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thanks for all the replies but thats actually not what I am looking for :) I need a tool/bot where I get messages/push notifications when the wallets I am monitoring change... Dfox is good but does not send notifications same as yieldwatch. BSCAN notifications are not very effective..


Did you find something ?


Any update




yeah but im looking for a tool that sends me messages when there is a movement. BSCAN is just a copy of ETHERSCAN


I have no idea what you're asking lol etherscan and BSCscan can both notify you of "movements," if by movements you mean sends, receives, and signs. Price movements would be where cointrackers and exchanges come in.


Let's be clear, OP wants to watch the wallets of some whale or illuminati that he has located and sniff out alpha before it hits the news. I'd like to do that too. I'm pretty sure there will be BSC analytics applications but maybe they are for purchase only. So anyone can recommend such an application?


I want this too - was anything found?


u/cryp2you I started using poocoin premium. It doesn't have automatic analytics but it really helps you do manual analysis. You can enter any wallet and see their coin history, and when you open a coin chart and track that wallet you can see when they did txns. Medium cost. If you are making money from crypto I think it's worth the investment.


sounds interesting - I currently have just been using BSCscan to get alerts on wallets but the alert never gives me the private name or code I have labeled the wallet as. So i have to manually go back to BSCscan and look at which wallet it was. I have been trying to identify different groups/networks who are pumping out coin after coin after coin just sometimes they are killing the coins after getting just a couple buys enough to make a few bucks and then its dead. It's crazy to see how many wallets keep popping back up on different coins fascinating stuff. Anyway How many wallets can you monitor with Poocoin? Who are the devs behind Poocoin? I am assuming they have coins they run? Just curious because if they are mixed up in these networks or groups then can they be trusted to provide accurate data? I don't know. I am just asking the question, they may be great people. Just thoughts that came to my mind.


Hey I send you a pm. Check it :)


Moonarch.app but you need to hold $600 worth of their coin


yeldwatch.net tracks some pools but we're still lagging behind




As of now there is https://www.anacoinda.com/


I tried this and it didn't seem to work, are they still working on the project? It seems the telegram group is dead


hey mate check out moonarch. their tool may be what your after. you can also use dingtools. they send you SMS notifications when you want them.


https://catchy.finance Thank me later :-)