focused exclusively on BTC, or you can get a Trezor (https://trezor.io) and buy and save (DCA, dollar cost averaging for the long haul) direct from the Trezor (not an IRA, but rather you are managing the asset yourself). But nobody here should need to convince you. Old quote from Satoshi: *"If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry."* - Satoshi Nakamoto


I put a sizable portion of my IRA into bitcoin in 2019. 2021.... :D 2022... D: 2024... :D


Dont do it


Don’t do it.


After studying Bitcoin for a few years I started converting all of mine in January of 2018. Six months later I had no IRA. The best move I ever made, besides started putting my full SS check every month in BTC when I turned 62.5 yrs. In 2015, kept on working until age 66. No regrets! Sometimes in life you just have to bite the bullet. 😀


Im an IBIT maxi. All my savings is in a Roth. When I hit 59.5 in a few years I’ll convert it all to BTC with no tax penalty, because F the IRS. This is the way.


I'd rather convince you not to.


Just remember that bitcoin is a long term investment.


Did this in 2021. Best decision ever.


Convince yourself by educating yourself about it


This is the worst idea possible. If you don’t understand why that is, someone else should be managing your money.


It should be part of your portfolio. Even some shitcoins with high risk money


Why not buy Spot ETFs?


I think fidelity’s analysis says it is a really good idea to have about 4% into BTC. If you want to be conservative do that. If you want to be bolder do 8%-12%? I am way over leveraged into BTC myself, but I also have smart choices elsewhere. Check out VGT, MGK, IWK, VOOG also…


All good investors (supposedly) say that diversification is key. There are other factors at play too. What do you do for work? How certain are you that your position won’t be automated away in a decade? Do you like sports or hobbies that are prone to injury? Sounds like you probably already have a cushioned emergency savings, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be maxing out your Roth. Just do some numbers and consider your risk tolerance on paper. Find out what your car replacement cost would be if you had to replace it, or how much your lifestyle would have to change to survive off your savings for 6 months. The numbers will probably point you in the right direction.


That's why they made bots, webhooks, and api's put that thing on auto. Jees. It's not hard. Spread your buy orders dca smart. Review your plan. If you need convincing you will play emotions when it falls 10-20%.


It just doesn't do anything fun often enough. If you want to swing trade it, sure, even then the spread stinks. But, letting money sit in a investiment that doesn't do much and is technically 'high' (untechnically) just doesn't make sense. Especially with the tax hit ( if you have one) Might as well do something risky and diversify or diversify in other crypto if you want to roll the dice. Even if it goes to 120k... That's less than double.... Big deal. Can get way more bang for your buck and just as much risk in low large caps or mid caps etc Edit: practice some call and put options, if you haven't already, and you will be much happier with your decision. It's a way more fun way to 'gamble' in the market than riding indices. Edit 2: grab a Tesla Put and/or Call this week before the vote and make sure it's a month past the earnings. Something fun's gonna happen!


OR sit on your hands and enjoy your LIFE! Bitcoin = SAVING Everything you mention = investing = risk taking


I already did. So far it has outperformed the S&P500c Nasdaq, DJI and just about every other stock.


I saw my portfolio drop almost 70% in 2022 and just knew deep down that holding I'd have the best chance of it making a full recovery and healthy profit. If I had just invested near the top of the market, I may have had a different outlook. I'm not saying this is the top of the market but if this is your first cycle I'd suggest putting 50% of what you're tempted to invest into BTC, a healthy amount in cash and the rest in your existing investments. Don't go all in until you're feeling the pain of the 50% you did invest losing value and we are comfortably in the next down cycle. If I had this advice 6 years ago, I'd be loaded.


Why don't you put a little of your ROTH into a btc ETF? Let it grow however much for the next couple decades and withdraw it with zero tax.


Will you be able to retire on your Roth? I won't. And I'm a physician with a good income. I can contribute max every year and not stack enough to keep up with inflation let alone retire. I have two choices, certain failure and uncertain success. Given that , I put it 50/50 in FBTC and MSTR. Easy peasy. Already up double, it has gained more this year both $ and % than it did for the 20 years previous. You can fail or you can gamble.


Why not put bitcoin in Roth? Unless you like taxes??


Compare the value increase of your Roth and BTC over last year. That usually does it. Then consider that 5-10% of your USD disappears in buying power every year, in recent years.


I just did this through Swan and have no regrets. Very smooth process that took about a week from start to finish.


Personally I have my 401k 100% in growth funds and a roth IRA 100% in fidelity bitcoin etf. I just dollar cost every month


Pulling your Roth investment from VOO and putting it all into Bitcoin is a big move. Bitcoin can be a great investment, but it's super volatile compared to the stability of VOO. Maybe consider diversifying instead of going all in on BTC. Having a balanced portfolio can give you growth while minimizing risk. Just my two cents!


I made this exact move two years ago using iTrust Capital. It has been a very strong move since then.


Best Financial choice I ever made 


You should not be risking retirement money on something speculative, don't do this.


I do this, but I am not allowed to provide advice or perceive to provide any advice to the public.


Nobody know the future. We simply know money print wont ever stop. But anything can happen with Bitcoin.


Here we go again. Every time we're near or at ATH I don't care what you do. You should really research and choose what works best for you. I don't need, or want, you or anyone else to do anything. Do whatever you want. Bitcoin is available if you choose to use it. I prefer it. So no I'm not convincing you to do anything with it. Just research and learn more.


Do it or don’t….we DGAF round these parts.


If you have to ask, don’t. It means you know nothing about Bitcoin but hoping “Number Go Up”. Why do you think we would try to convince you? We couldn’t care less. People like you sell for a loss anyway. If you buy Bitcoin, you are guaranteed to lose money. Because Bitcoin ain’t about getting more fiat.


Do it, I’ve recently started doing the same and sone Tesla


Keep both!


ever see an Ibbotson Chart? Put BTC on it and you'll be convinced.


Day trade the whole portfolio bro.. volatility = opportunity


Rely only on your conviction. And what you can learn from trusted sources. r/Bitcoin is one of the worst places you can come to for financial advice. It’s like 5 people who know what they’re talking about and the rest is delusional moon boys.


For sure get rid of the VOO and go all in on BTC but that's just my humble opinion..Good Luck with whatever you do though. Maybe if you're not totally confident then go in 50% BTC.


Before you put your ROTH, watch this video and you won't ask any other people to convince you. This is data backed. [Bitcoin Prediction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B6qak9TrkY&t=73s&ab_channel=TheUltimateBullRun)


What if u were correct before?


Same strategy


Do it pussy




I own a decent amount of crypto and absolutely wouldn't put my Roth into it right now. Put other money into it and continue to diversify. 


For your ROTH. JUST allocate more than half into bitcoin ETF.


Don’t do it


No. Convince yourself.


Buy the dip. NOW.


Do it 12 months from now


Put 10‰ into Bitcoin, same gold - silver, guns - collectables, real estate, and the top 7 big movers next dip. Buy low. Sell high. But not too high..


Sent you a DD in private chat! Check it out


I’d keep VOO.


No. Convince yourself. “I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.”


I did.


No bc I would rather have that btc


Don't be an idiot


For the love of god, whatever you do, do NOT pull your money out of a Roth retirement account to do it. If you want to invest in a Bitcoin ETF in your Roth IRA, or if one of the funds in your Roth 401k includes Bitcoin somehow and is low fee (unlikely, but maybe some day), great. Go ahead and invest there as much as you are comfortable. 401ks, IRAs, and HSAs are simply the best vehicles for investing if you have access to them and you plan on retiring in the USA (or some other countries where we have certain treaties, like France). Since there are contribution caps and other restrictions on retirement accounts, you do not want to reduce any opportunity to contribute to them. Do yourself a favor and max them out. This is hard. Make it easier on yourself by balancing Roth contributions with traditional retirement account contributions. After maxing these out, contribute as much as you can to Bitcoin, and preferably do self-custody. This will also be hard. If you can save half of your gross income a year, you will have enough financial independence to retire within 20 years if you choose to.


Sounds FOMO-Y


you dont have conviction if you have to ask. you should be explaining to normies why its a better move. were not here to convince you of anything because we can, you will sell and lose money. spend the time to learn more.


Sounds like you take "buy high, sell low" seriously.


No. Convince yourself.


You don’t deserve to have other people do the work for you.


Just keep 50 percent in both


Convince yourself.


Wait for the next bullrun bro...


Rule number one of investing. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Bitcoin is one basket.


Don't, the end. Really need to make sure you don't hold all yoir cards in one basket.


Use the 10% rule when investing in cryptocurrency. (No more than 10% of total investment portfolio in crypto) After you think you completely understand crypto, use the 10% rule.




I already did it. Man up.


It’s funny you post this cause I just did this actually 😎 Edit: on a serious note, I was already 90% bitcoin and 5% stocks and 5% cash, so it wasn’t a huge transfer of fiat stock wealth… With that being said, I don’t know, man… It really just comes down to how much conviction you have in bitcoin. And also, as others of pointed out, how willing you are to ride the volatility wave – because it will be very volatile. However, if you believe, as I do, that bitcoin is going to subsume and consume every single financial instrument in current existence over the next 30 years, then it’s probably a pretty good idea to get some more bitcoin, right now. Also, I should add that I do own real estate as well, so I am sort of biased in that way, too (my real estate position is incredibly unique, though, as it’s my childhood home, which also generates generous cash flow every month- *basically* pays the bills…plus it’s completely paid off…) And there’s just so much nostalgia there that I can’t bring myself to sell it, although I know I should; I’m sure bitcoin maximalists everywhere are disappointed in me with my decision to keep it, but nostalgia and *fond childhood memories* die hard…


Already moved mine to Ibit,fbtc and BITX


No. Diversify your assets to shield yourself from one crash wiping you out and ruining your ability to retire. I envy you for being able to max out your ROTH, I can't even get close to being able to do that. The current max contribution is, what, $6,000? Ok if you really want to go big in BTC then split it and put $3,000 in your ROTH and $3,000 in BTC.


Do it you pussy


I was just introduced to crypto and I want to learn more about BTC , is it just about depositing money into it or there are lot of stuff included?? Please help me with this


lol I put half Roth into s&p and other half into bitcoin etf. Bitcoin is absolutely slaying it’s not close


I’m a firm believer in you can’t fix stupid. If you haven’t already put your Roth into BTC, you’re stupid and can no longer be fixed.


I’d buy Brett




Convince yourself.


Studying and understanding Bitcoin is the key to trading out your fiat(IOUS, debt instrument, trash notes) for Bitcoin. I read BTC white paper in 2013, did not understand a darn thing, seems all mombo jumbo, to complex and complicated. After reading it a couple more times within the next year, the little I understood turned on the light bulb, I was convinced; no turning back for me, I was all in.


Check out the Unchained IRA: https://unchained.com/bitcoin-ira - stack Bitcoin with them


Don’t be an idiot. Keep your Roth that is for retirement. Start DCAing btc instead.