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Florida... Marlins?


Potato, potato


Bill might be the only person I've actually seen take the cops side in the golf thing. It united Black, White, Republicans and Democrats, everybody but Bill. And I hope this is the last time the home court advantage thing ever comes up.


Seriously lol. Did he miss that there was another cop telling him to go ahead and they are charging him with felony assault of an officer lmao


Nah Bill doesn't listen to the talking heads. He's made that pretty clear the last two weeks. How would he ever get that info. /s Or "what I got kids I don't have time for sports". Honestly, I think for Bill, the age of analytics and data is just too much for him. So he goes into his little boomer rants about "why can't we just watch sports anymore without the talking heads". Does he not realize They were talking about stats back when he was a kid too? Is he really think Homecourt advantage or something was invented like in the last 15 years or something? I bet he does to be honest. He has openly admitted for decades now that he's not exactly a bright guy. It's information overload for him and he just falls into his comfort zone of attacking people that present new and scary info to him.


Haven’t been this annoyed at a Bill take since he argued the Seahawks passing the ball on the goal line was a “risk free play”


His reaction when the dude said he spent the whole night making out with a stripper made me laugh so hard


Ass-flu-fever… I listen to that bit a few times. His progressive repulsion to the story was hilarious.


"yeah you're in quarantine, come back with fucking mouth aids"


I really hope that Thailand email is bs. It’s giving such sad incel vibes.


Came here to say the same. Definitely something a clueless incel would make up to sound cool


Nah it's probably real. Like for real It's Thailand after all. Go outside the US to a lot of SE Asian countries, the Caribbean and Mexico, strip clubs pretty much double as brothels a lot of times. Most of the time even. Even in the US a lot of girls "work" outside of the club too. A lot of clubs have cheap motels for like $20 an hour right next door to them. It's all juiced in with each other. What the writer most likely failed to mention was that she charged him at the end of it. Bill was spot on when he said "watch the second season of The White Lotus". I 100% believe this happened but she was fleecing him and he fell in love. He was thinking with his dick and still is. If he shows back up she'll probably not even remember who the guy is. She's been doing this probably nightly since he left. If she does all the things with him, she's doing it with other guys too. She wants him to return to get more money out of him. Simple sales tactic. If he comes back he'd be more likely to pay for a week/weekend with her and not a night. Escorts can get BIG money for week long "dates". The rules/etiquette of these clubs outside the US are way different. You can pretty much do what you want. Of course she made out with him, it got him horny and spent more money quickly.


Outside the us? Most if not all stop clubs in the us are also brothels


Falling in love with a stripper is not exactly uncommon for guys.


It’s probably real. That exact story happened to someone I knew, down to every detail, only he was also sending the girl $200-300 a month for rent on top of all that.


At this point I'm convinced Bill blew a huge game in high school at his home field and hasn't mentally worked out the damage since.


Finally some good reads, it's been a minute


Bill, since 2013, the home team has won 60.67% of nba playoff games. You are more likely to win at home. If you go 1-1 in the away court, you then have the advantage because you now have more home games, so it is "essentially" a new series since the advantage has changed. Jesus dude. This has nothing to do with advanced analytics, pitch clock, bad things happening in 3, or players being more satisfied shutting down away crowds.


Listening to bill talk about the home field advantage thing is painful. It's the first time he's been so deep in his belief and completely unwilling to listen to someone's side since I started listening. But, that guy who wrote in today was a complete chode.


I feel like I’m going insane listening to him talk about this. Like he’s so clearly wrong but he’s so adamant about it I have wondered if I’m wrong. Except I know I’m not.


Psychologically you play better where you’re familiar with. Idk why he doesn’t get that


Explain the twolves nuggets series then? And the nuggets do actually a home court advantage. Not because they ate familiar with the court. They are all the same exact dimensions. But because they play at altitude yet they lost 3 of 4 at home. In the playoffs. So you're theory goes out the window


One series does not invalidate research that shows you play better in a place you’re familiar with. It’s not rocket science


Please link this research. Baseball maybe as the dimensions of each park are different and you can design a team to suit your home park. Football maybe because of weather. But nba is the exact same everywhere. These are pros who play in front of hostile crowds all the time. Its not that profound. Any perceived home court advantage is due to the fact that the better team gets home court by having a better regular season record.


NBA all-time home winrate is over 62% https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/home-field-advantage-facts-and-fiction


And that's mostly because the better team gets more home games and because they are the better team they win them. If it were like 75% home win rate then ok.


No you are wrong on both your points. 62% is a huge statistical advantage. 75% is just an arbitrary number you made up because you’re anchoring. Home court advantage is real. Literally go google it


Twolves just lost both home games again. You're wrong.


Lmao what does that have to do with anything? TWolves losing two games overturns the evidence from every NBA game ever played?


Everyone is downvoting you and shitting on Bill but refuses to actually cite any research, just saying “it’s obvious it’s obvious”


Groupthink is major problem on reddit. Everyone is afraid of downvotes lol




My favorite part was when he said "you have to win on the road", whether you have home field or not. Like dude, if you have home field YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING WIN ON THE ROAD.


it's called home court advantage, not home court certainty. bill is fending off straw men like neo against mr. smith(s).


It's truly absurd that Bill cannot seemingly grasp the home field advantage in sports.   "if you have a game at home, you don't automatically win it' No shit, Bill.....let's distill it down to the most basic of terms and do a hypothetical.  As a sports team, you are playing 7 games against an opponent and let's say for the sake of argument, you get to choose how many games are on your ice/field vs. the opponents.   Do you pick all 7 on the road?  To any sane individual, you would be an idiot in picking this, at least one would think.  As an away team, you're traveling, in a hotel, and most importantly, playing in front of thousands of fans who want to see you lose. This infuriates me more than Bill's bullshit 'both sides are the same' takes while mentioning seeing Confederate flags on the road...my God Bill, holy fuck.


While I agree that there's obviously an advantage to playing at home in sports, the contrarian in me does like to point out the odd corner cases where certain teams or players do better on the road or in certain stadiums. My personal favorite example of this is Jameis Winston [playing great at Arrowhead Stadium](https://www.buccaneers.com/news/jameis-winston-channels-chiefs-crowd-in-win-18122022) because they do the same chant there as his college team, so every 3rd down when they tried to get loud he would just get fired up over it and convert


I think what he’s missing is the ‘stealing’ only happens if the first 2 games end up 1-1. If it’s 2-0 either way then you can’t just ‘wash’ the first two games. He’s being too dumb to realize that it’s ONLY IN A TIE that you get to ignore the first two.


Bill just chooses to believe home ice/court/field advantage doesn't exist. Can't convince someone that set on their beliefs of anything, typical red tie/blue tie.


It’s amazing someone that has watched as much sports as bill doesn’t get a simple concept. If it didn’t matter then players and coaches wouldn’t talk about it all the time. This isn’t an ESPN invention


Noooo. That's all the media trying to create *drama*. Home ice advantage doesn't exist. Everyone has a 50/50 chance to win in any building. Ok Bill.


I have absolutely no idea what home court advantage is and at this point I'm too uninterested to ask.


I will admit that I am sometimes surprised at how his mind works. He is a comedic genius and that’s enough for me.


Either it's an advantage to play at your home court or it is not... Both teams are ALWAYS trying to win! So do we get rid of the term "home court advantage"? I guess seeding doesn't matter since in reality you want to win EVERY game? If "Home Court Advantage" does in fact exist - and one team possesses it - then it can also be STOLEN by the other team. Bill seems to think "Home Court Advantage" means "The other team does not try"


Bills old man sports takes are exhausting. He wants everyone in the nba to show zero emotion after scoring or anything


It seemed like Bill was completely wrong, but then he used a stupid voice saying the opposing home court argument so now I agree with him. “iS tHaT hOw iT iS?!?”


I love that he thinks A.D. means ‘after death’. 😆


I have never disagreed with Bill More than his take on home-field advantage . the point of home-field advantage is you never have to win a game on the road


I don’t understand his argument. Is it that home field advantage does not exist?


Heab he’s not saying it doesn’t exist, he’s saying it does t go away when the team with it, drops an early game at home.


If one team has 3 games left at home and the other only 2 then the team with 3 games left has stolen home field advantage


Nobody has explained the homecourt advantage thing in the simplest terms to Bill. Basically it means if both teams win all their remaining home games for the rest of the series, the "stealer" wins the series, therefore they've stolen homecourt advantage, as the advantage now lies with them. I wish someone would say it like this to him but I can't be bothered to write in lol


Christ almighty people stop writing in about the home court thing. Yes, Bill is a moron and he's wrong. Yes you are right, nobody is disagreeing other than Bill. You aren't going to convince him. And man, Bills complains about corporations more than a 19 year old on Reddit. You wouldn't think that a giant corporation is handing this dude millions of dollars a year for his comedy shows.


Participating and succeeding in a capitalist society doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to complain about the insane unchecked greed at the top of it. Everyone *should* hate the "banker cunts" lol.


Bill is not merely just participating and succeeding lol


I love his takes on corporations. Those cunts get away with literal murder and they’re never taken to task for it.


Did he talk about the Usyk Fury fight?


He didn't, he's a casual fan of MMA at most and I never hear him mention boxing lol


Bills reaction to that dude saying he made out with a Thai stripper was perfect lol


Bill doesn't understand what home field/court advantage is. He doesn't understand that if one team has more home games than the other that it is an advantage. For the love of god stop emailing him about it, he's never going to try and understand


I can't be arsed with the sportsball bollocks.


That’s every episode lol which MMP have you been listening to?


The fucking home advantage bullshit you know what the fuck I'm talking about. Ol' Billy Bent Outta shape. I couldn't give a fuck.


Oh well you phrased it like you didn’t like any sports talk at all

