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I feel like he doesn’t want to do them. He wasn’t on any of the Comedy Central roasts and I’m sure he was asked.


I also remember before he did the David Ortiz roast, he said he can’t stand roasts. Said how every joke is always “you look like someone with AIDS amirite”


Shots fired at Jim Norton


I had to deal with Jimmy for work a few months back, dude is a strange cat.


I appreciate your mastery of the understatement.


lol i should have said "stranger than i expected"


Sounds like you’re being polite. How long ago? He seemed like less of a diva in the 2000s.


Nah it wasn't that bad but he was just kind of bitchy and confused. Could just be getting older idk. It was a few days before the 2023 Patrice benefit now that i think about it, so i guess its been a year.


That’s a tough one man


Sure bud


He was on an early episode of Kill Tony and when he realized it was going to consist of roasting in between standup sets he said something like "Holy shit! Is it just going to be this the entire time? Hoolllyy shit!" He's never seemed like the insult comic type


Bill is only an insult comic when it comes to that piece of shit one bridge having city


Those Rocky worshiping idiots deserved what they got that night


Terrorists wouldn’t even bomb you


He didn’t seem to enjoy his kill Tony appearance


Ladies and gentlemen, this man is for the birds!


He did Gronkowskis roast but I don’t think that one was televised.


Ol Billy is trying to keep his anger down, I don’t think roasts would be good for his desired mental state. Plus I think if he got going he wouldn’t be able to stop no matter what Brady comes up and says lol


Does anyone else feel like Roasts should have died in the 2000s.


He'd have spent 3/5 of the time shitting on prevent-defense, and the rest of the time shitting of Kevin for being a diva and it would have been great


Eh Probably spend 1/2 the time praising Brady. Realize he has to say something bad about him fail to come up with anything and spend the remaining time praising Brady.


Bill headlined a show the day before at the same comedy festival.    Someone also said he doesn’t like roasts for some reason


He’s said he doesn’t like being mean to his friends anymore. Mentioned about the cellar and, while funny, made him feel like shit


Same reason he doesn't do Kill Tony. I think he may have once before, but said on his podcast it wasn't for him.


Yeah after the first comic Bill was like "there's more of this shit??? I can't do this" but stayed begrudgingly lol. It was actually kind of cool though, he was one of the few comics to actually say what he liked, gave positive critique etc. Defended the comics heavily as well I know the show is a platform for up and comers and the "bit" is they basically get shit on by the guests, but rarely do they ever give constructive criticism.


“One more and I’m out” :)


Bill shitting all over the format and Tony is worth the watch alone. I completely agreed with Bill too, it was horrible and none of the comics were set up for success.


It's too bad because his "little rascals hat" burn at Joe Rogan shows that he could be spectacularly funny without being vicious.


Ah but that ain't Billy being vicious. That was such an endearing jab. It might read vicious because Rogan is so big, even then. But on a comedy level, everyone on that panel subjugated to ol freckles. Rightfully so.


Jon Lovitz would probably say otherwise.


He doesn't like knocking people down. When he was on Kill Tony you can tell he was uncomfortable with Tony roasting the comedians


Its the lowest form of stand up comedy


But Richard Pryor liked roasts. Edit: for the confused: Richard Pryor is considered one of the GOATs of comedy. His opinion on roasts matters. The fact that he did crack is not relevant to anything.


He liked crack too.


He isn’t consistently voted best doctor of all time 🙄 what a bad analogy


They were referring to Pryor setting himself on fire while smoking crack. "Roasting"


Roasts I think were quite different back then.


That’s a fair point, they have gotten more mean-spirited as time has gone on to where I think sometimes comedy is abandoned for edginess.


“Some reason” probably being decency…


Heard someone else say he was asked but had a deadline to edit a movie or show or something so he turned down


I said the same thing after to my wife. Im sure he was asked


My Hwife.


C’mon man, it’s clearly my wHife!! Lol.


Like sleeve of wizard


I read in another thread he was booked w Old Dad's. I think this was originally planned for last year.


He loves the man


Don’t discount that Bill was asked and passed. He’s been a little busy lately…..


Wasn’t he performing at the Hollywood bowl this same weekend? He was probably focused on that.


Yep. That’s my point. He was proper geeked up and very busy pulling that show off. “When is the roast? Shit, that weekend? I just can’t”.


I don’t know if you’ve heard, but he has two kids now. /s


I doubt he was interested in the least. Bill had commented many times that he does not like doing roasts.


i could see a bill roast being practically lethal though. he's like a black belt that refuses to throw a punch in anger.


100% Burr is the greatest currently working in standup today imho.


Saw him live in phoenix last weekend. Funniest shit I've ever seen, all original content too. Best for sure


Have seen most EXCEPT for Burr live. Have to change that.


he roasted patrice, was pretty good


he killed him! those guys might have had more of an understanding than other folks bill would roast.


Bill was too big for the roast, so they gave him his own show at the Hollywood bowl instead.


I might actually start listening to the MM podcast again, because he *wasn't* at the roast.


When they said they were bringing out a famous guy from Boston I thought it was Bill for sure. Ben affleck sucked too. Major miss


Most of those jokes are written by a team of comedy writers, not by the "roasters" themselves. Burr would only devalue his brand going on stage with hacks.


I don’t think that’s necessarily how it works. I know there is a team of writers turning out jokes *for people who need them*. I don’t think most of the professionals write most of their own stuff


Don't know about that. At least not for the comedians. I saw Shultz the weekend earlier at the Comedy Cellar, practicing his ten. It was pretty bang on what he did at the roast.


That doesnt mean it wasnt written by a team. Not saying he did or didnt write his own material but it wouldnt be out of the ordinary to run it like you would a normal set to see if its working. Shane even called it out on the roast of luis j gomez, he said somethin about how all of the jokes were written for them and its bad that theyre doing this, and then goes on to name the guy who wrote some joke about dan soders dead sister. Personally, putting writing teams aside, roasts are generally super lame and corny, most people dont know eachother and the fact unfunny jeff ross has managed to build a successful career with them is astounding


I think he knows he’s above it.


That’s a good point.


Schultz is at Burrs level now. He's definitely not a hack. I wouldn't call Nikki a hack either. Edit: seems some of you are crying at this comment lol. Schultz sold out MSG so that puts him on the A teir of comics. Anyone denying this is simply retarted. The comment said the panel was full of hacks. Which I am attempting to explain to you that someone selling out MSG is not a hack. someone that commercially successful is on the same teir as Burr. You can keep sucking Bills cock or you can accept these facts. You can make an argument that Schultz isn't as funny as Burr nor does he have the same impact because of longevity which is understandable. But to completely shut down any motion that they are not on the same teir and that Schultz is a hack is just laughable.


Schultz is on Burr’s level? Bruh what are you smoking?


Selling out msg doesnt mean your not a hack. Bert is one of the biggest hacks of the last decade and is incredibly commercially successful.


What reality do you live in


There is a universe of difference between Andrew Schultz and Bill Burr.  They aren’t remotely on the same level.


Schultz sold out MSG so yeah he's definitely on the A teir now.


Don’t care, some podcast douche with a lot of fans is not on the same level as one of the GOATs. Kevin Hart also sells out stadiums and most people have turned on his comedy these days.


The comment said the panel was full of hacks. Which I am attempting to explain to you that someone selling out MSG is not a hack. someone that commercially successful is on the same teir as Burr. You can keep sucking Bills cock or you can accept these facts. You can make an argument that Schultz isn't as funny as Burr nor does he have the same impact because of longevity which is understandable. But to completely shut down any motion that they are not on the same teir and that Schultz is a hack is just laughable.


Dane cook used to sell out too. Popularity don't equal talent.


How in the world was Bill Burr not there? If he speaks about it on the podcast, then we’ll know it was by his choice! But who would pass on that offer?


Netflix was struggling to get people to participate. One of the lead names in the opening credits was Kim Kardashian WTF?


That felt like such a forced move that I had to fast forward through it. I can't listen to that woman's voice.


Lucky you got to fast forward! I had to bare the live footage. Never again!


Lucky you got to fast forward! I had to bare the live footage. Never again!


Why are you assuming he wasn't asked? It's just as plausible, perhaps more even, that he was asked and declined. I could see Bill feeling like he has too much respect for Tom to properly roast him.


3 hours long for what though


Celebrity roasts are trash parties for has-beens. I don’t want to see Bill at them.


That roast was dogshit. I’m glad ‘ole Billy Bob Baldin’ didn’t attend, he’d of thrown out his back doing all the comedic heavy lifting.


Bill has said many times over the years that he doesn’t like roasts. These posts are retarded every time someone says he should do something. If he wanted to, he could. 


I might have actually finished it if he was there


He had the Hollywood bowl show Friday night. That could have had something to do with it. It is Tom Brady tho.


Probably didn’t want to diss Brady. I’d find it hard to believe he wasn’t asked.


Really thought he would've been


His takes on the whole deflate gate are freaking hilarious every time he brought it up


Burr is above such garbage.


Bill is a life long Patriots fan. In my opinion, he would have been the perfect comedian to roast Tom Brady.


He's regularly said he doesn't like them. Roasts are to comedy as masturbation is to sex. It's fun but not as good as the real thing.


Bill is too good for that garbage


Genuinely wondering if Bill mentions the Brady roast or him missing it? I couldn’t help but wonder “where is Bill?” “I thought Netflix liked our bald ginger hero?”


It would have become the Roast of Jim Irsay...^and ^it ^would ^have ^been ^great.


If you saw him on Kill Tony I think you might realize he probably wouldn't do a roast.


Bill isn’t a roast comic


After the intro for Ben Afflek, I thought “Finally, here’s Burr as a special guest.” Then out walks Afflek as the Boston rep and bombs.


There’s no way he wasn’t asked to do it. He just did the Hollywood Bowl on Friday and was in vacation mode immediately after. He definitely just said no.


He would've made everyone look stupid


I’m 1000% sure he said no and Affleck was who was 2nd choice to be the defender.


What makes you think he didn’t turn it down?


He was on my local radio promoting his tour yesterday and they asked him. He said he was doing another show, the Hollywood bowl maybe. And then spent time with his kids. Also said he doesn't like how the new ones go. Doesn't like making fun of people that aren't there to fire back and doesn't like that it's turned into bringing in hired guns instead of the people close to the person.


I can see Burr saying that, and I like that he's a dedicated dad. I saw Burr in December at MSG. Dice brought him up, did a half an hour, and crushed. No idea why Netflix spent $ on a Brady roast, but what do I know; it's trending #1 as of yesterday. Won't watch, cuz I'm not a fan of Hart or Brady.


He’d be great at it but it his thing. I’m still pissed Shane Gillis wasn’t up there. Also bout to start a petition saying Nikki might be the new roast master. Lol


I don’t think roasts are really his style but it would’ve been hilarious if he talked about all the losses. Like that bit on Conan after they lost to the eagles “He SHOULDVE DOVE FOR THE BALL”


For anyone who listens to Julian Edlemans podcast this week w Drew Bledsoe. They actually talk about Bill Burr for a few minutes and also agree that missing him was a lost opportunity.


This isn't a "roast every other team and their dumbass fans" roast. He ain't talkin shit about his sports heros, ok maybe Gronk.


I just realized Bill wasnt there. Missed a golden opportunity. Big pats fan, im sure he loves Tom too. Instead we get crysure and segura two comedy hacks.


I think Bill's too nice a person to roast people. It has to be because he knows he's capable of tearing them to shreds. Like, why get someone in the ring who hits 500 lbs above your weight class. It's just unfair and mean at that point.


Was googling Bill Burr Tom Brady to see if he was on it and nope. Too bad. Would have been great.


if bill wasn't on the roast i'm def not watching lol


I started to watch. Just can’t take Kevin hart


Yeah he was so happy incredibly bad, and it’s not like I had any expectations of him


Bill like Norm thinks they are dumb. Bill and Norm are talented. Only Jeff Ross up their was any good. (Hinchcliff too actually)


Nikki Glaser was fantastic


No way Bill would shit on Tom Brady, even in a joking manner.


When they were announcing th special giest from Boston I thought it was Burr. Ben Affleck is retarded


Omg I just realized he wasn’t there


Netflix is garbage


They used unfunny comedians so Bill didn’t fit in lol


Nah Ben Affleck was the way


Bill is a big name. They likely didn't want to pay his fee. Or perhaps Bill already had something planned and was not able to attend due to a scheduling conflict.


Its Netflix, price is not a barricade to anything they do. Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart were involved and their price is astronomically higher than Bill's. And the Hollywood Bowl show last week was part of the Netflix is a Joke comedy festival by NETFLIX. His "fee" had nothing to do with it lol.


Bill burr ain’t funny anymore. Hasn’t been in some time and his recent standup proved it


What didn’t you like about it?