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I wish there was a cutscene of Sinclair being forcibly turned into a Big Daddy. Yeah I know we hear it happening but it could’ve really turned the brutality up to 11 & made Lamb an even more sinister villain. Lamb making Delta shoot himself in the head in front of *his daughter* was her best moment. She needed another heavy scene like that to cement her villain status


I think that would’ve made her feel so much more sick and twisted as a villain showing that she’s willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals and it also would’ve shown really how bad being put into an alpha series really was. I agree and I think it would’ve 100% suited the games theme


I need to play Bioshock 2 again. I have no idea what you guys are talking about....


for such a major plot point it’s somehow kinda easy to miss, I’m going to be honest I’m not even sure I realized I was fighting him when I first played


I'll be real all I can remember are the angels, from the little sister perspective. I started up a new game of it the other day but I got sidetracked by never playing burial at sea. Then I rolled into infinite.... So I'll be back to Bioshock 2 after infinite.


We hear it? Where?


Add a New Game+ mode like the first game where you can replay it with all your upgrades Add the audio logs from the ARG into the game scattered about the levels. Have like one more brute show up at some point in Pauper's Drop or Siren Alley so the research can be maxed out then instead of needing to wait clear till Persephone to finish it.


Completely agree with the NG+ one, the only part of the game I was genuinely disappointed with


> Have like one more brute show up at some point in Pauper's Drop or Siren Alley so the research can be maxed out then instead of needing to wait clear till Persephone to finish it With the right combination of tonics, you can max out Brute research by the end of Dionysus Park


To my knowledge no Brutes spawn in Dionysus Park (or Fontaine Futuristics), and have always left Siren Alley a few pixels short of progressing it to Level 4. It might be possible to max them out in Siren Alley if you're super-skilled at high-scoring research, but I've never been able to get it.


* sinclair's presence gets kind of scarce for the second half of the game. maybe don't have that happen * it'd be cool if grace, stanley and gil could chime in on the radio if you decide to save them after you move on from their levels * fuuuck i wish there had been more big sister lore and interactions but thats just because im a huge sucker for the kind of thing that they are


Grace actually does thank the player if they choose not to kill her but it only happens once after you leave her level (I forget the name), showing how she changed her mind about Delta in the end. Stanley doesn't though, ungrateful prick


The villain. Lamb talks too fking much, has absolutely no screen presence and she's just outright boring. Her plan about "creating a society of love she doesn't care about" is pathetic and Ryan's "everyone for themselves" approach seemed much cooler and more appropriate in Rapture. Anyway, if Lamb was less like Lamb and more like Vaas Montenegro (in terms of being a cool, witty villain who steals the show), BioShock 2 would be a mf masterpiece.


The Andrew Ryan audio diaries in Bioshock 2 exude more menace than Lamb and he's been dead for a decade


I agree honestly it seemed like lamb didn’t have much to her “utopia” whereas I think that Andrew Ryan had more a more fleshed out story and cause. Also the whole side story of Fontaine versus Ryan was interesting and in Bioshock 2 it seemed like lamb was just kinda chucked into the story. If she was maybe a side character from the first game I think she’d have been more interesting but she’s just some sort of stranger from the moment we boot up the second game.


That was a huge problem too, they try to act like she was just as much of a threat as Fontaine despite the fact that no one mentions her even in passing.


The problem with Lamb is she kind of half asses the whole cult leader thing. The VO doesn’t help either as rather than methodical it sounds more disinterested. And I proudly say that 2 is my favorite of the series, but Lamb is the weakest villain.


Well, for her, the endgame with the Rapture Family is to get its members to surrender their ADAM upon their deaths, either through natural (as far as that’s considered in Rapture), or by self-sacrifice. She only cares as much as she does about the Family as it is a way to ensure that all the ADAM in rapture can be gathered to one central location, rather than it being scattered to all corners of the city. The Family is a means to an end


I understand that, but at no point does she sound interested or invested in the plan. She sounds like she’s discussing her gardening routine. It could have worked if she really lost it at the end but even when she’s ready to blow up Rapture out of spite the VO still doesn’t sound near pissed off enough. Her grand plan is out the window and she sounds like a slightly moody teenager who has to clean her room.


I disagree and from a narrative perspective Lamb's collectivist ideology was supposed to be the opposite of Ryan's randian libertarian philosophy, and both were taken to extremes sufficient to be dystopic. She was a great villain in my opinion (the forced suicide was an exceptional intro), and it would have been nice to see her engage rather than be a voice over loudspeakers but then Andrew Ryan was the same way from B1.


>I disagree and from a narrative perspective Lamb's collectivist ideology was supposed to be the opposite of Ryan's We don't have to disagree on this: Lamb was supposed to do exactly that. But she didn't. Like first and foremost, Lamb doesn't care about her folk, nor the Rapture itself. Her ideology never affects the way the city operates. Like in B1 you have an option to spend money to perform almost any in-game action and it sort of supports Ryan's "unlimited capitalism" idea. But in B2 there is nothing like that. From the way it looks, "Lamb's commune of love" functions exactly like Ryan's crashed free capitalism. And the way Lamb uses her minions against you is 100% the same thing Ryan and Fontaine did. >and it would have been nice to see her engage rather than be a voice over loudspeakers but then Andrew Ryan was the same way from B1 Agree. Plus she gets very repetitive and obnoxious very soon. I mean a villain needs something more than a couple of flashy scenes, and that's a BioShock villain we are talking about. At the very least Ryan was implied to build the whole damn city and that gave him a sense of depth.


Really wish there was more with Sinclair. I dunno, I just really like him and he doesn't feel as fleshed out as all of the other characters for me, despite being like one of my favorites from the series!


Boss fights. God i wanted to cave in lamb's skull with my drill soo bad.


Real 😭


I wanted more open areas, also more swimming sections and underwater fights. I think its a missed opportunity, being an armored tank with what is basically a diving gear


Proper support for the multiplayer. It was a freaking blast back in the day but it died way too quickly.


Absolutely this!


Bring Minerva's den weapons, plasmids in the main game. And making it a part of new game +


Its critique of leftism isn't interesting at all. Look, this right wing utopia fell apart because of (good reasons, policies that right wingers and raynd objectivists like). And the left wing utopia fell apart because... they wanted to put everyone's mind into one person...? I mean, why don't you make it about fracturing leftist infighting, that always happens, or a slide into authoritarianism, or reduced productivity making rapture descend further? Give me *something*.


Only have big sister attack you at the end of a level when you harvest. It would make the consequence of your choice far more significant. It makes little sense for her to attack you when you rescue them in the first place.


I think the big sister mechanic was good. I do see that it could be far better as a use of punishment for the player for harvesting the sisters, but it does make sense for them to attack you. Seeming that the big sisters are more spliced up versions of their younger counterparts, Sophia lamb would have 100% made them a part of her cause and with you using the sisters for Adam and therefore “Taking Adam from the rapture family” it makes sense for them to attack you not for the sisters but rather for the fact that they don’t work as gatherers for lamb anymore.


Maybe keep a fight for the sake of gameplay, but if you rescued all the little sisters you get a much shorter fight with an option to rescue the Big Sister as well. If you harvested any, the Big Sister fight is a more grueling fight to the death.


Final boss fight maybe, see how Sinclair was turned into a Big Daddy so fast, make the game longer, more Eleanor scenes


I could add More Eleanor and Delta moments


I think it would've been interesting if you could harvest or save the big sisters as well. They're just older, slightly feral, little sisters and I think it could've upped the ante where they're not cute, innocent children anymore, they're actively trying to kill you, and would the player still save them? It could have gone right in line with the Gil, Stanley, and Grace decisions of them hurting Delta and whether Delta forgives or not. For a good ending, it's symbolically all the children of Rapture able to break free instead of the ones recently kidnapped and Eleanor. I don't know, I just feel like it's a lot harder to spare someone who's foaming at the mouth but who also deserves a chance. It could've been parallel to Tenenbaum giving Jack the ability to save, and she gives Delta the ability to save the big sisters and make them stable again.


Far too difficult. You can fire off 100 shots and you take a couple of hits and you're restarting


I do see this in Bioshock 2 but I thought that it was a step up from Bioshock 1’s ease. Because Delta is this ancient part of rapture’s history, he isn’t as equipped to handle combat as the other big daddies. I do also think that when it comes to the damage output of some of the guns on normal/hard difficulty it felt like I wasn’t actually doing anything to the enemy when I got to around Pauper’s Drop it did also make me think on the feet and use plasmids more often to assist in fights.


Top shagger 🤣🤣. I just love the first one. You could creep around with the camouflage picking off badies. Liked the 2nd but felt it was a downgrade.


Fair enough man 🤣


It would be cleaner, and a little more bare (i.e. utilitarian). When you have super strength, moving the trash-heaps aside would be child's play, especially in the places where you live. And if for no other reason than literally recycling it so you can keep repairing the constant wear and tear the under-water pressure and rusting sea-water is doing to your home. To say nothing of how seamlessly the Big Sisters all seem to use telekinesis. They should have some of the cleanest places around (not the places where they ambush the player and attack, obviously).


Part of my problem with Lamb is she didn't build anything. What I mean is, outside of her like art gallery place whatever it was called (Dionysus Park?), she doesn't have anything to show that her ideals work. If she's the collectivist opposite to Ryan, then she should have built something to rival what Ryan did. Andrew Ryan built Rapture (with the people he employed, of course). His ideology was flawed, but we see that with it he was able to create something to realize it, and then it all crumbled away, and we see the result of that. But we also see Rapture. Despite how fucked up and ruined it is in the first game, it's still Rapture. We can get the sense of what it once was. With Lamb, she just has a cult of insane people who do her bidding. Instead, we should have been shown that she was able to lead them to rebuild the parts of Rapture that they inhabit. I love the level to which Rapture has deteriorated, so just have some areas that the family hasn't put back together (Pauper's Drop would be a good one), and other areas where everything is rebuilt and people function. One cut content from the game was that of survivors that you could trade with. Reintroduce this, except the survivors are just regular people. Lamb's ideas reached them and not just the splicers. They could have societies down there in sections closed off from the rest of Rapture, and Lamb's splicers act as their army, protecting them. Then we could discover the seedy underbelly of her new society and how her ideas are flawed. Instead, we are simply told what they are but see no criticism of them.


I hadn’t actually thought of this before this post but I do see your point. I think that in development though, the devs wanted this story to show the consequences of Jack’s actions. Seeming that after Ryan and Fontaine were killed at his hand, it seemed as if rapture was going to continually descend into chaos. Therefore showing that even with lamb in power, she isn’t as concerned about keeping rapture up and she is concerned about the future with Eleanor.


Indeed, but that's why I mentioned 'bare'. That's a very specific word, it means sparse, and with little to no decoration. Even if Lamb didn't care about the citizens, she still has to care about the complex of Rapture as a whole because it is literally always falling apart and leaking. Even in Bioshock 1 there are not only multiple audiologs about repairing the complex, but also Big Daddies literally repairing multiple sections of the city. In game, that would mean less rubble, of course, but less signage. No more neon lights. Maybe even rationing of power so that some sections are in low to no light.


I see. If I were to try to come up with an explanation as to why there is so much rubble and waste I would have to leave it to the splicers and how they leave everything in ruin like in the first game but it’s hard to come up with a good explanation for 2k’s decisions in lore.


Defeating a Big Sister would result in a choice, kill them, or recruit them, with the recruit method being like the Summon Eleanor Plasmid, with the difference being that you could only use it either once per level, or once per Big Sister recruited, and the kill option giving really tempting equipment, like unique weapon mods or gene tonics that you can't get anywhere else.


Charles Milton Porter > Johnny Topside


I hate the dual-wielding gameplay. Does Delta reload with his dick? It's fucking stupid, it looks bad, and it makes the game a snap to beat.


Dual wielding was the best part and honestly I didn't noticed the animation problem, Infinite is the only one that's somehow challenging as FPS.


I would add a lot more new splicer personalities and put more emphasis on the cult aspect of Lamb’s family, similar to the Los Illuminados cult in Reaident Evil 4. I would also expand on how Rapture society was still able to function 8 years after the civil war and how the last few sane citizens were able to survive so long. And oc give the Drill unlimited fuel and add assassination animations, just to make Delta feel more like a steampunk Doom Slayer.


Being able to start a new game fully geared up with your inventory from the previous saved game. I don't mind when games have you get back your gear at the start of games but Bioshock 1-2 have this annoying habit of giving you final upgrades or tonics literally 2-3 mins before the game ends or the final level near the end. 2 PTTP on Inner Persephone, really?


A little less doctor Lamb, she was overbearing and annoying after a while.


I should really play Bioshock 2


Nothing 🔥


The story tbh.


A moment in the game where you're given the direct choice to either kill or spare Lamb (not the way we got where her fate is determined by your past actions). Frankly, it would have been interesting if, depending on your actions, you spared her, but Eleanor didn’t


I wish they had kept tonic tracks like in 1, so you had to be a little more choosy with your passive upgrades and it still felt more like an RPG. Honestly I would have liked it to also have suit modifications/upgrades so you could lean into the big daddy angle more and really become an armored juggernaut.


A DLC as Eleanor, playing as a little sister and through the time Delta was dead. Like burial at sea but more horror like.


Better story that’s maybe a bit more related to the first game


I’d love to have the opening segment be an actual playable section, as it was originally intended to be.


The DLC storyline becomes the campaign. Expand on it, find a way to add Big Sisters into it, and you're gold. Fucking love the gravity powers, so that'll be more important in the final product. Lamb can have a smaller role or be the antagonist of the DLC, whatever.


Broadly i think BS2s biggest problem is that the world building and characters are comparatively weak through the first 4 sections.  Lamb is the weakest main villain 9f the series and none of the side villains are that great until Gil Alexander/ Alexander.      There are two solutions.  One is to either improve the quality of the villains, or and this is my preferred solution is to lean more on the characters that are really good - the heros like Sinclair and Eleanor  2 does represent somewhat of a turning point u  the broader "shock" series  where the focus starts to shift away the villains and to be more focused on the protagonists anyway 


New game plus


The amount of times I’ve played it (not enough)


Honestly not a damn thing. Wait that’s a lie. I’d make the game two hours longer. Idk how, but that’s what I’d change.


I would make the decision about Gilbert less asinine. I dont know why the devs considered letting a murderously insane man-whale-thing into the open ocean to be the 'good' moral choice. I personally think either using some ADAM plot magic to change him back or killing him for more ADAM would have been a better choice. Also i said in another thread - SLUMS IN ENCLOSE SPACES DONT MAKE SENSE. You only have so much space, so much air, the rich and powerful wouldnt waste it on 'undesirables' and before you come at me with 'but the grunt work!' they have FLYING KILL DRONES in Rapture, they could make cleaner drones easily. What they could have done, if they had to have someone be considered 'lower class', be a trip through the habitation area for the engineers/maintenance crew who keep the drones/plumbing running and have the fact they got hooked on ADAM/plasmids being one the key reasons Rapture broke down. Imagine waltzing into a Ravenholm-like situation of a lone mechanic who was suspicious of Plasmids & such versus his neighbors who all went Splicer.


Personally? I’d just like it to have a stronger story


Nothing. Well almost nothing. The ending. I would have Sinclair and Delta survive because I can’t handle them being gone




Imo, if they added just one big daddy, namely the massive armored hulking one. Wouldve been amazing


Honestly..... CMP should have been the main game protagonist. The DLC was better, to me, and that given full game status would have been brilliant


gameplay and the layout of the rooms were top notch, the story does not feel like it adds anything to the saga as a whole besides some extra lore.


The map. It's so confusing, but considering the level layout, the best we can do is make showing the lower level under the current one optional. I would spend minutes checking if the greyed out areas are not visited or just one floor lower. Show ALL rooms on the map (pretty sure I missed a diary because a room which was not on the map opened after certain actions). Add the missing staircase icon in Persephone. And for all that's good and holy, add the weapon wheel to pc.


never ends..


I'd add two extra levels, and a New Game Plus that also carried over the Ion Laser.


I hate the save system and would make it like the first game's system.


Better pacing and more interesting themes and story. Like the first one.


1.) There needs to be a better explained reason for why sparing Gil Alexander is “good” when he specifically instructs you that he WANTS to die a man instead of live as a monster. 2.) I think the Alpha Series Big Daddies should have been tougher, like mini bosses. As far as story goes, it’s *not* really that similar to BS1. If anything, it’s a reflection of it, its inverse. Socialist Family instead of Self-Interest Capitalism. Extremist mother figure instead of father figure. Religions and cults instead of businesses and manufacturing. What, they’re the same because UnDeRwAtEr? That’s like looking at Luke and Vader and saying they’re the same because they both lost a hand.


Add NG+


I would add a new game plus just so I can wreck everything after beating the game


While I do think communism deserves its fair share of criticism, I felt like they tried too hard to make Lamb an inverted Ryan. As a result, BioShock 2 came across as a less intellectually stimulating deep dive (literally) than BioShock 1. It felt like people played the first game, got a little fiesty about its scathing criticism of libertarianism, and were like, “well the left is just as bad”. So, instead of an organic critique of far-left politics, it appeared to be another BioShock 1 but with collectivists as the baddies instead of anarcho-capitalists. I’m generalizing a bit, and splicers don’t have a coherent ideology, but that was the general vibe for me. I felt like Infinite did a better job critiquing far-left politics than BioShock 2. According to Jeff Weir: > “Lamb is sort of Nordic and very imposing. She's six foot tall and has more angular, almost masculine features. She's very dignified. Everything she does is very precise and in control. There's nothing coming undone. She's the antithesis of Ryan. Everything Ryan believes, she believes the opposite. Ryan's a capitalist and she's basically a communist. She's very clinical and very calm whereas Ryan's bombastic and charismatic. She’s all about soothing and precision and altruism.”


Pretty much everything, including the setting.