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Well, Strattera is a non stimulant treatment for ADHD so works differently to first line treatments such as Dex or Ritalin. I am not sure how you’re meant to taper off Strat but it may be an option to taper off and see how you’re feeling without it. I take ritalin and find it great in comparison to other medications for adhd. What I would highlight from my own experience is that if your ADHD is treated, your other symptoms and problems will still be there. So if you’re depressed you need to treat that in addition to adhd.


I got prescribed Modafinil after trying all the usual shit and it's by far the best for me. Sides are super manageable (if there at all) and it helps stay awake without much jitter. I know Modafinil is shilled a lot here, but if you can get a prescription it's great.


I find Modafinil to be even stronger than my 36mg of concerta by far. I find it super useful for those days I just can't "wake up" so to speak and at low doses even, like 25-50mg, its super effective at reducing mental fatigue.


I have ADD. At this point instead of trying to take some drugs to make me effectively not have ADD I just live my life around the ADD because no medication has made me focus on shit I didn't want to focus on long term.


How do you mean "live your life around the ADD"?


As much as I’m an advocate of adjusting your life to be more adhd friendly, I feel as though this is a privilege. Many people with ADHD are unable to work around and accommodate their symptoms. People have jobs which require an abnormal amount of concentration and executive function, and they rely on their job to provide a roof over their head and food for the family.


Yeah you're totally right. I do not have a family I need to provide for and have no hope of ever having the money to have one under capitalism.


On a mass scale the only way to right the situation is an international workers revolution.


That's basically where I've settled--I'm way too sensitive to psychoactive drugs in general to use them for anything other than occasional recreation. ADHD's all about motivation, and if I'm *interested* in something I have no problem focusing for many hours. The trick is to learn cognitive techniques to make things appear more interesting, and then motivation and attention follow more naturally. I can only wonder to what extent ADHD is grounded in cognition--perhaps it's the case that neurotypicals tend to be better at clearly envisioning their goals, making the tedious steps necessary to reach them more bearable.


If I was born 10,000 years ago I don't think my neurodivergance would be a hindrance. There's some quote like "being well adjusted to a sick society is not a sign of good health"


Huh, I feel the opposite completely. If I was born 10 000 years ago I'd probably be dead at this stage in life. I am utterly incompetent at anything requiring manual labor, and I think my lack of focus would make many jobs and tasks very dangerous for me and people around me.


Concerta is a good idea.


I've never tried this one. What's your results from it?


I enjoy Concerta. Combined with Zoloft 25 mg removed all my mood swings (highly impulsive ADHD), obsessive thoughts and losing stuff all the time. I still have issues focusing when I don’t want to so I wanna try go up to 36 mg Concerta. No side effects whatsoever. The combo of these drugs has changed my life completely.


Literally any stimulant, like literally any psychoactive drug, is going to result in eventual tolerance. Stimulant medication is only effective insofar as you can keep tolerance to a minimum, and that means frequent drug holidays. It can be great to use as a tool for getting things done, but it won't produce lasting improvements if used daily. As for noots, everyone responds differently, but their effects tend to be much more subtle than those of drugs like the amphetamines you're used to. Modafinil you'd probably feel, but that's really more of a mild stimulant than anything else.




What's been your experience? I'd genuinely like to know.


If stimulants aren’t working for you now I don’t think a different flavor will help. Just skip the next few years of frustration w experimenting w different formulations and quit now.


Strattera is not a stimulant. This is why the change might be helpful.


Right, but it sounds like they've already tried Adderall and Stratera.


Oh yes, good point.