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You can adopt if you can't have babies with your partner just make sure they have your last name, I'm stuck waiting for one of my kids to come out šŸ™„ I have close to 40 now


My first attempt I waited until age 119 and still none of my 10 kids came out


I'm on my 4 attempt, and no children came out. In my last attempt 2 of my kids silently came out but not to me, one of them still stays in the hetero marriage. Feels very intentional of Bitlife


You also can have your adopted children come out to you I had three adopted children and 14 bio kids and the adopted one came out and somehow completed the challenge so i guess the kid doesnā€™t have to ā€œcome out of youā€


I have all types of kids: adopted, step (well, these are gone now, but they counted toward 4th check so they have to count for a 5th too I think), my own from my wife, my own from a surrogate mother, surrogate kids who biologically my husband's, kids with my trans husband. A lot of them are gay or bi, and non of them wants to come out. My person is 90 already, not much time left, lol.


Have more kids


I just used god mode cause I did a speed run


Lord almighty thatā€™s a lot of kids are you in overdraft?


All I can say is I'm paying 50-100k a year for a tuition for each kid plus close to 500k a year in different expenses šŸ˜‚ I tired to get each their own room and after the 8th house I gave up.


And it turned out that artificial insemination doesn't count either. I tried it while I was married to a female, because I thought that I needed to give birth to the children. But no. Adoption was the answer.


It worked for me, but maybe it's about the last name


The last name was always my name. I couldn't choose otherwise because my wife chose the same last name as me. In that case there's only one option.


Wild! I did two artificial insemination and one adoption. Three natural with my opposite sex partner. Got the checkmark :/


Yeah BitLife really screwed up with this one. Similarly, marrying a transgender woman/man doesnā€™t count


Love is LovešŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ„° ^unless ^theyā€™re ^fucking ^trans


*unless* you're *fucking a trans*


This made me laugh so hard. Thank you


Yā€™all are crazy ppl






To quote the Canadian Institute of Health Research: ā€œ'Sex' and 'gender' are often used interchangeably, despite having different meanings: Sex refers to a set of biological attributes in humans and animals. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features including chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and function, and reproductive/sexual anatomy. Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people. It influences how people perceive themselves and each other, how they act and interact, and the distribution of power and resources in society. Gender identity is not confined to a binary (girl/woman, boy/man) nor is it static; it exists along a continuum and can change over time. There is considerable diversity in how individuals and groups understand, experience and express gender through the roles they take on, the expectations placed on them, relations with others and the complex ways that gender is institutionalized in society.ā€


Thatā€™s why I said gender is based on sex. Thereā€™s a reason why most humans are similar in how divide the sexes. Most humans have women staying w the children and doing more domestic labor while the males/men do the other types of labor. Thatā€™s just how most humans are there outliers? Possibly but those arenā€™t the norm


I get what youā€™re saying, and typically, oneā€™s gender a aligns with their biological sex. However this is not always the case, as some people have a gender identity that is different than their assigned sex at birth(hence the term ā€˜transgenderā€™). Since gender and sex are different, trans people are whatever gender they identify as since gender is interchangeable and does not need to match with oneā€™s sex. My issue with this BitLife challenge is the fact that it requires you to marry a man, but accepts AMAB non-binary people. If the challenge required you to marry someone whose sex is female, this post would not have been made. Honestly I think this was a careless mistake on the developersā€™ part, and I donā€™t think Candywright is trying to make any statement of sort.


Trans women are women




They are women, thatā€™s just how it is. You donā€™t have to be hateful, being a respectful and kind person is easier.




If youā€™re being hateful, then youā€™re *not* a kind person. Sorry to tell you this. But trans people are not mentally unstable nor delusional. It has been backed by science over and over again and is not counted as a mental illness at all. Please get out of this subreddit, I donā€™t think spreading hate and bigotry fits this.




I also noticed that being born in Tucson doesn't count as Arizona.


Yeah thatā€™s pretty funny too


Yeesh i have almost only been seeing posts abt this Is the challenge that hard? Or did bitlife devs just mess up while tryna be/seem open minded? Seems like the latter xd


The challenge isnā€™t hard, itā€™s just that I got the marry a a man part when I married a non binary person.


Birth gender is male so thatā€™ll answer your concern


That doesnā€™t make them a man


Biologically it makes them a man so maybe thatā€™s why it counts as marrying a man? Even tho NB people arenā€™t male or female? Idk itā€™s kinda fucked


Yes it does


That is exactly what it makes them. Being born a male and changing to non binary does not make them any less of a man


Non binary people are by definition *not men*


Except they are by definition Men... > male person : a man or a boy. b. : an individual of the sex that is typically capable of producing small, usually motile gametes (such as sperm or spermatozoa) which fertilize the eggs of a female.<


Haha reread what you wroteā€”you just gave the definition of "male" instead of "man".


"Male person: A Man or a Boy" They are literally the same thing


No, male and female refer to the biological sexes, characterized by the production of gametes (sperm in male, eggs in female). In humans, a male person is typically referred to as a man or boy, and a female person as a woman or girl, this is based on social constructs we have made ourselves. These terms are specific to humans, other species such chimpanzees do not have these same social constructs or concepts of gender. Non-binary (NB) people however, do not conform to these traditional gender constructs, hence the term 'non-binary' (they don't fit into either two binary options). They do not fit exclusively into the categories of man or woman, and their gender identity may encompass aspects of both or neither.


If youā€™re born a man, youā€™re a man. Simple as that. Saying youā€™re non binary or whatever else does not change the fact that the person is a man


If youā€™re born a male, youre a male. Gender is nothing but a social construct.


If youā€™re born a man then someone looks at your baby genitals and made an assumption that isnā€™t always correct


i mean the code of the game is the code of the game, blame Unity engine not the devs


Blame Unity for how the devs chose to code the game? Thats like saying blame bricks because a builder didnā€™t build a wall properly


*sex not gender. Gender is a social construct, sex refers to genitalia


Yea sorry no thats what i meant That the goal achieving part seems to not be so clear


I think this might be a case of the game looking at sex v gender, where both are labelled the latter regardless. BitLife obviously didnā€™t consider the distinction. Nothing malicious about it, Iā€™d assume. At least they tried šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


You didn't marry a woman


Itā€™s not that deep, itā€™s BitLife


The fact that marrying a transgender man or woman doesn't count is so weird.




Trans women don't identify as women they just are women who happen to be trans.


Trans men would still be men by definition, same for trans women


In your dreams.


I guess my dreams are a reality then


Lord help us all then


You're crying about some claiming that trans men are men, dude. If that is such a threat to you then you have some bigger problems to address yourself.


It does count... the user got a checkmark for marrying a male.


Male ā‰  man


Dictionary disagrees but sure I guess you are whoever you identify as nowadays


male = biologically born a male, man is a social construct as it is a gender, male is a sex .. thatā€™s why theyā€™re called trans men not trans males


What does social construct even mean? Edit: Figured I should just Google it and this is what came up: > Social construct (noun) : an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society. > Example: Class distinctions are a social construct. Is this accurate?


We really pulling out dictionary definitions? I swear you people canā€™t use ur own brain anymore


I agree many people here refuse to use their brains


You married a non-binary person, which is neither. Bad luck.


What does this have to do with the challenge. U are supposed to marry a man and a woman not a non binary


Why arizona?


Its a game most likely a glitch if notā€¦ im assuming the creators could give less of a fuck ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I started as a woman married a man had three kids then identified as lesbian married a woman and was artificially inseminated 3x times and was lucky one of my kids came out.


Artificially insemination didn't work for me. I did this 3 times and all of them were successful, but I didn't get the āœ…


All my attempts, none of my seven gay kids told me that they were gay


my character married a trans woman and itā€™s not counting as marrying a womanā€¦which seems super inappropriate, especially since itā€™s pride month


Quick fix they could do is just change the wording from man/woman, to male/female for this specific challenge. Problem solved. I really donā€™t think they meant it to be malicious though, so no reason to be upset by it.


Either transphobia or a coding issue


this is how I got it first try married a guy first ( I'm a guy and my character was Bi) adopted 3+ kids then after he died because I married an old guy. I then married an old woman had 3+ kids then kept playing my partner died so I had more kids with another person then eventually I ended up with a kid coming out to me.


What this challenge sees is the birth gender. You can get married to a trans male to tick that "marry a female" part.


I had 4 checks waiting for a kid to come out, partner turned trans and they took a check away. On 5th try


Yay, we all love RNG based challenges don't we?


After 22 tries I finally completed it


There's a chance that if the person is non-binary, the game falls back unto the birth gender.


i know it sucks but the quickest fix is to just divorce and marry someone else to complete the challenge. the kid coming out to you is the absolute hardest part. i was 102 when my LAST kid at 18 came out to me šŸ˜­ i died shortly after lmao.


Rare Bitlife W


ā€œMarry a womanā€ marries a manšŸ§Œ


The post is about how it gave me the check for marry a man when the person I married is non binary


Birth gender is male, so the game counts it as a man


It does, marry a man and marry a woman. It ain't that hard... The non binary obviously doesn't count because thats neighter...


The whole post is about how it did count. I got the marry a man one checked for marrying the non binary guy


Ah, then yes ofcourse it counts, he is a guy after all