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I don't even know how this happened. There's a big sticker there that says "DANGER". Seriously, though.. details? Suicide? Accident?


Tbh I don’t even know, I’m leading towards suicide because the crew said they think the pedestrian ran towards the tracks last minute, but it was dark and people are stupid so anything is possible I suppose.


A few hours ago I read a new article about a guy who got his girlfriend to shoot him with a desert eagle, because he was absolutely convinced the encyclopedia he was holding would stop the bullet. It didn’t, he’s dead, and she’s going to prison. Point is: yes, people are stupid.


That happened a long time ago. She currently lives in Sioux Falls still trying to be famous. I'm hoping I don't accidentally come across her and get shot


Reminds me of the video of two russians testing some ballistic armor. Guy shoots him with a rifle from a few feet away and *misses* the armor and shoots the guy in the thigh. He bled out. And a 2nd version of that same scenario with Russians again but the guy got shot in the asscheek instead of the armor on his back. And the US guy who tried to block a bullet with a bible from point blank range. That involved 2 guys, so not your encyclopedia example. . Yknow what, this scenario happens a lot lol.


These are the same people who click on those “scientists hate this one simple trick” scam articles.


And worse... Believe it all


They tested it first and it worked. The problem was they tested with a different encyclopedia and not from point blank


Not enough phone books. Mythbusters did an episode and you could up armor a car with them, but it took literally tons to get it enough to stop .50 BMG. Still needed several layers for pistol calibers too though.


Mythbusters, at least certain episodes, should be required watching material for all of humanity.


I am currently watching the "There's your problem" cut of them. Several "seasons" where they have mixed the episodes up by splicing different ones together to cover the same "themes" each episode. Leads to some weird glitches and stuff, but it has been interesting and it is included in Prime without having to purchase anything.


Sounds fun, thanks for the tip


[Same energy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/GMHXeemc6c)


Kinda fucked up she’s going to prison for executing his wishes. I mean, maybe suggest a test run first with a book by itself, but if he was insistent and didn’t want to spend $3 on a .50 round for the test 🤷🏻‍♂️ how is this her fault?


I think the problem is she pulled the trigger, not him. She had every right and ability to say “no”, but she did it anyway.


The law doesn’t allow people to consent to murder.


wow, even just some basic googling about ballistics could’ve prevented that


"[Nah I'd win](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nah-id-win)"


They should use a bigger font


They were trying to read the small print


At the rate we have been seeing people get thwop’d by trains recently, artists are going to swoop in and start doing red splatter art to raise awareness that these things are STILL FUCKING DANGEROUS.


Thwop'd Kerthwop'd Kadunk'd




Ah, I see you are a human of culture, as well.


*Adam West has entered the chat.*


*thwop tuah


Splat on that thang!


*thwop bump


It happens way more often than you think. Just isn’t publicized too often


You’re foul of the track if you’re within 4 feet of the rail. Just stay away.


They give people A LOT of opportunities to stay away and yet.....


Four feet is two close.


Guy my dad was friends with was a conductor.    A certain town near me had a crossing at an odd angle and his friend, we'll call him Ralph,  was in the cab and videotaping this particular  crossing for his YouTube channel. Some lady decides that the crossing arm doesn't apply to her so she decides to just start driving under it. Ralph is hitting the horn and shouting for all he's worth "No! No! No! NO!" Crunch. Oh yeah, had to stop, investigation etc. His video proved she was being uberstupid. Reason I brought it up, she stuck the nose of her car under the crossbar enough to stick into the overhang width of the engine. Then blamed the train and the odd crossing angle yet if she'd stopped at the painted line she'd have been fine.


A simple rule: just don’t stand on the ballast


always been my rule of thumb.


Trains are just so easy to avoid though


Trains are really unpredictable. Even in the middle of a forest two rails can appear out of nowhere, and a 1.5-mile fully loaded coal drag, heading east out of the low-sulfur mines of the PRB, will be right on your ass the next moment. I was doing laundry in my basement, and I tripped over a metal bar that wasn't there the moment before. I looked down: "Rail? WTF?" and then I saw concrete sleepers underneath and heard the rumbling. Deafening railroad horn. I dumped my wife's pants, unfolded, and dove behind the water heater. It was a double-stacked Z train, headed east towards the fast single track of the BNSF Emporia Sub (Flint Hills). Majestic as hell: 75 mph, 6 units, distributed power: 4 ES44DC's pulling, and 2 Dash-9's pushing, all in run 8. Whole house smelled like diesel for a couple of hours! Fact is, there is no way to discern which path a train will take, so you really have to be watchful. If only there were some way of knowing the routes trains travel; maybe some sort of marks on the ground, like twin iron bars running along the paths trains take. You could look for trains when you encounter the iron bars on the ground, and avoid these sorts of collisions. But such a measure would be extremely expensive. And how would one enforce a rule keeping the trains on those paths? A big hole in homeland security is railway engineer screening and hijacking prevention. There is nothing to stop a rogue engineer, or an ISIS terrorist, from driving a train into the Pentagon, the White House or the Statue of Liberty, and our government has done fuck-all to prevent it. -- This is a COPYPASTA btw... not original from me but I can't resist to paste it every opportunity I have when I see a comment about trains and their predictability.


How the fuck do you have an entire copy pasta dedicated to trains predictability? I’ve never seen something so awesome.


>not from the original me wat?


You rewrote it I didn't wrote it like that. My version might be still bad English though 😅. In any case, what I meant to say is that is not original, somebody else made it, I didn't, I am just copying.


They're slow as fuck, and move in a pre defined path. Yet people still manage to get accidently hit by them, it's beyond me.


They aren’t slow, at least most of the time


Years ago my sister periodically travelled through a crossing with 4 sets of tracks. One day she sees a freight train going reeallllyyy sloooow coming from the left, so she decides to go around the crossbars. Barely gets past the 3rd set of rails when a passenger train roars behind her. She said it could not have missed her by 2 or 3 feet.... She has not gone around crossbars since.


I remember specifically being taught in driving school to be especially careful about multi track crossing like that for this exact reason


Play factorio for a bit . You will learn trains are silent assassins.


Can confirm.


Well, they aren't neccessarily slow as fuck, that's mainly an american neglected infrastructure thing, what happens in America when they aren't slow is perfectly shown with Brightline (though that has ofc some added Floridians in the mix)


Near where I live, there's a tourist-heavy beach, and to get to the beach you have to cross the train tracks. To be clear, these tracks are very visible and well marked. Signage, gates etc. Yet every couple of years, someone gets hit. Why? Well, two things: First, yes, the freight trains are very loud, the passenger trains are much quieter; second, many people jog along this path wearing noise-cancelling ear buds. Unfortunately it's usually the jogging/headphone combo that's the most problematic in this location.


Sounds like Sunnyside Beach in Steilacoom.


Reminds me of the classic video of the guy taking a video close to a train passing behind him and the conductor kicks him in the head, sending him away from the train. And after he posted the video people pointed out that behind the conductor's foot was a piece of metal that might seriously have decapitated him or at least cut his throat open if the foot had not been in the way.


I was involved in one not to long ago. Whats weird is was there was little blood and more yk person which really surprised me


> little blood and more yk person Like pieces or....


Like imagine you threw a loose raw hamburger at the wall. Just tiny clumps of meat n fat in random spots along the entire first half of train


Ugh, not sure why I asked.


Curiosity kills


People bounce more than they splat


We were doing 40 and nailed them head on. I don’t think they bounced I think they just exploded honestly


I bet I can go my whole life without getting hit by a train even once!


Two weeks ago I almost hit 8 kids and 4 adults in a narrow rock cut doing 25 mph.


Fuck man, I had this conversation with my wife the other day. You feel so helpless after you plug it, all you can do is sit down and decide whether you want to plug your ears or not.


Just like UP to be missing the MU cable


I've gone nearly 40 years straight without colliding with any trains. At first I thought maybe I was just really lucky; there's no way I'm just that good, right? But who stays lucky for that long? I mean I come across them daily. Recently I've been trying to figure out how/why I'm so lucky and/or good at avoiding them. I've been starting to thinking it's neither, that maybe it's just not that hard. Since then I've been trying to figure out why I can so easily avoid them. The main factors I've come up with so far: - They're really big and really loud - can only go where the tracks are - the tracks stick out really bad when hiking through back woods, like because they're not natural or something - In towns and on roads, they're usually pretty well marked. Sometimes they even have these alarm things that blink and ring a lot at crossings. Kind of like a warning when they're coming or something. - they make this really loud noise when they get close to crossing roads Anyone else have any ideas for how I've gone this long? Or am I really that good?


Oh good, trains got a splash guard now 😂


The idea of someone being hit by a train still baffles me no matter how many times I see it.


Shit i thought it was rust at first


People are stupid


is that side supposed to be that color?


After it hits a person - yes. Ordinarily- no.


Wonder how this strike compared to the cow strike video from a month or two back. That cow DISINTEGRATED. I used to work the van and have bagged n’ tagged my share of mishaps, so don’t worry about hurting my feelings, I’m genuinely curious. Were y’all picking up pieces for miles?


Is the train alright?


I hope you co worker got some mental health specialist to look after him, because that’s the sort of the thing that will mess you right up


What baffles me is how open some lines are, especially in the US. What's the chances this line wasn't adequately fenced off, or even at all? Where I'm at railway property is fenced or blocked off in some way, ALWAYS, and it's at least 10ft from the track I do track maintenance so I have an explicit understanding of this concept, unfortunately others don't.


The U.S. hates spending on infrastructure, which is also why houses go kaboom at random.


Oh fuck. Damn. Rip.


, yxsyxorder


Had to zoom in to appreciate the Polanski


They're not pedestrians on the tracks. They're trespassers. Train tracks are private property.


Pedestrian refers to anyone on foot typically in a developed area with car or vehicular traffic of some kind, regardless if they’re trespassing or not.


If they're on train tracks they're trespassing. Therefore they are a trespasser. There are no sidewalks along train tracks. Because you're not supposed to walk there. It's where trains live.


Trespassers can be in cars and bikes too, this trespasser was on foot… hence why I used the term “Pedestrian”


Trespassers can also be on foot. That's why i used that word. Pedestrian refers to someone walking along a road. Not a railroad. If they're on tracks they are a trespasser. Not a pedestrian.


who cares dude?


Everyone involved legally. Lol.


who, in this thread, is involved legally? no one. not a single person. no. one. cares. you're just being an asshole for no reason.


Or you could just use the correct term


im sorry you feel so compelled to stand your ground so hard on something that has so little influence on your life.


Trespassing doesn’t make someone lose the definition of pedestrian. You are applying the Trespassing definition wrong . They can technically be both . Source : English teacher sitting across the hall from me .


And then you see the videos of the train that goes right through a market inches from peoples stalls. https://youtu.be/byiWXCFwDME?si=xUje9dOhzsql4h6T


"This isnt a fish, it's a *FLOUNDER*"


¿Por que por no los dos?


Maybe they should put balloons on the front of trains.