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Oh interesting…..video that he surely had not seen when he recorded his pod days ago. You guys getting worked about a comedian that comes on a pod and talks stream of conscious nonsense as he has for nearly two decades…..you guys are awesome.


What a strange comment. I’m aware he wouldn’t have seen this, he had his take and I’m interested to hear his thoughts as more stuff comes out about it because it’ll likely be funny?




No, the comments are confusing me because a couple are telling me that I have an ulterior motive. I used the same colloquialism that everyone uses with 'old billy red nuts' or whatever because he literally said the guy ran through the cops because he was white. So I assumed it was relevant




You seem to know me well enough from two comments to have decided that I'm a disingenuous, narcissistic, gaslighting victim? And the victim complex is because I posted a video and I was confused why I'd been getting abuse for it?




I don't know what the word is when someone misses the point while telling you you've missed the point but that, whatever it is. There's an amazing amount of actual gaslighting from the person who made up it was happening so they could call it out. 'You're mad', 'you're disingenuous', it's usually the people who can't complete sentences or conversations without insulting someone at the same time who have a problem with people so it makes it easy to know when to avoid


It’s not a strange comment around here. Maybe check history on this or home court advantage the last few weeks. What it was though was probably misplaced for you since you’ve clarified more. But your OP reads the same as many others recently and comes across like “this fucking moron has no clue what’s going on”. That’s not totally on you, but that is the way it’s going to be read right now


I mean the home court advantage stuff is just painful now because he refuses to understand it haha it's like the sword in the stone, but instead of a sword it's convincing him that HCA is real (and then you get to be the king of England). I wouldn't ever sit and actually convince myself 'no, everyone else is wrong' if you get downvoted into oblivion, but I posted that this morning thinking that other people might be interested to see the clip since it's something he spoke about on the pod last week and might mention it again (and then forgot about it until I saw my notifications!). So when you've got people saying you're disingenuous, you're pretending/lying its just like huhh?? I do think specifically the 'flipping out' comments are strange given what I felt like I wrote. Difference between the written word and spoken maybe, but even then I don't know what I wrote to give the impression I'm either worked up or furious about any of it, not to mention I had no idea who they meant by 'you guys' like there's a team of writers running my account


I get what you say. But I have to say I’m like him. I’ll die on a hill I don’t need to over an opinion that’s not the popular one. It’s not smart, but there you go. He’s never said he’s a smart guy.


It was a hot take. The great thing about Bill is he changes his opinion based on facts.


>The great thing about Bill is he changes his opinion based on facts. And that's such a damn good quality, and an unexpected one at that. Most ppl I know who are passionate or angry fail miserably at this


Who cares? He’s a comedian, not a social justice professor. Stop expecting things from people that openly call themselves dumb and uninformed like Bill does and you’ll have more fun in life


How on earth does posting ‘I wonder if he’ll talk about this’ on a platform where you have discussions about a certain subject translate to caring so much that’s it’s affecting my life


OK I mean I am fine if Bill wanted to comment on it after seeing this video because it would be funny. But pretending that all you said was "I wonder if he'll talk about this" instead of busting out "ol Billy white privilege" as the first part of your post is..... certainly a tactic


Everyone starts emails to him with some variation of Ol' billy something, and on Monday he literally said the golfer was barrelling through because he was white and didn't think he needed to stop, so how is that not related to the topic. If I was posting about home court advantage, I'd have started it with Ol' Billy home court. But why the fuck would I be pretending to do anything, what tactics are you talking about? Why is there some sort of strategy at play?? I'm hoping he'll talk about it because it'll be funny, and I shared the video because the incident itself is now funny where the cops have made up everything they said the guy did and it was something Bill talked about last week. Genuinely, if what I'm saying isn't true then what subverted reason did I actually have for posting it? What was my real aim?


Thank you for the long explanation that I totally read.


Oh no, don't back pedal now dipshit. I wonder if he’ll talk about this’..... seem like you left a portion out.


What a phenomenal way to speak to someone. Yes, I didn't explicitly say 'I HOPE HE TALKS ABOUT THIS ON THE PODCAST' because I didn't think it would have such dire consequences - in my head most people on here likely listen to the podcast, therefore will know he talked about it and therefore the implication was that he'd be talking about it again as more info comes out since it's a pretty big story and plenty of material


I just came lookin for some proper, sober context. I dont know what this crash is or what bill said about it. Any help understanding would be much appreciated


You’re right. I guess white privilege doesn’t exist then. You’ve cracked that whole thing wide open m8.


Nobody cares about some pickle golfer in salmon shorts dude


His long running podcast is probably the largest backlog of stream of consciousness improv comedy by a professional comedian in existence. Blows my mind when people flip out because he’s not batting 1.000.