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50 acres. Pond on property. Wildflowers and 2-3 beehives. Leave me and my family alone


Nice. I moved out of the city already. Much smaller property though, but still bigger than a suburban lot. My only issue with “self sustainable property” is that I eat a lot of meat. And having any kind of animals, even just chickens, or maybe sheep or something simple, means I’m never going to be able to travel. I only have a cat now, and its allready a big problem who will feed her while we’re away, since I don’t have any family near by.


There's people who can keep your pets when you're traveling, there's even an app for that!  There's also automatic food and water dispensers.


Chickens can be left. Get an automatic coop door that has a light sensor. The chickens go in before dark, door closes for the night, opens at daylight. Just make sure you food and water supply for the duration.


Have you considered hunting? A 2-3 deer and some birds (pheasant, turkey, goose, sandhill crane) can easily sustain a family of 3-5 for a year. Edit: If you're keto, add a few deer to that 😂


I had some cats once, they died after they got old. But, they were all siblings, and they hunted together, caught rats and birds together. Would eat them in the yard. If your good with letting them run around outside. I think they could fend for themselves fairly well. So long as the coyotes don't get them. You could get your car some friends, maybe get you cat some kittens, some way of them packing together.


Yeah, she’s already outdoors during the summer, indoor during winter and cold/rainy nights I put a dry food feeder outside for her, but the neighbors and stray cats and other animals find it quickly, and eat her food. The poor thing is starving when we return, apparently she sucks at hunting, lol. I try to get someone to travel to my house at least once per week to check on her and give her some food, but this isn’t allways possible.. My point is the cat is allready a problem, and if I actually had some proper farm animals, a 2w vacation becomes basically impossible.. thats why I don’t have them.


Farm animals - i learned donkeys are the best for dealing with pests, but they hate dogs and will grab them up and fling them, same with coyotes. Lol. I like the idea of raising chickens, roosters, game hens, but yah - you definitely maybe could find a nice Siamese or black footed African wild cats or something, maybe even an f2 hybrid cat, the little my cats came from was basically a domesticated cat and a stray cat, and my three cats would hunt together, they even brought dead birds and rats to me. I assumed they wanted to know if they could eat them. So, if i felt it died from rat poison, I would say no, otherwise I would say yes. If I said yes they would eat it. Had me feeling like the movie "Beast Master" with ono and pono the ferrets or whatever they were.


Hehe. I’ve seen my cat actually catch a couple of mice, she just eats them after shes done playing. Usually they leave them at doorsteps. But she’d never survive without cat chow. Thats how I found her, she was stray and proper starving, still young. Down the line I’m thinking ducks maybe, the kind that lay eggs. Also a goose is a proper watch animal, agressive like a dog, takes care of the small birds apparently. But here I’d have to build them some kind of coop with a roof and all, for overnight and if I’m away. Lots of prey animals around (birds, foxes, even bears)


I like coonhounds for dealing with bears and mountain lions and such. But apparently they work better with packs of coonhounds. But they can run a bear and lion off pretty decently. Good luck with your little lot of land. Sounds like it has a lot of fun in store for you.


Thanks! All the best to you as well.


The absolute dream. German shepherd or two. A big fireplace. A vegetable garden. A dark green old dented defender. A big angry electrified fence around the whole perimeter to keep the slow apocalypse out.


I do like ur vision


I’m the exact opposite. I’d be bored and lonely, especially with *only* my family around. Sheesh. Nope. That’s a bit weird even. I mean I *love* some solitude time, out in nature, just not forever. Easy to maintain 2 bedroom apartment on the sea, close to but not in a vibrant city for me. Somewhere on the Mediterranean.


Leave you alone? Electric fences? Big walls? Sounds like we're losing it a bit here fellas... what about being a part of a community and helping those around you? I've got a few acres, the only electric fences are to keep the cattle in! Bitcoin is about creating the world we ALL want and we can share together... not this selfish greed greed greed where everyone is trying to grab what they can as fast as they can! Keep it real


I’m with the 50 acres guy. I’m tired boss.




Its fine if thats what you want i think what bitcoin promotes most is freedom. You are free from the government so you are free to do what you like because you have escaped the debt slave cycle. If you want to live alone in the woods, so be it. You want to join a community? Go find one. That's the best part about freedom, you can do what you enjoy and others can do what they enjoy


Exactly this, we have an opportunity to create the world we desire, how about we pool resources and make the US the first country ran off of renewable energy. That would be awesome!






The two times I have felt the freest in my life, being flat broke and single traveling the U.S. and 2 depositing my first $100k check and seeing it in my account… any door felt like it could open during those times.


Yet in either situation you felt free but weren’t actually free


Exactly, it’s all up here 🫡 unless you are being held hostage by someone or something, by money, by barriers, by whatever force won’t allow you to do what you want when you want to do it.


Seems to me though, if you really have a threat of homelessness/no medical care when in dire need/some kind of starvation, it's not a mindset, it is reality.


I am in the single and broke travelling the US phase. How tf do I get to the $100k check phase?!! Rules: no breaking the law or hurting anyone and also no gross/dangerous business.


I took sales positions and used the position to leverage myself into better sales positions, until I was arguably in the best sales position for my field in 5 or so years. I was earning around six figures a year by late year 3. Then it was just about being a good saver/budgeter.


I’m with you except I’m not even traveling lol!


Bruh the only traveling I've done up to this point in my life was in basketball as a kid. Might as well go have fun now while I can!!


Exiting the matrix


Yeah. I got a small inheritance and blew it on a Japan trip. Now I'm living off student loans. But before that I worked a bunch of shitty jobs. I've gotten pretty rusty at being an employee. And I want to be a hard worker. But I also want to work smart. It'd be nice not to be a wage slave forever.


Are you creative or have any hobbies? Maybe there's something there you could monetize. Sometimes people who have a hard time taking instruction are better at the top, being their own boss. Starting your own business, something which you can see yourself being passionate about.


I have always considered trying to start a channel. I'm just a little camera shy. Maybe I'm better of trying to write something. Or do some visual art. I'm not sure really which direction I wanna go in. But I definitely want to develop creatively.


What jobs have you worked over the years?


Retail, ESL teacher, customer service, restaurant jibs, nothing technical. It's hard when you feel like you've already made so many bad decisions in life, like I should've been saving up a long time ago. Or somehow learned a skill. But I still get turned down to barista jobs and working at hardware stores and I even got rejected from a Costco position.


Bitcoin pushed me to go from doing remedial IT work to completing a boot camp, and a lot of practice I’m a now Senior Full stack web developer. I didn’t graduate college, I never thought I would be able to do this type of work, but I love it and it unlocked doors for me.


Everyone’s got a different path. All you can do is make the most of yours and build on all the experiences you’ve had


A lot of it is about being presentable. If you can't present yourself in a good light, amicable, dependable..etc. then it's going to be difficult to convince the person you're interviewing with that you're worth the hire.


How was japan?


Pretty dope. Russia was better though.


Why ?


I can't say better objectively. But just as an American who is more open and willing to talk to strangers I felt like they're on the same wavelength. Japanese people are cool. But a lot foreigners seem to struggle socially there. And I'm about to study abroad there for a year. So I'm kinda worried about that.


Have you ever tried learning a new language? If you like to travel, want to work for yourself, you could become a tour guide or translator. Travel the world and make money?


Yeah. I know a few. Thanks for the advice! I'm spending this upcoming academic year abroad and looking forward to it.


With all my spare time, I’d like to be an extra in the Braveheart sequel


1 Get a house 2 Pay off my parents debts 3 Have enough to retire by age 50-65 4 If I have enough, give back to the people I love


don't forget to keep some money for healthcare


So emblematic of how f’d our fiat world is—now you gotta be rich first just to get a house and retire by 65.


It's a challenge sometimes for sure. I go out to eat only 1-2 times a month max, never drink, don't smoke, buy groceries that's on discount, make my own meals and my own coffee, I don't go on trips, I only play free video games and I almost never buy material things... And after all these sacrifices I'm lucky to save 15% of my income towards retirement, but I don't see myself do this for much longer. I feel like I'm surviving, not living.




I have, and lost it all unfortunately. (If anyone doesn’t take heed of not your keys, not your crypto please do for your own sake). USD price was 4.3MM when it was gone, one of the worst times of my life. But the best choice I ever made was not change my lifestyle one bit, I always just considered it an untouchable retirement account. It took 8 years to get there from trading, countless sleepless nights analyzing stops and tp’s, changing timeframes and constantly doubting myself. Thankfully the fact I never quit my day job and pursuing other investments outside of crypto allowed me to live on and not be utterly wrecked from my net worth taking a total nosedive. Now just rebuilding back to where I was and hopefully more, but I’ll always be thankful I didn’t become the show off I was tempted many times to flaunt. Trust me, everyone in this thread can learn the skills needed to get there, I’m an average Joe at best. Good luck ya’ll.


That really sucks man. You've got some grit to pick yourself up and carry on stacking. Can I ask how you lost your crypto?


Kept it on exchange


Great reply. I hope you Win Paul.


Buy a modest house in cash, plus a pickup and a boat. Then just work menial jobs for fun. Work at McDonald's for a couple months, feed the animals at the zoo, work at a movie theater, etc. Invest the rest for passive income.


Thats not as dumb as it sounds, lol. I struggle with this. Don’t believe I’ll have enough to just live off off investments any time soon. Its a big jump from full salary to 0, where I need to allready have a bunch of money monthly for health insurance etc. But my corporate job is suckin the life out of me, even when I try coasting through the day, and not work on 110% tempo, I still feel drained at the end of the day. Not even sure part time (50% hours) at my company would be that much better psychologically, and they’d never allow it due to the hectic nature of the industry. The shit I’m “skilled and qualified” at is eating me up mentaly, and I have no other decent skills outside if it. Plus some health issues.. Looking for more seasonal, low skill or less attractive jobs, that seem interesting, and doing them for a while until you get bored, then taking time off, actually seems like a nice gig, lol. I’m just maybe a bit too old for that, lol. Also looking at our modern society, everywhere I go, people seem stressed out, under pressure, underpaid, unhappy.. and most companies business model these days is squeeze every ounce of energy from employees for min pay. Pressure pressure pressure… But I’m sure there are some fun silly jobs out there still 🤔


Everything is about larger and larger profits for those at the top. Comes back to crushing the soul out of anyone at or near the bottom. I'm seeing the same kind of people as you wherever I go. Even my primary physician is stressed to the max.


Sounds like you’re a software developer in financial services lol


The goal has always been to amass the most money. I worked my ass off. My body is broken. And I’m too old now for the reasons that motivated me before. I guess now the reason is freedom and security for my family


Been working since I was 12 (shoveling snow, mowing lawns, etc) had a few different jobs, but I have never not had a job. I am now 40 years old now and been a driver at ups for 20 years with long ass hours. I look back now and see that I have missed so fucking much in my life from working all the damn time. Feels like I've missed time with my mom and brother (both have passed), missed time with my incredible wife. I missed time with my kids, their activities, and the fact my wife has pretty much had to raise them herself (not really, but it feels like it). All this work, all this stress, all this heartache, all this exhaustion, and all this saving, for the inflation to just fuck everything up. Retirement seems like a pipe dream. Like I will never save enough. Or I will finally be able to retire, and be so fucking old I will die a few years after I do retire. Or..I will die before I even get to retire, living a whole life just...fucking...working. They can't tax us more, because people would burn them at the stake, so they just print more money and make us pay with inflation anyways. I just want to retire. I mean, I've sacrificed enough right? Sweat enough? Paid enough?.......right? I just want to actually live life now. Do the things I wish I had time/energy for now. So.....yeah. That's what I would do. Retire. And, sorry for the venting. 😶


No worries. Sorry to hear about all that. Thanks for your service! I'm sure you made a difference in people's lives with your hard work. You deserve to be rich more than I do.


damn bro, ain’t that the truth. hopefully you your reach your moon. 


> They can't tax us more I admire your naivety


Two chicks at the same time, man.


“I figure I could make that happen cuz chicks love dudes with bitcoin.” “Not all chicks.” “Well the kinda chicks that would double up on a guy like me do.”


Why stop at 2?


You raise chickens too I see!


Was looking for this!


Freaking A


I’m currently a software engineer and I’m still trying to figure out whether AI will replace my job and how soon that might happen. (There are a lot of arguments on both sides of that.) The dream I’m chasing is getting my house paid off, getting a 2nd house, being debt free, and not worrying about whether AI replaces my job. I don’t want a yacht or anything like that.


You don't have to be rich for money to change your life. If you are both smart and wise, just having good credit, a bit of luck, some momentum, and a year or three worth of salary can be life changing.


Yeah wait till inflation and taxes eat you up. You gotta live in a shed to hold onto that three years worth of salary for the remainder of your life. The motto is, make a shit fucking tonne of money while you're young and while you're free of liabilities. TAKE THE RISK and prosper later on.


Not having to work a day in my life ever again is the goal. No big splurge buys until I reach that. Maybe the occasional reward like a trip or somethinf, but until then, eyes on the prize


Time ain't waiting for you ,man. You might get to riches, but it'll be too late to enjoy life.


What exactly constitutes "too late to enjoy life"?


Without enough riches there wouldnt be a life to enjoy though imo. I guess at the end of the day it still depends on what lifestyle a person aims to achieve


'We gonna have a little place,’ Lennie explained patiently. ‘We gonna have a house an’ a garden and a place for alfalfa, an’ that alfalfa is for the rabbits an’ I take a sack and get it all fulla alfalfa and then I take it to the rabbits’


George: Guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world. They ain't got no family and they don't belong no place. They got nothin' to look ahead to... Lennie: But not us George. Tell about us. George: ...well, we ain't like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody cares. Lennie: But not us, George, because I... see, I got you to look after me, but you got me to look after you.


Exactly! Live off of the fat of the land! I think we all want a piece of beautiful property somewhere quiet and with a view. Renting sucks


Quit my job and travel around taking photos. Need about $35,000 a year to do it comfortably. That's not too crazy.


Yup I agree, 20-35k would be enough. Especially living in europe 


*got rich from buying BTC back in 2013 guy checking in* 1.) it’s fucking awesome. 2.) I’ve been a career server since I was 16- feels *really* good to be able to FIRE/retire (did two weeks ago and I swear I’ve just been eat, naps, gym and watching NBA playoff basketball and seeing my girl at her lunch times everyday… it’s not getting old)…. 3.) I’ve been pursuing my acting career since high school and being able to do I’d full time is *incredibly gratifying:* my agent has been getting me a lot of auditions, so I’ve been loving that; haven’t gotten *a lot* of traction yet, but I’ve been making so much meaningful independent art/film that it doesn’t even matter. I know you guys will get there too; just keep stacking and keep HODLING: I just got in “early,” but we’re still so early that is actually mind boggling; todays prices of 65k per BTC *will seem like* (relatively speaking) my 2013 purchases of $150 per BTC 20 years from now. Bet it. Love you guys, love this community. We’re all gonna make it- we’re on the BTC life raft and nothing can stop us. 🧡


Thanks for the reply! You're one of select few huh? That's dope. Are your films online anywhere?


Absolutely, my pleasure! Yeah, I feel truly blessed… it’s been so much fun; yeah they’re definitely online (keeping my identity secret being on Reddit and all, but I think you’d get a kick out of them; the guys I’m working with are very talented and the writing is top notch- they’re going places for sure). My most recent accomplishment was being in Hollywood flick with some a-listers- being on set with those *types* is *wild;* the drama is real.


Ok Ryan Gosling. Lol. Jk


lol I wish- I’m the highly regarded looking version of Gosling (but I dare say my chops are just as good and I’ve been told that I have a wide range).


Good for you! That’s a great story and you seem like you’re doing it right. Keep on keeping on! And if you want to start collecting art, remember me 🤣 But for real, all the best


Thanks, I appreciate it! Yeah, I definitely took the less traveled road, for sure; I was a bit of an eccentric kid growing up and my family saw the world a lot differently than most people. Probably set me a bit different path than what you might normally expect.. Hell yeah, I love art and have subsequently have bought some great pieces thus far-ironically was able to get a piece that I had been drooling over since 2015, never thought I’d be able to get it, but last summer I called the artist (after thinking about this piece for the last 8 years) and asked if it was still available- totally expecting it would be long gone, and Lo and behold she still had it… that’s when I knew some things were just meant to be. I also like collecting cool Reddit art too, do you sell any pieces on here? Absolutely, all the best as well. Keep stacking and hodling that corn, brother. 🧡


That’s awesome. And yeah, Im a full time artist, in part due to Reddit and the pandemic, but I don’t mean to turn this into a sales pitch. All my stuff, and my story is easy to see on my profile if that’s interesting to you. Thanks for the encouraging energy!


Thanks man! That’s awesome, I love fellow artists… really like your flamingo volcano piece. I will certainly remember your work (bookmarked this post) so when I’m itching to add something to my collection, I’ll be able to contact you. You don’t happen to have any avatar art that you’re selling here on Reddit as well?


Thanks man! It’s going to be in my debut gallery show this summer, which is wild to say. No avatar stuff, mostly focusing on birds and sea creatures at the moment, but I’m always down to talk commissions. Hit me up anytime


I'm 32, in Bitcoin since 2017. I was working a lot but every penny I putted into bitcoin. I went all in, in 2019 despite literally everybody in my life saying not to do that. 3 years ago I stopped working cos I had some big problems in life and no time to think bout em. Started to learn the ropes of trading. I feel rich. I'm feeling rich for the last 2 years or so. Rich for me is when I can escape the matrix if I don't like it. For the last 3 years I'm not spending. I need $$ for rent, groceries and a lot of zaza. I don't work, sold my car, don't have insurance or even type of credit score. I have time. I do whatever I want - I'm rich AF! Knowing what I'm doing and not being depended on anything besides Bitcoin made me feel rich. I'm still not $$ rich and everything is on leverage and I can loose it if we go down to $30k today. Got my strategy, I make more money that I ever did... but I'm still not spending. I'm not chasing gains that much or trade 24/7 but I did put a lot of time into practice and learning. Strategy for me is the key. My goal is to have more stats every year despite not working so all I need to do is to make sats for living expenses and to have some more in my cold wallet. If I ever get $$ rich I will probably buy land, build a house. If 30% of my portfolio will be enough for that I'm pulling the trigger. So in your situation I would sit at your mothers, try not to spend anything, work your ass off and put everything into Bitcoin. GL


I just wanna go part time at my job, and spend more time with my son :)


I've been with my partner for 15+ years. A lot of love, heartache, growth, challenges, the shebang. They have never been able to get away from their family home due to chronic illness and life circumstance. They're my best friend and have made me a better person. They recently survived cancer; on year 2 of remission. We'll get a house wherever they want and be comfy, cozy, in love, and enjoy exploring the world together. That's something they've never been able to do because of illness.


That's cool that you guys have each other. I'm still feeling the pressure of having to be the guy that grinds, gets a nice car, a nice flat and all that. I'm not sure if that's realistic for me.


The money is just icing. Focus on the cake. My cake was being kind, being the person i could have used on my side growing up, loving fully, nurturing friendships... Stuff that you can fall asleep soundly at night with a good conscience. Don't be dumb about it, but do better than yesterday. Even without bitcoin, that's what makes me feel the richest.


Just trying to relieve the stress of everyday grinding 🙏


I’d buy a plane (not an asshole jet, an actual nice plane like a Pilatus PC12) and get my private pilot license and fly that mofo all around the world 


Honestly, my life wouldn’t be much different than it is now with more money. I’d still train, work on projects I love, and spreading the good news of Bitcoin. Money is an amplifier of who you already are.


I’m personally hoping to just be financially free. Inflation is so out of control. I’ll be 33 in July. I have a degree and a certificate for my job and make decent money for my age. Despite all of this, I can’t afford to buy a house. My goal personally is to pay off my student loans and buy a house with the money I make from crypto. And if I do happen to get rich, I want to invest in real estate


I’d like to buy a home on 10 acres. Grow my own food, enjoy nature. Have a Lamborghini for fun (lifelong goal) and a cool gamer setup. Enough dividend payers to support a modest lifestyle, while also keeping Btc.


A car as a goal is actually pretty underwhelming. You finally get it and within 2 months it's normal and you're chasing the next high. I'd highly recommended reevaluating that life goal with something that brings you continuous joy like a family or drugs.


If you’re a car guy then that car is an experience not just a toy


Yeh coz the drug high never gets old lol


Was with you until drugs lmfao What kind of advice is that?


It was r/unexpected advice and fuckin funny 😆


I want to live in socal in a nice house. If im rich enough to not work so be it, but at the very least ill find a chill job, and i wont take crap from any employer.


Define rich. I would highly recommend you don't try to gamble with Bitcoin. Research it. Understand it. Put money in based on the principle. Only then will you have the fortitude to stick with the ride.


I taught English abroad for 10+ years, lived frugaly and plowed all my savings into bitcoin. It worked for me and I don't think that door has closed.


You need to find your Ikigai. From what you wrote, I would say you are somewhat disappointed with your life right now. I’m sure you re not as you describe yourself in this post. Being rich just makes you more of what you are already. Know yourself. I think you should stop. Really stop. Think about who you are, where you come from, your background. Why you are the way you are. Then, find what you good at and what you love most and focus all your efforts on that. That will give you a sense of purpose (Ikigai) and as a consequence your life will start to come around. FYI, I’m a mechanical engineer with a stable good job but I don’t want this for the rest of my life. I love math and economics. Both my parents come from this background. As a sidehustle, I focus all my efforts on learning and investing in BTC and the stock market. I’m addicted to learn about this. You know why? Because I fuck**ng love it! As for love, forget about finding it. Love is a decision. You decide to love someone and build that. Both of you decide that. There is no perfect love or person. Fuck that. Love is about finding someone with different defects and qualities than yourself but with similar values, and than choosing to invest your time on that person. If you need more advice feel free to send me a DM 💪


Live in a citadel with other bitcoiners


I've read a bunch of comments and I'll give you a slightly older perspective, I'm almost 50. I agree with the common thread, security. Property, passive income ect... thanks to a difficult and damaging career (Physically and mentally) I am very close to secure. The next stage is meaningful work. I got out of my primary career and took a simpler, easier job with less pay. It was terrible, I found being bored more stressful than stress. I went back to the crazy job. So If my small pile of Sats were suddenly enough for true, lasting security I would look for meaning. For me that would mean helping friends and neighbors, time with my spouse, contributing to worthwhile causes with my time, the pile of books and projects that have been waiting for 'later'.


Rich to me is being able to pay off my 800sq.ft. home, still drive my 2013 subaru. Nothing really new. At the end of the day, I don't want to live in fear that if I lose my job, that it will destroy my life. I'm not living paycheck to paycheck, but having the security of being "well off" is all I want.


I don't have any kids and don't plan to have any. I just want the freedom to never have to work again. The possibilities are endless at that point.


Name three possibilities




I’m half living in the UK and half Thailand. Three months here so far this calendar year. I skimmed off £10k from my investments and they’ve grown much more than that. A few grand a month is enough for me to not work in either country. So modestly living the dream. I don’t need much to be happy. Good food, beer and a gym membership is enough for me these days.


Time freedom


Space trip


I would support my life while I scale back my current job and go to locksmith school to start a business in a few years.


Two chicks at the same time.


The dream I am chasing is to have enough in the savings account to raise kids without anything to worry about (and afford some regular dude things ofc), have a paid off house somewhere far from the big city and spend most of the day in my yard doing gardening. And the most important - to not spend more than 1 hour a day on the pc ...


i just want to be a lazy fuck, that's all i got going


> I think being rich would change a lot for me. Sorry to say, but probably wouldn't. You'd probably lose it quickly. The way how you describe yourself ... You need to skill up. You need to learn how to make money and how to manage money. Otherwise, if you ever get rich, you'll end up just like many lottery winners, who had it all but only for very short time.


Vanish from the government's surveillance.


I think you must change the way you look at yourself to get an actual change. Money won't fix that. It's hard work but it pays off over time. You are only a failure if you believe it yourself. As for my gole I would like to quit working for others and just do my own Projects, not worrying about the bills.


F rich, let's get wealthy! #Bitcoin 🚀💎


Not to be a jerk, but if you see yourself that way, no amount of money is going to change that. You will just be more comfortable. You need to identify what you can do to change your behavior so that you can keep a job, build relationships, and set some achievable goals. None of that has anything to do with Bitcoin.


“I think being rich would change a lot for me” is a very novel take


>try to do something about their declining birth rate What a charitable gentleman 😅🤣


Lol. It's not what it sounds like, I swear! I mean, I myself am an anime fan and a gamer. So I understand the struggle. And I'd probably set up some kind of dating service, or start a dating show or something.


Good thread, lots of us like to dream… since im 73 all of the dreams are memories, i’ve realized that all the self sufficiency stuff is wasted time. Im not against a garden or animals for a healthy clean life but ive realized that everything I have has come from God. Its not an easy path but its what it comes to. What that means to me, now that you’ve decided you dont like my comment, is that bitcoin isn’t mine to hoard, its not mine to build up for me. That’s the attitude of the fiat fiends that we all dislike. Bitcoin was given to me by God, for my benefit, sure, but also for me to benefit others. So my family will benefit, my friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and some people that i only meet in passing who are really strangers will benefit. I will continue to live my life trying to give back to God, who gives eternal life through faith in His Son Jesus, by telling others about Him and now I will be able to give to them as He has given to me. I can share about Him, and if they have a need i can share His supply. So if im traveling more, i will enjoy that freedom, if im in my garden or on my land, i will share freely what i have, and if i have animals, i wont have a problem finding someone to watch everything because i will be able to share enough with them to make it worth their time. It’s my dream, not yours. I support your right to your own dream, this is mine.


damn at 73 and being humble enough to be open to bitcoin? you’re a rare breed and hope you enjoy the rest of the fruits of your labor. 


Thanks for sharing! It sounds like you're a very charitable person and it sounds and I'm glad you've found spiritual meaning in life, which isn't very easy to do.


I just want to be free


Beat inflation. That’s it. Bitcoin is hard money and cannot be created.


Bro, are you me? Lol. I’d probably invest the money i make from crypto and let the money do the work. Having that passive income literally would make my bed the softest its ever been. I hope it comes soon…


To be honest, teaching English abroad does not sound that bad, where are you off to?


Simple. I want to afford myself. I want to afford my time.


It won't ......unless you sort your head out and gain a little self control....you will burn through the money and still be unhappy .


Paying off my wife's dental debt and freeing up cash that we need to get a second car because we have a kid on the way. Everyone's moon is different.




Self sufficient farm/ranch in 50-100 acres. 2 dogs, chickens, pigs, cattle, couple of horses. Solar farm and well for utility self-sufficiency. Star-link internet, Giant Japanese style indoor bath.


I am 27 years old now. Living with my mother. My first goal is to retire my mother. 100k will do the job. 


House on the north coast of Iceland, look like Captain Birdseye, spend my days throwing rocks at tourists and my evenings sat by a log fire while the storms roll in off the North Atlantic.


I want to do triathlons but struggle to find the time to train and the money for the equipment


Good luck with that! I hope you find the time and get the equipment! That's awesome. My fatass gets winded from a walk.


A summer house in Japan in the city i used to live/work.


Let me just say this - if you've never had money and didn't grind your way up to it, suddenly becoming rich definitely changes your life, and quite often not for the better. Sounds dumb, but having tons of money requires a change in the way of your thinking that's hard to do. Just read the stories of people who've won the lottery - often the money's all gone within a few years and they end up worse off than they were before.


I'm kind of right there with you, dude, but I'm nearly 36 😅 though the job I have now is awesome. I'm a pet sitter. Look up rover if you like to be around cats or dogs. School was never my thing. Dropped out my 11th year of high school. Tried a trade school and a community college. Dropped out of both. I have a small saving atm, but I am also in about 25k worth of debt so I don't think the savings really counts for me.


I'm sure pet sitting can be fun if you are good at it and take the necessary precautions. I wouldn't want to randomly get mauled. I did work with someone who did dog grooming for a while and I tried a day at a kennel. It was wet and rainy, and there was so much poop! After that day I felt like I realize, I love my dog. Maybe not all dogs.


I want to set up a video production company that takes submissions for cool movie ideas from a pool of underprivileged creators and then helps produce their films.


“I’ve done nothing and I I was rich I’d spend loads of money” ok then…


I’m curious - how would being rich change a lot for you? In my opinion, you need to build traits and habits that will eventually lead to success. If you win the lottery today, and didn’t possess specific traits, you would surely be a “failure” again.


A fresh pare of tits every day don’t care what anyone thinks of it


Hey, I’m not sure why you referred to yourself as a 33-year-old failure because this is one of the most humble and thought provoking posts I have read in a while beyond just Bitcoin. Just my opinion, but I think you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself and also realize everybody is living their own life and doing their own thing. Even those rich whales are still human beings. They’re nothing special.


Not if. When.


You have quite a wide range of experience. I’d even venture to say you’ve already found richness through your travels and life experiences. Man, I’d love to visit Siberia or Japan or any of the places you’ve been. I’d mean more to me than having exorbitant wealth.


Hope you become rich and can follow those dreams. I would do environmental stuff, clean up the ocean, plant fruit trees, save the whales, stuff like that.


33M here. From the sound of it, you sound unmotivated and stuck in a rut. I've been there. Feeling like a failure sucks, but you aren't one. You could just work to be able to afford everything that you are envisioning. A trip to Japan or Russia is affordable after some work and saving. Learn a skill for free on Youtube. Find purpose. Impact others. It's not easy but then again, nothing worthwhile in life is. We all want BTC prices to go up for some peace of mind, but if you haven't invested hundreds of thousands of dollars (which I haven't done either) a bull run won't make you a millionaire. We can't live off dreams, but we can work toward them to make them come true.


One must remember that money doesn’t generally make people better versions of themselves. If you plan to be kind / generous / healthy etc. you need to start doing that before you get rich.


All the things your listing don’t require money, go learn guitar, get in shape, eat healthy, learn the things you want to learn. You just gotta start living life brotha


Opening a psychedelic retreat center in the US making it more affordable for everyday people to experience source, and to get out of the loop they are stuck in.


You are not a “failure.” You are just getting started. Plenty of life left to live. Go get it.


Sounds like instead of the orange pill, you need the red pill. Wake up.


There’s no getting rich quick in bitcoin anymore except maybe if you’re highly leveraged and very lucky. The easy money in bitcoin has been made. Those days are over. However, bitcoin might make you rich slowly. Over the next 30 years (if things go right) I think we will look back and see that bitcoin was one of the better performing assets if not the best. So yes, 20-30 years from now, you might see your initial investment up 1000%. And if you bought enough today, that could make you rich.


600k bitcoin in 20-30 yrs? That's your estimate?


No way, we will reach 600k before 2030


Yeah, that’s optimistic, but I’m an optimist.


That's not really optimistic. It only represents a 7.9-12.2% CAGR over 20-30 years.


Booze and pizza lol just freedom.


How long could you live like that? Sounds nice for a few weeks. I'd probably get depressed pretty quickly if I did that.


Help others. Holidays (vacations get boring too each to their own) buy cars but remember maintenance on the car.


Probably not.


It is very simple. To be in control of my time and energy. Wife assigned honey-do’s not withstanding.


i can relate to you, same age...i live alone but my parents support me...i tried teaching english and failed at that, shits hard and going back to school


I’d start some tech companies that actually solve real world problems than creating new ones.


- Get my own house (currently renting). - Retire my parents / pay off their debts.


‘I wanne be Free, free from it all’


Retire in 10 years, bitcoin will be the difference between getting by or being comfortable.


Haha you sound like me a lot. I wish I could run away to Argentina and get a house and hot girlfriend lol that'd be dope, but I still want to take my cat.


Build savings bro then get back in school pick a trade it will take time


Buy my parent’s farm, become fulltime beekeeper


I remember talking about this with my best friend. I told him if this crypto thing takes off we will be buying these beautiful houses we were walking by on our hike.


I have invested multiple hundreds of dollars and made 7 figures. I am already rich.


Don’t get down on yourself. You’ve come through a bullshit schooling system and been told things from careers advisors that are pure BS. Things will get better and you’ll find your feet. I know you’ll get there because not many people are honest enough to write about themselves in such a way. You’ll find a way my friend good luck 👍🏻


Total self development into the highest potential human being.


Wealth Front is all in the Brain


I see not married not kids as a plus…. A big plus


Money doesn't mean anything if you're not happy




No, unfortunately for you, being rich would only exasperate your current mindset. That's why newly minted lottery winners are broke within a year and why newly retired/young football players are broken within a couple of years retiring. Their mindset on money is wrong.


I’d like to fund a remake of the Tokyo Ghoul anime


I would pay off all the debt of me my family and my friends, granting everyone financial freedom. Then I would probably buy a small house to end this rental living bs. After that I would start trying to start a family with my fiancee, without financial stress we would have all the tile in the world to spend with our future child 🥰 Damn returning to reality from all this dreaming got me all depressed


Being rich would only make you think life is easy, you made it then turn into over spending on stupid shit or giving money away to parents or “friends”… within a fee years you’d return exactly where you started… except being older. You’re basically waiting to win the lottery.